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Pair of Aces Do it for Charity Ch. 01

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Follow Joy on an exotic adventure she never expected.
5.3k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/06/2018
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Eric and Joy weren't strangers to charity events. They had won a sizable lottery jackpot a few years ago and had immediately given charitably to their local schools, community, and so forth. Eric had served as an unpaid public figure in their community and their generosity would galvanize them as curators of their small town. More recently, their financial investments had really started to pay good dividends. Despite all their generosity, to say that they were doing well would be putting it modestly. It took a lot of deliberation on Joy's part, but all the additional free time had allowed her to become more physically fit than she'd ever been in her life, and the extra money had made her decision for elective surgeries much easier. Lasik eye-surgery and some light cosmetic work were on her list. She'd gotten her eyes fixed so that she didn't need glasses or contacts anymore, then went an extra step and had gotten a boob-job and tummy-tuck as well because of all the weight she had lost. Her husband didn't think she needed these things, and he was right. However, being in such good shape made these things the perfect icing for her cake. It made her feel more confident and sexy, and he reaped many of those benefits. Besides, she pretty much did whatever she wanted and liked it that way.

Eric had asked her to dress up really nice for their morning charity event that Sunday. He said he was going to wear his best suit, so she had a feeling it was an event where other well-to-dos would be. While she didn't like that crowd too much, she did appreciate those who were willing to give to charity. She selected a nice formal gown that showed her cleavage off, as well as her curves. It had a little split up the side and she was very gorgeous in it. Eric loved it when she dressed up in something that wasn't overly modest. These days, she didn't mind the extra attention she got either.

As it turns out, Eric and Joy weren't the monogamous type. They were highly committed married couple, but had no issues at all sharing each other. More accurately, they had no issues with their spouse indulging their considerable sexual wants and desires. They loved to swing in the classical sense, but also had their own playmates with whom they played freely. They only required that the other person play safely and to be 100% open and honest about what they were up to.

Joy came down the stairs looking radiant. Eric paid her deep compliments at her choice in attire and held her close, kissing her passionately. He even asked her to pose at their grand staircase and snapped off some photos, including one where she stuck her ass out for him and gave him her very arousing 'fuck-me eyes'. He loved it.

They arrived at a local conference center and casually made their way into the registration area where Eric's credentials were checked and he was given a bidding paddle; number 69, Eric's usual number. Apparently he had pre-registered. Joy was relieved to see that she was dressed appropriately as they entered the grand-room. Hundreds of people were there, milling about socializing in formal attire. She didn't see anyone she knew, but Eric talked to several people and introduced his stunning wife as they went. As the hour approached, people began taking their seats. Joy saw that the flyer had dozens and dozens of items people had donated to auction. Some of these things were very nice and included jewelry, cars, all-expense paid trips, etc... However, Eric and Joy, like a few others, made a quiet exit and headed down the hall to a smaller venue. Eric led Joy down the hall and to a room that was quite a bit smaller. There were around fifty people in the room, mostly men. That should have been her first clue. None-the-less, she was just along for the ride and didn't pay it much mind. She was already thinking about what they'd do later and was hoping they'd get a little alone time. Joy had gotten just a little excited at the attention he'd given her earlier. Everyone took their seats and that's when she realized they weren't at a typical charity event.

A screen lowered and pictures of a gorgeous woman was shown. She was in a collar and leash, and the announcer said that she was being auctioned off as a full service slave for the week. She would comply to her master's wishes for the next 5 days, and only ask that there be no pain involved. She had safe words that she rarely used and expected to be treated as a lowly slave. The auctioneer started the bidding at $5000 and Eric immediately put up his paddle to get things started. Joy's mouth was on the floor and she poked him in the arm, smiling. She didn't mind that he was bidding on a sex slave, but the fact that they were here doing so was completely unexpected. Joy elbowed Eric again playfully and whispered to him about how naughty he was. It did sort of excite her that they'd have a slave in the house for the week, and wondered aloud whether or not they were offering male slaves as well. Eric just winked and allowed the bidding to move on, passing on this one. However, he won the next one, a sexy little Asian slave, for $9,000.

Joy thought that was a fun choice and decided that maybe she'd get herself a slave as well. One hot male stud did come up, and she got Eric to bid several times, but she became a little intimidated by an older woman who seemed to have very deep pockets (and a glare). Joy gave up the competition when the bidding reached $15,000. After ten or so more slaves were sold, what happened next made Joy feel like fainting. The next picture that came up was her own, from this morning. It cycled through several photos and held steady on her last picture, with her ass stuck out and a very sensual fuck-me face. She looked very, very alluring.

Announcer: "Up for an opening bid of $5,000; Mrs Joy. She'll never be your slave, but if you are a gentlemen and take good care of her, she will take good care of you too. She has a healthy appetite for powerful men and enjoys the finer things in life. If she had a say, she'd tell you not to bid if you planned on sitting around all week naked. She needs a good strong man who knows how to go out and have a good time, can take care of her like the lady she is, and can show her things she hasn't seen before."

"Are you fucking shitting me, Eric?" Joy said quietly, a little pissed, and in total shock. Her face was flushed immediately and she felt like curling up into a ball and dying, right on the spot.

Joy didn't like the fact that he didn't say anything in advance, and liked it even less that the pictures he took an hour ago were shared with this group of horny old men. He smiled back and her and whispered to her not to worry; she didn't have to follow through with it if she didn't want to, and that he'd gladly pay the donation and the $5,000 fine for backing out of the deal. This made her feel a little better at least. Joy did sort of like what had been written about her on the slide show. It was true, after all.

Eric pried her out of her seat and escorted her to the stage as the bidding began. No one else had been on the stage yet, other than the auctioneer. She was mortified being paraded up on the stage like that, and Eric surely knew that. There she was, in the same dress as in that picture. Bidding was halted momentarily as cheers broke out. When the bidding resumed there seemed to be a little more energy.

"C'mon, love." He whispered as he leaned in, still allowing her to hold his arm tightly. "It's for charity. Show off a little and get a good price!" Eric was right, but she was still angry. Joy smiled to the crowd and waved, putting on a fake fun-face.

'Fine.' Joy thought, he's going to have to pay a big donation along with that fine.

Joy turned slowly, swishing her hips a little and showing off her gorgeous figure. The bidding became pretty fast paced, and nearly went off the rails when she reached up and cupped her perky breasts with a leg sticking through the slit in her dress. She did notice that it wasn't just old men who were bidding. There were a couple of younger fellows competing as well. In fact, it looked like it was coming down to a competition between them as the bidding went north of $30,000. Finally, and auctioneer pounded his gavel and said 'Sold' to the tune of $55,000. He followed by announcing that it was the largest donation in their history. Everyone cheered as they left the stage. She smiled smugly, knowing that she'd just cost Eric $60,000 for his poor judgement. Fucker.

They returned to their seats as a few more non-slaves were auctioned. None garnered anywhere near her price though. When the last of 'auction items' were sold, the winners were asked to stay to make the final arrangements to receive their prizes and make their donations. As the room cleared a little, Joy told Eric to get his checkbook ready to buy her back. She was still a little mad, and wanted to be even more mad because of his damn smile. That little glint in his eyes and clever grin always softened her heart. She had a terrible time staying mad at him and she wanted to be even more angry because of it.

Eric saw his prize paraded out. She was a very good looking young lady, who was dressed appropriately for the event. However, she had a jeweled choker on that appeared to double as a collar. Her 'handler' was leading her by a short silk leash fastened to it. Eric quickly reviewed the rules, which insured the health, safety, and welfare of his slave. He signed the contract, wrote a check to the auction house, confirmed verbally that he knew her safe word and would respect it, and was given her leash. Joy smiled and held the girls hand, giving her a hug. Joy didn't really understand that master/slave dynamic, but she did understand that it was a very strong fetish for some people and this event made sense to her suddenly as a way to really fulfill someone's fantasy of being sold as a sex-slave. Eric also had some dominant alpha-type tendencies, quite often taking command of a room no matter how big or small, such as they did moments ago. Thus, he was a natural dominant personality. Eric promptly removed her silk leash and put it in his pocket. He asked the girl to kiss the crotch of his pants, and she knelt to do so without hesitation. He then invited her to stand and asked her to stay close to him and be his shadow.

They turned to go to Joy's winner, who held his paddle up high. As they got near, she couldn't help but noticing how good he looked. He was dressed to kill in a full-on tuxedo that hung very nicely over his muscular frame. His hair was dark and his eyes were green. He couldn't be forty yet. When they reached him Eric held out his hand in greeting.

"Hi John, it's good to see you again." Eric said. It was obvious Eric knew him. John smiled big and turned to Joy.

"M'lady." John said in a very seductive British accent. He took her hand and bowed his head, kissing it lightly. "I hope you are well today?"

"Yes, I think I am." Joy said, intrigued.

"Well, John. You are aware that Joy isn't a sex slave, right?" Eric asked, cutting to the chase as usual.

"Quite right. Yes, I do." John answered. "She is merely a companion I'd like to take on a little adventure. The only thing I require is that she actually talk to me as she accompanies me on my way. Whatever else she does is up to her."

"Well, it is an interesting offer." Joy said, feeling swayed by his sexy looks, hot accent, and courteous behavior. "Is that all you require of me, and will you be as courteous when we're alone?"

"Yes, and always." Said John. "If I do right by you, then I'll be doing right by Eric. We're also business partners and, technically speaking, he has leverage on me if he needed to exercise it. Would you please join me for the next five days? I'd love nothing more." John held out his arm for her to take.

"Yes, I think I will." Joy said, taking his arm. Her words sounded strange coming out of her mouth. Something about this man was stealing her good senses.

Eric leaned in and kissed her cheek, whispering that John was a good guy and that she was certain to have a great time hanging out with him. She kissed him back on the mouth and whispered back that he had better be right. With that, John motioned toward the door and he whisked her away. He said that they needed to get moving, without delay, to make sure they caught their flight. She hesitated a little and complained that she hadn't packed anything and that she didn't know that they'd be traveling. He was extremely charming when he told her not to worry, and she felt his confidence strongly when he reminded her that he's just paid $55,000 to spend five days with her. John went on to say that she would be well provided for and that there were many places to get clothes and everything else along the way. A limousine waited for them outside and she could barely believe she was getting into it. Her stomach was fluttering about as if something living were inside of her.

'I'm insane.' Joy thought.

They drove brusquely to the local airport where a small jet waited for them. The conversation between them was light, and about very mundane things. John asked her questions about herself and her family and friends. He asked about things Joy liked to do and all manner of other things. They boarded the jet and continued chatting. He always offered his hand when she got out of the car, or stepped up the stairs to the plane. He even led her to her seat. He was true to his word at least, he was being a gentlemen.

The jet wasn't what she was used to. It was obviously private and the passenger cabin looked more like a small living room. She excused herself to the restroom before they lifted off. It was farther on towards the back of the plane. It wasn't nearly as small as a normal plane's bathroom. As she exited it, Joy became curious about the drapes that concealed another compartment further back, and pulled back the fabric to take a peak. There she saw a nicely appointed, if small, bedroom complete with a bed.

"You really do travel in style, John." Joy said as she returned to her seat.

"Well, it's a special trip with a gorgeous woman who deserves the finer things." John said richly, mimicking the announcer's words. Her face was warm and she felt a bit of a tingle at the kind words and the way he seemed to fawn over her. She didn't feel uncomfortable with him in the least and was starting to think that he might make a good travel friend after all.

"Where are we headed?" Joy asked.

"The Canary Islands, m'lady." John replied as the jet start to taxi onto the runway. She raised an eyebrow and reached for her phone. She wasn't even quite sure she knew where that was. She did know that she hadn't been there before. She texted Eric regarding their destination and told him that she loved him and that he seemed to be right; John as a nice guy. Joy queried the all-knowing internet regarding her destination and found that it was a little set of Spanish islands off the coast of Africa. It was well known as a vacation spot and many Europeans thought of the Canaries in the same way Americans think of the Bahamas, or Jamaica.

They sat across a small table from each other in a comfortable silence until the jet reached cruising altitude. At which point, a stewardess came out of the front of the plane, presumably where the galley was, and asked if they'd like anything to drink or eat. Joy was getting hungry, and her throat was a little dry from being nervous and rushing about. The stewardess took their order from a limited menu and left to prepare it. Joy continued chatting easily with John, discovering that it'd be almost 24 hours before they arrived at their destination. Hence his intention to get moving quickly. He'd have to get her back home by Friday morning after all.

The two of them talked over their food about a great many things. Joy noticed that John was very well spoken, and that his manners were nearly perfect as well. She was traveling with a very refined man. As the stewardess came to fetch their dishes, John thanked Joy for taking the trip with him going on to say that it was usually Lilith, the stewardess, who was encumbered with keeping him company during his frequent transcontinental flights. Lilith blushed deeply and replied that it was very, very much her pleasure to keep him company during those long flights. Joy could easily detect the nature of that company and she was quick to notice the way the young lady responded strongly to John. Joy believed that Lilith was, indeed, very happy to make these intimate journey's with him.

When the small table was cleared John suggested that Joy get more comfortable. He didn't intend on keeping that tuxedo on for the next 20-some hours and didn't expect her to keep a formal gown on either. Before she could comment, he said that he'd had a few things brought aboard for their flight, and invited her to check the compartments in the bedroom. Joy accepted and excused herself from the table. The small bedroom had one small closet and a tall compartment of drawers. She found men's clothes in several drawers but also found a collection of women's t-shirts, tank tops, cotton shorts, sun dresses, etc... There were various sizes of those, but she couldn't find any panties or bras. She had a pair of panties on, so that wasn't too big of a problem, but the dress she had on basically had support built into it. Oh well, she thought. He's been a really sweet guy so letting him have a look at her swaying tits and nipples will be just fine. Besides, she was starting to wonder what young Lilith was all flustered about. She hung her dress and put on the clothes she selected.

Joy emerged from the jet's bedroom with a little, and very purposeful, bounce to her step. Her gorgeous tits bounced very nicely under the thin tank top. John was seated where she had last saw him and was looking her way, watching with interest.

"Most excellent." John said. "I was very much hoping that you'd choose the most comfortable garments available. I beg your pardon, but I'd like to do the same if you don't mind."

"Of course not, it's your jet." Joy replied playfully. With that, John headed to the back this time and Joy took a seat on the small couch. She was wondering how Eric was getting along with his playmate. Knowing him, he'd probably gotten road head all the way home. He's so bad. She felt that familiar tingle in her loins and her nipples hardened thinking of her naughty husband. She loved that bad boy. About this time Lilith came out to check on things.

"I'm ok, Lilith. But I have a question for you." Joy said. "In what way do you keep John company?" The immediate blushing and lack of eye contact told Joy exactly what she needed to know. "So, if a lady had a chance to get into bed with him, should she?"

Lilith smiled broadly and nodded with certainty. She was a little too embarrassed to say anything though, and quickly excused herself. Joy spent her next moment alone thinking about John and wondering if Lilith was experienced enough to answer that question. She resigned herself to the decision that, if he continued to behave himself, she might have to take John for a test-drive herself. The tingling and hard nipples intensified just a little as John came out from the bedroom.

'Yum' was Joy's though as she looked him up and down.

John's dark hair and youthful, but wise face was very attractive. His own tank top matched hers in color, but was in a man's style. It clung to his form and she could easily tell that it did little to hide his well-developed chest. His tanned shoulders and arms were also very muscular and she thought that there was a good chance that there was a set of abs under that shirt as well. She followed the "V" shape of his shoulders down to his narrow waist. As her eyes lowered to his crotch, she had a solid idea as to why Lilith nodded her approval. John's cotton shorts did little to hide a rather large bulge in the middle. It easily descended past the actual crotch of the shorts and into one leg. She immediately felt a little flushed. While she could live the rest of her life and be completely satisfied with her husband's average sized penis, she did like to play with something more substantial from time to time.


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