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Pam's Follow-up

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Pam goes in for her follow-up to treatment.
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I can't believe it's been two months since Pam finished her treatment with Dr. P for her spider veins. It has been a very interesting couple months, our intimacy has sky-rocketed and we've both been much more open in discussing our fantasies. Not that we weren't open before, but it was a much more, shall we call it "nuanced." Not the amount of talk, but the specificity and naughtiness. I'd lightly suggested that Pam could dress more 'sexy,' I never used the word 'provocative' or 'hot' and had always implied it would be just for me. We were beyond that now, and she often was the suggestor.

We'd discovered that we both were really turned on by her exposure by Dr. P. She was aroused sexually by knowing that he was seeing her most intimate parts, and then realized that she loved being seen by any guy as a "woman." That was her term, and I think she means as a sexual being, being wanted as a sexual partner. She flatly denies that will ever occur and I have no doubt as to her fidelity.

There has been lots of exploration, starting with her going braless for my brother and the pizza guy. With Mike, my brother, she didn't realize how much of her was showing in her chiffon blouse, but she knew darn well before the pizza delivery that same evening. Pizza nights are her most blatant efforts so far, with her attire the last couple weeks being a tiny part of running shorts and a lightweight tee. Yesterday she told me she was going to do yoga pants and a 'wife-beater' for this Friday while pulling her panties up hard to reveal a pronounced cameltoe. With a big smile I asked her which yoga pants, and she laughed saying she hadn't bought them yet. Of course, I fell into her trap asking why she had to buy yoga pants when she had four or five already. She politely explained that what she has was not thin or sheer enough, and wouldn't show her lips the way she wanted. I encouraged her, but this would be a big step and I'm going to have to wait until Friday to find out if she is as daring as she thinks she can be.

Pam has become more adventurous, no doubt. She's purchased a number of new blouses - with prints. That may not sound daring, but she has done that so that she can wear just a shelf bra at work. The shelf bra was a freaking surprise that I wholeheartedly welcomed. I love her breasts and mostly I adore her magnificent nipples. She was a solid "B" cup until the boys came along, now her breast are a still firm "C." (just barely) My bothers and friends had said that after kids, she'd likely lose both the firmness and their sensitivity, but neither happened, and her always sensitive teats had gotten a bit longer (Daddy thanks you, boys, for being such good breast-feeders!).

Anyhow, on a semi-regular basis now, she wears a shelf bra with one of her print blouses to work. There is no doubt that her nipples are there for anyone to notice, but the print kind of 'hides' them, so you have to really look. I do; at work she says she's gotten some double takes but no one has dared to ask, even Tiff, her best friend. To my surprise, a couple weeks ago she got home in a very good mood, only to reveal that she had not only gone in that day with her shelf bra, but sans panties! She repeated Wicked Wednesday last week.

"Ah..., really?" I smiled as Pam pulled up her skirt over her naked bottom. A beautiful, round, very sexy bottom.

"What?" she asked innocently. "It's Wicked Wednesday."

"I know, but don't we have an appointment today?"

"It's just the follow-up ultrasound. Dr. P won't even be there, just some tech, I think they said Margorie, or Megan or something," she brushed me off as she adjusted her gorgeous breasts, nipples exposed and pointed deliciously forward and up in her rose colored shelf bra.


"Oh, you'd like that wouldn't you?" she smiled.

"Uh-huh," I freely admitted. "maybe Megan will get a little glimpse."

Pam rolled her eyes, "Not that I'd mind, but even Dr. P didn't see me for the ultrasound. He just pushed the shorts up to get to my thighs. I doubt some tech Is going to get a look at anything," she answered to my reflection in the mirror. Seeing my face she pouted, "Is my baby disappointed?"

I sighed. "Honestly, yeah. But I'm so stoked about that outfit," I said turning to her with a lusty smile. "Going without a blouse today?"

Pam turned and looked at her reflection, then posed to the side and three-quarters. "Mmm," she said, closing her eyes. I noticed her nipples tighten. "Maybe for the Christmas party," she joked opening her eyes and turning to me. "Do you think anyone would notice a mom of two's boobs?" she asked demurely. Before I could respond, that bit so self-doubt she still harbored sprung up as she added, "Or even give a damn?"

"Babe..." I began.

"I feel good, it thrills me the responses, well, the looks I've gotten these last couple months. Steve, honestly, it turns me on and I know it does you," she said falling into my arms. "it's a rush, but... I'm almost forty. There are all those young interns and the paralegals, I'm sure the guys would rather see them naked than me.."

"This isn't about them. If you enjoy this," I nodded to her exposed breasts, "then that's all that counts. I'm fucking thrilled with you, and I think it's erotic as hell that you're secretly exposing yourself. It's their fucking loss if they don't get it or get to see your beauty."

Pam blushed, "Thank you, sir. But I'm pretty sure I'd be fired if I went in like this." She smirked, "I really do like the double takes, the looks. And you don't seem to be minding my increased libido," she dropped a hand to caress my manhood.

I unwrapped my arms and took a step back. I exhaled deeply and then leaned in and ran my tongue over each of Pam's hard nipples as she pressed herself to my mouth. She sighed.

"Take off the bra, put on your blouse and head to work," I said as I kissed her forehead. "see you at four."

"Steve, I couldn't," she protested, her eyes wide.

"But you want to," I smiled. "I love you, see you later."

I grabbed my car keys and hustled the munchkins into the car, making sure their seatbelts were on. It was our week for carpool. I'd call Mike later to remind him to get the kids this afternoon.

"where r u" Pam's text read. It was crazy busy in the office park where Dr. P's office was located, I think I was about two r three 'hubs' over from where his office was and still looking for a space.

"parking, go in" I stopped to text. The momentary delay let me spot a guy walking to his car and I pulled up with my signal on. It was exactly 4.

Oh, great, you're still here," I smiled as I saw Pam sitting in the waiting area when I arrived.

"Hi," she smiled broadly patting the seat next to her. "yeah, they're running a little behind, a couple of folks called in sick. They said about ten minutes," she looked at her phone. "Should be any time now."

I glanced around the office, again wondering if all the women pictured "before" and "after" had been spied like Pam by Dr. P. I laughed to myself as two thoughts came to mind. One was, I'm in the wrong business. Not that all or even most of the women were stunners, but most were decent enough, and seeing any pussy Is nice. The second was, I wondered how many were turned on like Pam? Was being exposed a turn on? It sure was for us!

"How was the office?" I asked after a few minutes of day-dreaming.

"Not bad. Kevin seemed to need me to gather all sorts of files for him today. I don't know what that was about." The way she said that made me look at her. She was smiling very impishly. Then she dropped her eyes to her chest and back to me.

It clicked almost immediately, my eyes peering at her blouse. I made eye contact, she had sparklers going off in her eyes, made a small nod with that grin getting bigger. I grinned, the blood suddenly flowing from my brain to my other head.

"Really?" I whispered.

"Yes," she answered in a conversational tone, glancing at the receptionist five feet away. "He had me bouncing all over the office," she smiled.

"Nothing the interns and paralegals could handle?" I asked, winking.

Pam got my point. Kevin had obviously noticed her body, despite all the twenty-somethings skittering around the firm, many of the single young women seeking to be noticed and land a partner as a spouse, not just a job.

"Pam Marino?" came the voice from the opening door. I looked up to see a young man holding a clip board. He had to six foot tall and his shoulders almost filled the door.

"Yes?" answered Pam surprised. We'd seen a guy or two in our visits, always at the front desk.

"Hi," his smile was genuine as I noticed his scan Pam from head to toe for your ultrasound quickly. "I'm Guillermo and I'll be taking you back to the room for your ultrasound."

Pam smiled, rose and we went through the door.

"It'll be the last room on the left," he directed from behind as he followed us down the short hallway. We stepped inside and he followed, closing the door.

"As I said, I'm Guillermo, and I'll be doing your ultrasound follow-up today. I'm from the Westside office helping out today as a couple folks called in sick," he said as he walked over to the table and opened a couple drawers until he found the one with the paper shorts. "Sorry, I'm still getting used to where stuff is at here," he smiled as he reached out with the shorts.

"If you'll get into these and then hop up on the table, I'll be back in a few minutes and we can get this done for you. Any questions?" he looked at both of us in turn. Pam had a sort of deer-in-the-headlights look written across her, but shook her head. I was stifling a smile as I replied 'nope.'

The door closed and Pam immediately said in a hoarse whisper, "Babe, I'm completely naked."

"I know," I said calmly.

"I was never naked naked for Dr. P," she still whispered. "I may not have had much on, but I had something," she protested giving me a look.

I was fantasizing about Guillermo's reaction when he came back in and found Pam nude form the waist down. The last few visits for treatment, she had refused the paper shorts, and had just the cover over her, which Dr. P moved for his pleasure - I mean, for the treatments - and we'd both been thrilled.

"Pam, you recall you told me about the first exam, the evaluation? It was just the ultrasound, and you had on the paper shorts, right?"

"Yeah, so?" she still stood there glaring and holding the shorts.

"They didn't cut the shorts or see anything. Dr. P scanned your legs. Yeah, he went pretty high, but you were covered up?" I asked.

She seemed to calm down in that instant. "That's true..." she said thinking.

A playful look shown in Pam's eyes. "What if this young man isn't as discreet as Dr. P?"

I smiled. "He is a nice looking guy. Isn't he?"

"Uh-huh," she said sing-song. She smiled back at me. "Mmm, day-dreaming is fun..."

"it is, though watching you have fun is even moreso."

"Damn it's hot in here, especially after the day I've had," she said, turning and tossing the shorts on the exam table. She walked over to me, stepped out of her heels, then unzipper her A-line burgundy skirt and let it fall to the floor.

"Can you get that for me, Sweetheart?"

I leaned into her, kissing her just above the patch of curly dark hair now revealed as I scooped the skirt off the floor.

I guess I kissed her more than once because when I looked up I found that she'd undone the buttons of her blouse.

"Have your camera?" she cooed, pulling it open. Her nipples were high and proud, her smile coy.

The sharp rap on the door made us both jump. "All ready?" Guillermo queried.

"Just a second," Pam squealed, a little more falsetto than she intended. She shrugged at me and whispered, "so much for fantasies." Taking two quick steps to the table, she pulled on the shorts and hopped up on the table. She crossed the two halves of her shirt across herself and lay back.

"We're good now," I said to the closed door. Guillermo swung it open almost as my words left my lips.

"All righty, then, let's get this show on the road," the handsome your tech said with good humor. He stepped smartly to the space between the exam table and the ultrasound machine, pulling open a drawer. "Gloves and... oh, there you are." He said aloud but speaking to himself.

I watched as he snapped on the latex glove with practiced ease. He reached into the drawer and came out with scissors. "One more thing and we can get started," he smiled at Pam.

Her eyes went wide as he casually lifted the right leg of the shorts and cut them two-thirds of the way to the waist, then scrunched them up and moved the inner part between her thighs, tucking it in. My cock was at full staff before he finished doing the same on the left leg. Pam eyes were wide as an owl.

Pam had jumped when he tucked in that first piece and put her hands flat on the table in surprise. She jumped again when he tucked in the left side. His hand was outside the material, but still he was pushing the material between her legs at her crotch. The surprise, a delight for me, and her jumping had also caused her shirt to fall open. Nothing was revealed except a few inches of smooth skin from neck to the top of the shorts telegraphing that Pam had on no bra and that her shirt was indeed undone.

Guillermo, who had mumbled a half-hearted sorry each time he'd made Pam jump, gave me a sideways glance. I think he was wondering if I noticed, but I kept my face in neutral, trying to neither give consent or refusal by my look.

"Okay, some cold gel now," he said as he squirted a glob of the lubricant on her right thigh. Grabbing the ultrasound wand in his left hand, he reached across her and scooped it through the glob of gel and began spreading it up and down her thigh, then turned to the screen on his right as he stood between the table and the machine on its stand. I had a very provocative and unobstructed view of Pam from my seat, watching him tap some button and keys as he fine-tuned the screen resolution.

"There we go," he said as he seemed to focus on something on the screen. He wasn't talking to us.

He clicked a couple more keys with his right hand and then smoothly moved the wand right to Pam's groin.

"Oh!" she jumped again. "That's ticklish."

"Yeah, sorry," he said glancing at where the wand was, not the screen. "I have to find the major vessel where it leaves the pelvis so I can track it down the leg. I apologize for the discomfort."

Seemed very reasonable to me. I couldn't make heads or tails out of the murky images on the screen. It was classic magic act stuff; we look one way and the magician moves his hand another. I'd followed his head and the fingers of his right hand looking at the keyboard and screen. He'd slid the wand along the crease of Pam's leg and pushed the material back a bit. There was hair showing now, what else was there I couldn't see from my seat.

Pam, her head propped on a pillow, shot a look at Guillermo, then at me. She winked. I mouthed 'I love you.'

He moved the wand along her crease a couple times, his thumb edging the cut shorts looser and looser. Pam jumped again. That freed the scrunched-in paper some, but it also had the effect of her shirt now having slid completely off her midsection, being held solely by the swell of her breasts which were capped with very erect stiff bullets.

She cleared her throat gently. Guillermo looked at her and she moved her eyes to me and then back at him. Was that a warning to not go further, or simply that he shouldn't let me know what he was doing?

"Ah there it is," he said, and began to move the ultrasound probe down her leg. He stopped every few seconds and clicked some keys. It took a good fifteen minutes for him to complete the scan of her left leg.

I was in that agony-ecstasy place. I was hard as a chisel, aroused at watching this fit young man feeling up Pam's leg and knowing at least part of her intimate treasure was being seen by him. Okay, he was doing a procedure, and he did have on gloves, but that didn't make it any less arousing. Pam, I could see was certainly enjoying the attention.

Her tease was driving me crazy, I could only imagine what Guillermo was dealing with.. He had to know she was naked. I wanted to get up, see exactly what he was seeing but wanted to, needed to, let Pam decide what she was comfortable with. I played along, sitting there pretending to be in my own little world while waiting to get her home and make love as we shared the entire thing deliciously.

"Okay, that one's done," he said looking over at me as I toyed with my phone. Hell, I don't even know what was on the screen, I just wanted to act distracted and unaware. I said "Hmmmph," and nodded in a noncommittal fashion.

"Pam, can I have you bend this leg a bit?" he asked in a very professional detached tone, his left hand on her left knee. She brought the knee up and and he said "now lay it to the side please" as he gently directed her to a frog-legged posture. I could see a good deal of her pubic hair was already visible and he hadn't even started the probe play yet.

"That's very good," he said to her. She winked and smiled at him.

"Cold gel again, I'm afraid," he said, squirting a glob high on her thigh. Damn, I wanted to cover her in my own warm gel.

He moved the wand through the gel and approached the crease of her leg. She yipped "Oh!" and jumped again. Two of his fingers were under the edge of the shorts' material, she told me later, already touching her pubic hair.

"I'm sorry, I need you to scoot a little this way, if that's alright?" he said with a quick glance back toward me.

Pam lifted herself a bit, pressing her hands down and lifting her bottom, and scooted over toward Guillermo and the machine. As she lifted, he slid his hand, still holding the wand, in the opposite direction. The combined motion, Pam had moved a couple inches, when I guess he wasn't expecting her to move much, and his efforts to edge back the paper covering her to get a little more of her treasure visible, combined to stunning effect.

His hand, still holding the wand, slipped through her curls and across her, ripping the paper material. His touch surprised her and she let out a surprised "Oh!" Having lifted herself with her arms pressing down and moved, then followed by the involuntary jump at his touch had made Pam's blouse fall completely open. Guillermo himself let out a distinct "Oh shit!" - I wasn't sure right away if it was at seeing Pam's obviously aroused breasts and her now exposed pudenda, or at having been caught.

I looked at Pam, she was blushing, and had a mischievous grin on her lips, her eyes alight. She made no move to cover herself at all, not even a flicker of movement to close her legs. Guillermo spent several seconds staring and I am certain memorizing her body, then turned to me with a painfully guilty look.

"I.... I'm so sorry, I have no idea...," he began.

I just put up my hand and walked the couple steps to stand on Pam's side, opposite the handsome tech. I wanted to scream how hot this was, to tell Pam how proud I was of her, how amazingly sexy and erotic the situation was and how turned on I was. Instead, I gave Guillermo a look, trying to keep my face neutral, or at least control my overwhelming pleasure with the situation.

"Are you alright, Darling?" I asked taking Pam's hand and looking into her eyes. I could read her own heat, her arousal. I looked back at Guillermo who stood motionless, the wand still clutched tightly in his gloved hand, unsure what to do or how much trouble he might be in.

"Steve, it's not his fault. The probe tickled and I jumped. I'm sure he's doing what he's supposed to be doing," she said sweetly. She lay between us, her breasts fully exposed, nipples taut with sexual excitement, her left leg, knee bent and frog-legged open to the side, the paper shorts, ripped and pushed to the side, her entire gorgeous patch of dark pubic hair visible and the curled fold of her labia in plain view. Three months ago she'd have screamed and run to hide in a corner covering herself. She was looking into my soul, I am certain able to read every carnal thought that flooded my barely functioning brain. If what I thought I saw in her look was correct, she too was having a few naughty thoughts.


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