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World's dumbest cuckold, wife biggest cheater ever.
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This story is so way far over the top, it is almost suborbital.

No one under eighteen, any resemblance to anyone living, dead or living dead is just coincidental and this is a work of fiction. Please remember to place tongue firmly in cheek when reading. Keep all arms and legs and tentacles in, and enjoy the ride. Buckle up, insanity ahead. You have been warned. Try to be civil in your commentary.


She always was a people pleaser. When we got married, we had a whirlwind courtship, and she was so, so beautiful, my Amelia. It was us, we two, Ralph and Amelia Merkle against the world. Oh, how I miss those good times!

She loved me, I loved her. She turned out to absolutely love sex. She loved making me happy. We made love, we fucked like crazy, she was a fantastic cocksucker. She would suck my cock for hours on end, get me close, let me be, get me closer, let me be again! Until I exploded and came like a sperm geyser! She even took it in her ass, and she came in her rectum like a rocket. She really loved to fuck. When I ate her out, she would scream so loud the neighbors called the cops, they thought I was killing her! She told the neighbors that I was just a fantastic lover. She would try to buy a gag for her mouth. They said it was ok. The wife checked me out all the time after that! The husband never left me alone with her, ever!

Life being life, it wasn't all roses and champagne. We had four children. Kids are so tough. There's never enough time, never enough money, always lots of trials and tribulations. Somehow we got through it all. I started my own construction business. I worked like a madman, always trying to get ahead, to take good care of my loving wife and family. My company went up and down with the economy.

In the boom times, we were flush, in the bad times, Amelia saved our asses by getting a job at an insurance agency. It wasn't much, but it was the difference between eating and not eating! Her job was very important to our family.

Those slow times, I was almost like a stay-at-home dad. I made damn sure the home was spotless, and dinner was on the table. I may have been Mr. Mom, but I made damn sure the home was taken care of. I also looked for work, but being a contractor, many places were reluctant to hire someone that would be sure to leave, as soon as things picked up.

Sometimes, Amelia would be late, you could see the exhaustion on her face. I knew she was working hard. She said a shower would help her feel better, would I mind? Of course I said yes. Amelia would come out of the shower in her robe, grab my head and stick it between her big tits. Oh yeah! She would suck me in the kitchen, while the kids did homework in the living room. She had me against the door, and she had her pillow for her knees. She really loved to suck cock! I often wondered if she wanted to suck cock as her main job, she liked it so damn much! But I had a very dirty mind!


Over the years, I stayed pretty much the same weight and if anything, I wound up way, way stronger from all the physical work that was required of me. Gym? Ha! I never had the time. I built the fucking gyms! I had iron arms and chiseled six pack abs. I used to go to karate classes, and I got to black belt, but life threw all kinds of hard curves at me. I had to quit for lack of time, not interest or skill. Nobody in their right mind ever fucked with me. A druggy tried to mug me, he wound up in intensive care. A drunk approached my wife, saying she was such a terrific cocksucker, would she mind? I put him to bed. With a damned vengeance, I knocked his ass out! If only I had known... he was really dead on correct.

I just didn't have time for any karate classes. I was much more interested in seeing my children's accomplishments, going to baseball games, to plays, to football games. And I loved my darling wife. I made damn sure she was sexually satisfied, every single chance I got. Those things I made time for. Those things were very important to me. If I got the chance now and then, after all the important things in my life were done, I would go to the dojo and work out, and take an advanced class with the master, in exchange for my helping teach the students. That was always fun for me, to see young people advance in their karate skills. It didn't cost me anything except an hour of time. What I wouldn't give for those hours back, that I could have changed anything! But, "Coulda-Woulda-Shoulda!" means you can't change the past. You must learn to live with your mistakes, especially the ones you didn't even know you made!

Amelia didn't fare as well. She put on a fair amount of weight. She wound up a little fat, but almost all of it was in her big bust and her very sexy behind. I made damn sure she knew how much I loved her, and not just sexually, but from the heart and soul too. I thought she loved me. I thought...

We still burned up the sheets when we could find the time, and the energy. Once in a while, she would drop off the kids at school and dash over to my jobsite. If I saw her coming I would throw everyone out of the work trailer and she and I would do the nasty. If pressed for time, I would eat her pussy right up on the drafting table.

Amelia loved to suck my cock, she would get on her knees and suck my dick dry. But with her weight increase, it was tough on her knees. She had brought a pillow for her comfort as she fellated me. It was always in her car. I got a spare for the mobile office. Life was good. She used that pillow a lot! The woman loved to suck my cock. She was on her knees all the time. Amelia was such a great cocksucker. Too bad I didn't know that she was a world record cocksucker! Not just world-class, but actually a Guinness world record holder in cocksucking numbers! If only I would have known.


For twenty-three years, life was good. Then one day it wasn't. That fateful day started out with a bang. My work generator just exploded. .. -BOOM!- It was deader than a doornail. My Mr Fix-It guy tried his best, but it was a lost cause, it was beyond hope of repair. We still tried to fix it. The generator guys couldn't make it until the next morning, so I just ordered a new one, we would just scrap the old one if we had to. If the generator guys actually fixed it, we would just keep it as a spare.We were not yet wired to the power grid, so we all had an unscheduled day off, not exactly terrific, but at 10 am, I had done everything I could do. I finally said fuck it. Time to go home. We would regroup tomorrow.

I would surprise my wife. I would take her to lunch, maybe she could play hooky with me in the afternoon! It was not going to go that way. The surprise went vice versa. It was the last day of my marriage. It was almost the last day of my life, or at least it felt that way.

"Fuck it. Go visit your wonderful wife," I thought. So I jumped in my "R and A Construction" truck and went over to Amelia's insurance office.What a huge mistake that was. I had no idea. I was about to find out the hard way.

I got there, and Amelia was nowhere to be seen. Her car was right out front. Not a sign of Amelia. There was a secretary in front. She was a very statuesque blond named Colleen. I had met her many, many years ago at the Christmas party. Colleen had a couple of drinks. She had come up to me and kissed me hard on the lips. She had the mistaken idea that we had an open marriage, and she really wanted to try me out! She was a bit drunk, and she was determined to fuck me! I gently told her no, no, not at all. She kissed me on the cheek. She admitted that she was very, very attracted to me. Amelia and I were conventional in our marital relationship. She said if I ever change my mind...Oh how wrong I was! They say hindsight is twenty-twenty. If I knew then what I know now...

"Hi Colleen! Long time, no see! I'm looking for my better half. Have you seen her?" She had a look of pure panic on her face. Like I was the devil or something. That was weird. She looked like she didn't know what to do. She was very flustered. She was flushed like she was totally embarrassed.

"Ralph! What are you doing here! Um, ahh... well...I'm not, ahh...sure exactly ahh, where she is at the, um moment. Let me ring Carl." Colleen looked very, very flustered. I could see something was very much amiss here. But what? Where the hell was Amelia? Her car was right out front.

"Carl, Ralph Merkel's here looking for his WIFE. He's out front here. Have you seen Amelia?" No answer. There seemed to be a bad connection as all kinds of noise came through, stuff falling and quick breathing.

"Tell him I'm not here." Came my wife's whispered reply. I'd know her voice anywhere. What the fuck? What the hell did she mean, she's not here? Something outrageous was going on in that office this very second. I was quickly getting upset. My blood pressure was rising geometrically. I'm like a volcano, slow to anger, but when my limits are exceeded...I go off in spectacular fashion, not unlike an explosion or a volcano! That is exactly what was happening.

"What the fuck Amelia, I'm right here. I'm coming in!" I went to her boss's door. It was locked. I took a fist and banged on the door. "Open this fuckin door right now!" I beat on that door like a madman.

Thirty long seconds went by. It felt like two years. I was about to break down the door, when it opened. There was Carl, looking disheveled. I saw my wife, hair messed up. Lipstick smeared. The room reaked of sex. You could smell the sex from ten feet away! I walked in, and there on the floor in front of the desk, was a pillow! A PILLOW! HER PILLOW. THE PILLOW WITH ONLY ONE USE! WHATTHEFUCK! I WAS SO FUCKING PISSED OFF NOW AND GETTING EVEN MORE SO VERY QUICKLY! "SOMEBODY'S GOING TO DIE OVER THIS SHIT!!" I shouted at the dirty cheating couple. I just exploded.

Anger flowed into me like a tidal wave. I saw red. There would be hell to pay now! The adrenaline that went through my veins was secondary to my anger, which was off the fucking scale.

Carl did not see my fist in his face. I laid him out with one punch. He is so lucky I did not kill him. Perhaps I should have. Colleen rushed to her bosses side, as did Amelia. I was red faced and seething mad. I never hit a woman before, but I came very damned close that day. Angels had stayed my fist. They kept me from committing murder. But not by much. My anger seethed. I was truly losing it. My righteous indignation was going very nuclear. My hands were shaking in white hot fists of RAGE. I was the definition of hopping mad.

"How could you? Amelia, it was supposed to be you and me against the world! How long has this been going on?! How FUCKING long has this shit been going on?!" I was loud enough to be heard in Cleveland. Amelia began to cry. There was red blood on my fist where I had punched Carl. I actually thought about killing him.

I was royally, totally, sincerely, absolutely, fucking pissed off, beyond belief pissed off. There must have been steam coming out of my ears. I was getting more angry by the second as I pondered my wife's illicit activities. I again contemplated murdering the two of them, pros and cons of the act, where to dump the bodies, that sort of thing. My anger was hot as the flames of perdition. I was actually contemplating killing those two who had so remorselessly betrayed me, stabbed me in the back and vivisected my heart. I was on fire emotionally and could not see a way out.

"I'm so sorry Ralph. It's been... a while. I'm so ashamed. I ...I-" She burst into tears. I looked at the pillow. There appeared to be fresh cum on it. There were also hundreds and hundreds of cum stains. Maybe a thousand cum stains! A thousand cum stains! Holy fuckin' hell! What kind of whore was I married to? A thousand cum stains! What the fuck?

More cum stains that I could fucking count. My betrayal just took a huge quantum leap. I realized that even ONE of those stains was the death knell of my "happy" marriage, and I was looking at hundreds, perhaps a thousand stains... Each represented an act of perfidy, of betrayal on a grand scale. The woman who claimed to be the love of my life, my heart's desire and my soulmate forever...

Well she was a common whore, a cumbucket, the town pump who had sucked not one, or two cocks, but an entire ARMY OF COCKS. The pillow represented my marriage dissolving right before my damn eyes. Every single stain represented an act of true adultery, and the pillow represented her infidelity on an industrial scale, so huge and grotesque as to boggle the mind. I must be the stupidest man on the damn planet, the most brainless idiot that ever lived... Call Guinness, without a doubt, I am the dumbest cuckold that ever walked the earth! Perhaps the dumbest cuckold of all time, but I guess really that's just the same thing. I'm only getting one single dumbass trophy!

I'm pretty sure Guinness will not dispute my claim.

My eyes widened, and I had to get out of there. I was close to throwing up, or maybe murder. Maybe both. I felt so completely deserted and betrayed. I was destroyed. I was...

alone in the world. I felt ... Destitute.

My wife was gone. She was replaced by some slut-skank-whore who looked just like her. I was just completely devastated. I thought of my children. Thank God in heaven for my kids! That thought kept me from suicide. Or maybe it prevented homicide, just barely. My head spun like a cartoon character. It was probably my blood pressure and I was going to have a stroke. What the fuck, I did not really want live anymore, so I would welcome death.

I ran outside. I puked in the gutter. I sobbed. I cried like a child. It was like a damn nightmare that I couldn't wake up from. I ran. I almost got hit by a car. Screeching tires, horn and a cursing driver did not penetrate my stupor-like consciousness. I was like a zombie. I ran some more. Where? I don't know. I just ran. Then when I could no longer run, I walked. I don't remember where. Just one foot in front of the other. I somehow walked home. I don't know what time. I didn't know what date. I didn't know anything anymore. I went inside. I puked until there was nothing left. I had the dry heaves. I was...dead inside. Just fucking shoot me. I did not deserve the bullshit I was dealing with. I wanted the good Lord to take me, to take away the pain in my heart and soul. I wished the earth would just open up and swallow my brainless cuckold body. How could I be so incredibly stupid? She had obviously been cheating on me for ...years?

"Honey, we gotta talk! Please!" She had obviously been crying. I looked up to finally notice my slut wife. The skank did not have the courtesy to drop dead.

"Talk about what Amelia? Has this been going on for years? You have killed me. I am so devastated. I'm so... destroyed. I don't know what to do. I am so ANGRY and sad at the same time. I want to turn back the clock, the calendar, I want to try to make this nightmare all go away. I want the wife I used to love to come back, instead of this skank whore I found. I don't know if I want to live anymore. Live for what? My life is gone and destroyed." The tears fell down my cheeks like rain. I couldn't stop them.

"All I can see is you, on your knees, sucking Carl's cock. Is Carl better than me? Do you love him? Are there others? Why did you do this? Why? Tell me why!" Tears ran down my cheeks. My fists were clenched in rage, a blinding red rage. I couldn't speak, I was so fucking angry! My blood pressure was spiking. I saw only red. Red, red, red.

I put my fist through a wall, all the way to the outside. I didn't even know that could be done. I think I broke my hand doing it. My hand hurt, and was swelling. There was some blood. More stupidity on my part. I wanted to level the house. It was certainly not a home anymore.

"I don't know. I've been gaining weight for years. Carl tells me I'm sexy. He likes my... figure. You haven't said anything about my weight at all. I thought you didn't feel the same way about me as you used to. I... I...fucked up bad. I am so very much... ashamed." She hung her head and cried. "Can you ever forgive me Ralph? I am so very sorry." She looked at me with her brown doe eyes. Begging eyes. Pleading eyes...SLUT EYES! Whore eyes. Skank eyes!!

Skank eyes, yes. Cunt eyes. Cocksucker eyes. My rage was rising in me again. How dare she ask for forgiveness just minutes after having another man's dick in that same mouth talking to me now! His white come was still fresh on the pillow. I wanted to explode again. I fought for control. I was shaking with rage... The anger coursing through my veins... Again!

"Do you want to stay married? You want a divorce? The kids are all in college, so we could just split it all right down the middle." I was thinking of getting away from her as fast as humanly possible. Like moving to Alaska, or Australia. Tasmania or Antarctica. The moon might be far enough away.

"No! No! NO! I want to stay married to you!" The fear in her voice was real. Why on earth did she want to be with me, who she obviously hated? To hurt me some more? What the hell? What the fuck had I ever done to merit this fucking shit?

"If you wish to stay married, you no longer work for Carl Campbell Insurance. As of this instant! You will never set foot in this place again, ever. Do you understand? If you ever get within a hundred feet of Carl, I'll kill you both." I looked her in the eyes, "Do You FUCKING Understand Me?!!" I said it in a tone that said murder. My eyes were ablaze. I may kill him yet. Her eyes were wide, thinking she had a small chance with me.

"Yes. Thank you Honey for giving me another chance! What about my stuff in the office? My last check?" Like I care about that shit.

"I'll call Colleen Jones and ask her to box it up for us. She can bring it outside to me, I won't be tempted to kill the son of a bitch. I want to kill him slowly and watch him die, as he has killed me...Colleen! She owes me a big explanation as well. That bitch."

"For what?" her eyes widened.

"For helping you cheat. She's obviously an enabler. She called you on the intercom to tell you I was there, and give you time to get dressed and cleaned up. She has a key to his office, I've seen her use it. I am very unhappy with her behavior, and I'm going to tell her about it. I'm not mad at her, I'm very... well I'm disappointed. I will listen to what she has to say. I hope she apologizes. If not, then you and I cannot talk to her again, EVER." My eyes were blazing. If I saw Carl, I was going to beat him to death.

"What else do you want me to do?" Her eyes said complete acquiesce was her new plan. A little bit late.

"You get a trip to the doctors office. We will both be tested. Until we are both pronounced CLEAN, we use rubbers. Not that I feel like having sex with you slut." I thought she was probably a walking Petri dish. I wasnt sticking my dick in that!

"You still have lots of explaining to do. You haven't told me jack shit about what you have done. You better tell me the whole fucking truth. No more lies. Not a single one!" My eyes were filled with rage. "If you lie to me ever again, I will kill you dead. I am so upset. How could you?... So YOU are going to tell me absolutely everything that took place." I almost shouted.

"Not one more lie, EVER! YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!!" I was livid.

I must have looked like a lunatic. I felt like one. Why am I even taking to this dirty, cheating whore? Am I insane? I remembered our wedding vows, and that "in sickness and in health" stuck in my craw... Was she fucked up in the head? I must be, cause I wasn't killing her.

"Ok Hon, are we doing this right now?" Amelia asked.

I was almost dizzy with pain. Was I having a heart attack? More likely to be some kind of anxiety attack or my brain was just trying to deal with the shock of it all. My blood pressure was spiking, I was sure. I had to try to calm down or I was going to die for damned sure. I took a deep breath.

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