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Payal ki Jhankar Ch. 06


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"Good, you have realized your situation," he whispered while pushing in some more, "now let's get done with what we know is going to happen."

"Please, you are hurting me," she whimpered as a further bit of his cock entered her, "let me get you some cream from the dresser, you can then do whatever you like without giving me more pain than needed."

Haqnawaz was ecstatic at the change in her demeanour. Figuring he would rather vaginally fuck her and with her cooperation now and later, he pulled out his cock from her backside, even though it was buried halfway inside her ass. Payal got off the bed unsteadily, her back passage hurting mightily. Haqnawaz lay back and removed his shirt as she opened a dresser drawer and picked up a bottle of cream from inside. He gleefully caught the bottle when she tossed it to him, opened it and rubbed some of the cream onto his penis. He was also relieved that the child had stopped crying.

The smile on his face vanished, however, when he realized that Payal, while still completely threadbare, was pointing a pistol it at him. The weapon had been one from a set gifted by Mike Whittaker. She had already become a crack shot in the US and had kept up her practice at the gun club in Lahore and by setting up targets at her parents' home. She had kept one pistol from the set in the top drawer of the dresser and another in her clothes cabinet. Not used to females who challenged him, Haqnawaz decided that she was just posturing and not going to shoot. He slowly moved off the bed towards her. His intent changed in an instant as the gun roared and he felt blood trickling from his right ear. He was surprised that she had handled the weapon so competently.

"The next one will take your manhood off," Payal barked, while pointing the gun at his midsection.

As Haqnawaz pondered his next move, there was a commotion outside. He figured the gunshot had caused the folks in the house to come see what had happened. There was a rapping on the door.

"Shahji, come quickly," one of his henchmen was yelling, "there has been an incident in Islamabad and the chief minister wants you on the phone immediately."


Payal had started regularly going to the pool, gym and massage room. Expecting to see Clarence a lot, she was disappointed that he was very busy at work. She had not shared any further massage experiences either. He was, however, a more frequent dinner companion as Cameron evenings were not generally hectic. He had not yet made any sort of move on her though their conversation was often laden with double entendres. Given that a month had passed without anything out of the blue, Payal was comfortable enough with Clarence to discuss his most intimate secrets. Clarence had not yet married, much to his family's consternation, but he also had not created any waves with any overly newsworthy dalliance with local or international beauties. He did not lack for sexual release and Payal could not believe the ease with which he described many of his encounters. Rather than hold off on sex like in Pakistan, it appeared that Clarence and those around him considered it essential to keep up one's mental and physical well-being. Payal was both surprised and piqued when he mentioned that he often went to a high class club that provided excellent company and was also discreet. At dinner one evening, she wanted details aplenty.

"Perhaps I should take you along too see next time," Clarence said outright, "that is if you are game for whatever transpires and do not make a scene."

"But the club is for men," Payal queried him, "what would I be doing there."

"Not at all, there are numerous females there, some are clients and the club does provide services for them too," he clarified, "and I am sure we can find something to occupy you."

Payal surmised it was indeed a place where there were plenty of men, lots of women servicing their needs and some females there just to enjoy other pleasures. She wondered what he meant exactly about making sure she was occupied. Still the thought of going was intriguing. Perhaps she was bored with sitting around and doing nothing or maybe she was piqued by the idea of discovery, Payal agreed after some hesitation to come along the next time Clarence went there. In any case, Shahnawaz had gone on to the US for a set of meetings and would be away for the better part of two weeks.

Clarence did not show up for a few days and Payal figured that business was keeping him from social pastimes. She was pleasantly surprised when a female servant delivered a large package at 9 o'clock on Thursday evening a few days after they had discussed the idea. The attached card advised that she should be ready around 11 p.m. It also asked her to wear what was inside and nothing else.

The 'nothing else' part became crystal clear when she opened the box to find the expected sexy Chinese outfit. Clarence had sent her a silk dress in black with floral designs. It would clasp around her neck and go down to her shoes. Yet the top part was cut in a way that would leave much of her décolletage uncovered. In addition the front had a slit that was quite wide at the bottom, but closed up as it rose to the pantyline, and would allow much of her legs to be bared. Along were two sleeve-like gloves that would extend from above the elbow and hook on to her fingers, while leaving them uncovered. It seemed quite seductive for something to be worn in public. She found a package containing a very sheer black bra and thong panties under the dress, both of which would hide nothing. She was surprised that Clarence had sent black strap up wedges instead of heels, but appreciated that he had remembered heels were verboten in her state. A small pouch, tied to the shoes, contained a tiara, earrings, an ankle bracelet and a wristband, all made of silver and black opals.

The servant also advised Payal that she would help in preparing her for the evening. Already impressed by the dress, and eager to get to the place, she allowed herself to be readied accordingly. After soaking in a bath of scented oil, she rested as her nails received a shiny coat of black nail polish. Payal's lips and eyes were appropriately shaded. Her hair was done up in a Chinese coif and topped with the tiara. The servant helped lace up her shoes and then placed the jewellery on her. Spraying her with a sweet perfume, the servant asked Payal to take a look in the full length mirror behind her. She was blown away by the visage. The dress appeared molded to her body and highlighted her figure. Thankfully she still had not begun to show her pregnancy or the effect may not have been that great. The slit enhanced the curves of her legs and the neckline bared about half of the breasts, which had increased in size since her pregnancy. On one hand she looked like a classy Chinese version of Morticia Addams. On the other she was the call girl every hot-blooded male would desire.

The appointed time passed with no sign of Clarence, then 11:30 and finally midnight. Payal wondered whether the program had changed, but the servant kept coming in to fix her makeup and dress. Finally at 12:30 she was taken to a limousine. Expecting Clarence, she was surprised to be alone. Fifteen minutes later, the car pulled up in a back alley. It did not look like any club she had ever seen. The minute the driver opened her door, however, a girl came running out of the gate towards the car, unrolling a red carpet for Payal to step out on. The driver indicated that she should follow the girl inside. Payal stepped in, crossed a small lobby and was asked to go through another entrance. The world was totally different as she entered. A very large hall was lit brightly in the center, with dimmer lights all around. Tables were set up all over the place and every one appeared to be taken by groups of people. Quite a few females were around and Payal could figure that many were employed by the establishment because of their short dresses and ways of flirting with customers. As Clarence had indicated, there were also a number of other females around, dressed in less revealing Asian or European clothing. At a number of pedestals placed about scantily clad girls were dancing. Many couples were also on the dance floor at the center.

Payal was led to a table to one side of the hall, where a bar was located. The girl bowed to the half dozen men sitting there. Clarence turned around on a barstool and smiled as he saw Payal. Still seated, he extended his right hand and pulled her very close. She expected his arms to go around her waist for an embrace, but Clarence instead dropped it down, putting it through the slit on her dress and running it up her bare legs all the way to the panties. With the other hand he pulled her neck down and kissed her on the lips. His finger found its way under the panty, tracing the outline of her pussy, and his tongue penetrated her mouth as she stood in surprise at his brazenness.

"My God, you look like you dropped in from heaven," he softly said to her.

"Thanks, you look good too," she gasped, pulling out of the kiss, while backing up enough to let his hand drop away from her legs.

"Let me introduce you to the guys," he pointed to the others there who ranged from about 25 to 45 years in age and surprised her with the statement, "this is Sharmeen, my escort for tonight." Each of the men kissed her hand as she extended it to shake, a couple of them remarking to Clarence about her obvious beauty. She was surprised at the introduction but made no effort to contradict Clarence.

"I have something to perfect the already amazing visage," he whispered. Standing up and going behind Payal, Clarence placed a pendant around her neck. He turned her towards him and brought the big stone on the pendant to rest tight between her breasts. In the mirrors all around, she could see that it was a perfect match to the other black opal items she was already wearing. His hand lingered as he adjusted it, feeling up her breasts in the process.

Putting his arm around her waist, Clarence led Payal to a room through a doorway next to the bar. The other guys followed, as did a dozen or so 'establishment' girls. The room had a number of settees arranged around a padded central platform. The other guys each paired up with one of the girls and took their place on the settees. Clarence asked Payal to sit on a settee and took the one next to hers. Three girls immediately moved to be around Clarence, while a couple came to where Payal was. Drinks and snacks were placed on small tables near them. Payal decided on some passionfruit juice, since alcohol was not a good idea.

The lights dimmed perceptibly. A few of the girls got onto the platform and began to make out with each other, losing their clothes in the process. Payal noticed that some girls were beginning to cozy up to the men, including Clarence. Most guys had divested their jackets, ties and shirts. Clarence had a girl in his lap, kissing him, while another massaged his feet and a third worked on his neck and back. She was a bit uncomfortable with the show, but had asked to come and could not cop out now.

Payal felt her foot being lifted and shoestraps being undone. One of the girls wiped her feet with a warm towel and began to massage them. Given that she was prone to swelling of her feet in her condition, she appreciated this greatly. A second one worked her shoulders and back. The girl at her feet started working on her calves and then moved as far upwards as the cut on Payal's dress would allow.

She soon noted that the other men had joined with some girls on their settees and were in process of fucking or receiving blowjobs. Their clothing had vanished. Payal continued to enjoy the massage while taking in the scene being played out.

Clarence rose and allowed the girls with him to remove his clothing. He joined three of them on the platform as Payal watched. Two of the girls came to his sides and he alternated kisses with them as they worked on his fairly muscular body. The third took her position between his legs and started to fellate him.

Payal felt sticky and wet as Clarence received his blowjob. He had promised a sensual experience and had delivered accordingly. She wondered, however, if she would also be required to be on show. So far nothing of the sort had been asked, though she was visibly aroused and red cheeked. Clarence spurted into the girl's mouth and was quickly cleaned up by the others. A silk loincloth was placed around his midsection.

"It's your turn," he surprised Payal by coming to her and pointing towards the platform, "you did say you were keen to have the experience." She turned redder than ever but Clarence had her dead to rights.

His arms went around her, releasing the top clasp of her dress so it crumpled at her feet. The girls tending to Payal led her to the platform. In a snap, one had removed her bra while the other took off the panty. One of the girls put her mouth on Payal's and deeply kissed. Although she had never kissed a female, Payal found the experience to be tasteful. The other buried her face into Payal's pussy, licking and sucking her as she had never before experienced. Soon another girl was kissing her and then another, while those sucking her also seemed to be changing.

Just as she had her first orgasm, Payal noted that Clarence was next to her. His tongue entered her mouth and his body came on top of hers. Clarence rolled over and she came atop, allowing him to caress her breasts. Shahnawaz had indeed been right that Clarence wanted to fuck her. And she had given him the perfect means to get to his goal. Not that she disliked him or was thoroughly monogamous, given her prior trysts, she just felt she had been tricked into having sex. Putting her down on the platform again, he moved off her. Payal felt a tongue working on her pussy. She also found herself being turned around onto all fours. Somehow her pussy was still being licked, by someone from behind. But now a cock was in front of her face. One of the girls touched the tip to her lips and, carried away by the moment, she opened them to let it into her mouth.

She realized that the cock belonged to someone else and that yet another guy was tonguing her, when she saw Clarence sitting back on a settee watching the show. The man did not come in her mouth but pulled out after a few thrusts. Another cock, not Clarence's either was immediately in her mouth as the person tonguing her also changed. The musical chairs with her cunt and mouth continued for a while, while many hands played with her breasts. Payal came umpteen times, but none of the men spurted into her mouth. Soon as all the men had taken their turns, Clarence gestured and they exited with most of the girls, probably to more private quarters.

As Payal rested face down, quite spent from the action, Clarence's body came atop. She awaited his thrust into her vagina. Instead he quietly said, "I believe that is enough for now, let's go home." The girls quickly redressed them and Clarence led her out to his limo via another door.


Payal still naked flung herself at the door, locked and bolted it, as soon as Haqnawaz had dressed and run out to talk to the Chief Minister. Clothing was not the priority at the time. Picking up and consoling her daughter, who again was beginning to cry, was. Soon the tot had quieted down and she was able to reflect on what had nearly transpired.

Payal rushed back into the shower to wash herself clean. Haqnawaz's paws had been all over her body and his mouth had sucked her bare tits. But what repulsed her most was that his penis had actually partially been in her rectum. The dryness and size of the cock had bloodied her backside. She sat in the shower, soaping away the taint from inside her despite the stinging sensation. Only her forethought in retrieving the gun and the arrival of news from Islamabad had saved a full-fledged rape. The voice of Nida, awake after perhaps an hour of sleep, made her realize she had to tend to family needs first.

A knock on the door caught Payal's attention. It was Parveen, Haqnawaz's much abused wife, who was asking if she was fine. Ascertaining that Parveen was alone, Payal let her in, shut the door again and collapsed on the floor in tears.

"What did the bastard do?" Parveen sensed that Haqnawaz was responsible for the situation and feared that the worst had transpired.

"He tried to force himself upon me," Payal whispered.

"Did he succeed? Do you need to go to a doctor? Do you want to go to the police? Have you told Shahnawaz?" Parveen had a string of questions.

"No, he may have succeeded if the phone call from Islamabad did not come."

Parveen lifted her hands and face to the sky as if to thank God.

"I don't think I need a doctor right now, he did not physically hurt me," a statement that was not exactly true.

Parveen caressed her as Payal gave a summarized account of what had happened. She thought it best to leave out the part of his disrobing and actually penetrating her in the attempt.

"Let's leave the police out of this, he already has them in his pocket," Payal suggested and Parveen concurred, "it will only bring shame on the family name."

"But what will you do now and what do you say to Shahnawaz?"

"I don't want Shahnawaz to go seeking blood right away, he might get hurt as Haqnawaz is quite protected," Payal's rationality was working well, "but I am going to move immediately to Faisalabad, where Shahnawaz has a place near the project."

Shahnawaz got home that night, a day earlier than expected, concern etched on his face. He brought news of a major explosion at an arms depot in Islamabad, where weapons destined for the Afghan Mujahideen were stored. Hundreds of people were thought to be dead as rockets and missiles had gone off in all directions for quite some time. Shahnawaz also felt that things were about to take a turn for the worse as the Prime Minister had decided to convene the National Assembly and discuss the disaster. Such a move would fly in the face of the Martial Law authorities and President Zia.

When she brought up the idea of moving to Faisalabad, Shahnawaz was most amenable to the idea of having Payal and Nida with him for the foreseeable future. Being away from his family at the time did not appear to be the right course of action. Payal was thankful that she did not have to bring the incident with Haqnawaz to his attention. Within 24 hours, the three of them, along with a couple of servants from the haveli, were at the house that Shahnawaz occupied close to the project.

True to Shahnawaz's expectation, despite worldwide condemnation President Zia acted against parliament and dissolved it, rather than allow the blast to be investigated. Shahnawaz was of the opinion that Zia was in the final days of his presidency. That forecast proved true when Zia and many other important personalities, including the US Ambassador, were killed in an air crash in August 1988. Pakistan's political landscape changed with that crash.


Payal and Clarence returned to the annex shortly after leaving the club. Both of them had been quiet throughout the short ride. She was however open to his coming in for a nightcap when he asked to accompany her.

"I hope you enjoyed your evening?" Clarence asked, as he sat down on a plush sofa and pulled her next to him, "I certainly got full value!"

Payal did not know how to respond, but said that it was not what she had expected.

"And what did you expect?" Clarence said as his hands moved down to grab her ankles.

"For one, I did not expect to be introduced as your escort," she let him know as he swung Payal's legs over his lap, turning her sideways on the sofa and allowing her to recline back onto a cushion, "the others all looked at me as if I was a whore and were trying to estimate what I would cost."

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