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Palm Springs Pool Fuck

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Canadian Snowbirds do it in the Condo Pool.
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I love Palm Springs in the summertime. With temperatures 110 and higher, and almost zero humidity, there's never any doubt that you're vacationing in the California desert.

Thank goodness for air conditioning, and the early sunset behind the San Jacinto Mountains.

It was raining in Vancouver – not all that uncommon, even in July. "It's 40 degrees [Celsius] in Palm Springs right now...." I said, looking at weather.com on my laptop. "What are we waiting for?" said Gisele.

On the spur of the moment, we packed and left the next morning, on the 2 day drive from Vancouver, BC, Canada, to Palm Springs, California.

What's the best thing about PS in the summer? It's easy to find a place to stay [condos are empty] and you've got the town – and the common area swimming pools - pretty much to yourself.

After the two day drive and a restorative night's sleep, Gisele and I quickly downed a coffee, and headed straight to the empty swimming pool.

What a contrast to Vancouver! It was a typical summer day in the desert – dry and warm, and silent except for a few chirping birds, and distant gardeners keeping the landscaping well-trimmed. Kind of like, ahem, Gisele's pussy.

Gisele and I had been married for only a year. By a stroke of luck, I found myself in Brazil on business and it was love at first sight. Gisele was an executive in her late twenties, and I was single again, in my late thirties. I admit I was intimidated at first: She was smart, confident and sexy as hell.

Dark hair, dark eyes, small tits and curvy ass. Exactly at you'd picture a "Gisele" from Brazil.

She is the perfect combination of an independent, well-traveled woman, with the traditional values that make for a great wife. She is also, I later learned, as jealous as a South American woman can possibly be.

The upside is that she is typically Brazilian. The PDA [foreplay!] almost never stops, and the sex is passionate. Did I mention that Gisele is 10 years my junior and in her sexual prime? I'm a lucky guy.

Having the pool all to ourselves, we soon found ourselves kissing, touching, laughing. As we swam and played alone in the pool, I felt my cock hardening and made no bones [pardon the pun] about letting Gisele know it, by rubbing it against her legs and ass. She loves that, as she regards my erection as a sign of my love for her, and she's right.

In a moment of abandon, I reached inside my trunks and popped him free, out from the loose right leg of my swimsuit, and placed it – under water - in Gisele's hand.

"Oh, he's warm!" she exclaimed, feeling the warmth of my engorged penis. Her hands always feel so good on him and underwater, they were warm. I was pleased with our little underwater secret, and so was Gisele.

As she began stroking my hard penis, she looked around the deserted pool area. Seeing only gardeners a long ways off, she quickly submerged. What the hell was she up to?

Suddenly I felt a pair of familiar, warm lips surrounding my cock in the cool water. Gisele was giving me an underwater blow-job!

I was doubly impressed. Her mouth felt fantastic on my hardness, but how was she able to do that, and still hold her breath under water? She sprang to the surface, smiling broadly and taking deep breaths.

"How are you doing that?" I asked her. Without a word, but still smiling, she went back down again. This time she was taking him deeply in her mouth and I felt the back of her throat as her head bobbed on my knob.

When she surfaced, her smile had turned more serious. I could tell Gisele was getting horny.

Taking a few glances around to confirm that we were still alone, she pulled off her bikini bottom and plopped it on the side of the pool.

She wrapped her arms around my neck, lifted herself up so that her pussy was directly above my stiff cock. She gradually lowered herself until I could feel her engorged pussy lips resting on the head of my penis.

Being almost weightless in the water, it was easy for me to hold her up with my left hand under her ass. With my right hand, I grabbed my cock and started rubbing it back and forth across her lower lips.

I was amazed to find that her natural lubricant was very much detectable under water, as I eased my John Henry between her spread legs. I was also amazed at the temperature difference between the cool pool water, and her hot pussy.

We both began to move now, with me planted in that familiar place, and her bucking up and down while holding on to my neck and shoulders. Without opening her eyes she asked "is there anyone looking?".

I looked around and assured here there was not, however I did notice one of the gardeners was suddenly a lot closer, trimming a hedge only a few yards from the pool. Did he notice the bikini bottom on the side of the pool and come over for a closer look?

At this point I didn't care, and Gisele's back was to him anyway. Who knew that pool fucking was so easy, and felt so good? I plunged deeply inside her and I saw her eyes half open as her legs opened yet wider to accommodate more of me.

Things were getting very slippery down there now, and I used my patented pelvic thrust movement, which meant that my cock head against her G spot. That was confirmed when she bit down on my shoulder, and began to shudder.

"Shhhhhh" I said as she began moaning, the first sign that her orgasm was beginning.

"I can't" she said as waves of pleasure washed over her in the cool PS pool water.

I sneaked a glance to where the gardener was last seen. Did he disappear? No, because there he was, behind a tree, even closer now. I had a clear view of him, left hand leaning on a set of long shears, and right hand down the front of his baggy shorts, likely rubbing furiously on his long spear as he watched us brazenly fucking in the pool.

Anyone could have seen us, but I was beyond caring now. With Gisele's orgasm complete, it was my turn to cum. I pumped harder and faster now, the full length of my shaft in and out of her now wide open pussy, until I was at the brink.

"Here I come" I whispered in her ear, as I felt a long rope of hot cum work its way from my balls, through the hard shaft, and into her waiting womb.

"Ahhhhh" she said as my hot white stuff hit her G spot at it's full 40 MPH, washing her to a second orgasm.

We held each other even tighter as our bodies pulsed in unison. I sneaked a peek at "Pedro", who was quickly buttoning up his shorts while pretending to work.

As we kissed, laughing, we realized that we needed to do this more often. The world is full of balconies, parked cars, deserted offices, bar washrooms, and bushes to hide behind.

To this day we relive the story occasionally while screwing each other's brains out [in our high-rise apartment in downtown Vancouver, with the blinds open - but that's another story]

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texcavemantexcavemanover 8 years ago
WE enjoyed our only trip to Palm Springs....

we visited a nude life style friendly resort. sense it was our first trip to the resort we were give a tour of the facility. the tour ended at the lockers and my gf was naked before I had my shoes off....lol


Anonymous0Anonymous0almost 14 years ago
Good Story.

Sounds like you had fun.

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