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Dani's Slutty Striptease


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Perhaps she needed a distraction?

"Don't worry, baby. I'll show you something of mine. Just for you." Dani pushed her bra straps off her shoulders, slowly and one at a time, pausing in the middle to deliver a cute little smile and a wink. She then pivoted around with her back and ass to Jake and unhooked the bra, grinning over her shoulder at him as a spur of hot glee twirled in her belly.

Jake had indeed stopped squirming, and merely watched with bated breath as Dani removed her bra at an excruciating snail's pace. She slipped the garment off entirely, her grin growing wider as she felt her buxom, succulent breasts spill free.

Chucking the bra over her shoulder, Dani carefully turned back around with her hands over her boobs. She struggled to suppress a laugh as she saw that her bra had landed right over Jake's face, a broad cup covering one of his eyes.

"Looking good, babe," she chuckled, biting her lip and languidly caressing her mammoth rack.

"You're so fucked when I get outta these," Jake said, unable to stop himself from laughing as well.

"I hope so," Dani giggled, another hot wave twisting in her stomach as she squeezed her soft, round tits, the supple flesh contorting and moulding to her grip.

"At least let me see them."

"See what?"

"You know what."

"Say the words."

Jake sighed heavily. "Your huge, beautiful tits. Let me see them."

Dani tittered lightly to herself. "I dunno. You've seen them so many times before."

"Babe, come on. I'm fucking dying down here." There was genuine pain in Jake's voice, in no small part due to how badly Dani was blue-balling him, and she couldn't help but feel a stirring of pride at how worked up she had got him.

"Alright then. Just for you. Here's two new presents." Dani let her hands drop to her thighs, her palms smacking lightly against her golden, sinewy skin. Her perfect breasts stood large, proud, and perky on her chest, a pair of sublime and smooth globes that defied gravity and ended each in a small, pink, protruding nipple. Dani lightly brushed a length of her gorgeous, glossy curls behind her ear, keen to give Jake the best view possible.

"Dear lord, let those puppies be the last thing I ever see," Jake snickered, and Dani burst out laughing.

"They might be a little droopier by then."

"Shit, I'll still take it."

A light smirk covering her face, Dani decided Jake was now getting a little too comfortable. His shirt was undone, but there was still one more thing she could unbutton.

"Now that I've given you an extra two presents, I think it's only fair that I unwrap something else for myself. Don't you think?" As she spoke, Dani reached between her lean quads and deftly unbuttoned Jake's pants with her thumb and forefinger. She visibly heard his breath catch in his throat and, with a salacious thrill burning inside her, she yanked the zip down too.

"Don't you dare," Jake warned, his eyes darting down to his crotch.

"Hmm? Or what?" Her eyes dancing with mischief and her mouth hanging open in a troublesome grin, Dani began to knead and roll Jake's Calvin Klein-clad cock around in her delicate little grip.

"You little skank," Jake groaned, pulling against the cuffs some more and pushing his head back into the pillow with frustration.

"What are you gonna do about it?" Dani asked, her voice caked with mocking lust as she continued to rub and tease her boyfriend.

"I'm gonna fucking ruin you, that's what."

"Huh. Seems hard to do when you're cuffed to a bed."

"I will get them off. And when I do, you're not gonna be able to get away."

"Tough talk for a bound little boy," Dani smirked, white-hot delight bubbling inside her at the thought of Jake breaking free and punishing her for being such an insufferable cocktease. Making deep eye contact with him, Dani placed the tip of her thumb against her bottom lip and then took it into her mouth. Simulating a blowjob, she sucked it slowly and sensually while staring with wide, fuck-me eyes. All the while continuing to press and play with Jake's rock-hard member through his boxer-briefs.

"Argh! Fucking hell Dani!" The desperation in Jake's tone was palpable.

"Sorry, baby," Dani simpered, giving Jake's cock a squeeze. "Is this a little too much for you?"

"You're killing me! My dick feels like it's about to explode."

"Ooopsie," Dani snickered maniacally, shaking her head. "Wouldn't want that, now, would we?"

Dani halted her fondling of Jake's prick, and a tangible sigh of relief steamed out from between his lips. He had suffered enough at this point. Not to mention that she was rapidly getting too hot herself. Neither of them could wait much longer. It was time for the big finale.

Maintaining her piercing eye contact, Dani wordlessly shimmied off of Jake. He raised his head again to look at her, the ache in his neck made all the more worthwhile by the heart-stopping sight of his girlfriend stood before him. Wearing only her heels and panties, her voluptuous and athletic body was illuminated beautifully under the low, cosy lighting of the bedroom. Jake could make out the contours of the toned muscles beneath her thighs and belly, flexing gently in the half-light as she gazed passionately at him. Her breathing was low and deep.

Jake's own breath caught in his throat as he watched Dani turn around, her lean, sinewy back now silhouetted in perfect contrast to her round, smooth ass. He allowed himself to smile again, shaking his head in disbelief. How was everything about this girl so perfect?

A tingle of excitement trickled down Dani's spine as she slid her fingers down her tapered waist and hooked them around the sides of her panties. She bent forwards, grinning as she heard Jake audibly exhale behind her, and began to slowly push them down. Off her wide hips. Past her firm thighs. Down her smooth calves.

Dani's pussy, tight and sopping wet, glistened in front of Jake, taunting him, the lips pressed together as if to bar him from entry. She made sure to keep her legs as straight as possible, stepping out of the discarded knickers as soon as they fell around her ankles. Dani knelt down and picked the damp garment up, rolling it into a ball as she turned and kicked her heels off her feet.

For a few seconds the couple just watched each other intently. It felt like an eternity. Not a sound was uttered between them, and even the world outside the bedroom seemed to pause. The striptease playlist was still going strong but it was far away, a distant and tinny echo. In this moment, there was only the two of them, and nothing else.

Dani padded gently towards Jake, her bare feet sinking into the soft carpet. She reached the bed and gracefully climbed back on, straddling Jake's hips once more. The bed creaked quietly under her added weight.

"Did you enjoy that?" Dani asked in a low, seductive voice. The faintest hint of a small, glowing smile lingered at the edges of her shiny red lips.

"I did," Jake breathed, returning the smile. "You're so beautiful. You're so fucking sexy. I'm the luckiest guy in the world."

Dani's smile grew, wide and radiant, lighting up her cute face. Biting her lip, she slipped her hands downwards once more, finally fishing Jake's seven-inch erect cock out of his boxer-briefs.

She gripped Jake's manhood like a prize -- she had won the right to it by getting him so worked up. The potent and enticing smell of it hit Dani's nostrils as the foreskin slipped back across the throbbing glans. Every vein was visible, despite the low lighting.

Dani brought the head of Jake's cock to her needy pussy lips and began to tease him, rubbing it across and around her slick labia. A spurt of pleasure struck her as she accidentally grazed her clitoris, the sensation striking out through her lower belly.

"Condoms are in the nightstand." There was no hint of concern behind Jake's words, but Dani knew it was an instruction. An order to grab a rubber if she was going to continue teasing her unprotected kitty like that. But Dani made no moves to do as Jake asked, continuing to brush her tiny camel toe with his thick rod.

"Dani." This time there was some urgency. "Get a condom. I don't mind you doing that, just make sure you're protected."

"It's only a little teasing," Dani replied reassuringly. "Don't worry about it." She meant every word. A little tease before getting the condom and riding him like a horse.

But feeling Jake's cockhead -- his bare, virile cockhead -- spreading her lips and catching in her tight opening was starting to become too much. Dani's breath caught in her throat every time Jake's glans hooked her little slit, his cock aimed right inside her. She had never, ever taken a bare cock properly before, and her little show had made her hotter than she realised.

An aroused flush steamed through Dani as she contemplated just sinking down all the way. After all... was there any reason not to? She was pretty certain she had already ovulated a couple of days ago. It certainly explained her reaction to Ruby. Was there really any danger in taking a bare cock... her first ever bare cock?

The fact that it belonged to Jake was a bonus. She had never fucked without a condom before, with anyone. But, if she was going to break that tradition, of course it would be with him. There was nobody she trusted more. Nobody else who was worthy of such a milestone. Nobody else she was so willing to risk it with.

Dani made a snap decision. She still had her balled-up panties in her hand. With a delighted grin, she reached forwards and stuffed them into Jake's mouth. He made an alarmed noise but didn't resist, his eyes curling upwards in mirth as Dani finished pushing the fabric between his lips.

"Happy birthday, baby," Dani grinned hurriedly, biting her lip in anticipation as she reared back and pressed Jake's pulsing cockhead against her pussy. A rush of sheer elation fired through her at what she was about to do. Her pussy knew what it wanted. Without waiting a second longer, Dani sunk down on Jake's cock, completely unprotected.

"MMMMPH!" Jake's eyes widened in alarm as Dani exhaled, pleasure coursing through her as Jake's naked girth filled her up. Her own eyes glimmered with salacious and mischievous glee and, after a split second pause, she began to enthusiastically ride a bare cock for the first time in her young life.

And, boy, did it feel incredible.

The sensation of Jake's skin inside her was mind-blowing. Dani had always assumed there would be a noticeable difference between sex with and without a condom, but this was something else entirely. It almost felt like she had been doing it wrong for all these years. As if woken up from a dream, Dani shuddered uncontrollably as pure, primal adrenaline began to pump through her youthful body, like she had suddenly become worthy to the secret ingredient that would forever change her sex life for years to come.

Why had nobody told her how amazing bare cock felt?!

"Oh fuck!" she gasped, pumping harder and harder. Dani's glee was indescribable. She could feel every groove, edge, and bump of Jake's cock as it penetrated her repeatedly, in and out, in and out.

Even the act of fucking him felt easier -- with no annoying, artificial latex to get in the way, their bodies effortlessly glided together in a carnal, thrilling dance of desire. The hard clapping of Dani's ass as she pumped her boyfriend's bare shaft echoed around the room, her tight pussy sliding along his throbbing length with ease.

But Jake looked horrified.

"MMPH! MMMMMPH!" He was yelling into the balled-up panties to no avail, his eyes wide with panic. He yanked and pulled desperately on the handcuffs that still firmly encased him, unable to break free. There was virtually nothing he could do to make himself heard or to physically push Dani off him. Nothing he could do to prevent his girlfriend from riding him until she got what she wanted. Whatever that might be...

Jake began to buck his hips wildly, thrusting his groin up in the air in an attempt to dislodge Dani, to shake her off. She, however, just rode the wave, giggling madly each time his cock impacted roughly into her with every thrust.

"Oh! Best rodeo ever!" Dani grinned as she bounced harder and harder, a streak of debauched, devilish energy coursing through her at the incredible sensation of Jake's naked cock spearing her exposed pussy.


However, as she continued to ride her boyfriend with reckless abandon, a thought did occur to Dani. What was her endgame here? She had been so intent on getting Jake's dick inside her, she hadn't given any thought as to what came after.

Was she going to ride him until he came inside her? Red-hot excitement seared through Dani's lower belly at this thought, coupled with no small amount of angst. She was all but certain that she had ovulated the other day. However, doubt now nagged the back of her mind. If she was wrong, or off by a couple of days, taking a creampie now could put her in a very dangerous position.

Dani glanced down at Jake's prick as she continued to grind on it, a thick strand of her glossy chestnut curls falling over her eye. Despite the pleasure it gave her, it was easy to forget how potentially perilous it was to her as well.

No. It was too much. Far too risky. She would hop off instead, when Jake was about to cum. As soon as she felt him start to throb, as soon as his balls drew up, she would...

No. Even that was too risky. What if she didn't get off in time? If she was in her fertile window, even a single shot of cum would be more than enough to cause some serious problems for her.

There was only one thing for it.

Dani reached forward and gently eased her dampened panties out of Jake's mouth, tossing them behind her as he drew in a deep breath.

"Tell me when you're about to cum. Okay?" she gasped breathlessly, a sweet little smile on her face as she pushed her hands into his chest and drove harder down his bare cock.

But Jake didn't smile back.

"Dani! What the fuck!" Jake's livid eyes burned into her, his nostrils flaring, his mouth contorted into a barely-contained snarl. He was pulling as hard as he could on the cuffs, his face contorted with concentration and rage. "Stop it, right now!"

"Oh! Oh! But it feels so fucking good!" Dani squealed, her voice high and laced with raptured pleasure. She knew Jake was mad at her, but she didn't care in the slightest. All that mattered was the incredible sensations rising from between her legs, creeping up through her body and threatening to hijack her completely, in mind and soul.

What if she hadn't ovulated yet? What if Jake didn't tell her to get off in time? What if... what if...

"Oh, FUCK!" Dani clamped her legs shut and threw her head in the air, her mouth hung open in wordless ecstasy, as she suddenly came without warning. The feeling of raw cock, the forbidden nature of it, and the looming threat of what it could do to her if she wasn't careful, all combined to electrify and shatter Dani's senses. Her entire body convulsed and shook in fervent bliss as her surprise orgasm washed over her in an almighty wave, as if to forever cleanse her of Durex and Trojan's latex imprint.

"Oh, fuck!" Dani mewled quietly, still shaking slightly as she rocked atop Jake's cock. Her legs slipped down and she sunk along his shaft, panting for breath as the hardest, most wonderful orgasm she had ever experienced dissipated like a cloud of smoke -- leaving her starving for more.

"Okay. You've had your fun. Get off. Now." Jake's voice was hard and firm, laced with quiet and concealed anger. But Dani's fun wasn't over. Far from it. No cock had ever felt better than this. She had only just begun.

"Hell no," she grinned libidinously, "that was fucking incredible, Jakey. We're not done yet."

"Dani... Dani! Stop! GET OFF!" But Dani had already started desperately riding Jake again, her mind melting at the wonderous sensation of bare cock invading her slick cocksleeve.

"Dani! Get off!" Jake roared again, continuing to try and throw Dani off. But she was determined to ride at least one more orgasm out of him and clung on for dear life.

"Oh! Don't you feel good, Jakey?" Dani asked breathlessly, her hazel eyes peering imploringly into his sky blue stare. "Don't you feel so, so -- OH! -- oh, so good?"

Jake's breathing, despite everything, was laboured. Dani refused to believe that he wasn't deriving at least some enjoyment out of this. Jake was still straining against the cuffs -- they hadn't been particularly expensive, and Dani was surprised at how well they were resisting her boyfriend's powerful wrenching.

"No, I don't feel good. You're not using any protection at all! Dani, you have to stop, now!"

Jake let out a sudden, low groan and Dani's heart flipped in her chest. He was enjoying it! And, potentially, he was getting close too. Even the bucking of his hips, previously intended to throw her off, seemed to be increasingly matching the rhythm of her own movements, as if Jake's body was subconsciously betraying him.

"Oh! Baby, when you're gonna cum, let me know. Oh!"

"Ah! Dani, I'm gonna fucking murder you! Get off! Now!"

But Jake's words were passing through one ear and straight out the other. Dani was so consumed by horny joy that she barely registered what he was saying anyway. Everything was a blur, her senses and nerves all blinded by the sublime satisfaction that ran through her in great, warm channels with every raw stroke of her boyfriend's magnificent, bare prick.

Jake gave the cuffs an almighty, desperate tug. He recognised the lustful, fiery look in his girlfriend's eyes, and he knew by her loud and carnal moaning that she wasn't in any state to let him pull out. She was just going to keep going until... until...

A sudden spurt of arousal coursed through Jake, and he forced it down as best he could. Dani looked incredible, as she always did, bouncing away atop his cock. He could hear her fat ass cheeks slapping against his groin, and he revelled in the sight of her massive, rotund tits swinging and jiggling on her chest. He had never seen her so obsessed, enamoured as she was with his bare cock penetrating her, and he couldn't help but feel a thrilled rush at how easily she had lost herself.

Jake's heart pounded in his chest as he resumed trying to break free of the cuffs. He had to remind himself, he was doing it for Dani as much as for himself. He gathered all his strength and pulled with all his might. The cuffs held, the seemingly-unbreakable chain refusing to yield against the black metal bars of the headboard. Jake gritted his teeth and released a long, low snarl as he pulled harder and harder, his shoulders, biceps, and triceps on fire as he strained to shatter his bonds.

But the chain wouldn't budge. Whatever the hell it was made out of, it refused to give in. A single bead of perspiration slid down the side of Jake's face as he felt his cockhead tingle with ever greater amounts of pleasure. A live timebomb buried in Dani's tight, clutching hole. There wasn't long to go.

Jake resumed his efforts, knowing he had a couple of dozen seconds at most. He wrested and jerked the handcuffs as best he could, racing against time as the wonderous sensation in his cock grew stronger and stronger with every stroke of Dani's slick, pink pussy down its length. His balls drew up against his body, the dangerous contents churning within, primed and ready to be fired inside his girlfriend's unprotected snatch... and something inside Jake snapped.

With an almighty roar, he gave his bonds one last, humungous, anguished yank. The chain still refused to break. But the lock on one of the cuffs did. There was a loud clink as the metal warped and shattered, and relief soared through Jake.

He wasted no time at all. Pulling himself upwards, Jake wrapped a sturdy, muscular arm tightly around Dani's slim waist, halting her enthusiastic bouncing almost instantaneously. Her eyes refocused as the pleasure subsided, before widening in surprise.

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