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Party Favor Pt. 03


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"He does have a lot to learn," Mr. Miller said. He grabbed the leather handcuffs off the bed. "Turn around, boy."

Shane shuffled around on his knees, his face still hot with embarrassment. He felt like O'Connor was laughing at him, at Mr. Miller. He hated that feeling. But how he was supposed to know that Mr. Miller wanted him to keep things tidy? He put his arms back, and let Mr. Miller cuff his hands behind his back.

"Face me, boy."

Shane did, and his eyes widened when he saw the nipple clamps in Mr. Miller's right hand. "What, no!"

Mr. Miller reached out with his left hand to grab a fist full of Shane's hair, and gave it a sharp tug. "What was that?"

Shane whimpered. "Master, please, they hurt!"

"Exactly," Mr. Miller told him, releasing his hair. He leaned down to grab Shane's left nipple, pinching and pulling on it until Shane whimpered again. He attached the nipple clamp, and Shane hissed. "And the other one," he said, ignoring Shane's soft whimper as he attached the other clamp. "There."

Shane bit his lip. He looked down, at the clamps pinching his nipples and the metal chain. His cock, despite the sharp pain, was still hard. He took a deep breath, and looked up at Mr. Miller. "Master?"

Mr. Miller was still looking at him, his eyes narrowed. "Yes, much better," he said, more to himself than to Shane. "O'Connor, what do you think? Does he need a spanking?"

O'Connor laughed. "Miller, I always think they need a spanking. You want me to do the honours?"

"Be my guest," Mr. Miller said. "After all, I said you could use him, right?"

"You did," O'Connor said, looking down at Shane. "Get up, boy."

Shane did, awkwardly getting to his feet without the help of his hands.

O'Connor grabbed his arm, and led him over the couch where he sat down. "All right, let's get you lying down across my lap."

Shane glanced over at Mr. Miller, then let Mr. O'Connor help him lean down. It was still awkward, with his hands cuffed behind his back and the metal chain dangling down between the clamps, but eventually he was lying across Mr. O'Connor's lap, his head resting against the seat of the couch. He made sure not to rest his chest against the couch, so it wouldn't press against his pinched nipples.

He gasped when Mr. O'Connor started spanking him, and he winced at the loud slap. He felt one strong hand grab one of his wrists, pressing down against his back. "Stay still, boy."

Shane tried to, but couldn't help wincing the next time Mr. O'Connor's free hand came down on his ass. Mr. O'Connor was spanking him hard, and as Shane squirmed, his nipples pressed and rubbed against the seat of the couch, which only made things more painful.

He couldn't see Mr. Miller from this angle at all. "Master, please!" he begged, hoping Mr. Miller would take pity on him. "I won't do it again!"

Mr. O'Connor rested his hand on Shane's ass, then started spanking him again.

Shane whimpered, then felt two hands around his ankles, pressing his legs down against the couch. It had to be Mr. Miller.

"Stop squirming, boy," came Mr. Miller's voice, "and take your punishment."

Mr. O'Connor hit the same spot on his ass a couple of times. "He's got a nice ass for spanking, at least, Miller."

Shane winced when Mr. O'Connor started stroking his ass, and pinching it. "Please! Master!"

"That's the other problem with training complete newbies," Mr. O'Connor said, and slapped his ass hard again. "They can't take anything. Honestly, Miller, what is he good for?"

"He gives decent head," Mr. Miller replied. "And he'll do anything for a gangbang."

"So he's a cockslut, big deal," Mr. O'Connor said, still spanking Shane. "There's plenty of those around who are better behaved than this one. I'm not sure why you brought him with you."

Shane had stopped squirming, and felt even more humiliated by Mr. O'Connor's words.

"Right now, I'm not sure either," Mr. Miller said. "I really thought he knew better than this." He sighed. "All right, that's enough for now. Help him up."

Shane was quiet as Mr. O'Connor helped him stand up. He was panting hard, his ass and nipples aching, and he kept his eyes on the floor. To think, Mr. Miller had been so pleased with him earlier in the shower. He should've known better. He knew from the parties that Mr. Miller liked things to be clean and tidy and well-organised, so he should've known that the same would go for this hotel room.

"Seriously, Miller, I know a couple of young men who'd be perfect for you. They still need plenty of training, just the way you like it, but at least they know the basics," Mr. O'Connor said, still sitting on the couch.

Mr. Miller grabbed Shane's chin, and forced him to look up. "Boy?"

Shane was still breathing hard. Mr. Miller was glaring down at him, expecting an answer, but Shane wasn't sure what to say. All he knew was that he didn't want Mr. Miller to get someone else. "Master," he said, swallowing hard, "please, I can do better! I'll behave, I'll do what you want, just please, let me try, Master."

Mr. Miller was silent for a long time, then nodded and released him. "All right, boy. It has been a long day for you, you've seen a lot of things you didn't even know about before, and you were clearly eager when you got back up here."

"Yes, Master," Shane said, feeling hopeful.

"But that doesn't mean you can make a mess, boy," Mr. Miller said, and he reached out and tugged on the metal chain with one finger.

Shane whimpered in pain, hissing as the clamps tugged on his nipples. "Yes, Master."

"You still have a lot to learn, but you want to learn, right, boy?"

He nodded, even as Mr. Miller tugged on the chain again. "Yes, Master, please, Master." He didn't want Mr. Miller to decide Shane couldn't come to his parties anymore.

"Good," Mr. Miller said, letting go of the chain. "Don't make me regret my decision, boy." He removed one nipple clamp, making Shane hiss in pain. He rubbed Shane's nipple with his fingers. "Hurts, doesn't it, boy?" He removed the other one too, rubbing both nipples now as Shane winced. "I'll have to remember that in case you misbehave at my parties."

"I won't, Master," Shane immediately said. He'd be on his best behaviour. He didn't want to risk Mr. Miller deciding someone else was better. "Please."

Mr. Miller hummed. "Get on the bed, on your knees."

Shane did as he was told, awkwardly getting on the bed and shuffling forward on his knees until he was kneeling down in the middle.

Mr. Miller reached out to put one hand between his shoulder blades, and pushed him forward until Shane's head was resting against the sheets.

Shane turned his head to watch Mr. Miller and Mr. O'Connor.

Mr. O'Connor got up, walking over to the bed. He let one hand slide down Shane's upturned ass. "Still a little red. Good."

"You did give him a very thorough spanking," Mr. Miller replied, putting the nipple clamps away in the drawer.

Shane bit his lip and Mr. Miller got out the spreader bar with the ankle cuffs. His knees were already spread wide, was this really necessary?

Mr. Miller attached one cuff to Shane's ankle, then the other, forcing him to spread his legs further. Once he had finished with that, he wrapped his hand around Shane's half-hard cock. He pumped his fist back and forth slowly. "Mr. O'Connor is gonna fuck you now, boy. And then I'm gonna fuck you. And you're not gonna come before both of us have. Understood?"

"Yes, Master," Shane replied, already breathing hard.

Mr. Miller stroked his cock one last time, then let go of it. He turned back to the nightstand drawer, and pulled out some lube. He threw it over to Mr. O'Connor. "Don't use too much. He's still learning his lesson."

"No problem," Mr. O'Connor replied, sounding amused.

From the corner of his eye, Shane could see Mr. O'Connor get on the bed, settling behind him, and listening to him unbuckling his belt and unzipping his trousers. Hot anticipation coiled in his gut. He was about to get fucked, and fucked hard. Even though Mr. Miller still intended this to be punishment, Shane couldn't wait for Mr. O'Connor's dick to slide inside of him.

Mr. O'Connor ran his fingers around Shane's hole a couple of times, lubing him up a little, then groaned as he slicked up his cock. "Not gonna use my fingers on you first, boy," Mr. O'Connor announced. "You'll take my cock and like it."

Shane nodded. "Yes, Sir."

He still whimpered when Mr. O'Connor began to push his dick against Shane's hole. It felt like a thick cock, and it hurt when the head popped inside. Shane let out a sob, but stayed in place.

Mr. O'Connor put his hands on Shane's hips, keeping him in place as he slowly pushed in further. "Oooh, fuck, he's still so tight! And you say you've used him for your parties?"

"Four times now," Mr. Miller confirmed. "He loves a gangbang." He ran his fingers through Shane's hair. "Little cockslut, aren't you?"

"Yes, Master," Shane panted, looking up at Mr. Miller. Mr. O'Connor's cock sliding deeper and deeper hurt, and lying like this with his hands cuffed behind his back was awkward, but it was what Mr. Miller wanted, so Shane would do it.

"Good boy." Mr. Miller patted him on the cheek. "I think he's definitely enjoying himself."

Mr. O'Connor thrust in hard, making Shane gasp in pain. "Oh, shush, slut. You can take it. How many times have you been fucked by now? Thirty? Forty?"

Shane felt his face redden at the number. He hadn't kept count himself, but it was definitely around that number. And he'd sucked men off even more often than that. Sure, the same men often came to different parties, but still. He'd had a dick up his ass at least forty times... no wonder Mr. Miller called him a cockslut.

"I think it might even be fifty by now," Mr. Miller said. He was still idly stroking Shane's hair. "And he still loves it, don't you, boy?"

"Yes, Master," Shane managed. His ass was starting to get used to the thick dick inside of him, and Mr. O'Connor kept thrusting forward. He gave one final thrust, and Shane groaned.

Mr. O'Connor gave his ass a slap, then began to fuck him. "Oh yeah," he grunted, "nice tight ass you've got there, slut. Perfect for fucking."

Shane gasped as it was starting to feel good. Yes, this was what he wanted. To be filled up, to feel pleasure well up inside of him, for his own cock to be achingly hard.

He couldn't come yet, though. First Mr. O'Connor, then Mr. Miller. Then, maybe, Shane could come.

"Why do you think I keep him around?" Mr. Miller chuckled. "You should've seen him at the first party. He kept arguing and resisting, but once I got him started on sucking cock, he was very enthusiastic. Eager, even. Same with getting fucked. He begged me not to fuck him in front of everyone there, but once I was fucking him, I soon had him begging to come."

Shane blushed as he remembered that moment. He moaned in pleasure as Mr. O'Connor fucked him hard.

"A happy memory for you as well, boy?" Mr. Miller asked, running his fingers through Shane's hair. "Of course it is. It was when you discovered how much of a cockslut you really are."

He moaned again. Part of him wanted to deny it, to say that he wasn't a cockslut, but what was the point? Mr. Miller would get annoyed with him, and besides, he'd been fucked fifty times and was still eager for more. He really was a cockslut. "Yes, Master," he moaned. "Yes, I'm a cockslut."

Mr. Miller smiled down at him. "Good boy," he murmured.

Shane felt relieved Mr. Miller was looking so happy. He moaned with every thrust of Mr. O'Connor's thick cock inside of him. It felt so good. Not enough to make him come, but definitely enough to make the pain from the spanking fade away. It had left his ass more sensitive, but Shane wasn't sure if that was worth the pain of being spanked, or the ache in his nipples from the clamps.

Mr. O'Connor was starting to thrust faster and faster, groaning with every deep thrust. He slammed into Shane hard, so hard that it almost hurt.

Shane gasped, closing his eyes for a moment, then whimpered as Mr. O'Connor pulled back, only to slam back in. Mr. O'Connor had to be close now, he could hear it in his grunts.

A few thrusts later, Mr. O'Connor slammed in hard, groaning over Shane as he came.

Shane was breathing hard, loving the feeling of having that big cock so deep inside of him. He whimpered softly when Mr. O'Connor pulled it out.

Mr. O'Connor gave Shane's ass a final spank. "Mmm, I needed that. Thanks, Miller, for letting me use your boy. I guess he's worth keeping around after all."

"He is," Mr. Miller said, stroking Shane's hair. "I'll work on the basics with him. This weekend will be a good opportunity for him to learn."

"Are you volunteering him for anything this weekend?" Mr. O'Connor asked.

"I'm thinking about putting him in one of the gloryholes tomorrow," Mr. Miller replied. "That's something he can do."

"Those gloryholes are always fun," Mr. O'Connor agreed. "See you tomorrow, Miller."

Shane was left on the bed as Mr. Miller walked Mr. O'Connor to the door. He glanced up as Mr. Miller as he returned. "Master?" he asked. "Uhm, what are those gloryholes?" If they were like the gloryholes Mr. Miller had at his party, which was basically an old broom cupboard with some convenient holes, he thought he could do it.

"There'll be another party tomorrow night," Mr. Miller said, stroking Shane's back and tugging slightly on the handcuffs. "To make things more fun, the organisers are adding gloryholes. They're basically boxes, about the size of a phone booth, and they'll put them around the room. I was thinking of putting you in one tomorrow night, for an hour, maybe two."

"Okay, Master," Shane replied. "I can do that."

Mr. Miller chuckled. "I'm glad you agree, but I wasn't asking you, boy." He gave Shane a warning slap on the ass. "Another thing, those boxes will be made of thick plastic, so everyone will be able to see you suck them off. And since the boxes are spread around the room, all four walls will have holes. You will have to service multiple cocks at the same time."

"Oh," Shane managed, imagining how that would work. He'd be on his knees inside a box, several men standing around him, watching him as he sucked one off, while using his hands on another. He felt his cheeks redden. Everyone would see how much of a cockslut he was.

"Yes, boy. Oh. Personally, I like the pretend-anonymity of my gloryhole, but I can see the appeal of a see-through box. You'll be locked in there, boy, same as in my gloryhole. I'm still thinking about what to make you wear. Nothing at all is always a good option, but your ass also looks good in a G-string, or maybe a jockstrap."

Shane remembered how many men had been at the party tonight. Mr. Miller had said there'd be at least a hundred men at this conference. They would all see him in one of those boxes, on his knees, swallowing come.

Mr. Miller got on the bed behind him, leaning forward to grab his dick. "Mmm, you like that, don't you, boy? The idea that you'll get to suck off so many men? So many men watching you suck dick?"

He moaned. "Yes, Master." It would be so embarrassing, more so than tonight. Yes, every older man knew what he was to Mr. Miller, but it was another thing to be a cocksucker where everyone could see it. And yet, he felt the heat in his stomach. Part of him couldn't wait.

Mr. Miller let go of Shane's cock to deal with his clothes. He didn't even bother lubing up his cock, he simply pushed in.

Shane gasped, but after Mr. O'Connor, it barely even hurt. "Ah, Master!"

"Yes, boy, feels good, doesn't it?" Mr. Miller grabbed his hips. "But remember, you shouldn't come before I do, or I will have to punish you again."

"I won't, Master," he promised, then moaned when Mr. Miller began to fuck. "Oh!"

"I know how you like being fucked, boy," Mr. Miller said, leaning forward and pulling back Shane's hips. "I know how much you love it. You'd probably love it if another man fucked you once I was done."

"Oh, yes, Master," he moaned. Every thrust felt perfect.

"Because you are a what, boy?"

"A cockslut," he moaned. "I'm a cockslut, Master."

"That's right," Mr. Miller told him. "You're my cockslut." He kept thrusting. "You'll do anything to get cock, won't you?" He slapped Shane's ass when he didn't respond.

"Yes, Master!" he yelped. "Yes, anything for cock!" He wasn't sure how untrue that was. He really did like getting fucked.

"Can't wait to see you tomorrow night," Mr. Miller panted. He moved one hand to wrap it around Shane's cock. "To watch you suck off everyone else. To watch you swallow their come eagerly. To watch you jerk them off. They'll come all over you, boy. Cover you with their come."

"Yes, Master," Shane moaned. He could imagine it, sucking off one man's cock while jerking off another, and the hot come landing on his arm. Why was the thought of getting covered in more and more come making him feel hot all over? He gasped as Mr. Miller kept jerking him off. "Master!"

"What is it, boy?" Mr. Miller asked. He kept fucking Shane hard while stroking his cock.

"I'm close, Master!"


He whimpered. "You have to come first, Master!"

"Mmm, I can do this for a little longer, boy."

"Please, Master!" he moaned. Oh, he was getting closer and closer. He could feel his orgasm building. "Please, I don't wanna come yet."

"Are you sure, boy? You love getting to come."

He whimpered. "I don't wanna get punished, Master. Please. I don't wanna come."

Mr. Miller didn't let up. He kept fucking Shane and pumping his fist. "You'll have to learn self-control, boy. You're mine to do with as I please, after all, and if I want to stroke your cock, I will stroke your cock."

He moaned. "Please, Master!"

"Ah, boy, you're mine to do with as I please, right?"

"Yes, Master," Shane replied, panting. "Please!"

"Say it."

It took Shane a moment to realise what he was supposed to say. "I'm -- I'm yours to do with as you, ah, please, Master."


"I'm yours to do with as -- as you please, Master," Shane managed. He was so close now. Only a few more thrusts, and he'd be coming. He tried to think of unpleasant things, like his homework and school but it wasn't helping.

"Good boy." Mr. Miller finally let go of Shane's cock, but kept fucking him hard. "We'll practise that a few more times. The more often you say it, the better you'll remember."

"Yes, Master," Shane replied. "Thanks."

"For what, boy?"

"For -- for not touching my cock, Master." He was still close, but it was easier now to hold off the orgasm. "You have to come first."

"Mmm, we'll have to work on your self-control more often," Mr. Miller told him. "A good boy doesn't come without permission."

Shane moaned. "Yes, Master." He tried to think of the punishments Mr. Miller would have in store for him if he came first, like another spanking, or the nipple clamps, and that made it easier to last longer.

Mr. Miller thrust in hard, then shuddered and groaned as he came inside of Shane. "Good," he groaned. "Good boy." He pulled out of Shane, then got off the bed. He uncuffed Shane's handcuffs and the ankle cuffs, and put those things away again. "You can get ready for bed, but only if you clean the mess you made up first."

Shane pushed himself to elbows slowly, and sat on the bed. He was still rock-hard, but Mr. Miller hadn't told him he could come. He looked around the room, at the clothes he had strewn around. "Yes, Master."

He'd been on his knees for a while, along with having been spanked, that walking was a little awkward for the first few steps. Mr. Miller went into the bathroom, and Shane heard the splashing of water as Mr. Miller got ready for bed first. Shane had things tidied up, his clothes stuffed in his own travel bag, when Mr. Miller came out again. "Good enough, boy. Your turn." He gestured at the bathroom. "Leave the door open."

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