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Dani's Slutty Striptease


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"You sure everything's cool? You're not going through some kind of body dysmorphia shit?" He gave her hands a soft squeeze.

"Jake, when have I ever given the impression that I don't like my body?"

"Never, ever. So why the top and jeans?"

"I told you, it's no big deal."


"I promise," Dani smiled, touched by how Jake was still focusing on her on his own birthday. "C'mon. You'll get to see plenty later. That's also a promise."

A Birthday To Remember

Jake clearly knew something was up but, to Dani's relief, he seemed to let it go as the evening progressed. Dani had planned out everything to the best of her ability -- Jake had a football game to watch, and she gave her cooking chops another go by making dinner while he was occupied. It was nothing incredibly special -- fajitas with nachos on the side -- but Mexican was one of his favourites and she had spent hours reading up on how to make them perfectly.

After dinner, they were cuddled back on the sofa with some snacks -- handpicked by Dani again -- as they watched two of Jake's favourite movies. Neither really fit Dani's taste, but she nevertheless felt supremely content as she snuggled against her boyfriend, her head on his chest as it rose and fell with each soft breath.

As the second movie drew to a close, however, Dani was becoming increasingly conscious of what was coming next. Butterflies began to flutter in her stomach, getting more frenzied with every passing minute, and her breaths deepened as her heart began to pound. The lingerie suddenly felt so restrictive and tight beneath her clothing, and she shifted uncomfortably as the credits began to roll.

"What did you think? Better the third time around?" Jake asked teasingly, fully aware that Dani had only suggested watching Pulp Fiction because he liked it.

"It was okay," Dani replied. "I still prefer the one we watched last week."


"No, the other Tarantino one. Where Jamie Foxx is a cowboy."

"Oh, Django Unchained? He's a bounty hunter, not a cowboy. I thought you didn't like that one?"

"It had some scary bits, but it has a happy ending at least."

"I guess so. You are a fan of happy endings."

"Aren't we all?" Dani smiled, pressing herself closer against Jake and staring up at him with her wide, docile eyes. She bit her lip as he looked down at her and, after a few seconds of tension-ridden gazing, they both leaned in and began to kiss eagerly.

Dani closed her eyes and lost herself in the softness of Jake's lips. Sparks radiated down her neck and spine, making her shiver with anticipation as she wrapped her arms around her boyfriend. Jake's arm began to creep down her back, towards her waist, and Dani's bliss was suddenly interrupted as she felt his fingers graze the hem of her top.

"Mmph! Wait!" Dani pulled back anxiously, pushing Jake's hand away. It was too risky to get started here on the sofa. She needed him in the bedroom, where she could begin the real show.

"Everything alright?" Jake asked, concern lining his features, and Dani realised he was once again starting to cotton on that something was up.

"Yeah. Everything's perfect," Dani smiled reassuringly, rubbing her hand on his chest. His firm, solid muscles felt so wonderful underneath the material of his shirt. A spike of lust coursed through her -- now was the time. Time to give Jake his birthday present. "Maybe we should take this to the bedroom?"

"Oh? Yeah?" Jake's own smile widened lazily. "I should warn you, I'm not that tired yet."

"Well that's good, because you're not gonna be getting a whole lot of sleep tonight," Dani said teasingly, standing up and grinning at Jake with her hands on her broad hips.

"Is that so?" Jake stood up suddenly and tried to grab her -- giggling madly as she deftly dodged backwards, Dani began to back towards the bedroom. Jake advanced towards her, his blue eyes locked to her hazel gaze, his grin growing wider as he closed the distance. Dani spun around and ran through the bedroom door. Jake charged after her, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind as the couple collapsed onto the bed, laughing manically.

Jake tried again to grab the bottom of Dani's top and she batted his hand away hastily. "Wait!" she said, a little too sharply, fearful of him discovering what she was hiding under her clothes. She saw Jake visibly hesitate, and she smiled comfortingly again. "Just wait," she said, more coyly this time.

"Everything's definitely okay?"

"Yes. 100%. I... I just need you to do some things for me. No questions asked. Can you do that for me?"

Jake raised an eyebrow, his expression torn between mirth and unease. "Okay? You sure everything's alright?"

Dani gulped. She was trying her hardest to make this sexy, but her nerves were getting the better of her too much. She swallowed again and forced herself to breath slowly and deeply. "It's all good, Jakey. Please, just do this for me, okay?"

"Okay then. What shall I do?"

"Just... sit on the bed. And... and close your eyes. Keep them closed, no matter what. Cover them with your hands too. Don't open them until I say so. Can you do that?"

Jake watched her curiously and, for a second, Dani thought he might refuse. But then he nodded slowly and twisted to face away from her, placing his hands firmly over his eyes.

"Like this?"

"Perfect," Dani said, her breath shuddering as it spilled out of her mouth. "Stay like that. I'll be out in just a second." Dani tip-toed towards the en-suite and quietly shut the door behind her. Jake probably had absolutely no idea what was happening. Eager to not keep him waiting, Dani began to hastily undress.

She stripped off the top and roughly yanked her jeans down her legs, hopping and swaying as she nearly fell backwards into the shower. The familiar buzz of heightened arousal fired through Dani as she faced herself in the mirror, once again wearing nothing except for her sexy lingerie set. She gingerly adjusted each part, ensuring the stockings were attached properly to the garter belt and rearranging the bra to make her round breasts look as plump and delicious as possible. Dani breathed out as she fluffed her hair a second time, and a wide, if slightly nervous, grin spread across her angelic face.

"Dani? Everything okay?" Jake's muffled voice called out from the bedroom.

"All good!" Dani called back. "Stay there! I'll be just a second." She knelt down and pulled out her favourite stiletto heels, which she had stashed behind the wastepaper basket earlier. After slipping her feet into them, Dani stood up and gave herself a final once-over. The heels made her legs look even longer, adding an elegance that really was the cherry on top for the whole fit.

Dani placed her hands on her hips and gyrated them slowly, remembering the techniques she had spent at least a couple of hours looking up and learning for tonight. Her heart was still drumming in her chest, but excitement coursed through her more than anything else. She couldn't get over how hot she looked. And now it was time for Jake to see for himself. Keen not to waste another second, Dani grasped the handle of the en-suite, and cautiously opened it.

"Jakey? Are your eyes still closed?"

"They are."

Dani peered around the door frame to confirm for herself. Jake was indeed still sat with his back to her, hands over his face. She padded into the bedroom, closing the en-suite door behind her. Taking a long, deep breath to calm her nerves, which Jake almost certainly heard, she spoke her next words in the cutest, most seductive voice she was capable of mustering.

"Okay, baby. Turn around."

Jake must have sensed what was up by the tone of her voice, and he didn't miss a beat, dropping his hands to his sides and pivoting to face her. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open at the sight before him: his gorgeous brunette babe of a girlfriend, facing him with the most dazzling smile on her modelesque face, her flawlessly perfect hourglass body tightly encased in a set of steamy, violet-coloured lingerie. Gift-wrapped and hand delivered, straight to him.

"Dani... babe, holy shit."

Dani giggled, feeling a flare of delight course through her body at the sight of her boyfriend's lustful, flabbergasted expression.

"Do you like it?" she asked coyly, running a hand down her tapering waist.

"You look... so fucking good." Jake made to stand, but Dani shook her head frantically.

"No, no, no, no, sit. Just sit. You don't have to do anything, Jakey." It was time to begin. Dani had pulled out all the stops: she had a sexy striptease playlist ready to go, and had already linked her phone to Jake's bedroom speakers. She tapped a couple of buttons, and suddenly the room was filled with the thumping base of Dirty Stop Out's 'Tie Me Up'.

Dani strode purposefully across the room towards Jake, one foot directly in front of the other. She kept her shoulders back and her head raised like a professional catwalker, a salacious thrill firing through her as she saw a wide grin light up her boyfriend's face. Her bulbous breasts jiggled gently up and down behind the lace confines of her bra as she walked. Locking her gaze to Jake's, losing herself in his deep, blue, sparkling eyes, Dani resolved not to look away for as long as she kept up the act.

Stopping a metre or so in front of Jake, Dani slowly and sensually began to run her hands across her body, while gyrating her broad hips. She could feel the supple material of the lingerie flexing against her skin, and it sent more white hot thrills shooting up her spine. Jake seemingly didn't know where to look, alternating between meeting Dani's relentless gaze and taking in the sight of her hot, tight body revolving in its sheer coverings.

Dani's fingers traced her rotund tits, firm ass, slim waist, and smooth thighs. She exhaled lightly as her skin tingled with fiery anticipation at her own touch. Leaning in towards Jake, her palms sunk into the mattress either side of him as she brushed her lips against his. His hot breath steamed out, heavy and laden with tension. It lasted only a moment before he couldn't hold back, locking his mouth to hers.

Closing her eyes, Dani risked losing herself to the kiss already --there was fervent passion and a charged fury behind it, worked up as Jake was by what he was seeing. But there was still more to come. She had only just begun.

With considerable reluctance Dani pulled away, just as Jake began to run his own hands across her taut body. Subtle joy rippled across her as she felt his fingers drag up her waist, his thumb tracing her hard abs, and Dani felt a pang of frustration as she grabbed his hands and forced them back down to his sides.

"It's alright, Jakey," she said softly, a radiant smile coating her face. "I told you, you don't have to do anything. This is for you. Happy birthday, baby."

"Dani... how... why..." Jake trailed off, and Dani felt a glimmer of delight at how she had actually managed to fluster her usually calm and composed boyfriend.

"Shh. Just enjoy the ride. I'm a stripper, remember? That's what Ava thinks. And if Ava thinks I'm a stripper... then I'm gonna be one hell of a stripper. Your own personal, slutty stripper." Dani's voice was low and seductive, laced with lust, and Jake seemed almost entranced by her words as his body unstiffened, his arms loosely hanging at his sides.

"Good boy," Dani giggled. "But I think I'm gonna have to take some precautions." She reached under the bed and, with her unbroken gaze still boring into Jake, felt around for the next item she had planted. For a few nerve-wracking seconds her fingers merely brushed the carpet. Dani didn't want to ruin the moment by having to look under the bed. Then a triumphant rush of relief blew through her as she gripped something round and fluffy.

Dani rose back up, gripping the handcuffs she had bought on her shopping spree. Her steamy grin grew ever wider as Jake's eyes glittered at the sight of them, and his mouth dropped open again.

Without missing a beat, Dani placed her hand on Jake's chest and gently pushed him backwards. There was no resistance at all -- whether it was from arousal or shock -- and she looped the cuffs around the bars of the headboard before securing Jake's wrists within their fluffy confines. Her lace-clad breasts hung beneath her tantalisingly as she worked, barely brushing Jake's chin.

"God, you're amazing," Jake breathed, beaming at Dani as he shook his head disbelievingly.

"I know, honey," she smiled back, shooting a cheeky wink as she rose back from atop the bed. She resumed her previous movements, gyrating her hips, arms raised in the air, slowly turning as she did so. Dragging her hands over her body some more, debauched excitement pumped through Dani as she pulled lightly on the various pieces of her racy lingerie, allowing them to snap back across her taut, tanned skin.

Jake's eyes were glazed over, an adoring expression on his face. He clearly still couldn't believe his luck as his girlfriend danced and caressed herself in front of him, and Dani giggled as she noticed a very visible, very large bulge growing behind his trousers.

Dani was really starting to get into the groove of her performance now. She had watched a number of videos on how to dance like a stripper, and even thought back to similar stage performances she had seen at Pandora's Box for inspiration. She had been so nervous in the lead up to it but now, as she twirled and spun teasingly in front of Jake, she wondered what she had even been so worried about. The music thumped in her ears, the comfortable lingerie strained against her tight body, and the erotic satisfaction rushing through her only intensified.

Dani began to get more daring and more sensual, wiggling her ass and kneading her breasts. She flipped her thick, glossy hair, allowing it to swing around in a great arc, catching around her shoulders as she came to a stop. Jake was lost in the performance, his eyes fixed on the beautiful form of his twirling girlfriend, an expression of lust, longing, and hunger lining his features.

Readjusting her brunette locks, Dani lifted her leg and delicately placed the toes of her stiletto heel against Jake's bulge, pushing against it ever so gently. A low moan drifted lazily from Jake's open mouth as he bucked his hips, rubbing his hardened shaft against Dani's foot.

"You want some more?" Dani giggled, biting her lip, her wide eyes alight with glee.

"Fuck yes," Jake gasped. He was pulling lightly against the cuffs, as if subconsciously trying to get his hands on her.

"Careful what you wish for." Dani knelt in further, allowing her stocking-clad thigh to glide gracefully along the length of Jake's manhood. He pulled on the cuffs even more, a low groan of frustration slipping through his gritted teeth.

Dani's face was starting to hurt from how much she was grinning, but she physically couldn't stop herself. She pulled back and, worked up by her own act, she turned around and backed her ass into Jake's crotch, looking over her shoulder coyly as she did so. Jake snorted like a maddened bull, the sound laced with agitation, as Dani began to rub her butt against his swollen member. A prurient thrill flooded her as his cock slid between her round cheeks, teasing her asshole and pussy through both his cotton chinos and her lace panties. She was leaking steadily now, the material of her knickers clinging to her slick labia.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" Dani asked teasingly.

Jake let out a low, drawn-out growl, clearly aggravated by the sensation of his girlfriend's perfect ass grinding relentlessly into his cock. "Get me out of these," he ordered, twisting the handcuffs. The cool metal clinked harmlessly against the headboard bars. "Get me out of these damn things now." There was a hint of genuine desperation in his voice that Dani couldn't help but savour.

"Oh? Why? You wanna have this pussy?"

"Yes, I fucking do."

"I'm getting so fucking wet," Dani grinned. "You really want this tight little pussy?"

"More than anything!" Jake strained against the cuffs, yanking on them frenziedly.

"You gotta wait, stud."

Jake growled again, louder and longer this time, craving to grab and defile Dani's gloriously nubile body, yet utterly unable to do so. She finally ceased her teasing, standing up and turning to face him.

"You seem a little worked up, babe. Maybe I can help with that?" With a seductive smirk, Dani kicked off one of her stilettos and threw her leg on top of the bed, right between Jake's thighs. Her glittering eyes still locked to his, Dani began to undo the suspenders that held the silky, sheer stocking in place. As each suspender snapped free, her smile grew wider and wider, until finally Dani unfolded the stocking, sliding it down her smooth leg and off completely.

Dani repeated this with the other stocking and then removed the garter belt from around her tiny waist, fully exposing her lean abs. She stepped back into the stilettos, now wearing only the deep purple bra and panties.

"I've unwrapped your present a little," she smiled, her eyes shimmering with carnal anticipation. "I hope that's okay."

"I'd love to unwrap the rest," Jake groaned, his hard-on straining against the material of his pants. "It is my present, after all."

"Such a greedy boy," Dani tutted, shaking her head in mock disappointment. "Just for that, you need to wait a little longer."

Her heart skipped a beat as Jake made another snarling noise, pulling on the handcuffs. "You just wait. Just wait until I get my hands on you. You teasing little slut."

White-hot delight fired through Dani at Jake's threat, and part of her wanted to just let him out of the handcuffs now. Better yet if he actually managed to break out of them himself. But she forced herself to focus -- she hadn't finished yet.

Dani clambered on top of Jake, looming above him. Her heavy breasts hung beneath her, threatening to spill out of the bra, and she lowered them until they were just out of reach of Jake's mouth. He gritted and bared his teeth like a wild animal as he attempted to wrench his wrists from the cuffs' cruel grip, simultaneously and strenuously trying to get closer to his girlfriend's gorgeous, ripe knockers.

"Temper, temper," Dani said, grinning salaciously. "You really, really want me, don't you?"

"I want my present. I want to unwrap the rest of it, and play with it until I break it." There was nothing but determination behind Jake's words.

Dani's breath caught in her throat, and she gulped down her arousal. "You want to break your birthday present? You'll have to wait," she stammered, the floodgates to her heated pussy now wide open. The urge to uncuff him was really eating away at her now.

But this also provided the perfect opportunity to up the ante.

Leaning back but still straddling Jake, Dani reached forwards and began to slowly unbutton his olive shirt. "I wonder, what do we have under here?"

Jake bucked his hips some more, as if to try and knock Dani on top of him, but she rose up on her knees to nullify his attempts. Delicious, carnal excitement rushed through her at how intent he was on trying to get to her.

"Easy tiger," she smirked, as she finished unbuttoning Jake's shirt. Brushing the two sides apart, she revelled in the appearance of his washboard abs and solid chest, a gentle sheen of sweat lining the space between his immense pecs. "Now, why on earth would you hide these?"

Dani ran her hands abradingly down Jake's torso, savouring the glorious sensation of his hard muscles and tight skin under her painted nails. The power of his body was undeniable under her dainty fingers. She knew the handcuffs alone prevented him from shoving her down and dominating her. Although, as he continued to yank on them, she began to wonder how much longer they were going to hold him down for.

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