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Pool Boy Ch. 15


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She dressed and went out to check to see if I could escape without a bunch of disapproving stares. She bought the outfit and we returned to the limo. We reeked of sex again and George gave us a huge smile in the rearview mirror as he drove us back to the Hotel. George loaded up with bags and boxes and accompanied us to our room. As he was leaving the suite, he turned back to me and said, "I have a feeling that I'm going to enjoy driving you two around."

I laughed and said, "George, I think you have no idea."

Alexis unpacked her purchases and came back into the living room where I was sitting reading the newspaper sports page. She said, "Hey babe, do you want to go to Janine's party tonight or later?"

I thought for a moment and said, "I admit I'm anxious to see what a Las Vegas house party is like, but I would like to dress up and go out to some fancy restaurant to start our 'just us' vacation. As much as I hate shopping, I enjoyed today alone with you." Alexis came over and knee dropped into the cushion beside me and threw herself into my lap. She pulled my face down to her and she kissed me passionately. My cock responded like it usually does and Alexis felt it pushing on her ass.

She said, "Good call. I'm anxious to wear some of my new clothes." She wiggled her ass around in my lap and said, "Down boy. We don't want to wear that thing down to a nub do we?" She giggled and pulled herself out of my lap and went back into the bedroom. I adjusted my cock to a more comfortable position and went back to the sports page.

When I finished I stood and walked into the bedroom to see what Alexis was up to. She was in the bathroom drawing a tub. I walked in as she was pulling her dress up over her head. I said, "Hey babe, I think I'm going to go check out the pool and casino and see what else there is here. I shouldn't be too long. Enjoy your tub. It's a little after five o'clock."

I went out the door and waited for the elevator to arrive. I got in and pushed the lobby button. The elevator dropped four floors and stopped. The door opened and two college age girls dressed in bikinis and semi-opaque cover-ups stepped in. I watched them in the mirror on one of the elevator walls. They were both very pretty. One brunette and one blonde, but neither was anywhere near Alexis' league. They were huddled up close together giggling and glancing over at me. They were whispering and I couldn't make out anything they said. I figured I would follow them to the pool since I had no idea where it was and they apparently did.

At the lobby the doors opened and I motioned for the girls to exit. I waited a moment and then followed them. I wasn't following close; just enough to keep them in site. They rounded a corner and I maintained the same pace. When I turned the corner they were both standing in the middle of the hall facing me. The blonde said in a terse voice, "Are you following us?"

The brunette whispered to the blonde, "Don't scare him off." I heard her as she seemed to whisper just load enough for me to hear. I explained that I was heading to the pool and they apparently knew the way. The brunette smiled and stuck her hand out to me and said, "I'm Jazmin, with a 'z'." My father always taught me to shake a woman's hand only if she offers it and then with only the same pressure that she applies. I took her hand and gently shook it. I introduced myself.

The blonde said, "My name is Rozz, with two 'z's. It's nice to meet you Hunter. I love that name." I smiled and nodded. Before this summer started I would have never guessed that these girls were coming on to me. Today I knew that even in the elevator. I was polite and offered to escort them to the pool. Rozz giggled and made fun of my politeness and they each took an arm as we made our way to the pool.

The pool area was huge and the multiple pools were all way bigger than the town pool I clean every day. There were lots of people braving the blistering heat and almost all were in the water. There were families and singles and groups everywhere. I spotted a couple of lounge chairs by one of the pools that appeared uninhabited. I led Jazmin and Rozz to them and they thanked me and sarcastically curtsied and sat down. I asked if they would like a drink and they both asked for Mojitas. I replied that I was not of drinking age and I doubted they would serve me.

Rozz said, "Just tell the bartender they are for us." I walked across the deck to the bar and ordered the drinks and a beer for myself. As expected the bartender carded me and I pointed across the pool at Rozz and Jazmin. They were both in the process of pulling their cover-ups over their heads and even from this distance I could tell that these girls had smoking hot bodies. Their skimpy bikinis hardly covered anything and their tits were enormous. They were enhanced but who cares. They waved over at me as they spread themselves out on the lounge chairs. The bartender made the drinks and even gave me the beer. I carried them around to the girls on a tray.

Jesus, it was hot out here. I wasn't going to be able to stay long without getting in the water. I thought it was hot at home cleaning my pools but this was unbelievable. It was a dry heat as they say but it was still hot. I sat down in a side chair and pulled my shirt off. Perspiration was already forming on my chest. I saw the looks the girls gave to each other as they more than stared at my ripped muscles glistening with sweat. I took a huge hit off my beer and wished I had got two.

I asked Jazmin how long they were in town and she laughed and told me they lived in Vegas. I was intrigued by why they would be here in a Hotel if they lived in the area and decided to ask. Rozz said, "We work here at the Hotel and in the Casino. We work for "Hotel Services" during the day and in the Casino in the evening. We are in between shifts now." My mind went to the term "Hotel Services" and conjured up all kinds of images. Rozz asked me how long I would be in town. I told her.

I finished my beer and as I was about to push myself out of my chair I realized that my semi-hard woody would be constricted in my shorts when I stood so I made a slight adjustment and then stood. As slight a movement as it was, they both caught it and when I stood up from my chair their eyes went right to my crotch. Their gaze made my cock surge a little harder and they stared as it moved on my left hip. There was no disguising it. I thanked the girls for their company and said, "Maybe I'll see around again." I turned and started to walk away. I heard Rozz say to Jazmin, "Holy Shit Jaz, did you see the size of his cock. Jesus." Jazz responded that she hoped she would get to see it close up." I smiled to myself as I continued walking away.

I pulled my shirt back on as I stepped into what now felt like polar icecap cold air-conditioned air. I walked around the Hotel and then into the Casino. Gambling made me anxious. I figured it was because I worked hard for my money and to watch it disappear so fast was even harder. But, the money in my pocket right now was easy money earned from the fortuitous drop of quarter. I stepped up to the blackjack table and sat down. I placed a hundred dollar bill on the table and the dealer loudly announced, "Changing One Hundred." I played for a half hour and walked away with a thousand.

It was past six o'clock and I returned to the suite to get ready for dinner. Alexis was still in the bathroom getting ready. She had several of her newly acquired outfits hanging as she was drying her hair. I came in and saw her naked ass and I walked up behind her and wrapped my fingers around her tits as I pushed my crotch against her ass. She wiggled her ass on my pants and squealed at the attack on her nipples. She pushed me back and said, "Come on you. I have to get beautiful for my lover tonight. Take a shower and hurry up." I reluctantly released her tits and did as she asked.

I got dressed in my best clothes and went back to the living room and sat down. I was glancing through the local scene news section of the paper when Alexis walked in from the bedroom. "Holy Shit," escaped my lips. She was stunning. She turned around like a model on the runway and then came closer. I went to stand up but my raging hard cock got caught in my pants and I had to make another adjustment before I could stand straight. "Fuck Alexis. You look mahvelous," came out of my mouth in a poor imitation of the line in that song by Billy Crystal before either of us was even born. I just stared for more than a few moments.

Alexis said, "Babe. You should see the look on your face and your cock is going to burst your zipper if you don't get it under control." She laughed and came right up to me and kissed me. Her new stiletto heels were so high she didn't even have to stretch up this time. I couldn't believe anyone could walk in those things but all the air in the room just disappeared as she so gracefully model-walked across the room. My heart was pounding out of my chest and she rested her hand on it and said, "Relax babe."

She stepped back and pirouetted on those heels and said, "So. What do you think?" She giggled when my cock surged hard against my zipper. Gradually I got my heart and my cock back to normal. Alexis took my hand and we walked to the elevator. I had scoped out a couple of potential restaurants right in the Hotel so I hadn't called George the limo driver. Alexis apparently didn't notice how men and women alike stared at her as we walked by. I did and since I was with her, I smiled the whole way.

I had stopped at the concierge desk before returning to my room earlier and asked if he could make us reservations. It was a good thing I did because the restaurant was very busy. There were people waiting as we walked to the maître d's station. I told him the name and our suite number and he responded with a huge smile as he turned to escort us to our table. Every person in view turned to watch Alexis walk by. She was the most stunning woman in the room.

After we were seated, I said, "Do you even notice everyone gawking at you? Do you even know how beautiful you are?"

She smiled and responded, "I do notice but I try to ignore it. It used to bother me but I've gotten used to it, I guess. I don't think of myself as beautiful. I only care if you think I am."

I smiled at her as the wine steward appeared at our table. I asked for a recommendation which he gave after asking a couple questions. The meal was served in courses and everything was delicious. Men were still walking by in a constant procession as though they had to go to the bathroom. Alexis ignored them. Some even walked by giving me a 'thumbs up'.

After dessert and an aperitif we made our way out of the restaurant. We walked around the Casino floor. It was loud as the machines played their jingles and bells clanged and croupiers at the tables made their calls and winners yelling and screaming. It was fun to just stand back and watch players, who apparently knew what they were doing, play roulette, blackjack, slots, etc. I walked her to the pool and Alexis noticed that they had facility for massages and a spa. She pointed it out and said, "I would like to have a couple's massage tomorrow morning." We stepped inside and gave our names for 9:00 AM. The girl at the desk asked if we had a preference for a masseur or masseuse. I definitely didn't want a masseur and we both opted for a masseuse.

We continued our walk outside and stopped to watch the fountain go through a single cycle before we succumbed to the heat radiating from the sidewalk and returned to our room. It was later than we thought. We stood naked in the window looking out at the strip. The lights made it like daylight. It was a sight to behold. The fountain was going through another cycle and we were mesmerized by the water shooting at all different angles. I pulled her to me and said, "How was your first day of our magical 'us' tour?"

She said, "I don't think you have to ask. It's been a dream. I love you." We kissed and I lifted her into my arms and carried her to the bed. She kissed me on the neck before I lowered her. She pulled me down when I released her. The sheets had been pulled back before we even got back. We made passionate love. It was slow and gentle. I kissed her entire body from eyes to toes. I could feel goose bumps rise on her legs and arms as I traveled over her body. Whenever I got near her crotch she gently lifted her hips to my lips to invite me in. I intentionally ignored her until I knew from our experiences together that she was nearly screaming inside. Her breathing turned raspy.

Alexis ran her open hands down over her body to her pussy. I wouldn't let her please herself. That was my job. I moved her hands away and lowered my face to her sex and kissed her naked pussy from top to bottom. A shiver quaked through her as I repeated the action. She moaned, "Oh my god, babe. You're driving me crazy. But you know that don't you? If you leave me like this I'm going to run naked down to the casino floor and fuck anything that moves." I laughed at that vision. I kept right on teasing her. I flicked my tongue quickly on her clit which was swollen as large as I had ever seen it. Her hips shot up trying to get more, but I pulled back. She mumbled, "Bastard," and then giggled. I flicked her clitoris again and her hips fired again. She was moaning constantly now.

I moved my lips up over her mound to her navel and up to flick my tongue on her nipples. I gently kissed all around each tit spiraling into to suck her nipples. They were incredibly erect. She threw her arms around the back of my head and held me in place as I nibbled on her nipples with lip shrouded teeth. Her arms flew back to the bed as she let out a scream and I got what I was after. Her orgasm was unlike any she had had before. It was so intense. She screamed, "OOHHH FFUUCCCKKK. YOOUUUU GGOTTT MEEEE. OHHH MMYYY GGGAAAWWWDDDD."

Her hips launched in the air and fired back to the bed. I moved down and drilled my tongue deep into her pussy and she screamed again, "OOHHH JJEESSSSUUUSSS. YESSSS. OHH MY GAAAWWDD. YESSSS." Her head was flailing from side to side. She started gasping for air as I rode her hips with tongue alternating between her clitoris and her clenching pussy. She went on and on for several minutes. I was wondering if she would ever stop. Her hands flew to her tits and began mashing them hard. Juices were flowing into my mouth and down to the bed.

After a long time Alexis' spastic movement started to subside. Even as she was coming down she was still moaning, "OOOHHH OHHHH," over and over again. She started to shiver and quake again and I wondered if it was from the cold air or not so I moved over the top of her and lowered my warm body to hers being careful not to put my entire weight on her. She threw her arms around my back and lifted herself up to me. She was crying again. In the light from the strip flooding the room, I could see huge tears form in the corner of her eyes before breaking free and flowing down her cheeks. She kissed me hard and through her sobs she said, "I love you." Now I had goose bumps travel up my spine. I kissed her tears as they overflowed from her eyes.

Her tears continued for another few minutes. She tried to roll me over and I complied as she rolled over on top of me. I still cradled her to me for warmth. She pushed her torso up with her elbows on my chest and looked down at me. She said, "Wow. We've never done that before. That orgasm was the most intense I can ever remember." She leaned down and kissed me hard and long. She broke the kiss and said, "What about you? I totally forgot about you." I kissed her again and said, "There's plenty of time for that. I'm so content right now just being here like this." Alexis lowered the side of her head to my chest. Her weight was not a burden and we both fell asleep just like that.

During the night I woke to find Alexis had slid off to her side of the bed but still cuddled up with her head on my shoulder. She had pulled the covers up to our waists. I kissed her forehead and she pursed her lips but otherwise didn't move. I was back in deep sleep in moments.

I woke to the morning light streaming through the windows. We had not closed the curtains. My consciousness slowly rose as the erotic dream I was in slowly departed. My dick was hard like it always was in the morning and I reached down to stroke it a couple times like I always did, only to find Alexis' mouth already ensconced on my glans. I lifted the covers to find her grinning up at me with my cock pushing deeper into her mouth. She pulled her mouth back off and said, "I wanted to see if I could suck you off in your sleep. At least I was curious at what point you would wake up." She pushed her mouth down again and pushed the head into her throat. I let out a groan. She started humming our favorite song from dates past -- 'There's a monster in my pants' by the B-52s. I burst out laughing and she gagged on my fully embedded cock as she started laughing too. She went back to her humming and sucking and with her skills on full display I blew a huge cum load into her waiting mouth. She knew right away she had better start swallowing or be overwhelmed by the quantity. When I was done Alexis popped the head from her lips and showed me the cum in her mouth before swallowing it. She lathed her tongue all around my shaft. She crawled up my body and as she rested her chin on my chest and said, "Payback is a bitch." We both laughed.

We showered and I fucked her against the glass wall with her legs clamped on my hips. She came first and I followed close behind. We showered again. We had time for room service breakfast before our massages. Alexis called to place the order and we got dressed. I pulled on a fresh pair of shorts and a knit shirt. Alexis dressed in one of her new casual outfits and we were ready to go when there was a knock on the door. We ate our breakfast and pushed the cart into the hall.

We arrived for our massages right on time and we were ushered into a room with two tables side by side with enough room for the masseuse to maneuver. Incense was burning and soft music was playing at a very low volume. The ambiance was very relaxing. We waited there only a few moments before a back door opened and a woman was backing into the room pulling a rolling cart. When she turned around it was Jazmin. She was dressed in a white outfit that was quite revealing. She looked at me with a look of total surprise. Alexis saw the looks on both of our faces and said, "Do you know each other?" I explained that we had met on the way to the pool yesterday. I was about to explain that Jazmin had been with her friend Rozz when Rozz came through the back door. She duplicated the surprised looks and I introduced Alexis to both of them.

Alexis was obviously interested in the looks of Jazmin and both of them looked Alexis over like she was a glass of water in the African desert. I could see where this was going and apparently Alexis was all in. Alexis took over control and asked Jaz where she wanted her. With that leading question, Jazz chuckled a little and I could almost read her mind.

Rozz motioned for me to take off all my clothes and she handed me a towel. I did as directed. Alexis had already stripped down to nothing and was climbing up on the table. She looked over at me and winked as Jaz started her massage. I noticed that Alexis had dropped the towel that Jaz had handed to her in the chair by the door.

I climbed onto my table face down and Rozz draped the towel over my ass and started her massage at my feet. Alexis was looking to her right side facing me. She had a delicious smile on her face. I had turned my face to the left and winked at her. My cock was making its presence felt as it was trapped between me and the sheet on the table. I knew it would make an appearance soon enough.

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