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Paige Turner - Origins

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Like minded couples meet up to have some fun.
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A word of greeting from your storyteller

Hello there, you demented horny creatures. If you're looking for tales of love and lust as well as lascivious debauchery, dramatic scheming, and revenge all within a fantasy, sci-fi, supernatural setting in the year 2135 then you've come to the right place.

Who am I, you ask? Who I am is not terribly important at this point in the story. Suffice it to say that I have played and will continue to play an important role with respect to the stories of the two families I am about to introduce. Families who are so close there is barely a distinction between them. I present for your consideration and entertainment, the families Turner and Harrison.

I will introduce the Harrisons first and then you will get to know the Turners as the story progresses. Please enjoy this origin story as it will shed light on why young Paige and her friends are who they are. Hey everyone's parents pretty much screwed up their kids why should the Harrisons and Turners be any different?!

This update includes parts 1 and 2 of "Paige Turner - Origins - Meet the Families." It tells the story of the first official Meet and Greet between the Harrisons the Turners and some unexpected new friends as well! Please enjoy!

Paige Turner - Origins - Meet the Families Pt1 (Regular)

Duncan and Brenda Harrison met at a sex party they attended in college. As a matter of fact, it was Brenda's sorority house that was hosting said party and Brenda's was a most important role. That, however, is an entirely separate story. Perhaps I could be persuaded pen that tale another time but for now the details of those happens are not important to bigger picture. Suffice it to say that Brenda and Duncan hit it off so well that they began dating each other regularly while still pursuing other partners as well. They always felt like they could be completely open and honest with each other. They felt safe together and falling in love only strengthened their relationship dynamic. Neither of them pressured the other to change and their level of communication about their individual dating lives greatly increased. Being able to be completely open and authentic with each other was the lock which cemented their relationship and they decided to go all out and get married. Marriage proved to strengthen their bond even further and they became even more adventurous in the poly, open, swinging lifestyle because they had each other for support.

They are the best of friends and enjoy talking together about their solo sexual experiences as well as reminiscing over their shared ones. They still attend sex parties and frequent adult clubs where pretty much anything can happen. From the outside they appear to be a young couple very much in love and starting their lives together. They are always very careful about making sure they and any potential partners are tested and clean. They also never overindulge in drink or other substances, nor do they go with anyone who does.

Duncan is kind of a giant of a man. He stands 6'2" and weighs 245 lbs. He became a corrections officer for Harkon Penitentiary because he strongly believes in rehabilitation over punishment and Harkon has the highest rehab rate of any prison the in country with fewer repeat offenders. He is one of the most popular COs with the inmates because he treats them more like residents than prisoners. When Brenda became one of the prison sex workers for inmates who have shown exceptionally good behavior Duncan's popularity grew even more. He is a very honest and caring man and is very conscious how he responds to situations. He does take issue with people who insult his loved ones and can get kind of hot headed under such circumstances but even then he remains very levelheaded. He is heteroflexible which means he doesn't seek out male companionship, but he has no issues being approached by men or becoming intimate with a man under the right circumstances. Duncan's parents were very atypical and so was Duncan's upbringing. He was taught that nudity is a human being's natural state and wasn't to be seen as dirty or sexual. His parents were very affectionate and instilled in Duncan a strong sense of love and compassion that most boys his age weren't familiar with. They also taught him to be strong and that defending himself from those who would view his beliefs as weakness. They taught him to take care of himself but also to never be afraid to ask for help if it was needed.

Brenda is an all-natural, raven-haired, buxom beauty. She is 5'6" tall and weighs 140lbs. Duncan likes to say that she has curves in all the right places. She is registered nurse who volunteers at a free clinic in her free time. She became employed as a sex worker at Harkon Penitentiary where her husband works as CO because she saw the potential such a service had in rewarding the hard work that rehabilitation is. She is a very outgoing and highly intelligent person who is honest almost to a fault. Nothing ever seems to get under her skin. She's a very cool customer in stressful situations which many would be overwhelmed by. She often goes out of her way to help someone in need. Brenda is very open with her sexuality and isn't hung up physical attraction. Her parents raised her devoutly Christian, but she always felt like something was missing. Like there was more to the world than she was being taught in school or church. She spent a lot of time alone, especially outdoors where she would wander and marvel at the spectacular beauty all around her. She likes to sit and just listen to the wind in the trees and the animals going about their business. When a friend of hers introduced her to meditation and other spiritual practices Brenda finally felt like she'd found the missing piece she had sought throughout her young life. She finally realized that everything she needed was inside her all along. She learned to connect with herself and love herself unconditionally. She embraced herself wholly, even those parts that she'd always kind of frowned upon. She began attracting others in her life who connected with her on the same level, and she felt she'd finally uncovered the highest truth she ever could. For Brenda this truth became the meaning of life and her purpose for living. The truth she found is that love is the key to living the best life one could possible live. Unconditional love of self which leads to unconditional love of others. She believes that love has no limits and comes in many forms. It is not a cage to lock someone in and keep all for yourself, love is freedom and happiness and though love may change it never dies.

Two years after they were married Brenda asked Duncan if he would be willing to father a child with her and he enthusiastically agreed. He'd been trying to work up the courage to ask Brenda the same question. She kept meticulous track of her ovulation cycle and all sextracurricular activities ceased while there was even the slightest chance to conceive. Six months later Brenda and Duncan were ecstatic when an at home pregnancy test showed positive. A few days later her pregnancy was confirmed by her OBGYN. The pregnancy went perfectly other than baby Jane being too stubborn to join the world even as the ninth month of the term came and went. The doctors were discussing inducing labor when Brenda's water finally broke. Jane was born on Brenda's twenty-second birthday at the same time down to the second. Brenda still says Janie is the best birthday gift she could have ever wished for and strongly believes that sharing a birthday with her daughter is a divine blessing from the Universe.

Six months later the Harrison's would be celebrating their fourth wedding anniversary and Duncan really wanted everything to be perfect. He already had plans in motion to make it a memorable occasion including booking reservations for them at the grand opening of Yvette's, a new nightclub which catered to those living the lifestyle. Janie would spend the weekend with her grandparents, so Duncan and Brenda were completely free to cut loose, something they hadn't been able to during the pregnancy or after Jane's birth.

There were only a few snags that Duncan needed some help with. He wanted to buy Brenda a hot new dress, but he couldn't figure out how to get her dress size without blowing the surprise. He found the help he needed from a co-worker at Harkon Penitentiary. Glory Turner is the executive assistant to Gerald Harkon, the founder, and CEO of the Harkon Prison System (HPS). She was a very similar build to Brenda though with smaller breasts. Duncan had volunteered to escort her during her rounds through the prison to help schedule the inmate's conjugal visits with the prison sex workers.

He was a little nervous about approaching her for help because they hadn't had the chance to speak beyond a professional level. Never one to back down from a challenge though, he spoke up.

"Mrs. Turner? I know we don't really know each other that well but I was hoping I could ask a favor of you?"

Glory scribbled a note on the clipboard she was carrying.

"First, Duncan, please call me Glory. I think you've earned that right considering you volunteered to escort me on my rounds. I really do feel much better with you around. Okay big guy?"

"Thank you, ma'am... Glory," he smiled.

"What kind of favor we are talking about here?" she asked.

"Next week my wife and are celebrating our fourth anniversary. I've got reservations at Yvette for opening night, and I would really love to buy Brenda a hot new dress for the occasion."

"You're going to Yvette's on opening night!? What a wonderful coincidence! Jerrod and I are going as well!" She exclaimed.

"That's awesome! It's always nice to find like-minded people. I never would have guessed you for the lifestyle."

"Nor I you! I agree it's such fun finding potential playmates!" She laughed, "But you mentioned a hot new dress for your wife. What was her name again?"


Glory's eyes widened with realization as she checked her clip board. Duncan looked on quizzically.

"Wait a minute! Holy shit, how did I not connect these dots before! Your wife is Brenda Harrison! One of the sex workers here at the prison?!"

"That is correct. She's also a registered nurse and just the brightest light on this earth." He responded proudly.

"Wow! I'm flabbergasted here. You guys are really that open you'd share her with the inmates?"

"SOME of the inmates. Brenda gets to pick who she goes with, and she only goes with those who have done the serious work of healing and rehabilitating themselves. Those who are aware of their issues and are working through them. So only the inmates with THE VERY best behavior."

"I see." She bobs her head back and forth a bit, an embarrassed smirk forming on her lips." It's kind of hot if I stop and think about it." She chuckles. "Anyway! We were discussing a hot new dress when I so dramatically took us off course."

"Yes indeed. My problem is that I've never bothered to learn her dress size and now I have no idea how to go about getting it without spoiling the surprise." He pauses, "Which brings me to the favor I'd like to ask. And I hope this isn't too awkward an ask, but you and Brenda have a very similar build. I was hoping you'd tell me what size you wear and where I could go to get the dress. We've haven't been in the area very long and most of that time has been well consumed with her pregnancy and our six-month-old, Janie Girl. So not very familiar with the area yet."

"Another coincidence, our youngest is also six months old. Paige. Her birthday is July 26 and there's nothing awkward about your request!"

"Oh wow! Yes, Janie's is also July 26! What's more Brenda's is also July 26. Believe it or not Janie joined us 9 months and 17 days after conception on the same day her mother was born at the exact same time down to the second no less. Brenda says it's sign from the universe. Though what that sign is and what it means is anybody's guess.

"Wow!" Glory exclaims astonished. She give birth at St. Michaels too?"

"She did." Duncan nods.

"We might have been there at the same time. Do you remember what time?"

"It was six fifteen am."

"Holy shit! Paige was born at six fourteen am."

"That seals it. We've got to get our families together."


"Hey thanks for agreeing to help, Glo." He said relieved. "Oh sorry, I should have asked first, is it alright if I call you Glo? You just always to be glowing." He shrugs.

"That's perfect!" she laughs, "Jerrod always calls me Glo'. And I won't just give you my dress size and point you to a shop." She winks. "I'ma take you to the most outstanding boutique I know of after work. It'll be the perfect spot to buy our Brenda that hot new dress."

"Well, you can't beat that with a stick now can you?" Duncan laughs. "Thank you very much Glo. I don't why I was so nervous to ask for your help but I'm so glad I did."

Later that day the pair arrived at the boutique Glory spoke of and Duncan sighed.

"I can't thank you enough for bringing me here, Glo! Even with your dress size I'd have been hopelessly lost here."

"You're very welcome. I'm happy to help. Not to mention I can't WAIT to see Brenda in this dress." She laughs.

The boutique lady startled them as she suddenly appeared from the back of the store with a very energetic introduction.

"Hello! My name's Monica! How can I help the lovely couple this evening!"

"We're in need of a hot new dress for opening night at Yvette's." Glory spoke up before Duncan could correct her.

"Oh, that's so exciting, we'll be able to help you no problem! If you'll come this way please we have a fancy new high-tech body scanner that will tell us exactly what size you need and then using the computer we can work out any design you're interested in."

She led them over to a small room which had what looked like a standard fitting area, complete with three full-length mirrors and a raised platform for the model to stand on. She exhales are sharp breath.

"If you will stand in the middle of the platform, miss," She pauses, "The scanner works best if the model removes their clothing, though you may keep your undergarments."

Duncan was about to speak up when Glory interrupted him again.

"Oh well," she tilts her head from side to side, "Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately," she gestures to Monica, "I'm not wearing any undergarments." She begins to undress.

"That's very fortunate! The scanner will be able to provide the most accurate measurements that way!" Monica replies.

"I should probably step out," Duncan turns to leave but Glory interrupts him.

"Nonsense, Mister! You stay right there and pay attention."

She winks at him as she shrugs off the last or her clothing and throws it to him. He catches them despite his eyes being glued to the now fully nude and exquisite beauty that is Glory. She considers Monica a moment.

"He's nervous because this is his first time seeing me naked."

"Oh, I think I'm starting to see things more clearly now." Monica blushes a bit as she turns on the scanner and in no time there's a perfect 3D scan of Glory projected onto the three mirrors of the fitting room.

"Okay Duncan, we're gonna need a little input here. Are there any tweaks we need to make?"

"Okay now I know I'm seeing things more clearly. This dress is for another woman!" Monica giggles.

"That's correct, it's for my wife." Clearly feeling more comfortable now he considers Glory more closely. "Umm, I swear your body is almost a perfect match for my Brenda Glo." He sheepishly bobs his head. "Though Brenda is a just a bit bustier than you."

"I can take care of that!" Monica chimed in. "Just say when."

The breasts of Glory's images on the mirror screens begin to grow.

"Right there! That's perfect" Duncan exclaimed. "It's like looking at my wife's body with a different head on top. Still a very beautiful head mind you. But I think we've got it now, yeah? You can get go ahead and get dressed now, Glo."

"I'll make that decision, thank you very much!" Glory says playfully, "If you're worried about Jerrod he's going to love hearing all about this. He loves when I make guys squirm."

"Oh, does he now?" Duncan says nodding. "I was certain you're the one whose been enjoying my squirming." He paused a moment, serious now. "He won't feel disrespected at all? I'm a stranger to him and here you are baring it all before me."

"Not at all. We've long had an understanding. We're not going to drop what's going down right in the middle of it just to fill each other in. Talk about a mood killer! Besides we're not really doing anything, are we?"

"Very true and Brenda and I have the same understanding. It makes no sense to be going hot and heavy and then put on the breaks to make a phone call. Either do that before or wait 'til there's something to tell!" He laughs.

Over the next hour they apply several dress designs over Glory's images until they finally decide on a very slinky shoulder less dress.

"This is one of Mr. Stellan's newer designs. He'll be over the moon to hear it'll be worn at Yvette's on opening night." Monica says. "Are there any color preferences?"

"Oh yes, Brenda's favorite color is purple, so purple with black accents?"

Monica makes a few adjustments, and the dresses images turn purple with black accents. Just then a new voice breaks into the conversation.

"Pardon the intrusion please?"

As Mr. Stellan steps into the scanning room, Glory makes no move to cover up, but Duncan moves to put himself between her and the newcomer.

"I've been listening from the outside for quite a while and Monica is correct. I'm quite happy this piece will be on display at Yvette's on opening night." He turns to Monica, "Please save the image and send it to all of my devices, I'll be working on this one myself."

"Yes sir, right away sir."

"Am I to understand that the purple dress is for your wife, sir?" He offers his hand to Duncan.

"Yes sir, it's our fifth wedding anniversary and I wanted to do something special."

For the first time since he entered the room Mr. Stellan regards Glory but when his eyes move over her they do not devour the nudity of the of the woman. Instead, it's as though he is calculating, and he looks directly into her eyes.

"What about you my dear? Are you not in need a of a new dress as well?"

Brenda shrugs, "I'm just here to help my new friend do something really nice for his wife."

"How very kind of you." He pauses and takes in her full form once again. "It would be an absolute shame if I let such kindness, and the beauty to go with it, un-rewarded. I would be willing to make a second dress of the same design for you free of charge, especially if you are also going to be attending Yvette's on opening night."

"My husband and I already have reservations." Glory replies.

"That settles it then!" He beams, "Please tell Monica your choice of color and I will get to work so both dresses will be ready on time! Please make sure you select the proper shoes to go with these dresses. And don't worry about the costs. My dresses on two such beauties? Couldn't ask for better advertising!"

"Okay then," she turns to Monica, "Make mine emerald green with black accents."

"Excellent! Thank you for allowing me to serve you both!" He bows to Duncan and Glory. "I look forward to seeing you at Yvette's on opening night!"

As they leave the boutique Glory calls out to Duncan as they head for their respective cars.

"Would you be interested in following me home?"

"I don't see why not," He winks at her, "What've you got in mind?"

"That's great! I really want you to meet Jerrod, plus I'm so horny right now I would absolutely love two cocks in me!" She laughs and earns the stares of a few bystanders lucky enough to be within ear shot.

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