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Oz Beach Boy Enjoyed Nude By Oldies


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Clutching the tea towel over his crotch, Matt lowered himself downward, and then set his bare butt on the living area's finely polished floorboards. With a cheeky smile, Matt then spread his legs open wide. He let the tea towel settle over his crotch, and then laid his slightly arched back on the floor.

Blanche and her friends watched in silent wonder as Matt then let go of the protective tea towel, and slowly, erotically raised his muscular arms up above his head. The muscles of his bare torso undulated as Matt teasingly stretched them out. He clutched his fists to make the muscles in his arms pop even more.

Though Matt's musculature was incredibly impressive, Blanche was also transfixed by the tea towel between Matt's legs. Its effective coverage became more and more precarious as he moved, and Blanche could tell from the way the cotton tea towel shifted that Matt's penis was very large. Part of Matt's pubic hair could be glimpsed as the tea towel moved on top of his body.

Silently shocked by the precocious eroticism of Matt's provocative body movements, Blanche gasped as Matt raised up his knees, and then lifted his bare butt off the floor, ever so lightly bucking his hips, and making the tea towel move slightly further down off his groin. Matt had a bizarrely joyous smile on his handsome face.

"Oh, Matt," Helen said quietly as Matt bucked his hips again. "Oh, my goodness..."

"God, this is so sexy," Diane whispered. "Look at him...god, look at him."

Blanche, Diane and Helen all watched on enthralled as Matt continued his sexy little show. Their eyes were wide with excitement and curiosity as to what would happen next. Matt settled his sensual bodily movements, and then smiled at the three much, much older women staring at him.

"Would you like me to take away the tea towel?" Matt asked. "Would you like to see me fully naked?"

"Oh, my goodness," Blanche said. "You''d do that for us? You're comfortable being fully nude?"

"You'd let us see it?" Helen gasped.

"Your penis?" Diane added amusingly for clarification. "And testicles?"

"Yeah, I'm okay with it," Matt said with a smile. "You can see it all...if that's what you'd like?"

"Oh, we'd like that very much," Blanche said. "Oldies like us don't get to see many young penises. That would be lovely, Matt. That's very kind of you."

"That's okay," Matt said with a big smile. "I'm happy to do it."

"I've seen it all before, of course," Blanche said almost out of habit, "but I'm always happy to see it again!"

Clutching the hilarious souvenir cotton tea towel with his left hand, Matt gracefully rolled onto his side, and rested on his right elbow with his hand propped beneath his head for support.

Acting the ingénue in an almost startling way, Matt let the three women watch him for a few erotically charged moments, and then gently moved his left hand away from the protective tea towel and on to his hip.

Softly and gently, the utterly hilarious and absolutely appropriate Festival Of The Sausage tea towel fell away and downward, tumbling from Matt's crotch and then billowing silently to the floor below. Matt smiled almost wickedly at his audience of three very mature women.

Blanche gasped in shock. A near perfect male specimen, Matt was now completely, shamelessly nude. His penis hung down onto the floor. It was big, thick, veiny, ropey and uncircumcised. Matt's tangled patch of pubic hair, meanwhile, was wild and ungroomed, winding down to his inner thighs in heavy twirls.

Matt's testicles were just as impressive and shocking as his outrageously out-sized penis. They were big, hairy and heavy, and lolled around fiercely, dangling down onto Matt's hairy, muscled thighs, a powerful symbol of youthful virility.

Handsome and strong, Matt looked almost wild and animalistic without his clothes. He was incredibly masculine...a sensually crashing collision of muscle, hair, flesh, and enormous, fully exposed male genitalia. Blanche loved it.

As always with these much, much younger men, Blanche was fascinated by Matt's dangling foreskin, and the way it casually hung off his member like a disguising hood.

Like most men of his age, Blanche's husband Steven had a circumcised penis, and it looked completely different to the largely uncircumcised appendages of their young male house guests. She was always utterly enthralled by this small piece of penile skin.

"Oh, Matt," Blanche whispered. "That is most impressive...oh, Matt...thank you for showing us your penis."

"'s huge," Diane said. "I've been around the block a few times, and that, young man, is the biggest penis I've ever seen. It's not just long, but so thick. I don't know how you can be such a high-level athlete with all of that stuff between your legs slowing you down."

"It's extraordinary," Helen sighed. "It's just really is."

"Yeah, it's big, isn't it?" Matt smiled and looked down at his penis. "Not that many girls and women have seen it, but some have laughed, and some have screamed too."

"It's an amazing sight, Matt," Blanche said quietly, instantly turned on by Matt's nude body and exposed penis. "Most men would do anything to have a penis like that. Steven's is very big too...but it's not even close to that."

"Mrs. Tilbury...please," Matt said with a frown, clearly embarrassed and uncomfortable about being compared to her husband.

"Sorry, Matt," Blanche said with an awkward smile. "I shouldn't have mentioned Steven's manhood."

Blanche was still a little in shock not just about this handsome eighteen-year-old's casual nudity, but also by her wholly salacious response to it. No man had ever stripped so shamelessly and provocatively before her like this, and Blanche had never lusted after one of her house guests like she had over Matt.

Matt used his sexuality wantonly, almost like a beautiful woman does, and Blanche was incredibly turned on. Honest and morally sound, the 71-year-old still knew she would never betray her beloved Steven, but Matt was pushing buttons in her that had not been pushed previously.

With a charming smile, Matt held his casual pose, his big penis lolling like a relaxed but dangerous serpent, dangling downward, its covered head resting on the floor like it was about to strike. Blanche, Diane and Helen looked at nude Matt in quiet awe.

"Um...this is all very sexy," Matt said with some uncertainty, and pushed himself up off the floor. "Would me to do something for you? Would you like me to go down on you? Or, sex with you?"

"Oh, Matt," Blanche said quickly, desperate to tamp down on this dangerously escalating situation. "It's very touching that you would offer to perform cunnilingus on three women our age, and even have sex with're a very, very charming young man, Matt."

"Thank you," Matt responded with a smile. "I really like you all...I'd be happy to do it. I've done it a couple of girl told me I was really good at it."

"Matt, we're all married," Blanche said gently but firmly to the naked young man before her. "We're all serious about remaining faithful to our husbands. We can look at you, but we won't that way, we can enjoy your incredible body while still being able to live with ourselves."

"You're so, so tempting, Matt," Helen said quietly, "and your offer is very, very generous and exciting, but we have to decline...with great difficulty."

"That's right, Matt," Diane added. "You're the risk of sounding extremely coarse, I can assure you that I will very likely have to change my underwear when I get home."

"Oh, Diane," Helen said with a scowl. "Please..."

"Okay, I understand," Matt said with obvious disappointment while also laughing at Diane's amusing piece of over-sharing. "That's okay...I think it's nice."

"Matt, I'm not really one for giving advice, but I will offer you this," Blanche said with a warm smile. "As you get older and meet and spend time with more women, I would suggest that you never have sexual intercourse with the married ones...even women in relationships. You don't want to be the man who ruins a marriage or a relationship. Relationships are precious things, and it won't serve you well to be a destructive force. There are always lots of single women around...expend your energy on them. Sermon over."

"Thanks, Mrs. Tilbury," Matt responded. "You're a wise woman...I appreciate the advice."

"Matt, there is something you could do for us that wouldn't involve us putting our hands on you," Blanche said with a cheeky smile. "You could just use your own hand...if you know what I mean."

"Oh, my god...yes!" Diane said excitedly. "Please, Matt...yes!"

"Oh, that would be lovely," Helen added. "That would be so's so sexy watching a man do that. I watch videos on the internet all the time."

"You naughty old pervert!" Diane said with a laugh. "I thought I was the only one!"

"'re definitely not," Blanche added. "That's one of my most frequent web searches!"

"Oh...what?" Matt asked with a charming look of confusion. "You want to watch me jerk off? Play with myself? Have a wank?"

"Yes, Matt," Blanche replied with a smile. "All of the above..."

"Wow...yeah," Matt responded. "I'd love to do that. I'm really horny, so that would be great! Should I just do it like I normally do?"

"Whatever you're comfortable with," Blanche replied, charmed by Matt's eagerness to please. "We're just excited to watch."

"Cool!" Matt responded excitedly. "Can I come on the floor? Or should I come all over myself?"

"On the floor is fine," Blanche replied with a giggle. "It's polished wood, so I can clean it up easily...but if you'd like to ejaculate all over yourself, that's fine too. You can just have a shower straight away if you like."

"Cool!" Matt enthused again. "I'll just go for it."

"That sounds lovely," Blanche said encouragingly. "Whenever you're ready, Matt. Pleasure yourself for us."

Matt slowly eased himself down, and again reclined on the polished floorboards. The handsome young man stretched out on his back, and then opened his legs rudely, obscenely wide to provide the staring Blanche, Diane and Helen with the best view possible of his enormous cock and balls.

Blanche's mouth hung slightly agape as Matt grabbed his flaccid cock with his right hand, and got a good, firm grip on it. He slowly peeled his protective foreskin back, gradually revealing his big purple cock-head. Matt then started to leisurely pump his penis up and down, taking his time and accentuating the movement for his excited audience.

As Blanche, Diane and Helen watched eagerly, sitting forward on their respective sofas, Matt continued to play with himself. He gradually picked up speed, gliding back and forth. After just a few strokes, Matt had a raging erection, and his enormous appendage was now extended to its full length.

"Jesus Christ," Diane muttered. "It's huge..."

Previously a sexily lolling serpent, Matt's penis was now like some kind of weapon, a throbbing, pulsating, rock-hard pole between his muscled thighs, standing tall and strong to attention as the young man worked it aggressively with his hand.

Blanche watched guiltily as pre-cum dribbled liberally from out of Matt's stiff cock. The sexy eighteen-year-old moaned quietly, and then theatrically fondled his pecs and rubbed his nipples. Matt tweaked them and plucked at them while softly groaning to himself, and running his tongue across his lips.

As he worked his penis with his right hand, Matt traced the fingers of his left hand across his rock-hard abs, and then ran them through his wild tangle of unruly pubic hair. Matt bit down on his bottom lip, and let out a loud moan.

"Oh, my god," Diane whispered. "Are we really seeing this?"

"Oh, yes," Helen replied quietly. "We certainly are, ladies. Thank you, Blanche."

"He's quite the young man," Blanche whispered. "He really is..."

Matt pumped his manhood even harder. To Blanche's eye, he looked to be close to coming. Matt's bare torso was drenched with sweat, and his moaning was getting increasingly intense. His mouth formed into a tell-tale O, and then, in a violent burst, the orgasm finally roared through Matt like a tidal wave. He yelled out in extreme pleasure.

As Blanche, Diane and Helen looked on open-mouthed, Matt held his enormously pulsating penis upright and moaned loudly. Semen finally launched out of him with shuddering force and surged high into the air like a milky fountain.

Blanche watched Matt's masculine essence arc upward and then begin its descent. The semen eventually landed with a noisy splat on the young man's muscled chest. Another shot surged out of him, and then another, both flying into the air before splattering over the young man's ridged abdomen. Matt appeared to be done.

Breathing heavily, Matt's penis continued to leak semen as it slowly softened and eventually hung slack between his muscled thighs. Clearly exhausted, Matt released his massive member and then let his arms hang limp at his side on the floor. Blanche giggled as she told herself that he'd obviously drained his testicles of their contents completely.

Totally naked, with his muscular legs luridly spread wide, and covered in his own semen, Matt was quite the sight. He looked exhausted but wholly satisfied, and Blanche, Diane and Helen had certainly enjoyed his sexy, highly theatrical performance.

Now spent from the effort, this young man had put on quite the show indeed. Spontaneously, the three much, much older women gave their semen-splattered solo performer a gentle round of applause.

"Oh, Matt, that was wonderful," Blanche said. "Thank you so much for revealing yourself like that. It's a very brave thing to publicly masturbate."

"Thanks, Matt," Diane added. "That was amazing."

"A+," laughed retired schoolteacher Helen. "What a show! Thank you, Matt."

"Okay, Matt, why don't you run to the bathroom and have a shower," Blanche instructed. "While you wash all that semen off, I'll make you some toast and hot chocolate for afternoon tea."

"Thanks, Mrs. Tilbury," Matt said as he stood up, his penis and testicles swinging wildly with the movement, and his hairy torso covered in sticky, sludgy semen. "You're the best!"

Matt turned and walked through the house completely naked, heading off to the bathroom to clean up. Blanche, Diane and Helen watched the nude eighteen-year-old's tight, taut butt as he strutted off, and quietly giggled amongst themselves.

"Holy geez," retired jeweller Diane Perry sniggered. "Did you see all that semen? And the look on his face when he was playing with himself? It was like he was in a pornographic movie! That was incredible, Blanche...absolutely incredible."

"Thank you for getting Matt to do that, Blanche," Helen Appleby said with a smile. "He's so young and beautiful...and that penis! And the way he was pleasuring himself! Amazing! You've made my week, Blanche...probably my year!"

"Yes, indeed," 71-year-old Blanche Tilbury said with a smile. "Matt and his amazing member just made me realise that I actually haven't seen it all before!"

Thanks for reading!!!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Love this story line. Waiting for more. When this saga ends I would like more in the same genre. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story, well written but maybe just one of those ladies could have strayed to up the erotica.

MyBareTorsoMyBareTorsoalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you for the kind words, and the thoughtful critique, it is much appreciated. I really wanted to play up the huge age difference between the man and women, but I may have overstated that somewhat. Thanks again for taking the time to both read and comment. 🙏

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Sweet and sexy.....

yowseryowseralmost 2 years ago


A bit overdrawn (how many times are we told everyone's ages?) but almost sweet, a tribute to nakedness and all it involves.

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