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Pixie in the Car

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Pixie's new young man comes and goes with the holidays.
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This is episode number six in Pixie's story.

"Go Eagles!" Pixie said in the best cheerleader voice she could use in the house. She shook her pom-pom over her head and laughed as a flock of little elves and princesses copied her.

All her neighbor's kids and grand kids were invited to Pixie's Big Halloween Party. Outside, an early winter storm sent snowflakes swirling over the streets and sidewalks, but it was warm inside, and spiders and cobwebs decorated the dimly-lit house.

Pixie led the kids in another cheer before their parents reined them in. The littlest angels and spooks were already curling up on their mother's laps and falling asleep, but the older ones still needed to burn off their sugar highs.

"They're going to drive me crazy," Tamara said. A little girl tugged on her witch's cape, and Tamara lowered a plastic jack-o'-lantern so the girl could pick out candy.

"Be careful," Pixie said so the little girl couldn't hear. "They can smell fear, you know. At least I think you could at that age." Tamara grew up right across the street, and Pixie sometimes didn't believe that she could be in college now.

Tamara adjusted the wide brim of her pointed hat and said, "Maybe we'll get done a little early." She had a hopeful note in her voice.

They had a deal. If Tamara and her friends helped with Pixie's parties then Pixie would let them use her house for their own party. The party for the kids was to last until eight o'clock, and then Tamara's friends would start getting there at nine.

Pixie squeaked, and stepped over a little boy who tried to crawl between her legs. She turned around and asked, "That's Sam Lambert at the punch bowl, isn't it? What's he supposed to be?"

Tamara looked past Pixie and answered, "He's Archie. He makes a great Archie, doesn't he?"

Pixie approved. It wasn't so much the letter jacket she liked as it was the way the tee shirt under it stretched over his chest. "Are we going to have Betties and Veronicas here, too?" she asked.

Joan laughed. "There might be some girls here who wish they were Betty or Veronica, but none of them will be as good as you."

Pixie suddenly needed some punch. She stood in front of Sam, and he smiled when he handed her a cup. "Mrs. Tyler!" he said. "I love your cheerleader costume."

"Thank you," Pixie said, "but call me Pixie. This is my uniform from when I was in college, and I can still wear it without alterations—except the top.

"I thought a cheerleader would be non-threatening for the kids. I'll change into something a little more interesting after they're gone."

Pixie walked around the punch bowl and stepped close to Sam. She fingered his letter jacket then touched his chest. "What's your sport?" she asked.

Sam laughed and puffed his chest out a little to impress a hot-looking woman twice his age. "The jacket was my dad's," he said. "I think manual labor is my sport."

"It serves you well," Pixie said. A big-eyed little girl with an empty cup hopped up and down in front of the punch bowl, so Sam turned back to his work. Pixie watched his neatly combed hair and his big hands. She sipped her punch, and smiled behind her cup. Pixie had plans for Archie.

* * *

"Who's watching the door?" Pixie asked. She fluffed her black wig and checked her red lips in the mirror. Her eyes were outlined in dark eyeliner and eye shadow—a look that would have frightened the kids, but that party was over.

"I asked Sam to take the door," Tamara said. "Paul's got the music. Are we about ready?"

Pixie stood up, turned away from the mirror, and laughed at the girls. "You may be ready for them, but they can't be ready for you." Tamara and Joan were costumed as black cats. That wasn't very original, but they did their cats well.

"The last touch," Pixie said. She had to reach up to put their collars on, and a leash hooked to each girl's collar made their costumes complete.

Pixie stepped into the living room as The Mistress of the Night. Her body was wrapped in a tight black dress with a plunging neckline that barely contained her breasts. Her thigh-high nylons flashed through the skirt's long slit, and she glided across the room on red spike heels with her leashed familiars in tow.

Pirates, witches, zombies, and superheroes snacked in the dining room and loud music throbbed in the living room, where the furniture had been moved and the rug rolled up. They pointed and laughed, and heads turned. Paul looked up from his phone when Pixie stopped in front of him. She offered him Joan's leash and told him, "For you, Mr. Russo. Take care of my dear pet, please."

"Is she a good kitty?" Paul asked. He took Joan's leash and petted her butt. Joan pulled her tail to the side, arched her back, and gave Paul a come-hither meow.

Pixie slapped the handle of Tamara's leash against the palm of her hand. She looked around and wondered aloud, "Who deserves you?"

"Why don't you keep me for a while?" Tamara asked. "I'll introduce you to my friends." She looked at the growing crowd. "I guess we have some friends of friends here. I don't know everyone."

Tamara led her mistress around the living room and Pixie learned a lot of names she'd forget before she needed them. They worked through the dining room, talked with people in the kitchen, and then Pixie took Tamara back to where Sam still waited by the door.

Pixie unhooked her leash from Tamara's collar and said, "Don't forget that the music has to go way down at eleven. If it doesn't, then we may get a visit from the police." She sniffed the air. "I smell pot, so you may not want the police here."

Tamara started to apologize for the smoke, but Pixie stopped her. "Just make sure they keep the smoke outside. I told your folks that there wouldn't be a keg or a bar. I didn't tell them there wouldn't be any fun."

Sam's eyes didn't stray from Pixie while she talked. He watched her dark eyes and her red lips then his attention settled into Pixie's deep cleavage.

Pixie tucked her arm around Sam's elbow and squeezed against him. "I get Archie now," she told Tamara, and then she looked up at Sam. "I want to hang on a man. You don't mind, do you?"

Sam grinned and said, "Me? No!" Pixie pulled him through the girls and ghouls who were starting to crowd the dance floor and stopped in the dining room. They found Joan restocking the snacks.

"Let me do that," Sam said. He took the bag of chips away from Joan before she could stop him and set to work.

Pixie pulled Joan's attention away from the table and asked, "Where did you leave Paul?"

"I sent him to the kitchen," Joan said. Paul was beside the sink talking with a soft-bodied girl in bunny ears. "I asked him to keep an eye on the hot tub. Four guys took a girl out there, and they lost their costumes right away. I wanted to make sure she was really okay with that, but it looks like Paul got distracted."

Joan stopped Sam when he started arranging the dip bowls. "You don't have to work all the time," she said.

Pixie looked uneasy. She wrapped her hands around Sam's arm and leaned toward the kitchen door. "It's loud and it's getting a little stuffy in here. Would you take me outside?" She asked, and Sam didn't hesitate.

The patio was lit only by light from inside the house, the air was cool, and fat snowflakes melted on the stone as soon as they landed. Pixie stopped Sam outside the door and waited for her eyes to adjust before she could make out what was going on in the hot tub. She heard it before she saw it.

Steam rose around a girl whose wet hair hung on her shoulders. She sat across one boy's lap while her hand pumped under the water. She leaned back against another boy who played with her tits, and she laughed out loud at something he said in her ear.

"It looks like she's having fun," Pixie said and turned to face Sam. "I hated the idea of what could've happened."

Sam stared at the scene in the hot tub. "I don't know who she is, but I guess she likes a lot of attention." He looked down at Pixie. "I kinda hoped we'd have a chance to talk when we came outside. There were too many people inside."

"I'm not really dressed to stand outside and talk," Pixie said. She slipped her hands under Sam's letter jacket and pulled herself close. "We could find a quiet place inside, or you could keep me warm."

Two nerds in horn rimmed glasses lurched through the door beside Pixie, and she ducked against Sam for protection. He caught her with one hand and put his other hand out to fend off the nerds. "Watch it," he said, and they apologized as they backed away.

"Thanks," Pixie said. "Let's get out of the way." She pulled Sam around the corner and into the darkness where snowflakes fell around them. Pixie leaned back against the wall to look up at Sam, and he hunched over her to shelter her from the falling snow.

Pixie inhaled the scent inside Sam's jacket and asked, "What did you want to talk about?"

Sam laughed. "I don't even know," he said. "I guess that sounds dumb, but I just wanted to talk."

"Then let's talk about us," Pixie said. She stroked her hand over Sam's chest and watched his nostrils flare. "I really liked the way you protected me back there and the way you're protecting me now. Are you always like this?"

"No," Sam said. "Well, I don't think so. I haven't had that many chances." He stopped and watched Pixie's face before he blurted, "I think you're really hot, but I'm not sure what to do next."

"You're doing just fine," Pixie said and rested her hands on Sam's hips. "Do you have to go home tonight, or can you stay with me?"

Someone in the hot tub groaned through his orgasm, and Pixie stifled a laugh. Pot smoke floated with the snowflakes while Sam tried to close his mouth. "Stay with you? Like all night?" he asked. Music thumped inside and Sam looked up when laughter came from the kitchen door. "I'd love to, I think," Sam said, "but you scare me a little."

"Oh, sweetheart," Pixie said. "You don't need to be afraid of me." She caught Sam's hands then watched the expression on his face while she lifted them to her tits. "And as long as we know where we're going, we can have fun getting there."

Sam cupped Pixie's breasts and bent to kiss her mouth. She stopped him and talked with her lips almost touching his, "If you kiss me now, then you're going to go inside with red lipstick all over your face."

He stopped and drew back to look at Pixie's dark eyes. "I've never gotten to second base without rounding first," he said.

Pixie laughed. "I don't know a thing about baseball. They didn't use cheerleaders when I was in school." Her hands traveled down from Sam's hips, and she slipped her fingers under his package. "But I know I like this," she said and traced the shape of his hardening cock. "And I know I like how enthusiastic you are."

She turned her head to the laughter and the splash of water from around the corner. "I'm not going to worry about the girl in the hot tub. If you still want to talk, then we can talk where its warmer. Let me hold onto your arm. The patio is a little uneven here."

Sam gave Pixie his arm to lean on, and they stepped around the corner. "How long do you suppose the party's going to last?" he asked, and opened the kitchen door for her.

Pixie stopped him before they stepped inside. "I think it's going to be a long party, and you're going to disappoint me if you can wait until it's over."

A whoop and a squeal in the kitchen made them jerk their heads around, and someone's drink hit the floor. Tamara squeezed through the crowd with a mop in hand, but Sam stopped her. "I'll take care of it," he said.

Pixie watched Sam set to work then rolled her eyes at Tamara. "All I need is a little attention, and I have to compete with menial labor."

"But he's been so much help!" Tamara said. She cleared the kitchen so Sam could work, and Pixie waited by the breakfast bar and talked with a pair of skeletons. Pixie posed for Sam while she talked. She made sure the long slit in her dress opened around one leg, and she turned her shoulders to give him the best view into her neckline.

Sam's attention strayed from his mopping. His eyes explored Pixie, and when he finished the floor he turned to the sink and started rinsing the mop. Pixie waited through a lot of rinsing before she tucked her hand around Sam's elbow and asked, "Is something wrong?"

"I don't want to turn around yet," Sam said. "I can't stop thinking about sex, and my hard-on won't go down."

Pixie stifled a snicker and tugged on Sam's elbow. She talked so people coming back to the kitchen could hear and said, "I'll show you where the mop goes."

The Mistress of the Night stepped around a coven of giggling witches and led Archie into the back hall. She opened a closet door so he could leave the mop inside, and then she tugged his arm again. "Where are we going?" he asked.

"My car," Pixie said. "I don't think anyone'll bother us there." She led him to the garage, snatched her spare key fob from a hook by the door and unlocked the car.

Pixie turned around and found Sam looming over her. He took her breath away. Sam wrapped her in one arm, and his body pressed her back against the car. He pushed his tongue into her mouth, and Pixie welcomed him. Sam's kiss was rough and excited, and his breath burned hot on Pixie's cheek.

Sam pushed his hand into Pixie's plunging neckline and cupped her breast. She pushed into his touch, but then turned her head to break their kiss. Sam, with Pixie's hard nipple between his fingers, laid his head against the car over her shoulder. "God Pixie," he said. "I'm so hard!"

Pixie popped the back door open and told Sam, "Climb in—all the way to the other side," and she climbed in after him. She moved the driver's seat forward to make room then closed the door behind her and dropped the key fob on the passenger seat.

"Lean back," Pixie said and started unbuckling Sam's belt. She tugged his jeans and boxers down, and his cock popped up to greet her.

"What a nice cock!" Pixie said. Sam's shaft was thick and straight. Veins stood out along its length, and its smooth head gleamed with pre-cum.

Pixie leaned over Sam with both hands around his shaft. Her long black hair fell down around his face, and he moaned in her ear. "God Pixie, you're going to make me come," he said.

"That's the plan," Pixie said. She kissed Sam's face and his chest as she slipped down between his legs to get his cock into her cleavage.

Sam breathed in gulps and seemed tortured by his own excitement. Pixie rose and fell over him to stroke his cock between her tits, but she stopped when he writhed under her and his moans and grunts sounded like he was about to come.

"Where are you going?" Sam asked when Pixie slipped farther down between his legs, but she didn't answer. Instead, she wrapped her lips around his cock and took its sensitive head over her tongue to the back of her mouth.

Sam couldn't last between Pixie's lips. The sensations that ran from his balls through the length of his cock tensed his muscles and blanked his mind. He caught his breath and bucked under Pixie when he came. He groaned through clenched teeth, and she swallowed his hot cream as fast as she could.

Pixie kissed and sucked Sam's cock until his body finally relaxed. He took a deep breath and trembled as he exhaled. "I came really hard," he said.

"And now you can relax a little?" Pixie asked, and she moved Sam's legs to sit on the seat beside him. She turned on the overhead light and laughed at what she saw.

"What?" Sam asked. "What's so funny?"

"Archie's messed up hair and the lipstick on your face," Pixie said and picked up his softening cock. "And on your cock. I suppose it's on my face, too." She rummaged through the console between the front seats. "I know I have wipes in here," and she sat back with a sealed packet in her hand.

Pixie dabbed at Sam's lips and cheeks then said, "Hold still. I need to get rough with you." She had to wipe hard to get the lipstick off Sam's chin, and he sputtered and tried to talk while she did it.

"How did you get so good at that?" he asked.

"At scrubbing lipstick off?" Pixie asked, and Sam shook his head. "At getting you off?" and Sam nodded. "Practice," she said and laughed.

Pixie sat back to look at her handiwork, then turned her attention to the lipstick on Sam's cock. "I was married for nine years to a man with a weak heart. I kept him happy in bed by doing a lot of the work myself. Since then, I've preferred young men."

The wipe was pink when she finished with Sam, so Pixie found another one to clean lipstick off her lips while Sam pulled his pants up. He checked the rear view mirror, combed his hair back into place, and asked, "So if I weren't here tonight, would you have picked out a different guy?"

"No!" Pixie said. She glanced at Sam then leaned into the front seat to use the mirror in the sun visor. "I've been interested in you since we met at my last party. If you weren't here, I'd probably just be doing girl talk." Pixie sat down beside Sam when she was done. "We can have fun, but don't make plans. I like guys to be eager and energetic, but you'll get used to it, that eagerness will go away, and then we'll just be friends."

The thump of the music from inside suddenly quieted and Pixie looked at the dashboard clock. "It's eleven. Let's go back inside. I want to see what's going on, and I'll fix my face."

Sam stopped Pixie in the kitchen where they found Tamara and asked her, "Is there anything I can help you with?"

Tamara looked from Pixie to Sam and laughed. "Your job is to keep Pixie happy," she said. "Everything else is going great."

"He's already doing a pretty good job of that," Pixie said. Tamara turned away when a vampire with an obvious eye for pussycats got her attention, and Pixie told Sam, "I'll be right back."

Sam's eyes followed the sway of Pixie's hips as she walked away, and then he walked after her. He stopped in the living room to talk to people he knew and then worked his way more slowly toward Pixie's bedroom. Sam found a pirate making out with Pippi Longstocking in the foyer, and a fairy princess in a clinch with a kilted Scotsman below the stairs.

He turned around outside Pixie's room and was talking with Paul when Pixie stepped out behind them. "Did I miss anything?" she asked, and squeezed herself against Sam's side.

"People are pairing up," Sam said and studied Pixie. Her wig was fluffed again and her dark makeup was flawless. Lipstick was the only thing missing from her original look.

A giggle and a gasp from down the hall made Pixie look away. She nodded toward the library—which had been set up for video games—and said, "That's what that sounded like. Let's make sure it's all OK."

They found a cowboy on the sofa with a schoolgirl in a rumpled uniform. The girl was the first to see them. She sat up and pushed his hand out from under her skirt. She tried to hold her shirt closed, and he hid her panties behind his back.

They made Pixie laugh. "Oh sweetheart," Pixie said and touched the girl's shoulder, "if you don't have anywhere else to go, then why don't you take your cowboy upstairs?"

"That's okay? We can do that?" the school girl asked and grinned at her guy. She didn't even pause to button her shirt before she dragged him off the sofa, and Pixie stepped back to let them by.

The crowd was thinner when Pixie and Sam got back to the living room, but there were affectionate couples on the chairs and in the corners. They stopped to talk to a few people on their way to the kitchen, and then stopped again by the snack table.

Pixie turned her back to the living room and batted her false eyelashes at Sam. "I guess I know what's going on here. We might as well join in." she said. She slipped her hands inside his jacket and pulled herself close.


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