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Dani's Slutty Striptease


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Jake practically threw Dani to the side, his cock sliding neatly out of her. She hit the mattress with a grunt and lay there, panting, her face flushed and her soft breasts lying heavily on her chest as her taut belly rose and fell.

"Dani, what the actual fuck!"

Still lying on her back, Dani recoiled at Jake's tone. His voice was laced with white-hot rage, and she drew a deep breath before turning to look at him. His eyes were burning with fury, his teeth bared, his powerful frame rising and falling as he, too, struggled to catch his breath. Meekly, Dani propped herself up to look at him.

"I... I just wanted to make your birthday special," she said quietly. Now that the excitement of her bare cock adventure had subsided somewhat, she was suddenly aware of how much she had fucked up.

"You wanted to make my birthday special?" Jake repeated in a low, monotone voice. "By doing something that you know I actively dislike?" He almost -- almost -- sounded amused.

"I just... I wanted to do something fun for you," Dani said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Something fun for you, you mean," Jake spat, his voice rising in tune with his anger. "How many times have I told you that I don't like fucking without condoms!"

"Baby, I-"

"How many, Dani!?" Jake yelled. Dani shrunk back, drawing her knees to her chest, her eyes wide with fright. She could feel the fire behind Jake's eyes searing through her. "Even after what we spoke about the other day, you still insist on taking these stupid risks!"

"It's not a risk!" Dani cried back. "I've already ovulated! There's no risk, Jake!"

"I don't give a fuck. You would have done it anyway. After all, you just love the risk, don't you?" Jake's tone was scathing and mocking, and Dani looked down at her knees, utterly unable to meet his gaze any longer.

She could hear the jingle of metal as Jake uncuffed his other wrist. His heavy breathing permeated the air. "See? You can't even answer me! Were you even going to get off, or were you just going to let me cum inside you? I know that's what you want! It's all you ever seem to want."

Dani gulped, feeling slightly flushed as Jake continued. "And you keep telling me that you don't want a baby. Well, Dani, I don't know how you think this shit works but, news flash, if you go around jumping on bare cocks without protection, a fucking baby is exactly what you're going to end up with!"

"Okay, Jake," Dani squeaked, her voice low and tiny. "Th-that's enough." Her face had gone bright red, her flush red hot, and her stomach twisted with butterflies as Jake peered at her, trying to catch her eye.

"Oh, you are kidding me." He let out a derisive laugh, shaking his head. "Are you turned on?! Why am I even surprised? Of course talking about bare cocks and babies has turned you on. What else should I have expected from a risk-taking little slut?"

"Don't call me a slut," Dani said, raising her voice ever so slightly. She looked up at Jake and met his eyes again. They still burned into her, but the heat of the flames seemed less severe, albeit flickering with just as much intensity as before.

"Why not?" Jake's eyes continued to flicker as he moved towards her. Dani looked so small, her long legs hugged to her chest and her large eyes staring unblinkingly at him. "You are a slut. A bare cock riding, cum-loving slut who gets wet when she thinks about her belly swelling with babies."

"Stop it," Dani whispered, her face going bright crimson. Jake was looming above her now, his shadow crushing her against the mattress. She glanced back down at her feet.

Suddenly, Jake's fingers gripped her chin. Dani exhaled as she felt the sheer power behind them. He roughly wrenched her face up to catch her eye again, and she quivered as his raging gaze bored straight through her.

"Turn around," he seethed quietly.

Dani blinked up at him. "Wh-what?"

"Turn around, slut," Jake repeated, his voice dripping with venom.

Dani swallowed hard, sliding her legs down but still not fully complying with her boyfriend's request.

"I said, turn around!" Jake grabbed Dani and, almost effortlessly, he shoved her to the side and pushed her down onto the mattress.

"J-Jake!" Dani cried out as her face squashed against the covers. "What are you doing?"

"Whores get on all fours," Jake commanded, before delivering a powerful SLAP! to Dani's backside. Her ass cheek rippled from the strike and she moaned out as she felt her hips rock forward from the impact.


Jake said nothing, but instead spanked her a second time, even harder than the first. Then a third time. Then a fourth. Dani cried out with each successive blow to her thick, gym-toned buttocks, which shook deliciously as Jake's hand crashed against them again and again like sea waves against a cliff edge.

"You love it, you little skank. Don't pretend you don't." Jake pressed his hand against the back of Dani's neck and held her head against the bed covers. The scent of sweat slammed into her nostrils as she inhaled desperately, wriggling in vain against his iron grip.

"J-Jake! I can't breathe!" Her voice was muffled, and her heart pounded as she felt Jake's fingers rake her thick, wavy tresses, winding them roughly around his wrist. He yanked her head upwards again and Dani gasped loudly in a sordid combination of pleasure and pain. She couldn't work out if he was trying to hurt her or not. And, if so, was he just that mad at her. Or... or was this something else?

Jake yanked on Dani's hair, pulling her back into him. She cried out in pain, her bare back slapping against his muscular chest as he leaned in towards her face. His hot breath scalded her cheek and he closed his teeth around her earlobe, pulling on it just enough to cause her discomfort.

"I said, get on all fours," he whispered, his voice laced with poison. "Get on all fours, and point that big fucking ass of yours in the air. I will not ask again." He let go of Dani and shoved her forwards, making her cry out as she slammed against the mattress once more, her giant tits cushioning her fall and her fat bubble butt wobbling with the impact.

Dani sniffed as she finally complied with Jake's request, her arms and legs shaking as she slowly elevated herself. As instructed, she stuck her ass in the air, mewling gently as she felt her pussy juices slide down her thighs.

"Good girl." Jake's voice was more distant, and Dani heard him open the sliding door to the wardrobe in the corner. Every heartbeat sent a tremor though her, and her stomach twisted with anxiety as she heard the rustle of clothing being removed, followed by the sound of him rummaging around. Suddenly the noises ceased, replaced with... silence.


Dani screamed out as something hot and sharp lashed her ass, sending a jolt of searing pain through her. She instinctively lowered it, and then yelped as she felt Jake's fingers sink roughly into her fleshy cheek. He dug his nails in and forcefully pulled her ass back up, before delivering another whip-like blow to her beautiful round behind.

"Jake!" Dani sniffled, gasping for air as she reached back to try and protect her stinging rear. "Jake, please! What are you- AH!" Jake's weight was suddenly on her, pushing her back down against the bed.

"Shut up, bitch." Jake roughly grabbed her wrists, and Dani snivelled as she felt something soft get wrapped around them. He jerked her hands, stretching her arms forward, and Dani also felt the cool press of metal. She glanced up, and her heart raced as she saw that Jake was tying her wrists to the headboard with one of his work ties. He yanked on the material, tightly securing her in place.

Dani fruitlessly tugged against the tie, and a spurt of angst shot through her from head to toe. Suddenly, Jake's hands were on her ass again, aggressively kneading her soft, plump cheeks. "If you're going to act like a slut, then I'm going to punish you like a slut."

Dani's palms were already sweating, and a bead of perspiration slid down the side of her face. "Babe, you're hurting me."

"Good. You deserve it." His hand collided with her bare ass again, singing it with his imprint. Then again. And again. And again. Dani squealed with each successive spank, closing her eyes and gritting her teeth in preparation for each one. Her rump burned from his assault, and she could feel the red welts he was making on her smooth and supple rear.

"Does that hurt, bitch?"

"Yes!" Dani squealed, squirming and panting desperately as he continued to hit her.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"Jake, please! OW!"

"This big, thick fucking ass was made to be punished." Jake sunk his fingers into Dani's soft skin again, and she couldn't help herself as tears of pain welled up behind her eyes.

"OWW! Jake! P-please! I'm sorry! Stop!"

"Sorry? What are you sorry for?"

"I... I don't know! For... for being a s-slut?"

"I'm gonna whip your ass until it's bright fucking red. Then I'll do the same to your giant fucking tits."

"No! Please!"

"Then tell me what you're sorry for!"

"OW! Fuck!" Dani panted lewdly, her pussy still streaming. She was as turned on as she was scared, and both emotions were mixing together in a stomach-twisting, eye-watering erotic cocktail. Nobody could have convinced her beforehand that she would actually have been aroused by something like this. And yet, here she was.

"Tell me!"

"I... I don't know! I'm... I'm sorry for riding your bare cock!"

Jake's attacks ceased as suddenly as they had started, and Dani gasped with relief at the respite, shaking gently as she wondered what was coming next.

Then, something probed her soaked pussy lips. Something thick, hot, and pulsing.

"You mean, this bare cock?" Dani's mouth hung open wordlessly as she inhaled deeply, the still air of the room rushing through her pouty lips, feeling the foreign object sink inside her quickly and roughly. Her eyes widened as Jake's hands slammed down on her flared, baby-making hips and, before Dani could even register what was happening, Jake was fucking her. Fucking her raw.

There was no condom, and there was no escape.

With her hands bound tightly to the headboard, Dani was utterly helpless as Jake drove into her repeatedly, his naked cock spearing her tight, slick pussy. Her eyes rolled back into her head, this new sensation of purest pleasure a welcome relief compared to the pain that had preceded it.

"You like bare cock, do you?" Jake's voice wasn't his own. Something had gripped him, something animalistic and primal, and Dani gasped out in both distress and elation as his thick prick pummelled her fragile kitty. "Tell me how much you like it."

"Oh! I... I love it!" Dani panted, the sound of Jake's hips slapping into her sore ass resonating in her ears. He ploughed her harder and harder, his cum-filled balls smacking violently against her clit, sending a bolt of joy lancing through her with each and every strike.

"Good. Because after this, we're through."

Dani's heart skipped a beat, her stomach twisting with distress. "W-what?" She looked back over her shoulder, her vision blurring momentarily as Jake rocked into her. "What do you mean?"

Jake's fingers sunk deeper into her thick rump, squeezing her cheeks roughly and painfully, and Dani gasped out as he leaned in close and whispered into her ear.

"You heard me. I'm going to knock you up. I'm going to knock you up and dump you. Because that's what little sluts deserve. Being turned into pathetic, single moms."

"Oh! God!" Dani wailed, trembling lewdly as Jake pumped into her with carnal abandon. He moved one hand from her broad hips and pressed it tightly against her belly, pushing hard against her sexy, lean navel.

"I'm going to make you swell up, slut. My baby's gonna make you big and fat, and there's not a fucking thing you'll be able to do about it."

"Oh my God!" Dani screamed out, and she drove herself back on Jake's shaft, her mind hijacked by thoughts of her boyfriend's cum shooting inside her and bloating her with a baby she didn't want.

"That's what you fucking want, isn't it?"

"Oh, fuck!"

"Say it!"


"Yes, what?"

"OH! Yes! Fuck me! Cum in me! Swell me with your fucking baby!"

"You fucking slut!" Jake had seemingly lost his mind, drilling Dani's tight pussy like it was the last time he'd ever do it. She could feel every inch of him sliding inside her, hear the wet sounds of his bare prick fucking her dripping little snatch alongside his strained groaning. Jake's hand moved from her belly to her magnificent hanging tits, groping them in his hard, enraged grip.

"I'm gonna make your giant tits swell with milk. Milk to feed my baby. Your whole body will change to carry and grow my little bastard, and you have to fucking live with it!"

At this, Jake reached forwards with both hands and roughly squeezed Dani's tits simultaneously. The stimulation from both her plump udders and velvet twat simultaneously, combined with the threats and dirty talk, was too much, and Dani screamed out and clamped back on Jake's cock as she came again without warning. Her pretty little pussy pressed around Jake's length like a vice, and Dani's eyes rolled back in her head as her entire body shook with debauched, libidinous ecstasy.

Jake didn't even let up, continuing to pound away as his girlfriend came helplessly on his throbbing member, her mind utterly obsessed with the possibility of being knocked up by the naked cock that was embedded within her.

"You ready to be a single mom?" Jake's voice was deep and threatening as his hands returned to her hips. A lance of fear passed through Dani as she glanced back over her shoulder. Surely... surely he wasn't being serious?

"Are you?!"

"J-Jake! OH! Jake!"

"You're going to look like such a slut, prancing around in your tight little crop tops with my blond baby stretching out your perfect tummy. You won't be able to hide it. Everyone's gonna know what happened to you."

"OH! JAKE! AH!" Dani came again, squirming and shaking at the visceral images Jake was planting inside her mind. Her nails dug into her palms, and she was fighting for enough breath to scream out at the same time. Her magnificent tits swayed lewdly beneath her, and her ass was now bright red from Jake's previous attacks and his current, ceaseless fucking.

"That's it, cum on my cock, slut! It's the last time you'll ever cum with a tight fucking pussy before my baby stretches it out!"

"Oh my God! Fuck me!" Dani thrust back against Jake, no longer caring whether or not he was being serious. She wanted his cum. She needed it. Who cared whether she was wrong about her ovulation? Fuck, she wanted there to be an egg primed and ready in her right now. Ready to receive Jake's virile cum, and knock her up for good.

Jake's breathing was strained and laboured. A pleasure unlike any he had ever felt was boiling in his balls, the warmth spreading from the base to the very tip of his cock. He was losing his rhythm as the sensation overtook him -- the same feeling he had felt all those years ago, as a student, on the verge of cumming deep inside the girl he had hooked up with, planting his baby deep inside her.

"Ready, slut?"

"F-fuck! Oh! Fuck!"

"Are you?!"

"Yes!" Dani cried out, grinding against Jake with lecherous glee. "Do it! Cum in me! Make me your baby mama! Seed me and fucking dump me like the slut I am!"

"Gah! Fuck!" Jake threw back his head and roared with primal determination. Dani gasped out and shook, her eyes clamped shut and her chest heaving as she prepared for him to explode, deep inside her pulsing and desperate pussy. So many boys, so many men, had longed to do to her what he was about to do. Jake Coleman had won the right. He had conquered Daniella Cruz, the stunning, voluptuous brunette and cocktease extraordinaire.

Jake's hands tightened and squeezed around Dani's wide hips, and for a single, split second the entire world seemed to freeze. He completely lost his rhythm and began to rut madly inside her, his hips slapping loudly into her quivering, divinely-shaped ass cheeks. The greatest pleasure Jake had ever felt, raw and animalistic, churned simultaneously in both his cock and his mind, primed and ready to be unleashed as nature intended.

And then, at the very last second, with a groan of unimaginable strain, powered by enough discipline to impress an Olympic champion, Jake managed to gather enough of his wits to do the responsible thing: he pushed against Dani and pulled out of her sopping pussy. His cock slid out neatly and, at that exact second, he erupted.

The first blast flew forwards and hit Dani's gleaming thigh just to the side of her pussy, making her jolt and gasp at the sensation. Jake shoved her down forcefully, and he groaned loudly again as the second shot fired out and streaked across her toned back. He could barely focus, moaning in the most paradoxically glorious yet frustrated bliss as he jerked himself to a finish, lacing Dani's plump, crimson ass with his spunk.

Dani, for her part, lay there, fighting for breath as she felt her boyfriend's hot cum paint her protruding rump. She was seeing stars, her heart racing so rapidly that it felt like it might give out at any second. Adrenaline coursed through her, and she trembled on the bed as the last few drops were shaken out of Jake's spent, pulsing member.

For several, long seconds, there was silence. Broken only by the heavy breathing of both Dani and Jake as they tried to compose themselves. Dani heard a creaking noise, and she realised Jake was climbing off the bed.

"J-Jake?" Dani's wrists were still tightly bound to the bars of the headboard, and she tugged helplessly against her bonds as she heard the door to the bedroom open.

"Jake? Where are you going?!" The door slammed shut, and everything went silent.

Dani mewled softly as she realised her arms were aching horribly. She had pins and needles in her fingers, and she flexed them anxiously to try and get some feeling back, wincing at the sensation.

Had he seriously left her here? Had he been completely serious before? A burst of distress gathered in the pit of her stomach, and Dani sniffed as she pulled against the tie. It was no use. She was trapped here. Stuck on the bed, naked and sweaty, with Jake's cum dripping down her back, ass, and thighs.

Then she heard the door open again. Heavy footsteps approached, and a weight sunk down on the bed next to her.

"Hey, here. You're all good." Jake was beside her, and then untying her. Dani smiled gratefully as her bonds slipped away, and she sighed with relief as she flexed and bent her wrists. Something cold was raised to her lips, and Jake's firm hand gripped the back of her neck.

"Here. Drink." It was a glass of ice cold water. Dani hadn't even realised how thirsty she was, and she thankfully gulped down the gloriously cool liquid. Jake removed the glass once it was empty, and Dani turned to look at him, a sense of slight unease permeating her as she did so -- a sense that instantly melted away as he dove in and pressed his lips against hers.

The pair kissed fervently, their sweat mingling and their hands all over each other as their hot, hard, naked bodies rolled around in the bed sheets, pressed tightly together. Dani closed her eyes, revelling in the wonderous scent of her boyfriend and savouring his strong arms wrapped around her. At last, they pulled apart and gazed at one another.

"That was one hell of a way to end the day," Jake said softly, running his hand through Dani's matted brunette locks.

"Jake... what was that?" Dani panted, shaking her head in disbelief. "I mean I... I don't..." She trailed off, and Jake chuckled.

"That's what you wanted, wasn't it?"

"I... I mean, yeah, but... I didn't expect you to be so... so..."

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