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Pantyless Asian Hottie goes to S.F. Ch. 02

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Hottie heats-up from flashing, and wantonly acts-up.
2.5k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/17/2022
Created 05/13/2013
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Thank you for the nice compliments. I'm glad that some of you liked my story. It was a real memorable experience for me, and it was fun sharing it. I am flattered that many of you have sent me emails wanting to know more about me. Well, I'm an only child, and I think I was enough for my parents. I was very shy, and still am to a degree. But one thing I tend to not be too shy about is showing my body. I don't think I'm conceited or egotistic, I just feel sexy, naughty, horny...well you get the idea. And now for the rest of my story. Its all true, but I've changed the name of one of the guys, and "Vince" is not my now ex-boyfriend's real name.

I had just arrived at the airport, and was happy to be in Vince's arms again. I was very horny as we walked down the airport concourse. My coat was wrapped around me and the belt nicely tied so I was pretty sure that no one could see my pussy. I was slightly nervous because I could feel that my dress had worked its way up past my waist because of Vince's hold on me as we walked. I soon had my doubts from the startled looks of a few admiring guys, and the sudden breezes felt on my wet pussy and upper thighs. I could also feel a droplet running down my leg and hoped no one noticed. Vince picked-up on the exposure and coaxed my coat to flap open more than natural. It was really all too much, and when we got to his car, which he conveniently parked in a more or less deserted section of the parking garage, I was more than ready for him. He backed me up against the side of the car and pushed my dress up above my boobs. I gave in and let him do what he wanted. Usually I'm absolutely terrified about being caught, but I was too horny to care. He stopped licking my pussy just before I was ready to come and lifted me onto him. We where going at it like crazed animals, in plain view of anyone, but I'm almost certain no one came around. I was on the verge of a much needed orgasm when he came and quickly pulled out. He just as quickly made himself presentable leaving me still half naked and very frustrated.

This was a re-occurring pattern and at that moment I almost hated him. He loved the risk, as long as it was mostly me taking it. So I did what I had done many times before, and reclined the seat back to masturbate as he drove. I must've presented an outrageous picture as I lay there with one leg resting on the dash. I was on the verge of a much needed orgasm when he suddenly warned me to cover up as we where pulling-up to the parking attendant booth. Out of spite, I thought about ignoring him and just continuing on, but I covered up. I was horny and angry, but sat quietly as he drove, inwardly seething, not wanting to start the trip on a bad note. He seemed totally oblivious to what I was feeling. This made me even more angry, if that was possible, but I remained calm.

I was glad when he announced that we were going to make a brief stop so that he could make an appearance at the groom's bachelor party held at a nearby hotel. I really needed to get away from him for a short while before I said something mean to him. I wasn't going to wait in the car like he wanted, and thought I'd hang out in the lounge/bar, but it was late, and just closing for the night, so I resigned myself to waiting in the lobby. The place was empty except for a couple of employees, and sat in the lobby just in front of the reception desk. crossed my mind as I sat there thumbing through a magazine. My pussy was aching and I was fidgeting about when I noticed the front desk clerk glancing my way every so often. He was a lot older, and pretended to be preoccupied with his computer until the concierge joined him. I didn't think anything of it until I realized they weren't making a sound, no conversation or anything.

I had left my coat in the car, and sat there with my legs crossed flipping through a magazine. Looking down, I could see my pussy hair peeking out between my crossed legs, but didn't think they could. Glancing up at the wall clock above their heads, I could see they were looking at my legs. My mood instantly lightened, and I was feeling naughty. I reached for another magazine on the side table, uncrossing my legs and scooting forward when I heard their collective sighs. I'm pretty sure I heard one of them say "Holy Geez", but I didn't look up, not wanting to give my pretense of innocence away. I'm sure they saw the darkness between my legs in stark contrast to the fleshiness my skin.

The dress was obscenely short after all, and from practice in front of a mirror, I knew what I could get away with or not. I slouched on the sofa, not bothering to cross my legs. Glancing down and I could clearly see my bush. My dress had ridden up and I could feel the sofa getting hot and moist underneath me. I could see the sheen on my thighs. I slouched more letting my legs drift apart while hiding my face behind the magazine. I could see the matted areas where my pussy hair was wet and also saw a hint of redness from my pussy lips. Although I couldn't see all of my pussy, I knew my lips were puffy and protruding. I peeked over the magazine, and saw their eyes glued to my pussy. It took a moment for them to notice that I was looking at them, and when they did, I simply smiled. They looked flustered and continued to stare at my pussy. I spread my legs wider and was reveling in my brazenness when I noticed a familiar face, and my boyfriend walking towards me from the elevator across the way. They covered the short distance before everything registered, and in an instant, I sat up, yanked my dress down and crossed my legs.

The familiar face was Dino, a long-time friend of Vince, who I had met before. Dino had the biggest smile as he came up to me, and got me up to give me a hug. He complimented me on how great I looked, and I warmed to his attention. I couldn't read the expression on Vince's face, but he didn't seem happy. To Dino's credit, he made no mention of seeing my pussy, but I knew he saw and liked it, judging by his hardness, which he freely pressed against me as we hugged. He even flexed himself a few times, and I felt its pulsing on my tummy. I could smell the alcohol on his breath, and the glaze in his eyes told me he was pretty well sloshed. He informed that the stripper they had hired had left some time ago, and only a few of them remained in the suite, and that he had come down and say "Hi" before we left. When he invited us up for a quick drink, I assumed it was okay since the party was over. Vince wanted to leave and seemed flustered, but we ignored him, and feeling spiteful, I liked it.

They had a large suite, and four guys I didn't know where lounging around when I entered. Their eyes lit up when they saw me. I felt myself blush. They jostled amongst themselves to be the first to introduce themselves, and their humor and playfulness had me laughing. One of the guys remarked that I should've been their stripper. They all agreed, and came up with their own amusing yet original remarks. I was eating it up, all the while, Vince somewhere off in the background.

I carefully sat down on the sofa, not wanting to show anything. When they asked me what I wanted to drink, I purposely chose something I thought they couldn't make because it wasn't a popular drink with men. I was surprised when they brought out a bottle of melon liqueur, and made me a perfect Melon Ball. Someone mentioned their friend's night club grand opening, which was to be an all night rave. Every one was for it, except for Vince. So we decided to drink a little more since it was late and no alcohol could be served in the club. They designated Vince as our driver, which he didn't like. I just played along.

Looking back, I have to credit them for being such smooth operators. I never once felt like a piece of meat to a pack of hungry wolves, which I'm pretty sure was the situation, but seeing Vince's discomfort was very satisfying. Besides I felt I could handle the situation. They all seemed like goofballs. The drinks continued to flow, and I was enjoying myself. Vince remained aloof and every so often would remark that we had to be going, which we all ignored.

They were fun to be around, and when they saw me bobbing my head to the beat of some rap tune playing on their beat box, Dino grabbed my hand and pulled me up to dance. Suddenly upright, I was momentarily woozy from all the drinks, but wiggled and gyrated a little, which erupted in hoots and howls.

I was entranced by my reflection off the glass doors to the balcony. My legs looked long and sexy with so much of them exposed, accentuated by the high arch of my heels. Overall, I looked and felt hot and sexy. I snapped out of my trance and quickly sat down crossing my legs. Their eyes were riveted to that apex where my legs met. I inwardly giggled wondering if they thought they actually saw my pussy or just dark colored panties. Their expressions almost caused me to bust-out laughing.

They brought up the stripper, and showed me pictures they had taken. I didn't understand their disappointment, because she was very pretty, and looked much younger. I laughed at the wacky poses, one showing Dino sticking out his tongue inches away from the strippers butt.

I wasn't shocked when they started chanting for me to dance, and the thought of teasing them before we went to the club was appealing, but I declined. They pleaded, and one got on his knees and pulled out a wad of cash telling me that no amount was too much for a lap dance. I laughed as they all started pulling out whatever cash they had and cleared the coffee table to be my stage.

Vince was nowhere to be seen, and when they saw me bobbing my head to a certain rap song, they sang along replacing "Pussy" for one of the lyrics, while egging me on. They all howled when Dino pulled me up. I did a little sexy gyration to satisfy them, and was about to sit down when was I grabbed at the waist from behind and lifted atop the coffee table. My dress had ridden up slightly, and I quickly yanked it down. Someone threw a bunch of bills onto the table, and money was flying everywhere. I was laughing during it all, and seeing them looking up my dress, I started to dance a little more. They were loud, giving each other "high-fives" while I was feeling a streak of wantonness and arousal I've rarely felt before.

Again, I fixated on my reflection off the sliding glass door and thought about the show I was giving to anyone across the way. I admired how I moved to the music, with each gyration causing my dress to inch upwards until my bush was exposed. The first few times this happened, I quickly tugged my dress down, and then danced while holding the hem of my dress down. Their objections were loud and amusing, but stopped when Dino reached out to hold my hand away. I gave in and let my dress ride up as I danced to the beat and admired myself in the glass windows.

I danced with my legs apart and when hands reached for my pussy, I playfully swatted them away. My pussy was drenched, and I could feel drops running down the insides of my legs. One of the guys placed his finger to stop it, and retraced its path barely touching my skin. The feeling was electric, and when he touched my pussy, I quivered and moaned in the first orgasm of the night. Arms wrapped around my waist from behind, and I found myself sitting on someone's lap, with his mouth and tongue attacking my neck. I leaned into him and threw my head back enjoying the sensation. Hands where everywhere while my boobs where being sucked. I felt my legs held up and apart as I sat there on some ones lap. I saw my reflection, and was captivated by the image. My pussy was spread wide and open, and I could see the wetness and deep pink in the center. And then someone buried his face in between my legs, and ravaged me. That was the last time I paid any attention to my reflection.

I don't remember how my dress finally came off, or how many times I came. They were insatiable, and we fucked in many different positions all through the night and into the next day. Its funny though how I remember silly little things, like someone telling the others not to fuck me until he's had a chance to eat my pussy, or the first couple guys asking me took keep my heels on as we fucked. Strange how my mind works sometimes. The sex was a blur of orgasms, and when I started to nod off from sheer exhaustion, I was given another cocktail and was instantly energized. Later they told me that they had laced it with Ecstasy.

I never knew what happened to my boyfriend. We all went to the wedding reception the next day, missing the actual ceremony, with each of them sharing me as they're date, which is another story in itself. Lets just say that we all had a great time exposing me at the reception. I was reluctant at first, but the bride and her bridesmaids were real bitches. We were late of course because I had to shop for an outfit to wear. That was aloft of fun, trying on different outfits for four horny guys. A couple weeks later, my now ex-boyfriend showed up at my door unexpected, and thought he could pick-up our relationship as if nothing happened. I just closed the door on him.

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dezireddeziredover 7 years ago
Great story

I enjoyed reading of your adventure, you naughty girl.

Jaydee11Jaydee11over 7 years ago
You naughty girl

Love your little "Sexcapade"....

More stories please Pantyless Asian..

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Make a story of you in a library ... and show a picture of your legs....and more

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