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Pam - A New Doctor Pt. 01

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Pam tries a new doctor to expose herself safely.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 04/28/2024
Created 04/07/2024
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To my readers: I did not see this going beyond a few pages, but as some have discovered, it has become a series. So you don't get out of order - and again, I apologize - it goes: 1) Treatment, 2) Treatment: Evaluation, then Treatment 2, 3, 4, and then Pam's Follow Up. Six chapters to date, and the new ones will begin with "Pam: " . Thanks for the feedback!

"Who's Dr. McCann?"

"Huh?" replied Pam, acting as if she didn't understand the question.

"You have an appointment tomorrow at four, it's here on my calendar," I responded.

"Oh that," she smiled, a bit shyly. "It's nothing, just my yearly check-up. Y'know, for my girl parts," she said as she pulled the shower curtain shut.

I stood in the doorway looking at the calendar on my phone, listening as the shower came on. "I thought your GYN was Dr. Baker. She have a new partner or something?"

"She is. Was, I'm trying someone else," Pam said from the other side of the curtain. "Dr. McCann is closer to work so I don't have to take off so early."

"Oh, okay. You want me to get the boys?"

"Ronda says she'll just keep them at her place. I'll get them on the way home."

I nodded, though she couldn't see that. I set my phone on the edge of the sink and turned on the hot water to shave, thinking nothing more of the change and glad I didn't have to get the kids. My brother, Mike, and I had been planning to meet after work the next day to catch an afternoon minor league game. I was sure I had told Pam about it, but I wasn't seeing it on our shared calendar and was glad I was still going to be able to make it. As she had things all arranged, I'd just tell her about it after she got out of the shower.

"She new in town?" I asked as the razor buzzed on.


"I asked if Dr. McCann is new in town?" I replied a bit louder.

"Yes. The office just opened a couple months ago. They've had a sign out saying they are taking new patients. I see it everyday on the drive to and from work," Pam said.

"That'll be convenient," I kept the conversation going in a raised voice. "What do you know about her?"

"Just finished a residency at Columbia, but grew up over in Woodbine, so he decided to move back here to practice," she said matter-of-factly.

I set my razor down and looked at myself in the mirror. Yep, that was a bit of a surprised look on my face. Pam had always gone to female OBs, since she was younger and had felt uncomfortable with her male doctor. She'd seen the guy her entire life to that point, but said she didn't want a guy looking at her and touching 'down there.' The guy in the mirror was now grinning back at me.

It had been a few months since our afternoon at Pam's ultrasound follow-up at Dr. P's office. Pam had ended up completely exposed to the tech, Guillermo, and had even consented to taking some pictures with him. Very explicit and provocative pictures, as she had asked him to drop his scrubs and show her his cock (her word, not mine.) Using his phone, I had taken pictures of him pretending to be doing an ultrasound exam of my completely naked and wantonly exposed wife, sure to not show her face. On my camera, I got the same pics, more or less, but Pam was clearly smiling and enjoying the photo session.

There'd been lots of fantasy talk about what to do with our pictures, and who we'd show them to, but to date nothing had really come of it. See, I promised Pam it would be up to her, that I wouldn't show anyone or post any until it was her choice. They were on our home computer and my phone, and I'd be lying if I said I hadn't been tempted quite a few times to post a few just to show her that she'd get a very positive reception. It didn't take long to find out that many ladies got 'tributes' from their admirers, jack-off videos or pictures. Pam really enjoyed that talk in bed, but still hadn't said to post anything.

She did continue to dress more flirty; I hadn't see a non-lace bra in months, Brazilian and thong panties filled her dresser draw (and caressed her body delightfully), and the kitten heels she wore regularly at work had all morphed into three-inch heels, some really cute. Friday pizza nights hadn't gone where I had hoped, but she did regularly loose her bra before the delivery guy arrived, and one time doffed a thin wife beater t-shirt that left almost nothing to the imagination. She had gotten three extremely thin and light colored leggings that she'd modeled for me, but no one else had been given the opportunity to see her cock-hardening cameltoe and the enticing silhouette of her full bush, not to mention how amazing they lifted and separated her fabulous ass, making her walk a true Siren call. Overall, I was quite pleased, our sex life had improved in frequency and passion, our naughty talks had become much more honest and open, and our love had grown deeper.

I heard the shower stop and the curtain being pulled back, so I turned from the mirror. "Is he handsome?"

Pam didn't pretend to not understand the question. She smiled, water trickling down her freshly showered body. "I haven't met him yet, but from the picture on his webpage, I'd have to say yes," she said with a coy grin. "Hand me a towel please," she said.

"I kinda like you like that," I replied.

Her eyes flashed down and back to mine. "I can see that. Or were you thinking of me with my legs in stirrups and Dr. McCann's face inches from my pussy?"

"Were you?" I asked noting the fullness of her nipples riding high on her gorgeous breasts.

Pam sighed heavily. "Hell yes! Incessantly, maddeningly for almost three weeks!"

She stepped from the shower and walked over to me, leaving wet footprints across the bathroom floor. She wrapped her arms around my neck and jumped up, wrapping her legs around me. Then she lowered herself onto my waiting phallus until she engulfed me fully.

"Carry me to bed and lay down on your back, I want to ride you," she whispered, her breath hot.

We lay in each other's arms after each reaching climaxes.

"Why change GYNs, babe? I mean, if you just want to show yourself...?"

Pam didn't raise her head but spoke quietly to my chest. "I do want to show myself. I think about it all the time, Steve. I find myself daydreaming about all sorts of scenarios and I get incredibly turned on."

"You do know I'm really fine with that, right?" I responded, caressing the smooth skin of her back.

"I know, and it gets me really worked up knowing how much you enjoy that. I like the reaction it gets," she said, her hand wrapping around my semi-hard phallus.

"So, go ahead and enjoy yourself."

She sighed deeply. "It's not so black and white, y'know. We both work in this town, family and friends might find out, or our employers. There's folks at church and that our kids go to school with. As it is, I worry about the pizza guys saying something to someone" she said with some irritation.

"Hmm," I said. "So you're going to give up Dr. Baker who you've been going to for years and go to a male doctor instead?"

She giggled, "Who said I was giving up Dr. Baker? I just need to ..." she squeezed where she was holding me.

"So this is just a safe outlet? A place you can have a man look at you and it's accepted."

"You do know he's going to do more than look?" she replied, sitting up and looking at me. "Parts of this exam are not really all that fun, dork, but I am willing... I want to have myself seen by another guy, to feel that thrill again."

I caressed her face. "I'm sorry for being such an ass. I knew we both enjoyed this ..., whatever you call it that we're doing. But I didn't know how much you craved and enjoyed it. Or worried about it."

"You're not an ass. Well, not all the time," she smiled. "I know we've talked about some fantasies and stuff, but I was a little afraid to tell you how much it honestly arouses me. How much I think about it, the times I have desperately wanted to flash and turn both of us on," she blurted out, a pleading look on her face.

I began to respond, I'm not sure what, but Pam continued.

"Is it terrible of me, Steve, that I want other men to see my body? That it thrills me to have them look and want me? You know I love you, it's not that at all, it's just such an overwhelming rush! And I adore how it's spiced up our love life," she finished, falling unto my chest and hugging me tightly.

"There's nothing wrong with you, Pam. Nothing at all. I have never had the slightest doubt about our love, ever. And as far as your...our...newly discovered thrill, Babe, it's so damn fucking hot that we're both really turned on by it," I said holding her tightly too. "I'm sorry I didn't understand how much you wanted this, and that I didn't see your concerns, Babe. I thought that maybe you didn't want to do it again, which I would fully accept," I said honestly. "I didn't realize it was all this other stuff. I'm really glad you shared that."

"I know it's kinda dumb, going to a doctor, but I couldn't think of anything else," Pam chuckled. "This Dr. McCann sees naked women all day long, I'm sure it's not going to do anything for him. But I'm hoping to capture a bit of what I felt before with Dr. P, even if it's not naughty or unexpected."

"I honestly don't know how it couldn't do something to him," I said. "I mean, I know that not every woman that comes in is beautiful, but, well..."

Pam smacked my chest, "It's not all pretty bodies."

"Yeah but..."

"No, think about it. Right now, think about that birthday party for Robbie we attended last week," she said sitting up. "Of all the women there, how many would you really want to see naked?"

"Ah, I dunno, maybe half?"

"Really? There were several grandmas there, and full-figured women," she queried, her head cocked to the side.

"Well, not them, I meant,"

"You meant, of the pretty ones?" her eyebrow raised.

I smiled.

"So, not including me, how many?"

"Um, three?"

"Out of what, like twenty-five? Like I said, he has to see all these women. I'm not going to do anything for him. I just hope it does something for me," she almost pouted.

"I'm pretty sure you just proved it would," I said.

"Would what?"

"Seeing your naked body will be a turn on for him, though I'm pretty sure he can't tell you that," I answered smugly.

"And how do you figure that?"

"If out of every twenty-five women who come into his office, he will find about fifteen percent attractive. And let's say of those, half will be there because of a problem of some sort, is that fair?"

"I suppose," she agreed.

"Then you walk in, a new patient, attractive, no reported problems. You're happy to be there, comfortable being naked in front of him. You want him to examine you, he can sense that...."

"You think so?" she said, a little grin touching the corners of her mouth.

"When Kevin has a new client coming in, can you tell if they are going to be a problem, a run-of-the-mill legal issue that takes no thought, or someone you guys are going to enjoy helping?"

"Usually," Pam replied, her eyes getting brighter.

I raised my eyebrows, smiling. Pam got a mischievous grin. "Can you make it to the appointment tomorrow?"

"I wish I could, I really do," I said. "But this is also a good time for you to fly solo. You'll be with a doc, and it should be safe. But you got to recall and tell me everything," I finished trying to sound serious.

"Everything?" she asked demurely.

"Everything, so I can close my eyes and imagine being there......"

Pam arrived at Dr. McCann's office about fifteen minutes before her appointment time, finding a spot in the shade to park. She watched for a few minutes as patients arrived and left. It settled her nerves realizing the Steve had been right, she was an attractive woman and she would brighten the doctor's day. She was young(ish), had no problems or concerns 'down there,' and would just focus on her own enjoyment. After all, she told herself, I'm doing this for me and my husband, it's not about making Dr. McCann feel good. She took a deep breath, let herself smile, and strode inside.

After checking in, it was only a few minutes before a nurse came out to get her and take her back to the exam room. The nurse took her pulse and BP, checked her weight, and asked the obligatory "Do you need to use the restroom?"

Replying that she didn't, the nurse then said, "We really appreciate you completing all the forms online, that really helps more than you know. I just want to check on one of the forms, okay?"

"Did I miss one?"

"No, you completed them all, which doesn't always happen," smiled the nurse whose nametag read 'April.' "It's just that there are a lot of them, and some people don't always read everything they are signing."

Pam sighed and rolled her eyes. Working for a law firm, she'd heard that from so many clients. Kevin, the lawyer who she was an assistant to, said that he'd have many fewer clients come to him with a problem if they started reading forms and contracts before signing them.

"I think I understood everything," Pam assured April, trying not to give her the condescending how-stupid-do-you-think-I-am look.

April nodded. "I'm sure you did, Mrs. Marino. It's just that Dr. McCann likes us to verify you are clear on the APGO Model Release and give you a chance to change your mind if you'd like, as it doesn't come up often."

"The what release?"

April laughed, "I know, it's a weird name." She then continued more seriously, "It's the form from the Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics that you signed consenting for Dr. McCann to have a medical student present during your gynecological exam, and that the student may perform the exam under direct supervision of the doctor as part of the health care team."

Pam stared blankly at April.

"You did sign that, Is that correct?"

Pam nodded, a stunned grin on her face.

"I need you to respond 'yes' or 'no' please."

Pam recovered herself and said with feigned indifference "Yes, I did."

"Many of our clients sign that release, but don't really think the circumstance would ever come up," April continued. "Dr. McCann has a medical student shadowing him this week, so, would you like to change your mind?"

"Change my mind?"

"Mrs. Marino," April said, assuming a more just-between-us tone, "it means the student will be in here during your exam, not me. The whole exam..., and may perform some of it themselves. Are you okay with that? If not, I'll just put down here that you rescinded the APGO release. It happens all the time," she said with a laugh.


"Yeah, don't worry about it. I'll just let Dr. McCann you changed you mind."

"No," said Pam.

"No, you don't want to have the student in here?" April asked as she went to click a button on the tablet she was holding

"No, I don't want to rescind the release," Pam replied, a calm resolve coming over her.

April referenced her tablet. "Pam, the student is a guy," she almost whispered.

Pam later told Steve during her recounting the experience that she almost laughed out loud with gleeful anticipation at the realization of what she had stumbled into.

Instead, Pam put her hand on April's arm, "I figured that, Dear. Do I have to sign something else?"

April raised an eyebrow, and with a grin on her lips replied, "You're a braver woman than I am. Alright, I'll let them know." April nodded to the chair near the exam table, "There's the gown. You can leave your things there after you change. You know the drill, everything comes off, and the gown goes on open in the back. They'll be knocking on the door in a few minutes. Remember that you can change your mind at any point. Just let Dr. McCann know if you want the student to leave. Good luck," she winked.

Pam stepped out of her three-inch brown leather heels, rolled off her thigh highs, then removed her skirt and blouse. She placed the burgundy yolk-waist skirt over the back of the chair, draped the paisley satin blouse over that, then arranged the stockings across them. Smiling, she unhooked the purple and black lace soft cup bra and hooked a strap on one side of the chair back, letting it dangle. Finally, she doffed her matching black and purple lace panties and casually displayed them on the chair seat which was a molded plastic in beige. She knew that they'd stand out nicely. It was how she thought it would look when she had resolved to do this. She wanted Dr. McCann to know he was seeing a sexy woman, not just an anatomical specimen. Maybe he wouldn't notice, but she wanted this statement for her. This was all for her.

Finally, she sighed, flipped out the gown April had laid out and slipped it over her shoulders, backside uncovered. She was really doing this, she thought as she sat down on the exam table, legs swinging with some nervousness. She looked around the room again. She wanted to be able to describe everything to Steve that night, so it was like he was there. Steve had said he was 'more than okay' with this - now there were going to be two men! If Steve had been able to make it, she'd be naked in front of three men. She beamed.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Loved this, wish there were more like it. Any suggestions?!

Bargyn1Bargyn12 months ago

Great build up and character description.

louise_lloydlouise_lloyd2 months ago

Very sexy story. Can't wait to read the next chapter.

FarmerRon1955FarmerRon19553 months ago

Excellent story, intensely erotic buildup! 5 stars....

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