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Peeping Thomasina


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Oh...shit, thought Josephine in consternation.

Marguerite brushed past her, marched into her bedroom and stood with her hands on her naked hips glaring at the telescope. She bent and looked into the eyepiece. Josie knew what she was seeing: a perfectly framed shot of her own living room. Marguerite lifted her head and turned slowly to face Josephine. The smaller woman was absurdly reminded of a tank turret rotating towards a target.

Her eyes were certainly explosive enough to qualify as artillery. They snapped and practically shot flames at her.

Josephine opened her mouth. The first thing on her lips was Marguerite, I can explain. She shut her mouth. That was the stupidest thing she could say. That was the kind of thing an asshole boyfriend would say. She opened her mouth again, belatedly realized this made her look like a goldfish, gave herself a mental shake and spoke anyway.

"I have," she began, with as much dignity as she could muster, "been working up the courage...for months approach you..."

"Oh really?" Marguerite's voice was a cracking dam holding back vast reservoirs of rage. "And when were you planning on telling me about this?" she gestured toward the telescope.

"I hadn't...planned...anything. I..." Josephine suddenly wished she wasn't standing there bare-ass naked in the face of Marguerite's withering anger. She felt an absurd urge to cover her breasts and groin. "I would have told you about that, I would have! I just needed..." she trailed off. What had she needed? The right moment?

"You just needed to tease me. To have fun at my expense!"

"No, I..." It suddenly occurred to her that Marguerite had a point. She had been teasing her, and pretty unmercifully at that. She had also been enjoying the hell out of it.

Marguerite leapt in. "You wanted to see if you could get this all bien duro, eh?" She shoved down her track pants and panties. Her penis, thick and brown and glistening, swung forward and bobbed up and down. Frothy white sperm dripped from its ruddy-purple head. It was still partially erect.

Josephine gasped. Marguerite bent over and angrily yanked her bottoms off her stockinged feet. Her organ swung about, captivating Josie even as her insides clenched with chagrin.

"Did you have a good laugh, you little bitch?"


Marguerite glared resentfully at Josephine's body, and her penis bobbed. It actually rose a little. I turn her on, a silly, happy and wholly inappropriate little voice sang in Josie's head. I really do turn her on.

An idea occurred to Marguerite. Josie could see it spread over her face, followed by a look that was not quite fear.

"Did you take pictures of me, pervertida?" Her voice dropped to a quieter tone that frightened Josie even more than the yelling.

"No!" Josie cried again, truly appalled.

"You want to blackmail me!"

"No, no, look, for God's sake!" She pointed to the luminous star charts on her bedroom ceiling. "I've always been into astronomy, okay? I was fooling around with my telescope and saw you by accident. And all I did, until today, was watch."

Marguerite stared up at the constellations. She looked back down after a moment, and while she was still plenty angry, that dangerous quietude was gone. Marguerite glanced over at the bed, and her eyes narrowed. Josie followed her gaze.

Oh, double shit.

The end of one of her larger vibrators was sticking out from under a pillow. Marguerite strode over to the bedside and seized it. She lifted it up, smelled it, and then cocked an eyebrow at her. Josephine's face flushed with embarrassment.

Naked except for her socks, Marguerite walked toward her. She raised her hand again, and Josephine cowered, covering her face and turning away.

Marguerite gave her a firm slap on the ass this time. Josie let out a strangled yelp and jumped a little. The sting of the blow had an odd erotic component.

"Back to the living room, puta," ordered Marguerite brusquely. She spanked her butt again, on the other cheek, to hurry her along. Josie scampered to comply, feeling incredibly undignified.

"You, stand there," Marguerite commanded, pointing at the Yoga mat. Her tone brooked no denials. She herself sat back down on the couch. She crossed her legs again.

"So. You use this," she said, waggling the vibrator, "when you watch me?"

"Yes," confessed Josie in the ghost of a voice.

"You are a kinky, perverted little weirdo," stated Marguerite disdainfully. "Here," she said, tossing the vibrator to Josie. Surprised, the newly-minted redhead caught it by reflex.

"Do that pose again," instructed Marguerite. "What did you call it? The Plow?"

Josie blanked. What?

"Now, puta!" barked Marguerite.

"Okay," Josie said immediately, "okay." She quivered and quailed inside from the force of the woman's anger. She sank down into Lotus, and then rolled backward into Plow.

She discovered it was easier to do Yoga naked. Even non-restrictive clothing could subtly impede one's movements and being free of them made a difference.

"Nice," remarked Marguerite. "Can you put your feet behind your head?"

Josephine sighed, rolled forward and craned her head to fit her feet behind it. This posture, with her legs folded back and hips angled up, made a blatant show of her privates to Marguerite. The way it bent her spine placed Josie's vagina only about ten inches from her own face. She could smell it. She felt hot all over, and not just from embarrassment. She had never felt more exposed in her life.

She also had absolutely no idea what might happen next, and her nerves were all dancing on end.

"Very nice," remarked Marguerite again. Josie glanced up, and her eyes popped. Marguerite had uncrossed and spread her legs wide, and was casually stroking her now-fully restored erection.

Ohhhh...hello, beautiful.

Marguerite pointed between Josie's legs. "Spread it open for me," she commanded.

Josie never even thought of disobeying. She forked her labia apart with two fingers in an upside-down peace sign. She could feel the cool air of her apartment on her insides. Her tissues had flushed a dark pink, and shimmered with juices.

Marguerite watched and stroked. Josie's perception that she was Marguerite's live-action porno for the afternoon grew stronger.

"Open it wider. Slip a finger in and out. Yes..." Her brown eyes smoldered. Her voice held an edge that Josie couldn't decide was anger or excitement.

Marguerite gestured. "Turn it on," she said. It took Josie a second to realize she meant the vibrator. "Use it."

Josie picked it up with her free hand and turned the knob on the bottom with her thumb and forefinger. It began to buzz. Just the sound of it made Josie's excitement kick up a few notches.

"Stick it in. I want to see it go all the way in."

Josie brushed it over her swollen, super-charged clitoris and it triggered a sharp grimace. She was so sensitive that it was almost too much. She pushed down, and let out a loud moan as it slipped inside.

Marguerite hissed, "Yessss...." and gripped herself with both hands. Her fists slid up and down her sperm-lathered pillar. Josie could hear the squelchy sounds they made.

"In and out," Marguerite breathed. "Do it."

Josie pushed it in deep, and had to bite her lip and whimper at the intensity of the sensations. The enfolding throat of her vagina muffled its buzzing sound, while the vibrations sent tremors through her whole body. Her thighs juddered visibly. She pulled it out halfway and then let it sink home, adding friction to the vibration, and yelped out an "Ahhh!"

"Keep that..."

Josie looked up to see Marguerite's eyes blazing at her. Those eyes had locked onto the vibrator's up-and-down movements.

Without looking away for an instant, Marguerite leaned back, spread her legs wide, and let one of her hands fall to caress her enormous ball-sac. She lifted it, revealing her vagina to a stunned Josie.

Ohhhh, she moaned in her mind. I've never seen it so close God...

Josie stared as Marguerite began rubbing her clitoris fast and hard with the pads of her first three fingers. Her unused pinkie stuck out, giving Josie a brief, absurd image of old ladies sipping tea. She watched, hypnotized, as the ridged petals of Marguerite's labia minora flexed under the swirling massage. Marguerite's other hand pumped the upright post of her penis at a matching pace.

Oh God, it's so beautiful...she's so beautiful...

"Yes," moaned Josie. Her voice was a desperate whine. She recognized the tone. "Oooh, yes." She thrust the vibrator in and out faster, trying to match Marguerite's wild rhythm. She was so wet that her strokes were effortless, and every outward pull flung tiny droplets over the hollows of her thighs. A plunging, sluicing noise reached Josie's ears, loud enough to be heard over the vibrator.

The look on Marguerite's face now was unmistakably sensual. She drank in Josie with unalloyed lust. She breathed fast and masturbated like a wild woman. Her balls bounced about like they were made of India rubber.

Josie's teeth clenched; her body and mind had never been so stimulated, and she could sense the inevitable outcome approaching.

Marguerite's breasts bunched up between her outstretched arms. They quaked with her movements. Josie stared at Marguerite's nipples; they were distended beyond belief. Marguerite's eyes gleamed with a passion that would have frightened Josie were she any less roused herself. Marguerite's whole body shone with sweat, and Josie realized she could smell her too; the perspiration, the hormonal attar of her vagina, and the musky, salty aroma of her sperm-glazed penis. Without realizing it, Josie's mouth watered.

This is it...this is the dream come be close enough to smell it...maybe even taste it...

Josie felt a familiar expectancy build up in her body. Her muscles began going crazy, and blood rushed into her face.

"Oh...oh God," Josie grunted. "I...I think...I'm..."

Her head fell back, her eyes closed, and she let out a loud, gasping outcry from the bottom of her lungs. Her orgasm was a violent seizure that jangled her limbs like a marionette's. It forced out long, hissing breaths between her teeth. It made every cell of her body resonate with joy.

Oh God...oh...

She became too sensitive in the aftermath. With a shaky moan, Josie extracted the dripping-wet vibrator, fumbled a bit to turn it off, and then let it drop from her nerveless fingers. Her arms fell to her sides.

Josie blinked, and licked her lips. Her mouth was dry, and she felt giggly and alive. She took deep breaths that spread warmth and contentment from her tingling scalp to her curling toes.

She realized she had held this legs-behind-the-head pose for longer than she had ever attempted before, and wasn't straining yet. It wasn't surprising. She felt like she was producing enough estrogens to relax a dozen female bomb technicians into insensibility.

Blearily, her eyes focused on the other woman. Marguerite had stopped masturbating and her full attention lay on Josie. She held her rigid member in a loose grip. She hadn't climaxed yet; her penis stood tall, bigger than Josie had ever seen it before, and it trembled with thwarted lust.

Josie blinked at a sudden rush of renewed arousal. As usual, Marguerite had stirred up more desire than one orgasm could douse.

Josie's eyes rose to Marguerite's beautiful face. The woman's mouth was hanging open and her eyes regarded Josie with glassy amazement. As Josie watched, Marguerite stumbled to her feet like a sleepwalker. She took two steps forward to stand astride Josie's hips. Marguerite then sank to her knees, lowering her hips onto the upraised bowl of Josie's pelvis. The warm and sweaty softness of Marguerite's thighs touched hers. Josie's skin sizzled at the contact; her inner thighs had always been a personal hot spot.

Marguerite held up her penis, lifted her balls (Josie noted in a stunned way how they overflowed her palm with their sheer size) and let her vulva settle down atop Josie's in a wet, plopping kiss. Josie let out a strangled gasp. Marguerite echoed her with a long sigh. Marguerite squirmed slightly, until the hot and solid little nodule of her clitoris found Josie's.

"Ooh!" gasped Josie.

"Ah," sighed Marguerite. "There you are."

It was like two live wires touching. Josie could almost hear the snap of electricity flowing between them. Her thighs began shaking again.

Marguerite let her balls flop down and lowered her penis. It extended so far forward that the tip brushed Josie's forehead. Marguerite painted the bridge of Josie's prominent nose with its trickling ooze. The glans reminded Josie of the skin of a fresh-cooked bratwurst: hot, bursting-taut, and seeping boiling juices.

Josie stared up at it and whimpered. The clit-on-clit contact thrilled her body, while being face-to-face with Marguerite's penis blew her mind. From this range, she could greedily drink in all the fine details denied her before. She gaped at the stretched-white ridge of tissue extending from the soft folds of retracted foreskin to the glans' cheeky under-split. She ogled the exquisite smoothness of the shaft's skin, and the delicate marbling of veins underneath.

Josie's nostrils flared; she could smell an intoxicating sweetness laced into the pungent, aquatic tang of Marguerite's crotch. The rosy plum's tiny vertical mouth had pouty lips like miniature versions of Marguerite's own. Josie yearned to kiss them. She got her wish a moment later when Marguerite's penis dropped to the level of Josie's mouth. Josie puckered up and gave it a loud, smacking smooch.

Marguerite leaned forward, which pressed her clitoris down hard upon Josie's, and squeezed a sharp groan out of them both. The head of Marguerite's penis simultaneously entered Josie's mouth.

Josie's eyes opened wide. Marguerite's semen was as salty as expected, but it was also sweet. It made Josie think of pretzels dipped in some kind of rich marzipan frosting. Coupled with the meaty, mouth-watering succulence of Marguerite's bulb, Josie couldn't have resisted even if she'd wanted to. She sucked as hard as she could.

Marguerite sighed again, and began rocking back and forth. The head of her penis and about three inches of shaft drove inside every time. Their clitorises ground together. Josie grunted, groaned, and sucked frantically at Marguerite's penis. She forced her tongue into the tiny hole and thrashed it without mercy at every opportunity. She made loud, incoherent noises as more delicious fluid flowed into her mouth.

Marguerite made no objection when Josie stroked her thighs. Getting brave, Josie gripped and pulled on Marguerite's hips to increase the pressure on their clits. Marguerite grunted approvingly. Josie's hands roamed; she palmed each of those swinging breasts and squeezed both tantalizing nipples between her thumb and forefinger. Marguerite closed her eyes and pursed her lips in a silent coo.

Josie's hands smoothed over Marguerite's belly and sides. She couldn't get enough of her hot, slick skin. She took hold of her hips again to urge her to thrust faster, and then reached down to fondle her ass. Finally, she brought her hands to grip -- oh God, yes! -- the broad shaft of Marguerite's penis.

Josie squeezed it, stroked it and felt it all over. Its throbbing, living warmth in her hands made her groan with joy. She rocked her own pelvis (as much as she could in her jackknifed posture) to counterpoint Marguerite's movements and exulted in her partner's moan of pleasure. Tears ran from the corners of Josie's eyes. This was the most exciting sex she had ever had. Her moans joined Marguerite's and they moved together, falling into perfect sync.

She reached up with one hand to touch Marguerite's face, and gave her cheek a loving caress. The other woman turned her head and seized her finger between her teeth. Their eyes met. For a few heartbeats they stared each other down; Josie felt the pressure of her teeth, and didn't know what would happen. Marguerite relented, and sucked her finger. She tickled the pad with her tongue. Josie whooped silently and imitated Marguerite's tongue-flick on the penis in her mouth. Marguerite's eyes lit up, and she swirled her tongue around Josie's fingertip; Josie did the same to her glans.

They were communicating without speaking. Josie felt a warm rush, a sense of bonding and closeness.

Josie kept stroking Marguerite's shaft with her free hand. She could feel its vibrant potency, its ferocious need to penetrate, plunder and ejaculate. She stroked it back and forth, all the way from its tendon-stretched roots to the bunched softness of its foreskin. Each minute pulse and tremor fascinated her. She was in awe of it, in love with it, and at the same time a little frightened of it. She couldn't get over how long each hand-stroke seemed. She delighted in squeezing it, and feeling its resentful answering throbs.

Their noises took on greater urgency. Josie noted how much higher and younger Marguerite's voice grew during sex; her ordinary speaking voice was a husky contralto. She'd definitely gone up to an alto as she got more excited. The woman had a sexy-ass yowl that sent chills down Josie's spine. Josie's own vocalizations were much less musical. Right now, they seemed limited to hoarse panting, slurping, and deep, chesty grunts.

Josie touched Marguerite's balls. They were slick and sweaty. Her testicles had swollen up, and sat like eggs nested under her groin. She rubbed them gently and felt them shift and enlarge. She could tell Marguerite was ready.

Josie removed her well-sucked finger from Marguerite's mouth (the woman was too caught up in their pleasures to mind or even notice) and reached around Marguerite's hip. She squeezed her left cheek, and then let her moistened finger slip down between her buttocks. Her wet fingertip kissed the pucker of Marguerite's anus, and without warning she thrust it inside.

Marguerite's eyes shot open very, very wide. "You little..." she gasped, and then her face contorted.

Josie sucked and stroked in a fever. Marguerite shrieked and shook, and thick, warm, ambrosia filled Josie's mouth. It shot so forcibly that it overflowed and ran from the corners of her lips. She gulped and gulped, and still the hot cream flooded her mouth and flowed down her chin. She kept on milking Marguerite's penis, and loved feeling each ropey projectile pump through it. She adored the taste of it, the abundance of it, and the messiness of it.

Sweet, she thought in a daze. It's so sweet. Oh, I love it...

Josie could also feel Marguerite's vagina contracting, pressed intimately against her own. Like an inevitable domino falling, it made Josie's climax rise and spread its wings. The pulses began.


She cried out, and those heavy wings began to flap. Her body bucked, and her head fell away from Marguerite's penis as she moaned and shook and soared her way through the most profound orgasm of her life.


Her voice trembled so fiercely, it was like someone held the vibrator to her larynx.

Dimly, she was aware that Marguerite was still ejaculating; the warm come hosed across her cheeks and into her open mouth, making her moans come out as splutters and gurgles. Bubbles popped between her parted lips.

Marguerite eventually fell forward, causing her vagina to peel away from Josie's. Josie winced and gasped -- the sensation was almost painful, and it made her own genitals spasm all the more strongly. Marguerite steadied herself by planting her palms on either side of Josie's bent-back legs. Her penis nestled under Josie's chin, and chugged out the last of its sweet payload into the hollow of her throat. Her semen ran in rivulets down either side, forming a collar of sperm.

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