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Oz Beach Boy Fulfils Xmas Wish

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Matt nudes for a dying teen, her sister, and their mother...
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NOTES: This is an entry in the Winter Holidays Story Contest 2022, so I'd really appreciate it if you could take the time to vote. This is a stand-alone story featuring my recurring "Oz Beach Boy" character, Matt: a muscular, well-hung, 25-year-old exhibitionist. This story features CFNM, voluntary male stripping, female-of-male body worship, and performative masturbation. All characters are over eighteen. This is a work of complete fiction.


It was Christmas time in Sydney, Australia. I was moaning and groaning while enthusiastically ejaculating into the warm, welcome mouth of a pretty young Irish nurse called Mary.

As my enormous cock gradually began to soften post-orgasm, the kneeling Mary let my member slide from her mouth and then wiped her wet lips with the back of her hand.

Always the gentleman, I'd started to pull out when I was about to come, but Mary enthusiastically gripped my butt with both hands, held me firm, and then chugged my jism with surprising vigour.

The pretty Irish nurse smiled up at me from her kneeling position, and then gave me a very naughty wink. I quickly pulled my underpants and shorts up and over my wet, slowly sagging cock and heavily swinging balls.

"Oh, my god," I panted. "That was great, Mary...thank you so much."

"I've been fantasising about doing that for weeks," Mary giggled in her thick Irish accent, and then got up off her knees. "It was worth the wait, Matt. You're a nice lad. You have an amazing willy. I knew it would be huge. I better get back to work, handsome. See you later, yeah?"

"Thanks again, Mary, you're gorgeous," I said sincerely. "That was amazing. Merry Christmas!"

Mary straightened her navy blue nurse's uniform, tended to her ponytailed hair, and planted a quick, sweet kiss on my lips. The pretty Irish nurse then hastily slid out of the multi-access toilet where we'd just enjoyed our very quick but hotly sexy tryst.

Excited and uninhibited, Mary had pulled off my shirt and lasciviously felt me up, rubbing her eager hands all over my heavily muscled bare torso. We kissed passionately, and the twenty-something nurse then dropped to her knees and furiously and expertly sucked me off. The whole beautiful experience had been a brief but highly arousing one.

I'd been volunteering at The Neil Hamilton Fairley Hospital for a few weeks leading up to Christmas. I'd happily been hanging various glittery, sparkly Christmas decorations, taking tea and coffee around to patients and their visitors, chatting with people in the private rooms, entertaining the sick kids on the children's ward, restocking various office stores, and basically doing anything that fifty-something volunteer coordinator Faye Papadakis asked me to do.

I had to perform all these duties while embarrassingly dressed in a casual, Australian-style interpretation of a Santa suit. My ridiculous get-up consisted of a pair of baggy, red satin shorts; a red, button-up, short-sleeved satin shirt illustrated with a large Santa belt and buttons; a red Santa hat; and a pair of ankle-high black rubber boots. I looked, to say the least, rather silly.

My volunteering stint at The Neil Hamilton Fairley Hospital had also surprisingly turned into a heady, mind-blowing sexual experience. I'd volunteered with the genuine desire to give back to the community and help out at Christmas, but I'd ended up getting aroused even more frequently than I did during my typically sordid and over-sexed everyday life.

Though not officially diagnosed, I'm a sex addict. I'm a 25-year-old Aussie male exhibitionist who loves getting nude for ladies that like looking at men. I spend hours jogging, swimming and working out to get my body as ripped and muscular as I possibly can. Though partially for fitness purposes, my workout regime is principally designed to attract female attention.

A wholehearted narcissist, I keep my heavily muscled body completely waxed and smooth, save for a little under-arm air and my small, sandy brown, man-scaped thatch of pubic hair. Most of the ladies I've spent time with seemed to enjoy my masculine smoothness.

I like to show off and put myself in potentially sexy situations whenever I can, particularly around Sydney's many beaches and secluded coastal bays. I've enjoyed a lot of sordid sex and many kinky hook-ups, but I wasn't expecting any of that to happen at The Neil Hamilton Fairley Hospital.

Though I was there for all the right reasons, I'd instead been the recipient of a lot of surprisingly enthusiastic female attention, with many women on the premises -- both staff and patients and their visitors -- seemingly taking a real liking to me.

"Geez, can you behave yourself while you're there?" laughed my best friend, confidant and one-time foster sister Darby Hamilton, who knew all about my rather adventurous sex life. "Keep that big willy of yours tucked away, huh?"

"I'll certainly try," I smiled, with a sincere intention to do exactly that...which most definitely didn't pan out.

Upon request, I'd done an outrageous, in-secret, Santa-suit, full-nude strip show for five older mums of sick kids on the children's ward. I'd done my naughty show in a private, locked room of the hospital far away from the ward and any prying eyes.

Hot and raunchy, the already highly arousing stripping experience ramped up even further with one of the gorgeous mums thirstily and shockingly blowing me in front of the other women.

It eventually went up to another level altogether, however, and climaxed with incredible one-on-one sex with delightful forty-something Monica Halsey, the prettiest and most engaging mum in the group. [See Story: "Oz Beach Boy's Xmas Hospital Strip]

Aware of my sneaky little Santa suit strip show for the mums, very cheeky senior nurse Katie then asked me to do a special Christmas repeat performance for her hard-working health care colleagues.

The following night, I happily restaged my sexy Santa suit clothes-off bump-and-grind performance for twelve highly appreciative and very boisterous nurses in the crowded staff tea room.

Because the nurses were on duty and on work premises, however, Katie advised me to just strip down to my naughty "Santa's Sack"-emblazoned underpants, which I reluctantly agreed to. I would have loved to go The Full Monty for the hard working nurses, who really deserved to see some cock for Christmas.

Having a great time, the rambunctious nurses all enjoyed a naughty feel of my heavily muscled chest, corrugated abs, and massively bulging biceps, while Nurses Emma, Lucy and Sam -- three very cheeky and very cute English girls -- aggressively groped my butt, pawed at my cock and balls, and eventually attempted to pants me.

"Enough...sorry, ladies, but he's not getting his bollocks out," fifty-something senior nurse Katie had authoritatively commanded in her thick English accent, putting an instant stop to any further naughtiness. "We're still at work, ladies. The jockeys stay on. This is not a sex show. Behave yourselves, please!"

After failing to get my pants down, naughty nurses Emma, Lucy and Sam did, however, invite me back to their horribly messy share-house when they finished their shifts that evening, and we enjoyed a very hot, very wild night together.

Half-drunk and homesick for their families back in England over Christmas, the three nurses really let loose, and thoroughly appreciated the distraction that my wholly accessible, nude, muscular body provided...and so did I.

With talk of my willingness and compliance obviously spreading, I also received a blow-job from a big, strong Fijian nurse in a cramped supply closet, as well as an enjoyably aggressive hand-job from a cute Thai housekeeping staffer who cornered me alone in a small linen store room.

Another nurse -- a loud, confident Eastern European likely in her mid-fifties -- even naughtily slid a finger between my butt cheeks while I was bent over restocking a towel trolley. When I flinched, she then shot her hand through my legs from behind and squeezed my balls with a dirty, raucous laugh.

"Merry Christmas," the nurse giggled in her thick accent and walked off. "Nice baubles, darlink."

I had also very happily accepted the pretty Mary's cheeky, impromptu offer of head in the multi-access toilet. I was still quietly astounded but wholly excited by what a surprisingly hot and heavy Christmas I was having at The Neil Hamilton Fairley Hospital.

I'd certainly had some very sexy and surprising Christmas season experiences before [See Stories: "Oz Beach Boy Molested By Muslim Woman" and "Oz Beach Boy Strips For Homeless Gal"], but they were absolutely nothing compared to what was happening this Christmas.

To add to my salacious enjoyment, the short, curvy, bleach-blonde fifty-something volunteer coordinator Faye Papadakis was always flirting with me and crossing the line while we worked together.

Happily married with four kids, there was nothing sexual going on between Faye and I, but the very funny older woman seemed to gleefully mine much entertainment from embarrassing me.

"Matt, do you still play with yourself a lot?" Faye would ask. "Or do you stop doing that when you hit your twenties? Did you have a pull today? A little fiddle with the old fella?"

I love that kind of talk and banter, so I happily and laughingly brushed it off, not letting on how much it actually aroused me. I have slightly submissive tendencies, and I love being objectified and mildly humiliated by women, so Faye's naughty chatter was a real pleasure.

As a rule, I don't mess with married women, so even if she'd propositioned me, I likely still wouldn't have got down with Faye Papadakis. She was still, however, a lot of fun to be around.

"Matt, I've just been informed by management that I have to measure your penis and weigh your testicles for medical research purposes," Faye said once with a straight face while holding a tape measure. "Can you drop your pants please?"

A few of the nurses also liked to tease me, some by suggestively holding mistletoe above their heads when I walked past, and others by joking about my ridiculous Santa suit, and particularly its baggy, loose-fitting shorts.

During my tea and coffee rounds one day, I caught three older veteran Aussie nurses giggling at me while I stood precariously on a ladder hanging Christmas tinsel in one of the corridors.

"You are very vulnerable right now, mate," a brunette nurse said with a broad Aussie accent. "Oh, my lord..."

"It would be so easy for us to just whip those shorts down with you up there on that ladder," giggled her colleague. "One quick yank and...whoosh! Maybe we could get your undies down too! Hello, willy!"

"Ladies, please," I laughed. "I've got a job to do here."

"There's a certain type of job I'd like to give you, mate," whispered the third nurse as they walked off down the corridor giggling to each other and naughtily looking back at me.

Just joking around, these three nurses obviously had no idea how much their cheeky banter actually turned me on. In fact, I went home most afternoons after volunteering at the hospital and masturbated while recounting the many cheeky comments and sneaky looks that had been thrown my way during the day.

Yes, I was fully aware that I was being sexually harassed to an almost alarming degree, but I was getting off on it with such excitement that there was no way I could possibly protest or make an official complaint.

My most unusual experience at The Neil Hamilton Fairley Hospital -- and that's really saying something! -- happened barely an hour after the cute nurse Mary had so kindly sucked me off in the multi-access toilet.

Once I got myself straightened up and sorted out, I somewhat guiltily went back to my rounds of the wards, my cock likely still even a little wet from Mary's very kind and expertly performed oral attentions.

I was dressed, as usual, in my ridiculous, Aussie-style casual Santa suit, and pushing a small trolley loaded up with tea, coffee, biscuits, newspapers and magazines. It was difficult to get my mind off what had just happened with the warm-mouthed Mary.

I pulled up outside a quiet private room, which I visited each day on my rounds. It was the current residence of Teresa Chavez, an eighteen-year-old Ecuadorian girl who was terminally ill with a rare form of bone cancer.

With her hair sadly gone, and so sick and weak that she could barely talk, Teresa was always accompanied by her 45-year-old mother Penelope, and her twenty-year-old sister Gabriela.

With their long dark hair, soulful brown eyes, and almost regal South American features, Penelope and Gabriela were both strikingly beautiful. They were also tall and buxom, which I was almost ashamed of myself for noticing.

The same beauty was evident in Teresa's equally soulful brown eyes, but her body was so wracked by both the ravages of cancer and the harshness of her treatment that I guessed the eighteen-year-old was practically unrecognisable compared to how she once looked.

The intensity of the tragedy and sadness being visited upon the Chavez women was almost palpable, and I was quietly overcome with emotion whenever I entered the room.

The gravely ill Teresa's mother Penelope only spoke very limited English, so the strikingly mature and composed twenty-year-old Gabriela did most of the talking for the three women.

Though obviously deeply anguished from the pain they were all experiencing, Gabriela was always pleasant and friendly. She gave off an air of supreme confidence, and seemed like the kind of woman you wouldn't mess with, despite still being so young.

"Tea and coffee," I said and knocked gently on the door. "Magazines and newspapers."

"Come in, Matt," came Gabriela's incongruously deep, throaty voice from the other side of the door.

I pushed the door open, and walked in quietly. I smiled warmly at the three Ecuadorian women. Propped up on a mini-mountain of pillows, Teresa looked very tired, but there was a surprising lightness to her eyes.

Once again ashamed of myself, I couldn't help noticing that the very attractive Penelope was wearing a casual but very low-cut black-and-red dress, which offered an extraordinary view of her impressive cleavage, and a nice look at her long, lean legs.

The equally beautiful Gabriela also looked particularly incredible. She was wearing more make-up than usual, which perfectly accentuated her beautiful features, and her hair was tightly and dramatically pulled back in a neat, stylish bun.

The gorgeous twenty-year-old was wearing a tight mini-skirt and a low-cut, midriff-baring, cleavage-revealing halter top, which delightfully showed off the Ecuadorian's olive skin and considerable curves. My eyes almost popped out of my head with delight and surprise.

The cool, white, sterile hospital room was crowded with various trolleys and medical machinery, while a small sink occupied one corner of the space, and a couple of spare chairs sat on the other side of the room. It was a modest and low key room, indicating that the Chavez women were not exactly rolling in cash.

The gorgeous Penelope stood to the right of Teresa, leaning against the upraised guard rails on her daughter's bed, while Gabriela sat with her legs tightly and sexily crossed in a big armchair to her sister's left. Once again, I couldn't believe how beautiful both women looked.

After chatting with Gabriela and her mother Penelope over the past few weeks, I'd learned a little of their complicated family history. The trio had arrived in Australia five years ago from Ecuador to escape Penelope's violent, abusive husband, a corrupt government official who was, by all accounts, an arsehole of monstrous and all-encompassing enormity.

Though Penelope had trouble learning English and fitting in with her new home, Gabriela and Teresa thrived in Australia, and the three enjoyed a happy but all too brief life together until Teresa was tragically diagnosed with cancer at the age of just sixteen.

Their subsequent existence had been one of pain, anguish and great sadness, but they were a tight, insular unit, and the love they felt for each other was clearly and incredibly strong.

Though I hardly knew the Chavez women well, I liked them very much. They were kind, warm, supportive and strong, and meeting them was a highlight of my time at the hospital.

"Would anyone like a tea or coffee?" I almost stuttered in shock while looking at the beautiful Penelope and Gabriela.

"No, thank you, Matt, we are okay today," Gabriela smiled. "That is most kind, but we are fine. Thank you."

"Okay, no worries," I smiled, and noticed that the gravely ill Teresa and near silent Penelope were both looking at me strangely, a curious sparkle in their deep brown eyes. "All good, ladies."

"Matt, may I speak with you for just a moment?" Gabriela asked quickly in her charming, lilting accent as I started to turn and leave. "Outside in the corridor?"

"Yes, of course," I replied in surprise.

Gabriela got up from her seat, offering me a quick, glorious glimpse of her olive-skinned inner thighs, and then moved gracefully across the room and out the door. I followed her, still reeling from how incredibly sexy she looked. Gabriela gently closed the door behind her.

"Matt, you have been very kind to us while doing your volunteer work," Gabriela smiled. "We all enjoy your visits, even though you make very bad coffee."

"Oh, sorry," I began, and Gabriela quickly cut me off.

"Matt, I am just having fun," the beautiful, self-possessed twenty-year-old smiled. "But you do make terrible coffee. I would very much like to discuss something with you."

"Yeah, sure," I smiled. "What would you like to talk about?"

"Matt, as you well know, my sister Teresa is very, very sick," Gabriela said quietly. "We believe this will be her last Christmas with us. She can barely talk and can hardly move. She does not have long, Matt."

"I'm so sorry," I almost whispered. "I really am. This must be so hard for you and your mother."

"Yes, it is most difficult," Gabriela said. "Matt, I have a very unusual request. I heard from one of the nurses that you did a Magic Mike-style Christmas show for them in the staff tea room...that you danced to music and then stripped down to your underpants for them. Is this true?"

"Um...yes," I said with much embarrassment. "Nurse Katie asked me to do it. The nurses have been working so hard over Christmas, and they wanted a laugh. I was happy to oblige."

"This was not part of your work as a volunteer?" Gabriela asked with obvious curiosity. "This was not official work?"

"No, no," I laughed. "Katie asked and we did it on the sly."

"On the sly?" Gabriela asked, and cocked her gorgeous head. "What does this expression mean?"

"Oh, in secret," I quickly replied. "My boss didn't know about it."

"Oh, yes, I understand," Gabriela smiled. "Matt, my sister Teresa is an eighteen-year-old virgin. Because of her illness, she will never experience the pleasures of being with a man."

I gulped nervously. This conversation with Gabriela had taken a very unusual turn, and I wasn't quite sure where it was headed. This mention of eighteen-year-old Teresa's virginity, however, made me think it was about to go somewhere sexual.

"Teresa is obviously too ill to make love to a man," Gabriela continued. "That will never happen now. But Teresa has not even seen a naked man, except in photographs on the internet. It is not the same."

"Yeah, of course," I said.

"We would like to give Teresa the experience of seeing a real life naked man before she is taken from us by God for his own purposes," Gabriela continued. "It is Teresa's Christmas wish. She asked us to do this for her."

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