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Pomp and Circumstance Ch. 06-07

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Jason is revealed as the Beast.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/03/2020
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Chapter 6

"My lord, I gladly surrender to your greatness!" Zoe informed me with pride as she knelt before me.

"Same with me! I adore you!" Sabrina declared.

"And with me, O Great One!" Mary assured me, "and to think that I once dared to chide you over ogling Sabrina! Forgive me for that and all other transgressions against you, my liege."

"There weren't that many, babe, and marrying Zoe more than made up for them, okay?" I told Mary, even as Eva looked up at me in awe.

"My keyholder is the Antichrist? What an honor!" Eva told me while kissing my feet.

"My sentiments exactly! What an honor! To be taken by someone like you!" Danielle announced with true reverence as well as adulation ... and lust.

"Oh, fuck, yeah! I can't believe my good luck to be on your good side, given ... well, everything," Steve asserted now.

"Well, as a bonus, I'm not moving out, you know. I'm right here, gonna be there for you to help you out. I might have to go back to Hell a lot to run things there, as I always do, but remember that I won't abandon you, babe," Dean told me with a very powerful kiss, making it clear that we were still lovers in his book, too.

Wow, most of my lovers have all been women, and the one dude that I picked turned out to be the Devil Himself! What were the odds of that? I wonder if this meant no torment in Hell, then? I sure hoped so.

"Look, honey, you're not gonna die, okay? You can't die! Neither can Tabby now that you picked her. We'll do our best to avoid that Lake of Fire business, for my sake as well as yours, and Tabby's. Trust me, I don't want to go there, either. You're not a regular human being, so stop acting like one! You're the Beast, baby! Act like it!

"As for regular ol' Hell, who do you think runs the place and sets the damn rules down there? Jehovah? As if he would condescend that much! I decide who burns, freezes, etc. for how long, etc. Now, that Lake of Fire place, sure Jehovah controls that, but not the original Tophet, trust me. That's MY motherfucking domain! I've been running it for aeons and I know it like the back of my hand.

"It was meant as a prison for older Gods of other pantheons, of course, but Jehovah pissed off the wrong angel when they failed to take back control of Hell before expelling me. I made damn sure that none of the Gods ever ended up there. That was just one of my many differences with the J boy. And if you thought that the heathen Gods were mad at him before, you should have seen them when they learned of his plans for them. They're fucking eager to get their revenge and tear off a piece of their usurper's hide!" Dean laughed now.

"So ... why ... the charade?" I asked him the most glaring question of all.

"To kill time ... and to get into your pants. The girls were easier. A guy who was less comfortable with his sexuality than he pretended to be, that was a whole different animal. And I had to get it on with you, bro. Face it, we're all lovers now, and that just heightens our primal energy and power, don't you see?

"And I have found that this black man guise really suits me. Women, and even men, throw themselves at a black guy easier at times, due to that whole size rumor and the exotic nature of it all. I don't like how racist it can be, but people are only human, you know. Plus, it's fun to play the part, and since I can be any race or sex if I wish it, no harm, no foul. I could always change it up.

"Your weakness, of course, is bald brothas. Bald and clean-shaven, mostly. Maybe a soul patch. SEAL. Ving Rhames. Michael Clarke Duncan. You like your brothas bald, no doubt of that. I've figured that out and adjusted accordingly. That's another handy thing about being the Devil. I really am a bit of a shape-shifter, you know," Dean snorted while turning on the camcorder function of his phone.

He managed to get us all, naked, in front of the video and hit record, asking me, "Okay, let's start this whole all over. Give me your name, please. What's your name and who are you? And why should the whole wide world, who will watch this when it goes viral, give an unholy fuck?"

"I am Jason Basileos, a direct descendant of Emperors of the Eastern Roman Empire. I am also the Antichrist, the Beast of Revelation. Know this. I am here to directly confront the sick and twisted, sadistic plans that Jehovah has laid out for me and for the whole fucking human race, not to mention for my friend and lover, Dean, who is better known as Satan or Lucifer, also known as the Devil.

"This is my sister ... and wife, Tabitha Basileos, but I call her 'Tabby,' all of us do. She is my High Priestess, my Prophetess, my Hierophant as well. She is empowered, under some rather rare circumstances, to speak and act on my behalf, too. Like me, she is also immortal, so forget killing either of us. Just don't waste your time.

"I am now giving all governments precisely half an hour to surrender, unconditionally, to my rule. Failure to do so will result in some rather nasty consequences for those who decide against it, but not for the innocent masses themselves. Unlike that vicious prig, Jehovah, I never punish the innocent, only the guilty.

"Whatever happens to me in the next seven years, and beyond it, know this much. I won't go quietly into everlasting darkness and eternal, undeserved torment. If I must go down, I'll do it kicking and screaming. And that, all of you, especially you, Jehovah and your heavenly, angelic minions, you can take to the bank. This. Means. War. You started it, buddy. I will end it.

"Oh, and these are my other lovers ... Sabrina, Mary, Zoe, Eva, Steve, and Danielle. But there's plenty of room for more. Count on a lot of changes, starting with this one. From now on, incest, public nudity, adultery, sodomy, and polygamy are legal worldwide, among other things, so deal with it. I'm going to take several wives and even a husband or two. So, suck it up, buttercup," I winked at the video and at Dean.

"Damn it, you made me proud all over again!" Satan told me with a powerful tongue kiss.

Right on camera, right in front of the world. It was the hottest I've ever seen the guy. And that was saying something when you considered that he was the Devil Himself.

Chapter 7

"Well, it's been half an hour, my love. Silence. Governments haven't responded yet at all, but their silence and inaction means that they don't believe you," Tabby noted, "they will quickly come to regret that."

Just then, my front door was kicked in and several Homeland Security agents burst through, all of them carrying automatic or semi-automatic rifles, shotguns, and so forth. They started to move through my home and when they saw me, their team leader aimed directly at my chest. The others rushed at Dean, Tabby, Sabrina, Mary, Zoe, Eva, Steve, and Danielle. They clearly meant to either kill or capture them as well.

I stretched out my hands and hurled a bolt of lightning directly at the team leader, just as Dean did toward his opponent. Both men were fried, electrocuted on the spot, causing several guys to piss or shit themselves and flee. A couple of them fired at me and were struck by lightning as well. With that, the entire task force scattered and left their weapons behind. I had enough now, of course. There was now gonna be hell to pay in DC.

I lifted my hands to the ceiling and it cracked open, allowing me to ascend to the skies and levitate well above the ground. I did so until I came all the way to the White House and forced open the gates with my sheer physical strength. I walked inside, past terrified security who had witnessed my descent, toward my destination: the Oval Office. A few guards tried to manhandle me, but they stopped when I electrocuted them as well.

A lone, naked, angry man walked very shaken and startled Secret Service agents who had never seen anything like me in their lives and forced open the doors. I found the Secretary of Defense, their wives, and several others, cowering, while the officer who carried the nuclear football stood erect, but nervous as fuck. This was the new emergency junta, as the Rapture had claimed President, Vice-President, Speaker of the House, Secretary of State, Secretary of Education, and Senate President Pro Tempore alike, along with the Second Lady of the United States. Beads of sweat poured down everyone's faces as I walked up to the head of this little rump government and looked down at his crotch, which showed a very wet spot right there.

"I gave you a command to surrender and half an hour in which to obey my ultimatum. Your response was to send your fucking goons to arrest or kill me, you stupid asshole! They're dead or in some cases scattered, having pissed or shat themselves as well. Now, face the consequences of your idiotic decision," I said as I wrested the nuclear football from the officer in question.

Then I touched the Secretary of Defense and smote him with electrical current, right at his heart, stopping it for good. He slumped dead, pompous asshat that he was, after which I turned to the Chief of Staff and smirked. I pointed to the ground, gesturing that he should kneel before me. He yet remained standing, which took some major brass balls for sure. I decided to make an example of him in the worst possible way.

I grabbed him by the groin and sent so much heat through my hand that it burned away his private parts entirely, making him scream in unbelievable agony. Someone behind me tried to shoot me dead, but I simply turned and slew her as well. That turned out to be the Secretary of Homeland Security. Then I grabbed the former First Lady and bent her over the Resolute desk, hiked up her dress just enough, slid down her panties, and simply entered her from behind.

I must have pounded the First Lady for a good hour or so, or so it felt, sinking my cock in her very wet pussy, not caring that she had peed on herself, too. I fucked her very good and hard, giving her a real taste of rough sex at last. I didn't care who watched me, as everyone was too afraid by now, paralyzed by fear as it were. I enjoyed her sloppy snatch and pulled her hair even as I admired her ass.

About the time that the First Lady creamed herself on my cock, I exploded inside her and sent her plenty of my seed to spawn what was likely to be yet another bastard of mine. Dean then appeared behind me and I made way for his penetration of her luscious twat. He fucked her in his human guise, really slamming her with that massive black dong of his. From her moans of excitement, she must have loved his dick, too.

I then seized one of the White House interns and bent her over for sport, ripping her panties so forcefully that they tore clean in half. I began fucking her in earnest now, slapping her cheeks as she moaned and shivered from the goose bumps that my actions gave her. When I pressed a finger against her pucker, she immediately relaxed it as much as she could to encourage me to sodomize her digitally. A second finger and then a third made it clear to her that both holes were mine now to plunder.

"What's your name, miss?" I demanded while giving her playful bites across the upper back and shoulders.

"Heather ... Jager," she anxiously told me as she bit her lower lip.

"Well, Heather, you know that I'm taking over the planet, right?" I asked her as I bottomed-out inside her dripping wet gash.

"Yesss!" Heather came almost instantly after I said that.

"Someone really is turned-on by powerful men, aren't you, babe?" I demanded as I kept probing her asshole with my fingers.

"Yesss!" Heather screamed as I reamed her some more.

"You want me to cum inside you now?" I teased her and she pushed back at me while squeezing my prick so hard that I had no choice but to cum.

"Attagirl! Steve! Have fun with her!" I instructed Steve before bending Tabby over now for another turn at her.

Why was I still hard? Why didn't I go soft yet? Oh, yes, I was now able to will myself to be stiff as long as necessary without any tissue damage. I fucked my sister within an inch of her life right there in the Oval Office, bent over a couch this time. By then, Dean was finished with the erstwhile First Lady of the United States, leaving his own creampie behind along with mine. She started to get up, but I wasn't having it.

"No, you will stay put and let every man in this room enjoy your slit. All of us, one by one, taking you and ravaging your sloppy cunt. I anticipate a lot more where that comes from, trust me on that point, babe," I informed FLOTUS while still plundering my own wife, who happened to be my sister as well.

"Do I get to stay bent over and do the same?" Heather asked with obvious anticipation.

"Sure, if you wish it," I winked as I gave her more of a choice than I did FLOTUS.

"Sweet! I'm gonna love pulling a train!" Heather admitted as Steve slid out of her and yet another man took her from behind, "though I miss having fingers shoved up my butthole!"

"I can fix that!" Mary laughed as she walked over to Heather and began anally probing her with her fingers.

"How did they get here?" I noticed the rest of my inner circle.

"Magic," Dean winked at me now as he entered Sabrina and started taking her as roughly as she loved.

"Sweet! Danielle, I want you to bend over for Steve now! Let him reclaim you!" I urged her, though she didn't need much encouragement.

"What about me?" Zoe wondered now.

"Make Eva eat you out, of course!" I instructed her, putting a smile on both ladies' faces.

"Okay, but I'm gonna lick it all ... everything below the waist!" Eva licked her lips as she began devouring Zoe's pussy, ass, and taint.

"Attagirl! You make me proud all over again!" I winked at her as I continued plowing my sister.

I felt two hands slip around my waist and realized that they belonged to one of the male interns. He pressed his dick up against my butt-crack and parted my cheeks to dry hump me. I didn't know if he was gay or bi, but he certainly didn't play for the straight team. I just started moving my ass back at him while still fucking the hell out of Tabby. The knowledge that I was also very intimate with someone else only excited and aroused my sister more and she clenched my cock as she creamed herself on me. I exploded inside her twat as well, slipping out and offering my newest companion a chance to enjoy her creamy cunt.

"Oh, Hell, yes!" he beamed, especially once I used my cum as lube and entered his butthole from behind while he screwed my wife, "I love the devil's threesome ... I've been shared by so many couples over the past year that it ain't funny!"

I really pushed in and out with abandon as I ravaged his bum and let him have my sloppy seconds inside my sister. That horny little prick wanted hot, steamy, bi, group sex? He would get no shortage of that! The harder he fucked her, the rougher I got with him, though none of us really minded it at all. If anything, the painful buggery only encouraged him.

"What's your name, pretty boy?" I asked him, thinking this apt as he was very slim and handsome, if stronger than he let on with folks.

"Blair!" he told me I sodomized him even harder now.

"Well, Blair, you're now my bottom bitch, aren't you?" I demanded of him now.

"Yes ... fucking, hell, yes!" Blair groaned as he emptied his balls inside my sister and I just rammed him one or two more strokes.

"Ready for my load now, pussy boi, right in your boi pussy?" I pushed him.

"God ... yes ... flood ... my ... fucking ... bowels! I want the Antichrist's cum inside me!' Blair grunted as I filled his colon with my jizz.

I seized two more ladies and began buggering them in turns, back and forth, both of them apparently being cabinet members' wives. They were amateurs, sure, but they were both keepers in my book, very quick to embrace their new destiny as my fuckmeat, my playthings. I fully intend to dominate and enjoy everyone in the room, sooner or later, even more than I already did. None of them could ever go back to their lives again. They attacked me, so they had to forfeit their liberty entirely to satisfy my honor.

As Saturninus once said in Titus Andronicus, "What, be dishonored openly and basely put it up without revenge?"

Turning the other cheek just wasn't my style.

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