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A futa falls victim to an alien parasite.
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This is a one-shot which is, I believe, the longest one I've done so far, and I may revisit it someday, so I hope you guys enjoy it!

All characters are over 18 in this story. Futa, Hyper Cock, Hyper Balls, Hyper Boobs, Multi-Cock, Multi-Balls, Dick-Nipples, Excessive Cum, Penis Growth, Ball Growth, Boob Growth, Hyper Preg


"Working hard Bonnie?" Bonnie flinched as she heard the voice of her boss over her shoulder, and she quickly clicked away from the porn site she had up on her screen. Her cute face went red and she turned to face the boss sheepishly, her guilty depression framed by her black hair. She was met with a disappointed expression. "If you're going to slack off, at least keep it subtle," the boss said, before turning away and heading for her office. Bonnie watched her leave, and dropped her head in her hands, feeling very embarrassed.

While she sat at her desk in silence, a red-haired head poked over the cubicle wall. It was her friend Matilda, who acted as the one bastion of solace for Bonnie in the workplace. The two became fast friends when Bonnie began working at the firm, and they had been there for one another for years. "Don't worry about her, she's just being a bitch," Matilda said, reassuring her friend.

"I know," replied Bonnie, returning to her work. Matilda dropped from sight and then appeared around the corner, walking into Bonnie's cubicle. "What were you watching anyway?" she asked, trying to read the open tabs on her friend's browser. "Was it any good?" Bonnie looked around to check that the boss had actually gone, before clicking back to the page.

The two futas were met with a video of some young woman being absolutely railed by another futa with a 10 inch cock. "Holy shit dude, she's huge!" Matilda squeaked, admiring the length of the penis on display. "Yeah, you jealous?" Bonnie asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking. "I'm not jealous, just impressed," Matilda replied, gently stroking her own member under her skirt.

Bonnie saw her friend's subtle masturbation and gasped, pushing her away. "Not in the office idiot!" Matilda laughed and returned to her own cubicle, leaving Bonnie with a message as she left. "Remember we're going for drinks tomorrow night. Be there or be square!" Bonnie smiled as her friend left, looking forward to the following night.


Bonnie stumbled through the front door of her apartment, exhausted from her day at work. As boring as her office job was, it often took the energy right out of her. She dropped off her bag and hung her suit jacket up, looking across her home. As a converted warehouse, it was very open plan; aside from the bathroom, it was all just one large room. The high ceiling was 15 feet up, and the main room contained her living room, kitchen, dining room, and bedroom. It wasn't her ideal living situation, but it was all she could really afford.

As she glanced around she saw how messy the place was. Clothes everywhere, dirty dishes in the sink, the lot. Hoping that the night out with the other girls would lead to some action with Matilda, she thought it was the best time to clean up. Bonnie spent a couple of hours tidying up, and after a day of office work and an evening of housekeeping, she stripped naked and collapsed onto the bed for a full night's sleep.


The meteor landed not far from Bonnie's flat. Being so exhausted from the day before, the sound of the cosmic impact didn't wake her. Neither did the sound of the snake-like worm slithering through her open window into her room. Neither did the feeling of it slithering up her cock, into her balls. She tossed and turned as it wriggled its way in, nestling in her ballsack, ready to form her into the perfect host. Bonnie slept soundly, unaware of what was to come.


As she slowly awoke from her sleep, Bonnie felt thirsty. Very thirsty. She threw the covers off, revealing her flaccid 4 inch cock, and quail-egg sized balls. As she looked at her testicles, she could have sworn they felt unusual. Did they feel tight? She shrugged it off and went to drink some water.

She drank one glass. Then two. Then three. She couldn't stop, it was like she had just crawled out of the Sahara after a week with no water. She was parched! Eventually, after drinking what must have been gallons of water, she felt hydrated enough to continue with her day. She began to get dressed, throwing on her white blouse and pleated grey skirt for work, but she then heard her stomach rumble. Suddenly, she felt how hungry she was, and she could have sworn she felt her balls rumble along with her stomach? She dismissed the thought, thinking it was just an illusion, and went to the fridge to get some food. Choosing to forgo her usual breakfast-on-the-go, she cooked some bacon and eggs, demolishing them in seconds as she sat down, desperate to quench her hunger.

No luck. She was still starving! She got some more food, ate it, and was still hungry. At this point she figured there was something wrong, and called in sick for work. Surely she must have caught some sort of illness. Was it a flu coming on? She had no idea. She kept eating, ordering food to her house and drinking more water. After what felt like her eighth burger, she realised that she wasn't getting any fatter. No bulge from her full stomach or anything.

Bonnie thought that this may have been a good sign, but she wasn't too sure.


By the end of the day, Bonnie had eaten over a tonne of food. Literally. She'd emptied her fridge and had been ordering it in all day, and had done practically nothing but eat and drink. She was amazed that she didn't need to go to the bathroom at any point, nor was she showing any weight gain. Sitting on the sofa in the living room surrounded by empty fast food wrappers, she began to feel tired and decided to call it a night.

Before she could sleep, her phone buzzed with a message from Matilda. It read:

U good? U weren't at work today, u ill?

We're going for drinks now, let me know if ur coming

Bonnie frowned at the message. She really wanted to go and join the others, but she felt so bloated and tired, she knew if she went out something bad would happen because of this weird illness. With a heavy heart, she responded:

Not gonna make it tonite, feeling weird :p

See you at work when im better

Bonnie put the phone down on the sofa and sighed, annoyed that she'd missed out on tonight. This was the night she wanted to score with Matilda! Shoving the thoughts away in the back of her mind, she got up and went to bed. She hoped she'd feel better in the morning, or if not, she would go to the doctor.


As Bonnie slept, the parasite within her began its work, having got the energy it needed from its host's day of eating. It wriggled and moved around in her nuts, massaging and stimulating the tissue within to cause some growth. Bonnie frowned as she slept, tossing and turning while her testicles were attacked and mutated by her alien intruder. Despite how heavily she slept, it eventually became too much, and she woke up in a cold sweat. What was happening? She reached haphazardly over to her bedside table and flicked on the light, and as the room became illuminated she froze.

There was a mound under the covers where her groin was, the size of a basketball. She slowly moved the covers aside and screamed at what she saw. The basketball sized bulge was her balls, and she could see something wriggling under the surface. Bonnie didn't know what to do; she poked and prodded at the mass to confirm that it was actually her, and it turned out that it was. She swung her legs around to the side of the bed and sat up, looking at the mass sitting between her legs.

She'd never seen anything like it before. Even when she looked up the porn that catered to the 'big balls' fetish, she'd never seen any that big. As she felt the wriggling across her balls she saw them grow, slowly expanding before her eyes, and her cock started to get hard. Now she began to really panic. Who should she call? What should she do? Before she could decide, she suddenly felt an orgasm coming on.

She moaned as she began to cum hands-free, shooting jizz across the floor. It was the most intense orgasm she'd ever felt, and when she looked down at her new mass, she saw how much she was cumming. It looked like she had shot off a pint of splooge! She finished her climax, and saw that not only were her balls now bigger, almost at the size of a basketball each, her cock had grown bigger too. It was now hard at nearly a foot long, and the girth of a drink can.

As Bonnie sat in the afterglow of the biggest ejaculation of her life, the wriggling began to intensify, and it became much more uncomfortable. She looked at her ballsack, and saw that there was now not one, but two small worms crawling across her balls. The sight of it all, mixed with the feeling of her last climax, caused her to faint on the spot, falling back on the bed, her legs and balls still hanging over the edge.


When Bonnie finally awoke, she had no idea how long had passed. She stayed lying down, staring at the ceiling. She was afraid to look down and see what had happened to her cock and balls overnight, but deep down she felt a tiny bit excited. She propped herself up on her elbows and looked down, and her jaw dropped.

Her balls were now the size of beach balls, and her cock was now over three feet long flaccid, hanging over her massive nuts with the tip brushing the floor. The room ahead of her was absolutely coated in cum, leading her to believe she must have orgasmed many times overnight too. This wasn't the most worrying thing either.

She had grown a second cock. It sat to the left to her original one, and seemed to be around a foot and a half long as it flopped over her left thigh, and she could also see another two basketball shaped protrusions on her original balls. She reached and and touched the new balls, flinching as she did. The whole area was so sensitive! As she stroked her newly huge ballsack, her two cocks began to stir to life, and she saw more of the worms under the taut skin of her ballsack. Bonnie could see around six under her skin, but she could feel the squirming all over her balls, implying that there were more on the other side of the globes that she couldn't see.

Her mind began to grow fuzzy. She knew this was a bad thing, but she didn't seem to mind? Bonnie reached out and grabbed both of her penises and began jacking them off, bringing them to a full erection very quickly. She stroked as much of the lengths as she could, unable to reach the tip of her original cock, and she soon felt her orgasm coming. Her balls began to tense, and she suddenly felt very hungry. Without thinking, Bonnie angled her shorter cock into her mouth, wrapping her lips around it's head, and she came.

The original cock vomited cum all over the floor and the walls, covering the already liberal coating of semen that adorned her room, while the second cock sprayed her cum directly into her mouth. She desperately swallowed, chugging her jizz uncontrollably, trying to sate her hunger. It felt like the hunger from the previous day but more intense, her stomach growling with need.

Bonnie came for over 10 minutes until her flow subsided, and she popped the head of her cock from her mouth. Her room was painted in jizz, and it stank of the stuff too. In a moment of clarity, Bonnie tried to stand to go and find a phone to call for some help, but when she stood up, she found her balls now rested on the ground and were too heavy to walk easily with. She slowly shuffled them along the ground in front of her as they continued to grow, and by the time she reached her phone, she felt another orgasm coming. She reached out for her device but before she could reach it, she came, and the sensation of it all caused her to fall back to the floor in the middle of her living room.


Again, Bonnie awoke having no idea how long she had been out for. All she could feel was the painful writing of the many parasitic worms on her balls and the stickiness of the cum all over her floor. She groggily climbed to her feet and looked at what had become of her genitals. What once was a normal sized set of gonads that matched her dainty frame, was now a monster.

Her original balls were now around 6 feet across, standing taller than her by themselves, and she could see that the second set of balls were like beach balls now, sitting atop the original pair. Her original cock was 12 feet long soft, hanging across her titanic testes, and her second one was approaching the same length. However, she looked elsewhere and felt like she was about to cry. In a mirror across the room, she could see a third set of balls had started growing on her original pair, and she had a third cock to the right of her original one.

These ones were growing fast, and before long both the second and third cocks were 11 feet long while soft, and the second and third set of balls were as big as beach balls. Bonnie grabbed her cocks and hysterically began trying to masturbate them, unable to properly jack them as they were too big. Her balls were so big they were like a wall in front of her, and the three cocks went up between her and her nuts.

She finally managed to reach an orgasm and she screamed in pleasure as her six testicles unloaded their seed all over the room, covering it and Bonnie in thick, goopy sludge. While she came, she felt two larger worms begin to work their way up through her torso and into her boobs, doing what they had done before to her chest. The wriggling feeling under the skin only heightened the pleasure of her climax, and she saw her breasts begin to grow.

The huge volume of cum kept surging from within Bonnie's 6 testicles, and as it did her breast continued to grow in size, soon becoming the size of bowling balls. She noticed that her nipples were becoming much larger than what was proportional, and they looked odd, and when she began to rub and hold them her fears were confirmed. Her nipples had become penises! And large ones at that, growing to nearly a foot long in tandem with her tits.

Bonnie's boobs kept growing alongside her six balls and now five cocks, and the number of worms increased under the skin of her breasts and ballsack. However, while the number of small worms increased, a large one that had been growing in the depths of her testicles followed the final few spurts of cum up the length of her central cock. It widened her urethra like water filling a long balloon, and it eventually flopped from the tip of her cock and landed on the floor with a *thud*.

If Bonnie could have seen it on the other side of her monstrous ballsack, she would have seen the large, dark blue alien worm slither around the floor, looking like a freakish and featureless anaconda. It slinked it's way under her balls, eliciting a strange sensation for Bonnie, before finding its way up between her legs and into her vagina. To Bonnie it felt like slowly being filled with a giant, slimy dildo, and it eventually crammed it's entire length inside her womb, filling her midsection out with a shape that looked like she had swallowed a large snake.

The mix of her body and mind being worn out by her mammoth orgasm and the feeling of the enormous alien worm working its way out of her and then back in, left Bonnie feeling weary, before she fell back into the pool of cum surrounding her, falling into a deep sleep. She would have a lot of changes to get used to from now on.


Matilda arrived at Bonnie's front door, and was confused at what she saw. Everything seemed normal, aside from the white sludge seeping out from under the door. Had Bonnie spilled a load of mayonnaise? Right by the door? She dismissed the thought and rang the doorbell. It had been a couple of days since Bonnie had called in sick, and no one had heard from her since. Matilda hoped she was OK, and decided to go and check on her flat.

She waited after ringing the bell. No response. She rang again, growing a little more concerned. Still no response. Fearing that something was wrong, she weighed up her options. Deciding that she could afford to replace a door, she began to try and knock it down. She barged into the door with her shoulder a few times, until the lock broke free and it swung open. As it opened, Matilda stumbled forward with her momentum and fell face first into a pool of something sticky.

She climbed to her knees and looked down, seeing that she was kneeling in a giant pool of some sort of off-white sticky substance, and she had it all over her front and her face. She could smell it strongly as she wiped it from her face, and she could taste the strong salty tang on her lips as she did. It tasted just like semen, but a lot stronger. Matilda thought that couldn't be right, as the place looked covered in it. No one could possibly cum that much, right?

She looked up and around, seeing the carnage that the cum-like substance had caused before coming face to face with some freakish fleshy mass. Well, face to cockhead. It looked like there were three giant penises hanging over a large ball of flesh, with cum leaking from the tips. Matilda froze up, unable to full process what she was looking at. These were monstrous penises, and that meant that she was actually in a pool of thick cum! Was the thing underneath the cock a set of balls? They were fucking huge!

Matilda slowly stood and called out for Bonnie. "Bonnie? You there girl? What the fuck is happening in here?" She slowly moved around the mass and gasped as she saw what lay behind it. Connected to the mass of cocks and balls was her dear friend, slumped back on the floor with a set of boobs that were each as big as one of her balls, 6 feet across with penises for nipples, both flaccid, 3 feet long, and leaking semen. Matilda could only see Bonnie's head and shoulders sticking out from under her boobs as their sheer size covered her torso entirely.

Matilda moved towards her and held her shoulder, trying to wake her. "Bonnie? Holy shit Bonnie, are you OK?" Bonnie began to stir, and she groggily opened her eyes. Seeing her friend above her as she woke put a smile on her face, and for a moment she forgot about what she had become. "Matilda..." was all she could muster, still feeling extremely tired from how much energy her body had been forced to use up to transform.

Matilda shuffled around behind Bonnie and knelt down, gently placing her head on her lap and stroking her hair. "Oh my god Bonnie, what happened?" Bonnie could only grunt as a shot of cum suddenly spurted from a couple of her cocks, and she sighed, still tired. "OK Bonnie, I'm going to call a doctor. Something's really not right here, so I'll stick with you OK?" Matilda said, pulling out her mobile and feeling concerned and scared for her friend's wellbeing.

Bonnie wearily looked up at Matilda, tears in her eyes, but glad that she was at her side. "I'm a freak, aren't I..." Bonnie asked, too tired to show how disappointed she was. She was so close to trying to date Matilda, and now before she could, she had transformed into a multi-cocked monster. "Oh Bonnie," Matilda responded with a caring tone. She didn't know how to say it, but she did think that Bonnie was a freak, but not in a bad way.

Matilda had always been into big cocked futas. She herself wasn't on the small side, reaching a decent 9 inches hard, but she always thought that there could be more. Unbeknownst to Bonnie, Matilda had been wanting to date her for a while as well, but now the circumstances had changed. Seeing Bonnie as she was, Matilda knew she should have been disgusted. She was monstrously big!

However after the initial shock, Matilda realised she was turned on. More so than she thought she should be. Bonnie had gone from the cute co-worker that had piqued her interest to a hyper-cocked futa that she knew she had to worship. Thinking that now wasn't the time, she held her tongue, but she knew she couldn't wait too long. Bonnie needed a doctor, but Matilda needed her cocks.

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