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Owning up - Making it Pay

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Finding my wife is as depraved as me if there is money in it.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 07/04/2022
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Owning up - making it pay

For a few days after that explosive time when I had told Jo, my wife, about my kinky self-pleasing while she had been away and her dirty, sluttish reaction, things were calmer and quieter between us. Nothing wrong, but nothing hot. There was catching up to be done far beyond our bedroom door and that's what we busied ourselves with.

About a week later, we finally had an afternoon to ourselves. Jo pressed herself against me, murmuring, "I've been neglecting you since I got back - apart from, well, you know what I mean."

She kissed me in that way that only happens when a woman wants more than her man kissing her back. I stroked her breasts and her bottom, which only made her more responsive.

"You know what we did the morning after I got back? Would you like that to become a regular part of what we do together?"

Not the hardest question I had ever been asked.

"What I really loved about it was that we both seemed to cast of any inhibitions and we could be as kinky as we fancied."

"Just what I was thinking," said Jo, "and I've had one or two thoughts about what we could add to it, to make it even better."

"Such as?"

"If you think I'm mad, or what I'm going to tell you turns you off, promise me you'll say so."

"I will, so go on."

"We could set up a list of charges for each sexy thing you want me to do to you - or you want to do to me."

"Give me some examples" I told her.

"Well.......if we started by saying £5 just for a session to happen. Then there could be other charges if you wanted me half, or fully, undressed. Using my dirty knickers the way you did could be another charge - say £5 to sniff them, a further £5 to taste them and £5 to cum on them and eat it. What do you think?"

"And what would you do with the money?"

"Ah, that's where the stroke of genius comes in. I would save it, and we could either have a slap-up lunch out every so often, or even an overnight stay somewhere. How do you like that?"

"I think you've just made what was already a fairly kinky arrangement a lot more so. You would be selling sex to your own husband."

Jo smiled. "But just think what sort of sex - anything you wanted would have a price - and you get a lovely experience with me - a meal or a hotel stay - as a result. And yes, I do rather like the idea of being paid to be filthy."

If this had been Jo's inspiration, mine now struck me like a truck. "When you were tossing my cock last week, it felt as if you were acting like some sort of dominatrix, hurting me and shocking me even as you made me come. We should do more of that. I could call you Mistress, or something similar."

At first, she said nothing, then squeezed my balls as she pushed her tongue into my mouth.

"Mistress sounds just fine. I think it goes perfectly with the idea of paying for your fun. In fact, the more I think about it, the better I like it. It gives me the scope to be as utterly filthy as I want - and all you can do is say Yes Mistress, no mistress, hurt me some more Mistress. Isn't that right?"

"Let's start to put together the price list" I suggested.

"I think that you should have first stab at that, while start preparing dinner. It doesn't have to be complete - we can easily add other things as we think of them, probably while we're actually doing it."

I wrote down exactly what Jo had said earlier; each kink and the price she had proposed. It was then that I had my second brainwave. I had been about to add to the list some activities that had not already been mentioned and priced - smelling her holes, tasting them and so on - when it struck me that to do so went completely against the concept of my wife as the dominant mistress. By introducing such things to "her "list, I would be starting to take over. What was really important was for us to play this as so far agreed, and then see where it went.

If, when my cock and balls were tied up and my slut wife was giving me a painful yet enjoyable going-over, that would be the perfect time to ask for things like smelling her arse - always guaranteed to harden and swell my cock - and, if she was up for it, to agree a price.

Jo reappeared. "How are you getting on?" she asked.

"Have a look at this - I think I've included all that you suggested."

She scanned the list. "And are you up for it?

"Very much........Mistress."

"Then we could give it a go right now. There's an hour before I need to be in the kitchen again, and I fancy kick-starting our sex fund. Come upstairs and get stripped. Have you made your selection from the menu?"

"No.....I'm going to do that as we move along and it might mean that I'll ask you for a price for stuff that's not on this menu yet."

All I got for that was "Mmmmmmm."

I went to my room and stripped, then put on the belt with the tie to pull my balls back between my legs. I did not tie my cock to the belt; I thought I'd leave that to my mistress.

Jo came from our bedroom wearing a tee shirt and a short waist slip.

"Just so that you don't have to ask, there's nothing on apart from what you can see."

The shape of her tits under the top made that glaringly obvious and the way her large nipples pushed against the fabric suggested she was in the mood.

She took the fabric strip from me tied the base of my semi stiff cock to the belt, then produced the clips for my nipples.

Trying to be smart, I asked her "Didn't you want to wear those yourself?"

She was not amused.

"Just remember who is in charge here. Not only do I not need your suggestions, I'm not impressed that you did not call me Mistress when you spoke to me."

The tone of her voice, the words she used and the reminder of our relative positions in this game acted like a huge turn-on.

"I apologise Mistress. Please put the clips on me and hurt me. Twist them and pull them as hard as you want."

Jo ignored this.

"Before I start to play with your pathetic cock, you have to make your first payment decision. Do you want me to stay like this, remove my top, or strip off completely?"

"Everything off, Mistress" I told her.

"Stay there, then. Do not follow me into the bedroom. Oh, that was a £10 decision you just made - I'll prepare your bill later."

She came back naked, but with two pairs of panties in her hand.

"Next payment decision. These are the pants I had on yesterday. These are the ones I've just taken off. Which ones are you going to do your filthy sniffing and tasting with? I'm sure that you can find the money to pay for both."

I pointed to the pair that she claimed to have just taken off.

She dropped one pair, smiled an awful smile at me, then turned the red pants she was still holding inside out and showed me the stained gusset, before pushing that part up against my nose.

"Like that?" she asked. "When you smell them, just think where those stains have come from. Think how good the real thing must smell and taste - but of course, you can only dream about that."

Leaving the panties in my hand, she went back into the bedroom, returning with yet another pair of pants, which she showed to me with these words.

"Ask nicely and I'll toss your cock off with these, but you are not permitted to come on them. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

"Please, Mistress, give my cock what it needs. Treat me like the kinky bastard you know that I am. Rub my nose in your sexiness."

"You seem to forget the deal. You've bought a few minutes with those dirty pants and you can rub them against your nose. Anything else is extra. "She started again to work my cock, then stopped.

"I think this could do with a shot of dynamite. Lick those rotten pants while I give this what it needs."

My wife untied my cock, but left my balls tied back between my legs. She stepped away from me a little, then slapped my prick hard, half a dozen times. As she did this, I lapped at the stains in her knickers, then threw this into the conversation.

"Mistress, in the past you have only slapped my cock like that after I have been misbehaving between the cheeks of your beautiful bum. You do it as a punishment for being so dirty, as you put it."

"And your point is?" she almost snarled at me.

"I would love to smell you there now, if we can set a price for it.....Mistress."

"I know your sneaky tricks. If I even let you put your face, your nose, down there, you'll do what you always try to do and start licking me there."

Then, sweet Mistress, set a price for that too."

"£5 to even go there; another £5 to lick me between my cheeks; and given how filthy a man you must be to even think of it, that's probably too low a price."

"Done" I said.

She took me into our bedroom, looked at me and shook her head, then bent forwards over our bed. I knelt behind her, adjusting my balls as I did so, and gently parted her delicious arse cheeks. I smelt her and immediately felt my own excitement go up a level. I have never been able to decide whether it is the smell of her arsehole that drives me to distraction - or the fact that, despite all her protestations to the contrary, she likes the fact that I will smell her there and get excited doing it.

"Get on with it" she instructed, "you've paid to smell it and lick it. Use your tongue."

I knew, and I was damn certain that she knew, that this was crunch point. Many times in the past when my nose and tongue had enjoyed her arse, I had pushed my tongue into her hole, always causing her to tell me off for doing such a disgusting thing - but never once actually stopping me doing it.

Now I licked her, from top to bottom between her cheeks, then back again. Parting her cheeks further, I pressed my tongue up against her arsehole. My wife, my mistress, moaned with what might have been forbidden pleasure as I did so.

I pushed my luck, forcing the tip of my tongue into her. At once she moved away from me and lay, face down, on the bed.

"What?" I asked.

"Address me properly - or this ends right now. And this only works if you stick to the things you have agreed to pay for. Do you understand that?"

"Yes, Mistress" I mumbled.

"You agreed to pay £5 each, to smell my bum, then to lick it. That does not give you the right to try and stick your tongue in there. Does it?"

"No Mistress."

The excitement that smelling her and licking her down there had created for me was rapidly draining away. My wife, my slut, my mistress, saved the day.

"What you wanted to do there is totally gross; only a man with filth on his brain would even dream of doing it. Just think what you would be tasting if you put your tongue up my bum."

She sat there watching me, her nipples harder, bigger, than usual, then opened her legs to show me her glistening cunt lips.

"Are you that filthy, that you want to taste me there? How much would you pay for it? Let me tell you, it's going to be a lot more than £5. Do you think it's worth £20 to do that?"

By now, lust had taken over. I saw that Jo was not refusing access to her arse, merely arriving at a price.

"£20 then, Mistress" I said.

"You really don't have any limits, do you? Go ahead and get your £20 pounds' worth."

With that, she turned around again and lay face down on the bed. This time, though, it was her who held her arse cheeks wide apart.

Again, I knelt and this time, my tongue went straight into her. While still working my tongue around inside her, I realised that she was making noises again. I knew that in this mistress-servant relationship, it was not my place to comment on them, nor to ask questions. She was clearly determined that I should get my money's worth - or was about enjoying such a perverted invasion of her body?

After some minutes, she moved away from my mouth, my tongue.

"I think it's time we got back to the real reason we're doing this - to make you come. Stand up and put all your bits where they should be, so that I give your cock what it wants - and what you've paid for."

I stood as ordered, waiting for her to start wanking me again. She looked down at my raging hard-on, then up to my face. There was a strange, almost manic, gleam in her eyes.

"Did you enjoy doing that to my bum?"

"Hell, yes........Mistress."

"I think you need punishing for the nasty things you've just been doing to me. Here am I, a pillar of society, a woman of varied interests, past any bloom of youth - and you want to taste the inside of my arsehole."

She took her stained panties from my hand, stopping me from resuming smelling and tasting them. I started to protest.

"Shhhhh - just wait a second."

While I stood there wondering what was coming next, she fed those pants into her cunt with her fingers, then smiled evilly at me.

"I thought they could do with a freshening up" she said. "And now you have to be punished."

My mistress slapped my cock six times, each stroke harder than the one before.

"That's for treating your respectable wife like some slut."

I could see the last little bit of her red pants still protruding from between the lips of her cunt. I chanced my arm - again.

"They're not quite all inside you" I offered.

"Did you speak? I don't recall hearing my title. Do you want to try again?"

"I think you need to push them further in......Mistress."

"I know exactly what I'm doing - I left a bit so that I can pull them back out - just like this. Now sniff them and taste them."

I did exactly as ordered. Now there was a new, fresher smell on the panties, not just the scent of this sluttish woman's regular daily leaks mingled with her piss stains - for a start, every inch of them now had its own smell, the smell of a cunt in heat. But I had learnt to keep my opinions to myself during this session.

"Tell me some things you would like to add to the list of treats you can buy" Jo told me, "I'm not saying I will put them on the list but tell me what they are."

"I've only got two I can think of right now, Mistress - I'm sure there are others I'll come up with later."

"Tell me the two."

"One is something I've wanted to do for years, but never felt it was right, or safe, to ask for it. I would love to be naked, like this if needs be, and watch while you pee. Then, when you've finished, instead of you wiping yourself with paper, I would clean you with my tongue.......Mistress."

"You are low life, aren't you? You've just had your tongue in my bum, and God knows what you were tasting there - you get off on sniffing and licking my worn knickers, apparently the dirtier they are, the better you enjoy it - and now you want to lick drops of my pee off me, down there. Anyway, what's the other one?"

I realised that she had not turned down my first suggestion.

"As you say, Mistress, I do get huge pleasure from smelling and tasting pants that you have been wearing. I can only dream of how good it would be to do that if we both knew that some of the stains were the result of you having been fucked by another man."

"Do you know, I've been waiting for you to come up with that since we did it like this the first time."

Again, she hadn't said no.

"Does that really mean, my own kinky mistress, that you've been thinking how good it would be to watch me licking another man's cum stains off your pants? Perhaps you are the one who should be adding that to the list?"

"Perhaps I should" Jo said, "if I did, how much would you pay for the thrill?"

"You know, Mistress, that's not how it works. You are the one selling sex here; no matter whether I come up with the ideas, or you, you have to want it on the list - and I have to pay the price you decide!"

"Get your filthy prick back inside that harness so I can finish you off."

"There isn't time....I'm ready to come."

"Here.....come in my hand, then lick it all off. I don't want any trace of it left on me. Every drop!"

When I was done and had licked my own cum of her hand, Jo smiled that evil smile at me again and lifted her hand to her nose, sniffed it then licked the place where I had shot my load.

"Mmmm.....you did a thorough job, nothing much left for me."

"But Mistress that's exactly what you told me to do."

"I know....but it would have been nice to have just a little drop to taste."

She fondled the end of my aching cock, then showed me more cum on her hand.

"I knew you wouldn't want to disappoint me. Now I can go back to being Mrs Respectable as far as anyone else is concerned.....but you and I will both know what went on here today."

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