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Paradise Isle - Faun Pt. 10


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For the entire evening, Liam wound up serving the trio, laying out the food and pouring the wine. He didn't mind, the sight of the three of them kept him horny and agreeable.

And as they pretty much ignored him, he had little else to do.

He did occasionally try and participate in the discussions, but he gave up after making the mistake of calling the pretty satyr, Izzy. The first time Alexandrea corrected him sternly. The second time Willow beat her to it, and reminded him that Izzy was no more. Just like Finley was gone to Willow.

He apologized to Snow, who merely smiled and nodded. She was still getting used to it herself. In fact, she wasn't sure if she even liked it.

Finally, full of good food, and still sore, Willow requested that they call it a night, so she could get some sleep. Alexandrea and Snow quickly agreed, and headed out after giving her loving kisses. Snow's was sisterly, while Alexandrea's was particularly passionate.

After they'd left, Liam turned to Willow. "Alexandrea still has the hots for you."

"I know, but I think I'm done with her."

"Good; and what about Izzy - I mean Snow."

"It's fun not being the only Nymph in the room. I adore her, as a sister. And I think she's going to need a lot of support, getting used to her new body."

"I can imagine."

"It was easier for me. I was already Willow, at least part time."

Liam nodded. "She sure is cute. Just like you."

Willow smiled, but then yawned and struggled to her feet. I'm going to get ready for bed."

Liam cleaned up the remains of the food, while Willow used the bathroom and crawled into bed, tired and a little sore. He joined her several minutes later.

She was almost asleep, but she stirred to give him a kiss.

"Did you notice that Izzy isn't wearing a collar, like the one Alex made you wear." Liam asked, as she laid back, and again closed her eyes. But she did reply. "You mean Snow? Yes, I wonder why not? Perhaps Alex doesn't feel it necessary."

"It wasn't necessary with you. You were with her voluntarily."

"Well, it did make me feel more submissive, and more of a captive."

But that was the last thing she said. Liam heard her breathing slow and knew that she was out.

He was disappointed. He had hoped for sex. The evening with the three beauties had left him horny and ready. Oh well, there's always tomorrow...


In the morning, Liam had his way with his faun. He carefully avoided her delicate breasts, although he really wanted to see and feel them. That would just have to wait.

Regardless they both enjoyed themselves and came away happy and hungry.

Willow spent the rest of the day relaxing in their room. She was in no mood to go out with her chest all wrapped up and looking massive.

She and Liam just laid around, reading and watching the television. It was pleasant, just relaxing, with the patio doors open and the fresh ocean breezes blowing in.

After lunch Izzy stopped by for a while. When Liam opened the door, he got in a "hi Izzy," as she came stumbling in, giggling, happily, "hi sister, how are you doing? I came over to check and get in some more practice walking. It's still a frustrating challenge."

Willow laughed, "hi Snow, it's great to see you, sister." And they both laughed.

Izzy clip clopped over to the bed and sat on the edge to lean over and kiss her friend. Willow pulled her down and kissed her back.

Liam's cock got hard at the sight, and as he was naked, his interest was obvious, and embarrassing.

Willow, looking over Izzy's shoulder, gave him a dirty look, and he shrugged self-consciously. What can a guy do?

Izzy sat up and looked at Liam who was doing his best to hide his cock, with his hands. "It's Snow, now, remember. Izzy is no more."

"Are you comfortable with that name change?" Willow asked, concerned.

"Actually, yes. It helps remind me that I'm a different person now, or satyr, whatever. Alexandrea intends to have my name officially changed to Snow. Like you, I also have to get new photos for my passport and driver's license." She said speaking to Willow.

Then she turned back to Liam, and smiled, "and I would love to sample that cock of yours, again. Now that my pussy is always available, I've been thinking about that a lot."

She waited for some response from either Liam or Willow, but when none came, she shrugged and giggled, "perhaps some other time."

Snow stayed and visited with Willow for about an hour before she struggled out of the bed and them made her way to the door. "I'm off to practice a little more. And I have to get used to all of the stares from the other people around here. How long did it take you to get used to that?"

Willow smiled. "I was kind of used to it from my time in costume. But it still took me months to learn to ignore all of the ogling, and the comments, both negative and positive. You'll be fine. Just tell them to fuck off, either in your head, or out loud."

They both laughed, and then Snow left.

After she'd gone, Willow turned to Liam, "you would have loved to, right?"

He knew exactly what his wife was asking, but he feigned confusion, "huh?"

Willow giggled. "Oh, come on, you would love to fuck the satyr. Wouldn't you?"

Liam blushed. "Well, I suppose so. She does look beautiful and sexy. But I have you."

"Yes, you do. But you had her before, and I didn't mind. Hell, I had her before too. In fact, I'd like to have her again, myself."

"Well then. Yes, I would like to, but only if you still don't mind."

She smiled, thoughtfully, but didn't commit.

"But what about Alex?" Liam asked.

"I'm not sure about her. I think she'd like to have sex with me, but I'm still angry with her for these." And she grabbed hold of her big breasts.

He smiled, lasciviously. "I've got to tell you that I like those, or I'm sure I will when they're unwrapped."

Willow snorted. "They're not some birthday gift for you. I think they were meant as a gift for Alex."

"Didn't she say they were a gift for you?"

Willow laughed, bitterly. "Some gift."

Liam crawled onto the bed and gave her a kiss. "You'll look wonderful. I'm sure. And if they're too much trouble we will have them reduced or removed."

That night Liam and Willow ate dinner in their room. Liam was pleased that Alexandrea and Snow had left them alone, he was happy enough without them.

In the morning, Liam and Willow took a shuttle back to the clinic to have her bandages removed. Alexandrea wasn't invited. Even though she had paid for her new breasts, Willow didn't feel bad about leaving her out of the big reveal. She'd see them soon enough.

Liam watched anxiously as a doctor and nurse, carefully removed the wrappings from his wife's chest.

Willow though had mixed feelings. She too wanted to see, but she continued to worry about the days ahead, dealing with the big things on her chest. She knew that everyone would enjoy the sight and a select few would love the feel of the things, but she just knew that they'd be difficult to deal with.

Finally, the doctor stepped back. "There you go. They look perfect. I don't detect any issues. I'm sure that in five days, a week at most, you'll be able to enjoy them and show them off. Until then you'll need to be gentle and wear the bra we'll provide. Everyone always hates those things, but they're necessary to help your implants settle."

Liam stepped forward past the doctor to get a better look.

Willow who had been head down, taking in the view, looked up, first at the doctor who smiled encouragingly, and then at Liam who was grinning like a kid in a candy shop.

"They are huge, but you look fantastic." Liam said, in awe.

Willow smiled uncertainly "Can I look in the mirror?" she asked, nodding toward the large one mounted on the wall.

"Yes, of course, but move carefully. Your balance may be off, and you don't want to agitate your new breasts."

The nurse and Liam helped her stand and walk over to the mirror.

After a couple of minutes staring at her chest. Willow muttered, "you're right, they are huge, and heavy too, but I'm sure they'll draw a lot of admiration."

Liam chuckled. "They will."

"I know they feel heavy, now. But your body will get used to them, especially if you exercise. Even walking will help." The doctor said. "Now I have to be going, the nurse will help you with your bra, and provide some guidance."

"Thank you doctor."

The nurse warned Willow to continue to take it easy. To wear the bra at all times for at least the next five days. And then, as long as there was no pain, she could, slowly start going with something less industrial.

"How about topless? Most women at the resort walk around that way?" Liam asked like a lecher.

"You dog." Willow scolded, shaking her head.

The nurse laughed. "You want to show her off? Fine, but if she gets sore, put the bra back on."

Back in the room, Willow looked down at her new breasts. It struck her that she couldn't see her feet, the bra blocked her view. She wondered if, when she was able to get rid of the thing, she'd be able to. Probably not. Shit!

"I don't really want to go out wearing this thing. Everyone will know; it will be embarrassing."

Liam laughed, "says the exotically beautiful faun. I agree it doesn't go well with your character, but we do need to eat, and I'm tired of room service."

"Me too," she sighed.

With some additional coaxing from Liam, Willow finally agreed to go out for lunch, and she even called Snow to invite her and Alexandrea to meet them at the restaurant.

They arrived first and were sipping on their drinks when Alexandrea and Snow came hurrying up. The poor satyr was out of breath from trying to keep up with her excited wife.

"They're perfect!" Alexandrea exclaimed a soon as Willow stood to greet her. They hugged and kissed, as Alex laughed happily. Snow gave Liam a quick kiss, before she took her turn at hugging her sister.

"Of course, we won't really know until I can see them uncovered." Alexandrea said as she sat down.

"I've seen them and they are perfect." Liam said, happily.

After the greetings and the compliments, they all settled down to enjoy a nice lunch. Willow was happy to be out and about, despite her bra, and the enthusiastic chatter from both Alex and Snow, about how great she looked, helped lighten her attitude.

"So, you won't be able to be rid of that bra for another week?" Alex asked as they were standing to head back to their rooms. She sounded sorely disappointed. "I thought the doctors in this place were experts, and recovery fast?"

"According to my doctor, that is a remarkably fast timeframe, compared to the practitioners on the mainland. You know they do their best to get their guests back out to enjoy their vacations after any procedure." Liam told her.

'Yes, yes. I understand. I'm just anxious to see and feel her." Alexandrea said, giggling.

They all walked casually back to Willow's suite, with Alexandrea anxious to see what she'd paid for.

Liam resented her attitude, but didn't argue. It wouldn't have done any good, anyway.

Inside, Willow unfastened her bra and tossed it aside, and then stood hands-on-hips to show off her new chest.

"Beautiful." Alex said happily She was clearly pleased and excited.

"Big." Snow said, not so impressed.

"Yes," Willow said, agreeing with her friend.

"Oh, stop complaining. They look fantastic on you. You're the sexiest faun on the planet."

Willow laughed at that. "I'm the only faun on the planet."

Alexandrea laughed herself, but then she turned to Liam. "Don't you agree? She's beautiful."

Liam was surprised, she'd never really talked to him before. And he knew she was putting him on the spot. But he had to be honest. "Yes, she's beautiful."

"And her new breasts are wonderful, too, aren't they?" Alexandrea prompted.

"Yes, they are." And he couldn't help but add, "I love them."

Willow looked at him and smiled. There was that. But she was still uncomfortable with being so chesty.

She sat down on the bed, and took a deep breath.

"But Alex, I still don't understand why did you wanted me this big?" Willow asked, sadly. "I thought it was a gift. But now I'm wondering if you were just being mean."

"No, never. I did it because I love you." Alex said, simply.

"We're not lovers anymore." Willow responded in a whisper.

Alexandrea knelt down in front of her. "Oh, Willow my dear, your breasts were simply too small for you. With your beautiful and extraordinary body, you absolutely must have extraordinary breasts."

Alexandrea leaned in to give her a loving kiss, then leaned back to sit on her heels. "You know how much we all appreciate large breasts on our women. I do and I'm certain your Liam does too."

Alex paused and laughed, "and as an exhibitionist you'll enjoy showing them off, I'm sure."

"Alex, I am not an exhibitionist!" Willow practically screamed.

Alexandrea continued laughing, "Of course, you are."

Willow shook her head. Damn! she was so screwed. But Alex's joy was infectious, and eventually, unable to help herself she started laughing too. Maybe I am an exhibitionist, she thought.

Snow decided to end the debate. She sat down next to Willow and wrapped her arm around her. "Sis, you are beautiful. And we all appreciate how gorgeous you look."

Willow looked at her and the two of them kissed.

Liam got hard just looking at the scene.

But when the kiss ended Snow stood up and pulled Alex to her feet. "Come on lover, let's leave them alone."

She then led Alex to the door.

Before she stepped out, Alex chuckled, and turned for one last look at Willow.

"What?" Willow asked, her chest was sore and she felt stiff, and didn't see anything funny.

"Now we can see whether people look at your head, your tits or your crotch, first. What a fun game!" Alexandrea said, happily before she walked away.

To be continued...

From the Author: Please comment on my stories. All thoughts, positive or negative are welcome. If negative, please extend the courtesy of providing constructive criticism. Thanks.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Big improvement now they are standing up to Alexandrea. But Liam is still a really weak unlikable character. I keep waiting for him to stand up and take the lead in the relationship again, like it seemed he did initially in their relationship…. and he keeps not doing anything or acting the least bit manly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

When Willow passed her transformation, she was loved. Now both Snow and Willow felt abused, and accepting it wierdly. Willow should have allowed her husband to pay for and control the procedure. Otherwise it is practically a cheating. After martial problems described they had in previous chapters they should have been much more careful about it. And Alex is still in her selfish bitch mode. Not so pleasant reading still. Always expecting something bad to happen.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Another great chapter. Only thing I don't understand with this author, is why he never Allows any Of his characters To refuse Or adjust The modifications That has been done to their body? Just like this story with Willow, she really wanting them reduced down to Ds right then, when she was first was told by the doctor of her net size of EEs. Another story the man had his penis completely Bypassed, so the pee and cum came out under his balls, none of the Characters get to fix the Injustice done to them when they find out what has been done to them. Don't get me wrong we all just love the author's stories, but let one or two of the Victims Have their way, and fix the problem that they hate !!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hi, love the stories, though I think on the first page you wrote chain instead of queue? Also, I am kind of impressed of how you make Alexandrea look like a wildcard. I kind of expected her to have booked a few more modifications without willow's consent, gladly she did not. Best wishes

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


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