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Perversions and Transgressions Ch. 07

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He plans with a friend to watch her drugged and taken.
17.3k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/18/2005
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After I returned from my Thanksgiving visit with Denise I didn't see her again for a while. Our schedules at our respective schools kept us too busy to find time to visit. Even finding time to talk on the phone was difficult. We were both too busy taking classes, going to lectures, studying, and finding time to sleep. Medical school doesn't leave much time for a personal life and Denise had started doing some clinical work for her Psychology Doctorate which kept her busy.

During that time my obsession constantly interrupted my thoughts and occupied me when I wasn't engrossed in my studies. I remembered each time I had watched Denise taken while she was passed out. I ran each experience through my mind again and again. I got hard just thinking about them like a teenager that can't control his erections.

I imagined new scenarios, some that were realistic, some that could never possibly happen. I imagined taking her to some scummy biker bar, drugging her, and watching as one man after another took her laying on a pool table until her pussy and ass were dripping with their cum. I imagined taking her to a porn theatre, drugging her, and watching as the patrons took her in her seat as they watched the movie, some emulating what they were watching, each so excited he came quickly and the next guy immediately replaced him. I imagined us on an airplane, her in the middle of three seats, me on the aisle, some stranger at the window, me drugging her, then pretending to sleep as the guy put a blanket across him and her and took her carefully and slowly. I imagined her two friends at her university getting her drunk and taking her again, taking her in different scenarios and places and positions. I wondered if having taken her once if they'd be more or less likely to try again.

Randall became a friend of sorts. I've never been one to make many friends, but he had become a part of my life. He knew my secret. He had known I'd watched him take her one time. Then, when I'd try to set him up again he'd called me out and taken her passed out in the back seat of my car as I drove. Since then he'd made a proposition that he'd act as a middle man for me, that he knew I got off on watching her being fucked and it must be difficult to set up those scenarios, that he'd help me out, he'd set them up, and I could just hide somewhere and watch. I'd gone from dismissing it, bothered that someone knew my secret, to considering it, to finally thinking it would be worth trying. It would be nice to not have to go through all the setup, to lure some guy into it, to worry about it. I thought about the few times I'd tried and the guy hadn't gone for it, the disappointment of a missed opportunity. The setup was part of the turn on but also resulted in failure. With him helping I could reduce the odds of failure.

The main problem was that I didn't entirely trust him. His family was filthy rich and he obviously thought he could do what he wanted and he had never suffered any consequences. Money absolved anyone of anything. But ever since he had approached me about getting involved with my obsession, he'd seemed to calm down and been much more friendly towards me. I knew it was probably a ploy to earn my trust, but thought that would be good enough. Doing this was a risk even for him.

So when the time came when Denise would finally visit me again I let him know. We were both getting a break in our schedules at the same time, about a week, though we both could only take at most a few days, since professors loved to give extra work during breaks. Plus, it was a couple days after my birthday. It was time to see if Randall and I could make it work.

I told him when she was visiting me and he got a grin I had seen only when he talked about his exploits from having sex with women he picked up at a bar or from racing drunks and running them off the road. I questioned myself and then he patted me on the shoulder.

"That's fuckin' great," he said. "I was hoping you'd come to me about this."

"I thought it over and agreed with you," I said cautiously. "But you've got to..."

"I know," he interrupted me. "I've got to be careful and do it right. Don't worry I've got a plan."

We were standing outside a lecture hall and he grabbed my shoulder and led me down a hall, away from people leaving the building where we could talk alone.

"I know you think I'm a spoiled untrustworthy rat, and you know, mostly you're right," he said, looking at me earnestly. "But you have something different than the rest of these fucks here." He pointed down the hall at everyone walking from the lecture hall, talking amongst themselves, carrying books and bags, tapping away at their phones. "You're not part of the herd. We have something in common." He tapped my chest and then his. "We take risks. We take chances. We know what we want and we go for it."

"Okay," I said, feeling like I was being thrown a pitch from a salesman, but seeing that there was a kernel of truth in what he was saying and that he at least believed it himself.

"And besides when we do this it's going to be a bigger risk for me than for you. I'm the one with the most to lose," he said. "If I set this up, if I get a guy to do this for you, if I talk him into it, basically lead him through it, then if I'm caught, it's me that's getting in trouble. You won't have been involved at all and it's not like I could rat you out. It would just be my word against yours and nobody would believe me."

I nodded. He was right about that part.

"Besides nothing bad is going to happen. I've got the perfect plan."

He led me further down the hall as he talked.

"When is she getting here and how long is she staying?" he asked.

I told him when she was coming, that it was partly for my birthday, and for how long.

"That's perfect," he said. "I'm sure the first night you two will want to be alone so you can get that nasty birthday sex." He slapped me on the back and grinned at me. "But the next night, that's the night. I'll throw a party for you. It'll be part birthday party for you and break party for the rest of us. I'll invite some of our classmates..."

"Just our classmates, right?" I asked.

"Hey," he said. "I'm not a dumbass. I wouldn't invite any of the trash I hang out with when I go out. I may not like hanging out with the sheep around here, but I'm not stupid enough to invite the assholes that I do hang with."

"Okay," I said. That had been one of my biggest concerns, worried that he'd want to bring in some of the people he knew from the bars and clubs he frequented, people I didn't want near Denise, despite my own fantasies.

"Besides the whole point is for you to both be comfortable, to throw a party where everyone can let go of some fuckin' stress. We all need it. Then, when the time is right, you do your thing, you know, drug her or whatever it is you do. When she passes out make sure she goes to bed, then you disappear. Hide in the closet or go to the other bedroom and wait like you did with me."

I scowled at him, annoyed that he knew what I had done that first time with him.

"Get over it, man," he said. "I've done more than you'll ever know and you had no chance of getting that past me."

"Whatever," I said, starting to get annoyed with him.

"But just listen to me," he pushed forward. "You disappear wherever and I'll tell everyone that the two lovebirds have gone to bed and it's time for everyone to clear out. I'll hold back anyone I have in mind that I think will do it."

"Just one guy," I said. "I don't want some group of guys taking turns, using her, making her sore, waking her up..."

"I know, man," he said. "Just one guy and I have a couple guys in mind. I'll invite them all and see how things play out"

"Okay," I said.

"Anyway, I'll keep some guy back and tell him that she's passed out in bed alone and he should take a look. No guy will pass that up. Then I'll start things going, go from looking to touching, until he's into it, and things get going. The whole time you can be watching from wherever you want to. I'll make sure the guy doesn't take it too far and keep it all under control."

"And then you'll take your turn," I said.

"Of course," he said. "I'll probably go first. That'll show the guy that it can be done and turn him on so much he'll do it too. Two guys taking it careful and easy shouldn't be a problem."

I knew it wouldn't be a problem. The last time she had been taken buy two guys, one had even fucked her ass, and she hadn't woken up or suspected it in the morning. I thought about it as Randall kept talking.

"I'll call you early that night. You'll tell me that she is there. I'll ask to talk to her. She'll be suspicious. I know she thinks I'm scum. I'll be on my best behavior. I'll tell her that I want to throw you a birthday party for all that you've helped me, that I think you're the best guy here and you deserve it. I'll tell her that we all deserve it. I'll tell her that I'll handle everything. I'll bring the liquor and anything else. She won't have to do a thing. She can just enjoy her time with you. Then when it starts up you drug her like you know how to do and it'll all fall into place."

I thought it sounded like a good plan. Plus I'd still be in control of the situation. If anything happened that I didn't like I could step in. Randall didn't have the control. He was just helping. I still had the control. Control was the most important part to me. I could stop it at anytime.

"Okay," I said.

"Fuckin' awesome," he said and slapped me on the shoulder. "You won't regret this. You're going to have the time of your life. Trust me."

Trust me, he said. I should have known better. I trusted hardly anyone and I shouldn't have trusted him.

When Denise arrived I was surprised at just how happy I was to see her. I didn't want to stop looking at her, touching her, talking to her, kissing her. When we were apart for so long and so involved in my studies I would forget just how much I did love her. She was the only person I'd ever cared for, that I'd ever loved, that I'd ever trusted so purely. She wasn't just an object to be used for my obsession.

For that first night and day I barely thought about the party or Randall's plan. When we first made love that night I didn't think about any of those past experiences. The second time those thoughts crept back, helping me to get hard again. In the morning, the third time we made love, my mind was filled with those images and when I came it was with thoughts of some other man having just come inside of her. She came loudly and we were both panting afterwards. She remarked that it just kept getting better each time. I smiled and agreed with her as I stroked her bare skin.

Late that afternoon I got a phone call. It was Randall.

"Hey man, how you doing?" he asked.

"Doing fine, Randall," I said and glanced at Denise.

"Hope you're not too tired out already," he said and laughed.

"Denise is here and we're just hanging out," I responded.

"Yeah, I'll bet," he said.

"What's up?" I asked, trying to not sound annoyed.

"Let me talk to her," he said.

I held the phone out to her.

"He wants to talk to you," I told her.

"Me?" she asked.

I just shrugged and she took it from me.

"Hello?" she said.

She listened for a while, then glanced up at me and away again.

"Yeah," she said and nodded.

She looked at me again and gave me a shrug.

"Okay, that sounds fine," she said after a while.

She handed the phone back to me.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"She agreed to it," he told me. "I told her it didn't have to be a surprise party. I'd leave it up to her and things wouldn't get too crazy. It would just be some boring med school students blowing off steam."

"Okay," I said.

"See you tonight," he said and laughed as he hung up.

I put the phone down and looked at her.

"What did he want?" I asked.

"Like you don't know," she said.

I feigned ignorance.

"There's only a couple of things that guy wants," she said.

"He's not as bad as you think," I said. "He's actually been a big help for me."

"I'm guessing you've helped him more than he's helped you," she responded.

"It's mutual," I said.

"Well, it could be a surprise but I'm sure you've already figured out that he wants to throw a party," she said.

"Ah," I said. "He wants you to kidnap me and take me there?"

"Yeah, tie you up and take you," she said as she pressed against me and looked into my eyes deeply.

"Sounds good to me, but I'd rather just stay here then," I said.

She laughed and kissed me.

"He wants to have the party here," she said, sitting back and looking at me, running her fingers through her long blonde hair, brushing it from her eyes.

"Here?" I asked.

"Yeah, he said it would be partly for your birthday, partly for everyone to unwind," she said.

"I don't know," I said. "He can get pretty wild."

"He said he'd keep it low key. Besides how wild can med school students get? Ya'll are too tired all the time to do much of anything," she replied.

"I wasn't too tired last night," I responded.

"That's true," she said and brushed her hand over my thigh with a grin.

"He said he'll take care of everything. Bring the booze, food, whatever. We won't have to worry about anything. But we'll see. Besides I think I could use it too," she said.

"Then it sounds good to me," I agreed.

He had convinced her and pretty easily it seemed. I had to hand it to him. The guy knew how to get what he wanted.

He showed up a few hours later in the early evening kicking at the door. I opened it to see him standing there with a cardboard box from a liquor store filled with liquor bottles of different types.

"Happy birthday, buddy," he said.

I let him in and he walked to the kitchen to set the box down.

"Though I'll bet it wasn't a secret," he said, looking at Denise.

"He's a bit too smart for that," she said.

"Just barely," he said and punched my shoulder.

"I've got some more things in the car if you want to help me," he told me.

"Sure," I said.

I put on my shoes and walked with him out to the car.

"Okay, everything is setup," he told me. "I invited several people and I expect a lot to show up including a few guys I think will work for us. I got enough alcohol to make a bar full of alcoholics drunk. I'll make sure they get drunk enough to lose their inhibitions but not too drunk to be useless. You just do your part and drug her after a while and we'll be good to go."

"That should work," I said.

I was starting to get that feeling from the expectation of one of these encounters, that surge in my groin and stomach, the lightheadedness that short circuited logic and made me focus on just my goal, my scalp tingling like my hairs were standing on end. I wanted this to happen. I needed this to happen.

In the trunk of his car he had another cardboard box of liquor bottles along with grocery bags of different bags of snacks and another bag with those red plastic cups and several shot glasses.

"You really came prepared," I said.

"Hey man, I told you, just leave this shit to me," he said and hit my shoulder.

We carried it all inside and Denise showed her surprise at all of the stuff he brought.

"How many people are coming to this?" she asked.

"Just enough that everybody can do what they want without judgment and not too many that the cops will come," he said.

"Sounds like the right amount," I said.

He was right. People started showing up pretty early. They were med students after all and though they could really party whenever the rare occasion presented itself they were still too tired to party late into the night like in college.

Drinks were mixed, shots were passed around, and everyone seemed to be having a good time. Denise mixed in with the students easily as she always did. She was much more sociable than me. I liked to watch her talking to other people, enjoyed watching their reaction to her. Nobody, no matter who, was ever disagreeable to her, all were charmed if not just outright flirtatious.

She looked gorgeous as always. She had pinned the front of her long blonde hair up to keep it from her face, letting it flow down her neck and shoulders. As always she wore a bare amount of makeup, some eye shadow and light pink lipstick, probably more that I didn't notice. She was wearing a black ruffled skirt that came down to above her knees, a blue button-down chambray long-sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and black ankle boots. A silver necklace I had given her hung around her long neck down to her barely visible cleavage, the top two buttons of her shirt open. She was sexy but not in an outrageous way, sexy and confident, as she always was and still is.

I had the crushed pills wrapped up in a small ball of cellophane in my pocket and was finding the right moment to get it into her drink when some luck provided me with the opportunity. Randall came out of the kitchen carrying two red cups. He handed one to Denise as he passed her and brought the other to me.

"It's a special drink I made up for you," he said. "Give it a try."

I looked at it suspiciously.

"It's nothing much, man," he said. "Though you might want to stick at one."

He laughed and walked away. I looked down at it, swirled it, then took a sip. It barely tasted of alcohol, mostly of juice with a bit of bite, one of those drinks that probably had a lot of alcohol but was masked, the type of drink used to get women drunk.

I looked at Denise and watched her set the drink down on a side table and then walk over to me.

"You going to drink it?" she asked me.

"Some of it," I said. "Who knows what's in it?"

"I'm not drinking anything he gives me," she said. "For that matter I won't drink anything from anyone I don't trust."

"Want me to make you something?" I asked, seeing my opening.

"Eh, lets do some shots," she said.

"Okay," I agreed.

I took a big sip of my drink and then followed her into the kitchen where the liquor was. A bunch of people were just tossing down some shots, then hooting after they swallowed, a few high fives passed around.

"Let the birthday boy in," Denise said.

"No problem, at all," one guy said, eyeing her up and down.

We walked through the crowd to a counter where several bottles stood, all opened and partially empty.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Tequila," she said.

"All right, my kind of woman," one of the guys yelled.

I pulled eight shot glasses together against each other and poured tequila in them, moving from one to the other until they were all full.

"Who wants some?" I asked.

Hands shot out and I started passing them out. One guy accidentally tipped his as he bumped against someone's shoulder and spilled it on the ground.

"Party foul!" was yelled by several people, then "Drink drink drink drink."

"Oh well," he said and shrugged.

"Chugalug," I said and handed him the bottle as he handed me the empty shot glass.

He tipped it up and took a big chug from the bottle. While everyone was watching him, I turned around, quickly pulled the ball of cellophane from my pocket, and dumped the powder into the empty shot glass the guy had handed back to me. I held it in my hand so no one would see the powder in the bottom.

When he was done he let out a big breath that wreaked of tequila and shook his head, his tongue hanging from his mouth.

"Fucked that up," he yelled, making the guys around him cheer.

I took the bottle from him and poured it into the shot glass, covering the powder. I could easily see the powder in the liquid and shook it around, hoping the powder would dissolve, having never put it in such a small amount of liquid.

"Okay, let's do it," Denise said.

I handed the shot glass to her hoping she wouldn't notice, passed out the rest, and took one for myself.

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