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Party Favor Pt. 03


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At five past three, Mr. Miller e-mailed him back.

Well done. Some misspellings, skipped words and wrong words here and there. Not enough to earn you punishment but I expect better in the future. Go do your homework. I will check.

Shane let out a sigh of relief, and grabbed his homework. It wasn't too much, mostly Mathematics and Chemistry, and a little bit of reading for English class. It was difficult to focus, though, he was constantly aware of the cock cage, no matter how he shifted in his seat.

He kept thinking about Mr. Miller unlocking the cage, and preparing for tonight. What would Mr. Miller make him wear? He was certain the older man would go for a G-string, as he usually had Shane wear that at his parties. But then, Mr. Miller had been more demanding all weekend, so maybe he'd want something different.

He groaned in frustration as he could feel himself wanting to get hard again, and how painfully tight the cock cage was. Fuck, if he hadn't been caged, he could've gone and jerked off! Mr. Miller would never have known anyway.

He looked at his Chemistry textbook again. At least that was definitely not a turn-on.


It was a quarter past five when Mr. Miller returned. "Have you finished your homework?" he asked.

Shane rolled his eyes. "That's the first thing you ask? You're reminding me of my dad now." That really wasn't what he wanted. "Master."

Mr. Miller walked over to the desk, where Shane was still working on his Maths homework. "It's my duty to look after you," he said, running his fingers through Shane's hair. "What would your parents say if you returned tomorrow without having any homework done, hmm? Do you think they would let you come with me on a trip again?"

"You wanna take me on another trip, Master?" Shane asked, looking up at Mr. Miller. "Where? How long?"

Mr. Miller smiled as he kept stroking Shane's hair. "That depends on your behaviour on this one, boy. And it doesn't need to be a trip. Maybe I'll want you to stay at my home during a weekend, so to make sure you are well-prepared for a party, or to take care good care of you afterwards."

"You already do, Master," Shane mumbled, blushing a little. Mr. Miller always made him take a nice bath the morning after a party, and made sure he had a big breakfast, before bringing him back home. He also let Shane sleep in as long as he wanted.

Mr. Miller's smile grew, and he gave Shane a final pat on his head. "Still. If you want more than just one night, your parents must think that I take good care of you. If you want another weekend like this, you should prove to them that it won't get in the way of school."

Shane sighed. Mr. Miller had a point, and he definitely wanted another weekend like this. "I haven't finished my homework yet, Master."

Mr. Miller nodded at that. "Well, make sure you have before six, since that's when dinner is being served. After that, we'll have to prepare you for serving in the glory hole." He smiled at Shane. "That should be enough motivation for you." He patted Shane on the shoulder, then sat down on the couch and opened his laptop. "Boy?"

"Yes, Master?" he asked, already getting up.

Mr. Miller smiled when he saw Shane on his feet. "Oh, sit down. I just wanted to ask you if you dislike it when I remind you of my parents, like when I asked you about homework."

Shane sat down again. "Well, yeah, of course I don't like it. I don't wanna think about my parents when I'm around you, Master."

Mr. Miller glanced at his laptop screen for a moment, then back at Shane. "And why is that, boy?"

Shane frowned. Wasn't it obvious? "Because I don't want to think about my parents while thinking about sex, Master." And because he didn't want to think about what they would do if they knew what Mr. Miller was doing with him, or to him, or had other men do to him. They'd freak out and stop him from seeing Mr. Miller again.

"We'll have to work on that, then," Mr. Miller said, and looking at his screen again. "Because men like me like being responsible for our boys, and looking out for them, and taking care of them. You remember what I said this morning? About men who control how much food their boy eats and what they eat? That's something a mother would do, right?"

"Right," Shane agreed.

"And if you want to continue serving me and others like me, you'll have to get used to things like that," Mr. Miller continued. "To me doing or asking you things that might remind you of your parents. Now, obviously I won't start controlling your food intake, but I will continue you to ask you about your homework, school, and college applications."

Shane let out an annoyed groan at that. "Seriously?" The idea of talking to Mr. Miller about that was kinda weird. "I thought you just wanted me for sex."

"I do want you for sex," Mr. Miller told him. "And I am making sure that I can keep using you for sex not just this weekend or next month, but also next year."

Shane's stomach squirmed at that, at the thought of Mr. Miller already thinking about next year, about Mr. Miller wanting to see him and fuck him next year. "Huh," was all he managed. He wasn't sure what to think of that.

"Now, finish your homework, boy. Your cock cage won't come off before you've finished that."

He turned back to his homework. Mr. Miller's comments about taking care of him were still in the back of his mind. He'd think about them later. For now, he had homework to do and a cock cage to have removed.


He let out a sigh of relief when Mr. Miller removed his cock cage, after the older man had glanced at his homework to make sure Shane hadn't written down a bunch of nonsense.

Mr. Miller wrapped his hand around Shane's soft cock, tugging on it. "How does that feel, boy?"

"Feels good, Master," Shane replied, groaning softly as his cock hardened. "Oh yeah." He wasn't surprised when Mr. Miller let go of his cock.

"And how did it feel to wear? Too snug or too tight? Any pain or discomfort?"

Shane shrugged. "It felt weird, but not painful. Only when I was trying to get hard." He had been aware of that cock cage all day, and now, he was all too aware of it being off. He looked at Mr. Miller. "You wanna put me in it again, don't you?"

"As part of your training, yes," Mr. Miller replied. "But not during a party." He looked down at Shane's half-hard cock. "At least, not an entire party. Perhaps at the start. Now, remove the rest of your clothes, take a shower, and shave yourself. You will be smooth and clean when you're in that glory hole."

Shane nodded, and did as he'd been told. He shaved himself first, then washed, and after half an hour Mr. Miller came into the bathroom to inspect him, tutting when he found a few stray pubic hairs and took the razor from Shane.

"I really should get a professional to take care of this," he muttered, as he handled Shane's cock and balls while shaving his groin. "You do a decent job of it yourself by now, but tonight you need to look your best."

Shane held his breath. He was used to it, to Mr. Miller finishing his shaving job with some finishing touches, but it still didn't make it any less nerve-wracking. That razor was sharp, and he liked his cock and balls. "What, like a waxjob?"

"Something like that, yes," Mr. Miller replied, then nodded to himself and put the razor away. "I know a spa who specialises in treatments for young men like you. We'll have to pay it a visit."

Shane frowned at that. "A spa?" he asked. "With like, saunas and massages and things like that, Master?"

"Exactly like that."

"Sounds kinda girly," he replied. His Mom had been to spas with friends, and she'd always come back talking about relaxing the massage had been, or how nice the sauna was. He couldn't see the point in an entire day of sitting around and getting sweaty only to get into a swimming pool and do it all over again. A massage might be nice, though.

Mr. Miller sighed. "Boy, just trust me that I know what's good for you. The spa I'm thinking of most certainly isn't girly. It's a men-only spa."

"I wasn't saying that I wouldn't go," Shane protested. He didn't want to annoy Mr. Miller. "I mean, if that's what you want, I'll do it. I just -- I didn't think you were the kind of guy who'd go to a spa, Master."

Mr. Miller eyed him. "Well, I am, on occasion. We'll see. For now, you look good enough."

Shane frowned as Mr. Miller left the cubicle. Good enough?

He didn't have time to think about or ask about Mr. Miller's comments, as now he had to dry off and follow Mr. Miller to see what he would be wearing.

Mr. Miller was already back into his suit when Shane stepped out of the bathroom, and was holding something very flimsy. And see-through.

"What's that, Master?" he asked. Was it some kind of thong?

"A jock strap, of sorts," Mr. Miller replied, handing it to him. "But see-through." He smiled. "It's the best of both worlds. The jock strap will highlight your perky ass, and the mesh part will show off your cock and balls. It might get a little snug once you get hard, but then, that is the point." He moved closer, his hands on Shane's shoulders. "I intend to show you off tonight, boy. I want people to see how far you've come." He ran his hands down Shane's arms. "Only a couple of months ago you thought you were straight and only had eyes for girls. Now look at you, naked and half-hard at the thought of getting on your knees to suck dick."

Shane opened his mouth to protest. What did Mr. Miller mean, thought he was straight? Shane wasn't gay. He didn't look at guys and wonder what it'd be like to make out with them or have sex with them. Well, except for the guys at Mr. Miller's parties, and even then he was only thinking about what it'd be like get fucked by them or suck them off. That didn't mean he was gay. It just meant he liked sex.

"And you will do your best, boy," Mr. Miller continued, as if he hadn't noticed Shane's frown. "You will do your best with every dick, understand? You will make me proud to have given you all this attention and training. Don't disappoint me, boy. I don't want to find someone else to be the special guest at my parties. I've spent a lot of time and effort on you."

Shane nodded quickly. "Yes, Master, I'll do my best!" He'd show Mr. Miller what he had learned from being at his parties. "I'll show you how good I am at sucking cock."

Mr. Miller patted him on the head. "Good boy. Now put that on, and show me how you look."

Shane did, with some effort, and Mr. Miller pulled at the straps under his ass cheeks so they fit just right. He turned on the spot, feeling pleased when Mr. Miller smiled.

"Yes, you will look perfect on your knees," Mr. Miller murmured. "Let's go."

"But what about dinner, Master?" Shane asked. "I can't go like this?"

"Of course not. You can wear the one of the bathrobes from the hotel, and a pair of slippers," Mr. Miller told him. "It'll be fine. You won't be the only boy in a bathrobe, there are four others who will be serving along with you."

"Right," Shane muttered.

He still felt awkward as he walked next to Mr. Miller, who was in his suit, while wearing a bathrobe and slippers himself. He felt even more awkward in the dining room, where everyone seemed to be dressed nicely.

But as Mr. Miller had said, there were other young men also wearing bathrobes. He recognised one of them as the young man he had seen last night, the one with the collar and the butt plug with a tail. He was still wearing the leather collar, but otherwise, there was no sign that he liked going around on all fours. He sat down at another table, but had flashed a quick smile at Shane.

They sat at a table with four other men, three who were older, and one young man. The young man was a few years older than Shane, and handsome and slender with blond hair. He kept quiet, only leaning close to one of the older men to whisper to him. Shane assumed they had come here together, as the man with greying curls smiled dotingly at the blond.

Dinner was pleasant, with Shane following Mr. Miller when it came to using cutlery. He also didn't have any wine, as Mr. Miller ordered soft drinks for him instead. He did get to choose his own food, though, and he went for the steak.

Shane kept quiet, as the conversation was mostly about business, and he kept thinking about after dinner, and what it would be like in the glory hole. The other men at the table must know that that was why he was in a bathrobe. Were they already thinking about using him? About what it would be like to have Shane suck them off?

During dessert, the conversation turned the more fun, kinkier stuff.

"You can't go wrong with handcuffs, though," one of the older men at the table said. He sat next to Mr. Miller, and was a few inches taller than him, with an impressive beard. "It's a classic, especially proper, metal handcuffs. Love it."

"Leather cuffs are more comfortable," Mr. Miller argued, gesturing with his cup of coffee. "They can be worn for much longer."

"It's not about comfort!" the bearded man protested. "The lack of comfort is the whole point!"

"There are other ways to achieve that," Mr. Miller said, and looked at Shane. The other men at the table chuckled. Even the young blond smiled a little.

"I definitely prefer my boy to be comfortable." The curly-haired man wrapped one arm around the blond by his side. "But then I admit, I love to spoil him." He pressed a kiss against the blond's temple, and the young man ducked his head.

"How long have you been together?" Mr. Miller asked. "Two or three years?"

"Three and a half," the man with the curls replied. "I know, I didn't think it would last that long either, but Johnny here is an excellent match for me." He grinned. "Or did you simply want me to thank you again for setting us up?"

Mr. Miller shrugged. "Hey, I just thought you'd be good for each other."

"Well, you thought correctly." The curly-haired man raised his glass to Mr. Miller, then looked at Shane. "Don't worry, boy. Miller has a good eye for this sort of thing. I can guarantee you that once he's finished your basic training, he will be able to find you someone to make very happy."

"I'm sure he will, Sir," Shane replied, and went back to his sundae. Mr. Miller had mentioned it before, of course, on the ride over. He had said that he'd look for someone to hand Shane over to, in case he went out-of-state for college. He still wasn't sure how to feel about that. What kind of man would Mr. Miller set him up with? And what did the curly-haired man mean, someone to make very happy? Shouldn't it be 'someone who'll make you happy'?

"How far along are you with him?" the man asked, turning back to Mr. Miller. "He's wearing the bathrobe. Is he..."

"He will be in one of the glory holes tonight, yes," Mr. Miller asked. "We haven't finished the basics, not yet. This weekend has been good, though. Very useful. It has highlighted a few things I need to work on, and has provided my boy with plenty of things to think about. Hasn't it, boy?"

Shane nodded. "Yes, Sir." Mr. Miller kept looking at him, and Shane took it as permission to continue. "I've seen a lot of new things so far, and, uhm, we tried some new things too."

"Like what?" the man with the beard asked.

Shane looked at Mr. Miller, who nodded encouragingly. Oh God, was he really supposed to say more? What could he tell them? What did Mr. Miller want him to tell them? Mr. Miller had told him to make him proud tonight, so what could he say to make Mr. Miller proud? What had they done that could impress these men? "He, uhm, he had me wear a cock cage today," he said, feeling his cheeks redden. "He put it on me early this morning, and he took it off like an hour ago."

The bearded man chuckled. "First time you wore one?"

"Yes, Sir." He watched as the bearded man shook his head, and realised it wasn't very impressive at all. Not going by that reaction. He glanced at Mr. Miller, who was sipping his coffee. Was Mr. Miller disappointed Shane had mentioned it?

"Did you like it?" the man asked, still smiling.

Shane glanced at Mr. Miller again. Should he be honest? "I didn't want to wear it," he said, and he saw Mr. Miller smile slightly at that.

"But you did," the curly-haired man said. "You did it because Miller here told you to."

"Yes, Sir," he replied.

"Well, Miller can be very convincing when he wants to be," the man with the beard said, laughing. Then he smiled at Shane. "I once had one of my boys wear a cock cage for a month." He took a sip of his beer. "He was trembling when I took it off him. Begging me to let him come."

"Did you?" Shane asked.

The man grinned. "Not immediately." He leaned back in his chair. "I made my boy earn his orgasm."

Shane felt flustered, and he wanted to ask how the man had done that, but Mr. Miller was faster. "Yes, it is very important to make them earn it," he said. "To make sure they appreciate it all the more."

Shane looked at Mr. Miller, and wondered what the man had planned for him. So far, Mr. Miller had let Shane come whenever Shane had wanted to. Was he going to change that?

Mr. Miller didn't bring it up again as dinner finished, and led Shane over to same large ballroom they'd been in yesterday. It didn't look all that different, and for a moment Shane wondered where the glory holes were, but then he saw the plastic boxes. There were five of them, lined up with about five feet between them, on the other side of the ballroom.

"Which one will I be in?" he asked, turning to Mr. Miller.

"I don't know," Mr. Miller admitted. He noticed Shane's expression of surprise. "The organising committee decides that. They would also like to introduce you and the other four young men before you start." He gestured at the slightly raised stage behind the glory holes.

Just as Mr. Miller had said, they looked like phone booths, but entirely made of plastic, and open on top. That was good, because otherwise it would've gotten stuffy in there. As they came closer, Shane kept thinking about what it would be like to be in there, on his knees.

Mr. Miller guided him over to the one on the left. "See, three holes in three different walls," he said, pointing them out. "And the floor isn't too hard either."

Shane nodded. The floor seemed to be a blanket, which would be good. The holes were all at slightly different heights, so that every man here would be able to find a hole comfortable for him. "And for how long do I have to stay in?"

"Two hours."

Shane nodded. He had done that at Mr. Miller's parties. "I'll be fine," he said.

He felt Mr. Miller pat his lower back, and the other man left his hand there. "Make me proud, boy. Make sure you get some positive feedback."

"Wait, feedback?" Feedback on his blowjobs?

"Oh yes. They'll add a whiteboard to each of these booths," Mr. Miller told him. "And some pens so people can leave feedback. It was one of the reasons why I volunteered you. I need feedback to continue your training."

Shane just nodded. He hadn't really had much feedback on his cock-sucking before, but he knew the guys at Mr. Miller's parties liked it, because they came down his throat. They had commented, sure, but mostly dirty talk about how enthusiastic he was, or how he was choking. Shane had the feeling that the men would be more in-depth than that. "Training for blowjobs?"

"Of course." Mr. Miller's hand rubbed his back. "There's always room for improvement, boy. Tonight, I want you eager. You're still a beginner, but you can make up for that with enthusiasm. It'll make it clear that you're new to giving blowjobs, rather than bad."

Shane could only nod again, feeling both glad that Mr. Miller was giving him advice, and humiliated that Mr. Miller called him a beginner. He had been to four parties now, and had sucked loads of cock. Surely he wasn't a beginner anymore? He was getting better at deep-throating, and knew how to use his hands if he had them free.


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