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Pomp and Circumstance Ch. 08-11

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The Beast introduces his Mark.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/03/2020
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Chapter 8

"Hello, again. It's me, Jason Basileos. Now, I warned you all to surrender to me. Not only did you not surrender, but one of your governments, namely the one here at home, chose to attack me. Bad move. Twas very poorly done, too. Now, as you can see, the chickens are coming home to roost. Here I am, in the Oval Office, with the rather broken and docile remnants of the old order.

"Here, my friends, you can see the Resolute Desk, which I am using for the moment as I occupy the seat of government of the former United States of America. I mean, let's face it, the Rapture finished off any semblance of executive leadership, and it did a number on Congress and the courts as well. Who knew that Jehovah liked politicians that much? Well, they are rather vain and pompous, and so is he, so perhaps that fits.

"Okay, anyway, you've seen what can happen if you defy me. It's time to really make that lesson hit home," I smiled as I raised my hands and fire shot out of the sky to incinerate the Kremlin.

"If you'll pay attention to your news updates in the next few minutes, you'll see that I've utterly destroyed the Kremlin with fire from the sky. Tabby, babe, do the honors for the administrative center of the People's Republic of China in Beijing," I instructed my Prophetess, who was also my sister and wife.

Tabby grinned as she lifted her arms to the sky while the camera turned angles to show her make the identical gesture that brought swift and sure destruction to the leaders of the CCP regime in Beijing. Seconds later, I got a text from the remaining leadership of Congress: we surrender.

"Unconditionally?" I texted back.

"Yes ... please ... you've won. The world is yours. America is yours," came the answer, not that it wasn't already true.

Only a few scared rabbits in Congress had held out in their delusion that they could hold the old regime together by whatever mechanism they could devise. They didn't get it. America wasn't disgraced by this, nor was any other country, because there were no countries anymore, and hadn't really been any for some time now.

Multinational conglomerates had usurped the powers of nation-states and their governments some time ago, playing them off each other like so many puppets, but those days were over, too. At least they were finished now. I wasn't going to share power with Wall Street, either. I would break them, too.

Oligarchy was dead. Long live the new breed of autocracy, one-man rule by the Antichrist. I then displayed the text for all to see, just as the news reported that the hastily formed rump Russian and Chinese governments, largely composed of technocrats and military officers, formally capitulated to my rule as well. This was a huge step forward. The three greatest powers of the old order were now broken. The lesser powers couldn't hope to oppose me much longer, could they?

Messages and phone calls announcing surrender followed with breathtaking speed now. One government after another, one nation after another, they all yielded to my will, terrified of my vengeance. The Rapture had already destabilized much of the world and its economy, so there was that factor as well. There was a sense of fatalism, almost, many unsure of what to expect, but afraid that they could no more stop it in motion than they could a locomotive. All resistance that remained, for now at least, was crushed, snuffed out like a candle.

"Excellent news, my friends. Now, we can begin to establish the global hegemony necessary to unite all nations, states, tribes, etc. under one flag, one man, one regime, one civilization! Now, as a further gesture of submission to my domination, I will insist that every member of the United Nations vote in the General Assembly, where there is no veto, for a repeal of the UN Charter and the transfer of all assets of the United Nations, the command of all of its various peacekeeping forces, and control of all of its agencies and operations, to the new global authority that I have founded today.

"The name of this entity is to be the Imperium. Very simple name, right? As head of this new Imperium, I shall henceforth be as the Imperator, which simply means 'Emperor' as well as 'Commander' in Latin. There shall be a global Senate as well, of course. The courts will be set up and appointed by me, though I will consult with the Senate from time to time. The world shall be reorganized into ten different praetorian prefectures, each with a praetorian prefect chosen by me.

"Every praetorian prefect will hold elections within sixty days' time for Senators from his or her prefecture, of course. Ten Senators are to be chosen at-large from each prefecture, each of whom must be at least eighteen years of age. That is the age of consent, of marriage, of suffrage, of membership in most associations and organizations, of legionary service, etc. As for political parties, have at it. I don't actually care, as I won't have to bind myself to any of their programs or agendas and I would rather that people declared their intentions openly, rather than let them slip underground with them.

"The seat of government, the capital of this new global empire, is to be Rome, of course. Where else? With Vatican City State essentially defunct, and the Roman Catholic Church now hereby dissolved, with all remaining cardinals, bishops, etc. now involuntarily retired, pensioned off, I will govern the world from the former Apostolic Palace. It seems a fitting location to me, at least. I will begin preparations to transfer all major government agency headquarters, of agencies that remain or will be centralized, to Rome itself as well. That may take time and work, but it will be done and it will be permanent once it is done.

"There will be many massive changes in legislation, all of which will be binding and enforceable worldwide, but the following changes will take effect immediately. One, a universal citizenship for all people, regardless of nationality. No exceptions. Two, a universal basic income for all citizens aged eighteen and above. No exceptions. Three, a global age of consent law, age of marriage, and age of majority consisting of eighteen, no older, no younger. Again, absolutely no exceptions. Four, universal adult suffrage at the age of eighteen, regardless of sex or gender or race or whatever else.

"Five, a universal, global metric measurement system that will apply to all measurements and all others to be abolished. Six, Daylight Saving Time to be universally abolished. There will be no exceptions to this! I will not permit the further disruption of people's circadian rhythms for some nebulous concept of 'saving daylight,' not now, not ever! Seven, universal health care is to be guaranteed to all citizens, regardless of age, sex, race, etc. Eight, there will be a universal currency soon established, it serving as legal tender and its acceptance as such compulsory by law.

"Nine, once the currency has been clearly established and implemented, there will be a global minimum wage and a global maximum wage as well. Extremes of wealth and poverty will cease to exist. In the meantime, we will begin a steady process of raising the wages and living standards of the poorest, most destitute, most vulnerable members of our global society, of course. Ten, public nudity, toplessness, bottomlessness, and breastfeeding will be legal in every part of the world.

"Eleven, polygamy, prostitution, pornography, adultery, sodomy, homosexuality, bisexuality, lesbianism, fornication, incest, and all other such acts between consenting adults are now legal worldwide. Twelve, public sexual congress is now legal everywhere in the world, too. Thirteen, considerable effort will be undertaken to eradicate all STIs, HIV, etc. in the very near future, so as to remove all excuses for inhibiting and restricting people's sexual satisfaction," I declared, just as Dean whispered something in my ear.

"Excuse me, I was just told that I now have the power to heal everyone watching me now of STDs, HIV, etc. If you do not catch me live, be sure to watch this as it goes viral, and you, too, will be healed instantly of any and all such ailments. This is excellent news, as it means that nothing can stand in the way of libertinism, which is the hedonistic philosophy at the core of our new society.

"If you don't believe me, just get tested, especially with all health care now being subsidized by the State. Our civilization must be united in our rejection of Jehovah's twisted morality, of course! A God that condones slavery, rape, and genocide, but hates sodomy, nudity, adultery, etc. and can't make up his mind about incest or divorce? No thank you!

"This is just the beginning of our new utopia, and let me assure you, that it will be the greatest civilization to ever exist in all of human history! Rome is reborn! Hail Caesar! Hail Satan! A new commandment I give you, that you fuck one another! Also, as other religions have a special day of rest or whatever, ours shall be Hump Day, or Wednesday, as it used to be known. And as a token or sign of your allegiance to me, I ask that you greet everyone with either a French kiss or an Australian one.

"And from now, all fraternization policies are hereby suspended indefinitely. Furthermore, any couple, throuple, or whatever, married or otherwise, that volunteers or requests to have sexual congress with me, displays a public video to that effect, passes a security check, of course, is willing to clear their schedule for it, and is approved personally by me, shall be put into a queue. When their time comes up, their expenses will be paid, their employer properly compensated for the temporary loss of services, and they will be housed in the Apostolic Palace, sharing my bed for the duration of their stay. Once there, they shall all be fucked by me until I'm ready to stop and they shall be at my beck and call. This will be a good way of my blessing their union, of course," I proclaimed just before signing a decree in front of everyone.

I just didn't tell them that it was a decree nationalizing all properties and assets of all religious entities which lost more than sixty-six percent of their membership. That was not only a perfect number numerologically, but it also meant that the religions in questions were likely too weak to fight back. The sooner that I moved to quash Christianity in particular, the better. The other sects would be destroyed in due time. It was time for humanity to embrace the rule of the Beast and the ascendancy of his kingdom.

Chapter 9

One week later...

Quirinal Palace, Rome, Italy

"How's the renovation of the Apostolic Palace coming along in the former Vatican, signor?" I inquired of Jacopo, my new private secretary.

"It is ... as well as could be expected, Sire. The remaining staff still there are a bit shaken up by the Rapture, or rather by being left behind, so that helps our cause to be sure. I've taken the liberty of hiring a lot more servants for Your Imperial Majesty, of course. Will your coronation be done in the Sistine Chapel or somewhere else? St. Peter's? St. John the Lateran? The Christian iconography has been largely removed from each of those buildings with amazing speed," the helpful Jacopo assured me as he fingered his Baphomet pendant.

"Wait until the Baphomet is properly installed in the Sistine Chapel, and then have a series of black weddings, followed by a coronation Black Mass. That's a first ... the first monarch ever to be crowned in human history with the infernal blessings of the Devil Himself, in a Satanic rite, no less. It will be glorious! I want the image of Lucifer himself right there, watching us all with his unholy gaze upon us. I want there to be no mistake ... this is the coronation of the Beast of Revelation, the Antichrist.

"Tabby, as my Hierophant, you will place the crown on my head, and then I will return the favor, of course. And I want at least three 'virgin sacrifices,' which will simply consist of three virgins giving up their maidenhead to the Devil, the Antichrist, and the Prophet. The unholy trinity, you see.

"Tabby, your virgin will be a very lucky guy. Choose well among the many volunteers, one who will be tickled pink to lose his cherry on global television in front of the world. My virgin will be a teenage girl, of course. Dean can choose his own sacrifice, of course," I stipulated.

"I want a nun! That would be perfect! A nun who is a virgin, but fertile. The ultimate cuckolding of Christ, you know. The ultimate expression of my Satanic supremacy. Tabby, might I suggest an incel? Think of the message that would send to the lot of them. Their incel days are over! Yes, yes, that would work very well for my purposes!" Dean flashed his eyes red as he grinned at the thought of bedding a nun and siring more Satanic spawn.

"And you?" Tabby asked me now.

"Oh, not to worry. I'll think of someone," I thought back to that sassy pastor's daughter who sucked my cock a year back rather than give up her cherry.

With any luck, her Pentecostal preacher mother got Raptured and was now out of my way, of course. Or better yet, got left behind, lost her faith, and became easy pickings for my own devilish ways. A mother-daughter pair was always a nice touch, and Kathy wasn't ugly or anything. Either way, I fully intended to lure Kara to my bed if I could manage it. What better occasion than a virgin sacrifice in honor of my coronation and nuptials with Tabby?

"You're thinking of Kara, aren't you?" Sabrina teased me now.

"Hey, you can hardly blame me, assuming that she wasn't Raptured with her mother. Sweet piece of cheerleader ass, you know! Long, flowing, graceful tresses of jet-black hair, long legs, excellent hips and buns, small, but perky tits, what's not to love? She'd get to stay and be a concubine for me, anyway. I just want our first time to be in honor of our unholy union. Is that too much to ask?" I grinned as I fondled both Tabby and Sabrina.

"Hardly, my lord ... I'm sure that the pleasure ... and honor ... will be hers. Forfeiting your little cherry to the Antichrist ... what a privilege! Not many will get such a treat, though all will crave it in time! Besides, this means that her first time will be absolutely stimulating! Hopefully, she's fertile, too! I would love to see her first time result in a bastard bearing your glorious name, brother!" Tabby exulted, even as she fingered herself at the prospect of three deflorations in one ceremony in honor of my coronation as Imperator.

"On a more prosaic note, Your Majesty, your proposal to put all of the royals of all dynasties in the Senate as lifetime appointees has raised a few eyebrows. Then again, your appointment of some sixty-nine 'experts' from various fields to serve as senators, too ... that has gone down much better.

"And most people seem to agree that Prince Charles belongs there no matter what. Whatever one thinks of his first marriage, he's a very intellectual prince at least. Exactly the sort of royal that would otherwise be lauded but for the very bad luck to marry a show-stealing celebrity type. Di did some good, yes, but most of her popularity was for reasons of appealing to fashionable young men and women. They lacked her style more than they liked her character, whereas Charles was always a bit of a nerd or geek," Jacopo made his own opinions known.

"Well put, my Roman friend. Now, what do you think of the use of my image on the front, with that of Tabby on the back with the bank notes ... and on the coins, Satan's on the front, mine on the back? We'll also branch out into digital currency, of course, but paper money isn't going anywhere as long as people are loath to be traced, right? And all electronic transactions are to have a value-added tax imposed on them, effective on New Year's Day, too. To help pay for the UBI, of course. Andrew Yang's idea always had merit and now it will become the law of the land," I observed as I pinched his butt through his pants.

If Jacopo minded, he didn't act like it, nor did Mary when I pinched her tush, too. Instead, both of them made a show of making out in front of me, not that I objected to that at all. Evidently, Jacopo wasn't straight, but he wasn't gay, either, judging from that activity. I made a note to myself to send Blair to him tonight so that ... boys could be boys, if you catch my drift. I could catch up with both of them later.

Tonight was for Eva and Zoe, though. Their turn. And I wasn't about to deny them their fun. I was their lover, too, after all.

Chapter 10

One week later...

Apostolic Palace, Rome (former Vatican district), Italy

"Those two pricks ... they're really going through with it, aren't they?" I slammed my open palm against my desk now.

"The Two Witnesses ... it's to be expected. Jehovah's determined to follow the Revelation storyboard, you know. But who have figured those two for the Witnesses ... the Osmonds, of all people! They're Mormon!" Tabby rolled her eyes at that part.

"And brother and sister ... country singers!" Sabrina snorted dismissively.

"On the other hand, they didn't have anything better to do," I chuckled as I tossed back some Fireball whiskey now, "I, on the other hand, don't wish to follow the script so much myself. Maybe the Mark of the Beast, just to know who's on my side ... maybe. I'd hate to doom anyone, but if we win, they won't be doomed, after all. Still, the thought of the plagues that anyone marked with it would suffer, not even counting eternal torment. If I don't impose the Mark, Jehovah will have to figure out what else to do, same as if I don't persecute the Jews, which I won't. Though knowing him, he'll come up with some other way to know who torture and harm, even kill."

"True ... but getting ready of those new Christians who are plaguing our new utopia would be rather nice. And you can use the Mark to hasten their departure from this world. I think that you should impose it ... at least outside of Israel. Just don't do that whole 'abomination of desolations' stuff and it will make it much harder to advance the Second Coming agenda of that prick Christ.

"I hate to advocate religious persecution, but by now, you must surely know it's us vs. them, you or he. Lines must be drawn and people cannot be neutral anymore. You're either with us ... or with him," Tabby observed now.

"Only a Sith deals in absolutes," I quoted from Revenge of the Sith ... Obi-wan Kenobi's.

"Yes, well, that ship sailed with the Rapture, dear brother. Jesus Christ well full dark side some time ago, just as predicted in the Scriptures. Just do it, babe. Make people declare their own true allegiance. Make them choose ... so we can rid the world of these fanatics getting in your way once and for all. The Osmonds are roasting anyone alive who dares to confront them and already causing droughts in several places. We can't fight this war with one hoof tied behind our backs," Tabby overcame my reluctance to go full Antichrist and do the unpalatable things linked to that role.

"She's right, you know, lad," Dean announced himself as he lit up a joint, "want a hit?"

"We must indeed all hang together ... or most assuredly, we shall all hang separately," I now quoted Benjamin Franklin.

"Or burn in our case, but the sentiment remains true," Sabrina agreed.

"Very true, Master ... and I long to wear your Mark on my forehead, right and proudly, whatever it means. I want to be the first to have my fate sealed and linked to yours, come Hell or highwater, quite literally," Eva declared to my astonishment.

"Okay, but let's make it plain and obvious what people are doing. If people are going to declare their fealty or refuse it, let's not use euphemisms or hidden code. All who will follow and serve me must proudly bear the three sixes on their foreheads or their right hands. And then I shall reward them for their loyalty as much as I can ... out of the resources seized from the disloyal, from the enemies of my worldwide realm. Prepare the Mark ... and the guillotine ... and make it clear what the price for disobedience is. People will have ninety days to make their stand, either way. They either choose treason or patriotism, and refusal to wear the Mark is treason," I now insisted.


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