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Party to Change


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Electra seemed to sense his concern as she suddenly came to his side and said quietly, "Let's go outside for a while. He won't start anything inside anyway. Get us each something to drink and meet me on the patio and we can talk."

Then she walked out the back door. Jeff stood still for a moment and then got another glass of wine for Electra and asked for a scotch and water for himself. He walked outside and had to look for a few minutes before he saw her sitting at a table for two away from the patio and under a tree. He crossed to the table and set the glass in front of her.

"Sit next to me so we can talk quietly." He sat on the other side of her. "You have the look of a concerned man. Relax for a minute and listen to me. I expect that you are concerned about two things; first, when will he make his move and second, what can or should you do about it. Am I right?" Jeff just nodded his head. "Jeff, look at me and I am going to be totally honest with you. He won't make his move on her until later. He is talking to her about herself and her work and what his company is about. He will be charming and disarming, but he will also be talking about business and not personal things. He will bring her out here on the patio to talk. If no one is around, they will talk there; if others are out here, he will probably take her out by the gazebo over there. Trust him. He won't drug her or anything like that. He isn't interested in getting in a girl's panties by subterfuge. If she won't come willingly, he won't push her. He will probably dance with her and will probably hold her hand if she is comfortable with that. As for you, just do what you are doing and watch. He or she may call you over to refill their drinks or get them some dessert. Just do what they want. I will be saying good bye to guests for awhile but I will be back before anything more happens." She leaned over and kissed him twice. "That is for taking care of both of us so well tonight. Everything will be fine." She rose and left him alone with his own thoughts.

Jeff sat and waited while sipping his drink. Her words seemed to help soothe him a little. A short while later, Peter and Marcie came out and looked around. There were two couples sitting and talking on the patio and they saw Jeff sitting alone. Peter walked toward him and asked pleasantly, "Jeff, Marcie and I are going to talk out by the gazebo. Would you get her a refill and each of us a dessert?"

"Sure, do you want anything to drink?"

"Just a water. I don't drink much at these things. Thanks."

He then led Marcie towards the gazebo in the far end of the yard. Jeff went inside to prepare things for them and evaluated what he had learned so far. He decided that if Electra hadn't told him that Peter was one of the best seducers around, that he would really like him. He was sharp and obviously intelligent. He could see Marcie and himself going out with him for dinner. It also crossed his mind that Electra would be fun to be with also. But knowing what Electra had told him, he still wondered what he could or should do if he did put a move on Marcie. If he had offered her a really good job that she wanted, his interference could make her very angry. Then he asked himself the question that he had been ignoring. If Peter did make a move on her, how would she react if he didn't interfere? Would she give in or would she walk away from the job potential? If she did give in, what would she and he feel like afterwards? Could he accept that infidelity? As hard as he thought, he still didn't come to any concrete answers.

As he approached where they were sitting, he couldn't help but notice that Peter had his hand on her arm as he was talking to her. He also heard him talking about the impact and future of internet advertising. He placed the dessert in front of them along with the glass of wine and a bottle of water. Peter continued talking and holding Marcie's arm, but her free hand came out and squeezed Jeff's hand. That made him feel very good.

He returned to the small table and sat back down and nursed his scotch some more. As he did, several images came to his mind. The first was of Peter holding Marcie in his arms while dancing. That transformed into one of them dancing while naked. After that came flashes of images of them in bed together as they gave and sought pleasure from each other. He finally had to shake himself to let this images go. Those and some others including several with Electra were creating a tent in his pants. He sat up as he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Did you miss me?"

"Of course, Elec; I was just thinking about you."

"Un huh; I'll bet. So they are at the gazebo. Any problems?"

"No. Peter asked me to get them a refill and some dessert. They were talking about business when I took the things out there. He did have his hand on her arm though."

"That is just like Peter. Both he and I are touchers, huggers, and kissers. "

"So tell me about Peter and you. You let him act like your husband and he seems to go along with it. I like that kind of support, but doesn't that cut into your personal time? I mean if either you or he met someone you wanted to be with, that could get clumsy."

She smiled, "You are very perceptive. Most of the time, we go to events and places where we know most of the people attending and there isn't a problem. But once in awhile, we do get interested in someone. Then we talk and work out how we will handle it before we get there. We are both very particular about who we get interested in. We grew up in this house and our parents had lots of money, but they were also very careful about who they trusted. Both of us also learned to be careful about people both personally or professionally."

"So which one of you lives here now?"

"We both do. He lives on that side and I live on this side. We share the common areas in the middle."

"And you don't have any conflicts?"

She laughed, "Oh we used to have some royal ones. That is why we split the company into two parts. He was fascinated with the internet stuff and I like working with people. We used to fight about that. But since we split the company and focused on our own interests, we haven't had many problems to speak of. So what is your impression of Peter so far?"

"If you hadn't warned me about him, I would be impressed and was just thinking that he would be the kind of guy that Marcie and I could go out to dinner with and do things like that."

"Now for the hard one. What do you think about me now?"

Jeff turned bright red and then stuttered for a minute before he replied. "I think that you are incredibly beautiful and intelligent..."

"And sexy?"

"You know damn well that you are every man's wet dream and with your charm, you could have any man you want."

"Maybe, but I only want a special kind of man."

"And that is?"

"I want some who is very supportive, loyal, and caring and those are in short supply today. I need someone who can hold my interest and can support me in all of my projects. I told you that I am spoiled and I am also fairly strong willed. That means that I don't want a man who feels the need to compete with me. I can find a lot of those qualities in a number of men but that last one is usually the deal breaker."

"If you weren't related, it sounds like Peter would be almost perfect for you."

"He probably would be except for that competition shit. That is why we battled so much. So both of us are still looking for the right one."

"You will find him, I am sure. Now, you were going to tell me what to expect next out of Peter with Marcie."

"Ah yes, Marcie and Peter. What I am going to tell you now will be hard for you to accept, but I will tell you anyway. As I said, Peter is very polished and charming in his own way. He won't push her or anything like that. She will have to decide on her own to be with him. That will make it very hard on you to interrupt them. Right now they are talking about business. In a little while, he will move the discussion to her dreams and how she can achieve them. He will be very supportive and encouraging. He will also be touching her gently in safe places. That is probably when he will ask her to dance. He will do that when he thinks she is ready for the next step. If she doesn't get to that point, he will simply continue as they are until you leave. If she is ready for the next step, they will dance probably out here on the patio or at least where it is more private because he will still be talking to her while he holds her. If he feels that she is ready, he will also kiss her. That will be the next critical point. If she rejects his kiss, he will stop there. If she accepts his kiss, then he will move on. That will include more kisses and some light caresses outside of her clothing. He won't do anything more intimate that that in public. If she is responding well to these things, he will slowly move things to his study over there. By the way, by now all of the business stuff will be over. She may or may not have accepted his job offer. It is not dependent on anything she does or doesn't do after that."

"What will happen if she goes into his study with him?" Jeff had a problem getting those words out without choking on the lump in his throat.

"I'm not going to tell you now; you will only make yourself crazy when neither of us knows what will happen. It will be at least an hour before they get close to that point. I'm going to go say more good byes to others and I will catch back up to you later. If it does happen, I will be with you and I will tell you now that if that happens, there will be nothing you can do to interfere. It will happen or it won't. Now, don't sit here and stare at them. Go inside and get a dessert or another drink. I'll find you in a little while. Or better yet, think about me." She rose and kissed his lips and held the kiss for a long moment. During that moment, Jeff realized that her breasts were pressed against his shoulder and chest. They felt wonderful and alive, perhaps even more than Marcie's did.

She pulled away and went back inside. He sat for a minute and then decided that she had been right. If he sat there and stared at them, he would go crazy. He forced himself to stand and walk back into the house. He also stopped and picked up a piece of cake to eat before he went to the bar and asked for another scotch.

After he ate the cake, he went to the corner window in the buffet room and almost panicked when he didn't see them in the gazebo any more. He moved to the next window and saw them dancing on the patio and let his panic resolve itself. There weren't many people left in the house, but there were some. He took up residence near there where he could periodically glance out the window without being too obvious. The first time he looked, he saw Peter gently turn her head and kiss Marcie's sweet lips. She did not pull away even when he broke the kiss. In fact, she seemed to snuggle closer to him and his arms wrapped around her tighter. Jeff turned back and grabbed a slice of cantaloupe and ate it.

A few minutes later, he checked again and they were kissing again and he felt certain that their tongues were involved since he knew that Marcie loved to French kiss. He felt himself slump against the wall but he was also aware that he was also very hard and making a tent in his pants again.

That was the way Electra found him. She also felt that she knew what had caused him to slump. A quick look out the window confirmed that she had been right. Marcie's head was resting on Peter's chest and his hand was rubbing her back from her ass to her shoulders and along both sides. She took Jeff in her arm and led him to a quiet corner where she put both arms around him and held his head against her chest.

"It's all right, Jeff. They are dancing together. She is in his arms, but you are in mine. Kiss me."

Without thinking, Jeff raised his head and kissed her on her lips. She wouldn't let him break the kiss; instead, she slipped her tongue inside his mouth and caressed his lips and tongue gently. It took a minute before he responded and met her tongue with his. Then he began gently sucking on her tongue and she let him do it. While she let him do this, she was well aware of the rock hard ridge poking her in her abdomen. She tried not to, but she couldn't restrain her smile.

A few minutes later, she broke their kiss and said, "Come with me and sit in my lap for a minute while I talk to you some more." She led him to a comfortable chair in the corner of the living room. She sat down and pulled him into her lap. His head automatically fell to her chest and rested on her exposed upper breasts. A moment later, she began caressing his neck and he automatically began kissing the flesh he was resting his face on. Electra was surprised but also pleased.

"Listen to me carefully, honey. You have taken very good care of me tonight and also Marcie. But she has found something else that she likes. So now is the time to let her find her enjoyment so that we can find our own. Here is what I want you to do. Pull yourself together and go out and ask them if they want anything else. If they want something, get it for them and then come to me. If they don't, come back to me. I will be waiting by the staircase. I have a surprise for you. Can you do that for me?"

"Yes, I can." Jeff sighed. "I will ask them and then meet you by the staircase."

"You are such a good man and I love you for it. Here, kiss my nipple for a moment and then go do what I told you to do." She pulled the top of her dress down enough so that one of her womanly nipples was visible. She expected him to kiss it, but he took it between his lips and sucked on it and raked his teeth and tongue over it like he owned it. She shivered as she almost came from his efforts. Finally, she had to force herself to pull away and recover her breast. "Now go do what I asked you to do." Jeff weakly stood up and regained the strength in his legs. Electra was well aware that he sported a fine looking erection in his pants. She hoped that it went down before he talked to Marcie and Peter or that they wouldn't notice. She wanted that for herself.

Jeff finally walked purposefully out to the patio and went up to Peter and Marcie who were still dancing closely. Jeff noticed that one of Peter's hands was on Marcie's ass and that he was caressing it gently. He also noticed that his other hand was held next to one of her breasts and that a couple of fingers might be hidden between them. Marcie also has a hand on Peter's ass and she looked like she was somewhere else. It took a moment, but he also noticed something else and it was very important. He felt like a light bulb was going off in his head.

Jeff cleared his throat and quietly asked, "Um, Peter, would you and Marcie like anything else tonight?"

"Thank you, Jeff. We are about to go inside for awhile. Would you please have a bottle of champagne and two glasses waiting by the staircase for us? We would appreciate it a lot."

Jeff nodded and went to the bar and asked the bartender for the champagne.

The young man looked at him and asked, "Are you all right? You look like you just lost your best friend."

He paused for a moment before he answered. "Maybe I did, or maybe not." He took the bottle and two glasses and carried them to the stairway where he set them on an empty side table. Then he turned to Electra and went to her as she held out her hand to him. She led him upstairs and into her study.

"Jeff honey, please help me take this dress off. I don't want it to get wrinkled." He crossed to her and pulled the zipper down and then held it while she stepped out of it. He took it to a hanger and put the dress on it and hung it on a hook on the wall. Then he turned back to face Electra. She was reclined on a chaise lounge. Her breasts were bare but covered by one of her arms. She wore a slip that covered her lower body.

"Jeff honey, take off your sport coat and put it over the chair. You are so good and I love you for it. Now take off your slacks so they don't get wrinkled. Excellent. Now turn off the over head light and come sit with me for awhile." He flipped the switch by the door and the room became dark except for a small lamp near Electra. He went to her and she opened her arms for him to nestle into. He did and his head immediately went to rest on her naked breasts. She stroked his face and then his chest.

"Honey, I think that you are thinking that you might be losing something and that might be true. But there is another side to this and that is that you are gaining something special at the same time."

"What is that?"

"Honey, you have been so absorbed in taking care of Marcie and I tonight, you have ignored that fact that I am very attracted to you and want to see how well we fit together. I have loved kissing you and holding you tonight. When you sucked on my nipple awhile ago, I almost came from just that. I want you to start looking at me as a woman, not as Marcie's boss or as a spoiled rich girl. I want you to look at me as a woman who needs your love. Can you do that?"

Jeff just lay there listening and then he turned slightly until his mouth was next to her nipple. Suddenly, he took it into his mouth again and sucked on it. Once again Electra felt electric shocks run through her body. Then he released it and began speaking. "Electra, when I first got here, I was totally in love with Marcie. She was part of me and part of my strength. When I met you, you teased me about being intimidated by you. I wasn't intimidated, I was terrified. You are the most beautiful and sexy woman I have ever been around. As the evening went along, I kept getting aroused and I wondered if it was because of the guys hitting on Marcie, but I finally realized that it was because of you. I felt like a moth drawn to the fire and I was terrified to get burned."

He took her other nipple in his mouth and sucked on it. Electra was confused because she wasn't sure where this was going to go. She was also deeply aware of the shocks running through her body. He was creating a depth of need that she didn't know she had. Just as before, he suddenly released her nipple and began talking again. She almost wanted to tell him to shut up and keep sucking but she didn't.

"I kept asking myself why you were focusing on me and even planting seeds about Peter and Marcie together. It finally came to me when I saw them dancing together. You are trying to set up Marcie with Peter and me with you. I suspect that all of the things you have been saying are true, but the more important parts are the things that you aren't saying. True?"

Electra was now becoming terrified of this man who was turning her into jelly. He was right of course but she couldn't admit it out loud much less to him. She told her arms to push him away, but they were pulling him closer to her instead. She wanted her voice to tell him to leave, but all it said was, "Tell me more."

"I will but we have to take care of a little detail first. Lie still." He sat up and lifted her slip until it was at her waist. Then he slowly pulled her panties off and tossed them away.

She whimpered, "What are you doing?"

"You will know in a minute. Close your eyes and don't say another word until I tell you that you can."

In spite of herself, she closed her eyes and waited. She didn't have to wait long. He spread her legs wide and then she felt his breath on her totally naked pussy. She wanted to scream "No!" but nothing came out. He had told her to not say anything. A moment later, she didn't actually say anything but she did scream very loudly as his lips gently kissed her womanhood. After that, she moaned, screamed, panted, and begged a number of times as his lips and tongue teased and taunted her ravenous womanhood. She grabbed his head but she couldn't control him; she could only hold it as he did what he wanted, when he wanted. Finally, when he was ready, he took her clit in his mouth and treated it like it was one of her nipples. Her scream would have brought the police if the room hadn't been so well sound proofed. When she quit screaming, she fell limp against the lounge.

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