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Pool Boy Ch. 19


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I said, "I'll pick you up at 6:30. My mom fixes dinner early." As we pulled into her driveway, Police cruisers with blinding blue and white lights flashing were parked everywhere. Alexis looked at me as I said, "What the Fuck?" I stopped the van at the bottom of the grade and we got out and headed up the driveway. Police Officer Samantha walked toward us. It was obvious she was surprised to see me here. I greeted her with a hug and a kiss and introduced her to Alexis as my girlfriend and went on to explain that she lived here. She raised an eyebrow and scanned her bikini clad body from head to toe. She looked back at me and mouthed the words "very nice". I smiled and asked her what was going on. She said, "Heather got enough information on his boat to get a search warrant for the house and car. The FBI has taken over the case. The chief is not very happy to have the feds involved." She told us that we shouldn't go in and that Alexis' mother was out by the pool if we wanted to go there.

We thanked Sam and went through the front gate to the pool area. Emma sat by the pool in her robe with a cup in her hand. She heard us coming down the walk-way and she turned to see who it was. She had been crying and her eyes showed it. She jumped up and hurried to Alexis as Alexis hurried to her. They threw their arms around each other and hugged. Emma explained that she couldn't stay inside. The Police had presented the warrant and then basically started tearing the house apart. We all turned out chairs toward the house to see what they were taking out. Emma gave us a running commentary of the boxes carried out by one cop after another. Most came from Jim's office but she had never seen some of them. We would later find out that Jim had boxes upon boxes of child pornography that he sold on the dark-web. What a scumbag.

I saw Erin come out and stood talking to Samantha. Sam pointed toward us and said something. Erin looked our way. I waved and she waved back. She talked to Sam another couple of minutes and then walked down the path toward us. When she got to us she said to me, "It looks like you blew Heather's case wide open." I nodded and introduced Alexis as my girlfriend and then Emma. She had already met Emma. It was Erin who had handed her the search warrant.

Emma wanted to ask about all the boxes the cops were taking out but decided that Erin couldn't tell her anything anyway so she asked, "When will you be done?" Erin responded that they were just about finished. Erin asked if she could talk with Emma alone and the two of them walked back toward the house. They were talking back and forth but we couldn't hear anything being said. After ten minutes, they came back and Erin asked if she and Alexis could talk alone. They did the same thing. Alexis walked back ten minutes later and Erin walked back to the house. She disappeared inside.

Ten minutes later, Erin came out again and walked far enough down the path to the pool to yell that they were done. Alexis and Emma walked past her toward the house. She was waiting for me and we walked together toward the driveway. Erin said, "This guy is the worst human being I've ever encountered. He was into black-mail for himself and selling the information to others seeking to influence decisions. He has been into child porn and prostitution for years and it looks like he just recently got involved in human trafficking and sex slavery."

Erin changed the subject and said, "Your girlfriend is even more beautiful than the picture in the paper." I nodded and continued, "Does she know about your extracurricular activities, so to speak. Does she know about our trysts?"

I smiled at the memories of Erin and Sam naked in his van sucking and fucking my cock which was beginning to push on my zipper. I said, "She knows about everything including two local cops. She'll be asking in short order if you and Sam are the two cops and I'll tell her yes. The next thing she'll ask me is when she can have a go at you two." Erin stopped walking and just stared at me for several seconds.

"Holy shit," she said. "Are you serious? Tell her any frickin time she wants." I laughed and she did too. "God damn Hunter. She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. My panties were getting wet just standing beside her." She ran a hand down to her crotch and then realized what she was doing and pulled it back. We hugged and I kissed her on the cheek. She backed away toward her cruiser grinning at me the whole way. Sam was just getting in the passenger seat. She raised her hand to her face with her fingers indicating 'call me'. I nodded and watched them leave. The flashing lights shut off before they were out of sight. I walked back in the house.

Emma was sitting in the kitchen crying her eyes out. There was stuff strewn everywhere. Nothing seemed to be broken but nothing was where it was before the warrant was served. Pots and pans lay on the floor. All the kitchen drawers had been emptied on the counters. Even the refrigerator had been emptied. Ice from the icemaker was dumped in the sink. I walked through the downstairs room by room. They were all the same. Every drawer was emptied every book had been leafed through and unceremoniously deposited on the floor. The laptop computer on Jim's desk was gone. I went back to the kitchen and asked if they had been upstairs yet. Emma shook her head. I went up the stairway and inspected every room. It was the same up there. All the clothes were on the floor in front of the dressers that had been pulled away from the walls. Clothes in closets had been pulled out and left on the beds. The toilet tank tops were all lying on top of the bathroom counters. There wasn't any place that didn't show evidence of a thorough search. I went back downstairs and said, "Upstairs is the same. Why don't you guys see if you can find some clothes and let me take you out to lunch? Emma, Alexis was invited to dinner to meet my parents tonight. Please join us. You can't stay here."

Emma smiled through her tears and said, "Thank you Hunter. I would love to meet your parents. Do me a favor though and don't bring all this up. There is no reason they should be aware of any of this yet. I'm so embarrassed to be associated with this." I nodded with a frown. She didn't even know what 'this' was yet. I felt bad for what she was yet to discover about her husband. I always told Alexis everything but I wasn't sure if she should know even half the shit Jim was into. Hell, I shouldn't know either.

Alexis pulled Emma up like she weighed five hundred pounds. She looked like she had that much weighing on her. They lumbered up the stairs. When they went into Emma's room I heard a wail of astonishment. I frowned and felt very sorry for both of them. They were gone for a long time before they both appeared in the foyer. They were fully dressed with a suitcase for each of them. Emma was sniffling and I went to her and cuddled her into me and held her as she started sobbing again. She quickly got herself under control and we went out the foyer door and down the walkway to the garage. We got in her Mercedes. Jim's car was in slot number one. Everything in the car was strewn around the periphery. It was on blocks with the wheels removed and the tires lying separate. The hood was up. The trunk was down but not latched. The doors were open and the panels had all been removed. The headliner had been pulled down and a half-hearted effort was made to push it back in place. Emma wouldn't even look at it.

She hit the garage door button and drove out, turned around and drove off. I wouldn't have been surprised if she never came back. Emma had her favorite restaurant in town and she took us there. Conversation was strained and I held both of their hands on top of the table as we waited for the food to arrive. After a late lunch Emma drove across town to a hotel and checked her and Alexis into one room. I carried their bags to the room and they unpacked as I sat there and waited. Emma finished first and came over and sat beside me. She said that they would stay there a couple days and then she would venture back to start cleaning up the house.

I had given Emma my folks address and reminded her to show up around six o'clock and they pulled into the driveway exactly on time. I met them at the door and ushered them in the front door. I didn't remember the last time anyone had used the front door. Emma and Alexis were dressed tastefully casual. They brought flowers and a bottle of nice wine as hostess gifts. My mom rounded the corner pulling her apron off over her head. She was dressed comparable to Emma and Alexis. I know she fretted about it because of where Emma and Alexis live. Emma said how much she loved the brooch my mom was wearing. I could tell my mom was pleased. I introduced everyone around and then my dad came in and I did the introductions again. Hands were shaken and my mom hugged Alexis and commented on how beautiful she was. She was a little embarrassed with the compliments.

Ours was a house that the front door opened into the living room so my dad offered chairs and sofa as my mom excused herself from the chit-chat to make sure the dinner didn't burn. She donned her apron on the way back to the kitchen. Alexis excused herself and followed mom to the kitchen. She offered whatever she could do to help and my mom was pleased with the offer. When there was nothing for her to do she sat at the kitchen table and they chatted amongst themselves. Mom would later gush about what a wonderful girl she thought Alexis was.

We sat for dinner. The table was full. The meal was perfect and Emma said so. We never drink wine at the dinner table but dad opened the bottle that Emma had brought and I learned a little something about how much different quality wine tastes compared to the ten dollar bottles we were used to. The flowers they brought became the table center piece. Dad offered drinks after dinner and Emma and Alexis stayed and talked until after eleven o'clock. Emma said what a wonderful time she'd had and Alexis said how great it was to meet them. Dad shook Emma and Alexis hand and Alexis took it and pulled herself in for a hug. Alexis hugged and kissed Mom and she reciprocated in kind. I walked them out to their car and hugged and kissed Emma and thanked her for coming. She was all smiles and she thanked me for inviting her. She'd had a great time. I lifted Alexis up at the waist and she through her arms around my neck and kissed me passionately. I knew Mom and Dad were watching from the living room bay window so I didn't do anything X-rated or even R-rated.

I waved as they drove off and watched until they were out of sight. I went inside and said, "Mom, Dad. Thank you. You guys were great and they thought so too. Mom, the dinner was perfect."

Mom smiled at Dad and then me. She said, "They are delightful people. I didn't know what to expect. Alexis is even more beautiful in person." Dad was nodding the whole time. Dad wanted to know about Emma's husband. What does he do? Etc. I sidestepped all those questions and left it at "he's a CEO and works all the time". It was only a matter of time before they would know more than they ever wanted to know. This whole town was going to be embarrassed by the time the 'shit hit the fan' in the press and that might be as early as tomorrow.

I helped Mom clean up from dinner and Dad went to his favorite chair to read the newspaper and watch TV until Mom was ready for bed. It was late and we made our way to our bedrooms. I wished I could have spent the night with Emma and Alexis to give them support in this trying time. The sex is always incredible too.

The Hotel where Emma and Alexis were staying was on the way to the town pool for me so I told Alexis I would pick her up around 8:15. Alexis was in the parking lot with her hands full of coffee cups when I drove in. She was wearing a tank top and shorts but I could see her bikini through the flimsy material. She jumped in and we continued on our way to the pool. She passed one of the coffees to me and said what a great time they had last night. It was a nice break from the events of the day. She gushed about how much she loved my mom and then went on about my dad and how much of a regular family caring man he is. She admitted she'd had zero experience with that kind of man before me. She said she could tell why I was a caring person after meeting my dad. I just smiled and drank my coffee.

Alexis stripped to her bikini at the pool and we did the work the same way we had. We were becoming a well oiled machine and we finished way ahead of schedule. We loaded up the van and headed out to the second pool. As I drove, we talked about yesterday and she asked about the two female cops at her house. She already knew about the 'two female cops' on the list of my trysts. She told me she thought they were very attractive. She wanted to know how they came on the scene. I explained the reunion planning party at Olivia's and went on to Sam and Erin stopped him for fictitious driving infractions and engaging in sex in the back of the van. I could tell her mind was going a million miles an hour and I had a pretty good idea where it was going.

Alexis said, "You said you called in a favor from the ADA to get the information you told us the night Dad was arrested. How do you get a favor from the ADA?" I explained that Heather, the ADA, was one of the five high school friends at Olivia's that day. She looked at me and said, "Five women not counting Olivia? Wow. Impressive."

I laughed and said, "Well. Noah was helping out that day. Olivia was worried I couldn't handle all six of them so she asked if I had any friends who could help make the cliché of fucking the pool cleaning guy a reality for her friends. I called Noah. He actually got the ball rolling when his erection pushed out the leg of his shorts when he sat down. In fact, I think it was Samantha who jumped Noah first. I didn't know then that Erin and Sam were cops or that Heather was the ADA."

She laughed and said, "Noah does have a nice cock. Did you need his help?"

I responded, "Probably not, but Noah was over the moon."

Alexis was working all around what she wanted to know, so I just said it outright, "Erin said you are the most beautiful woman she's ever seen. She likes lesbian sex as much as you. She wants you bad. I fully expect to be pulled over by her cruiser any time you are with me. Alexis looked over at me and smiled. She didn't say anything more but she glanced out her side-view mirror. I smiled to myself. I knew what or who she was hoping was behind us.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

waiting on more chapters to come thanks

Clancy31015Clancy31015about 7 years ago
Give us more

Maybe Olivia and Sophia's husbands will end up getting taken down by Emma's husband with all three husbands getting disemboweled in jail before they can get divorced or convicted and Emma, Sophia, Olivia, and Alexis move in with Hunter and combine resources and live in one house while they all start popping out a new generation and attend college. Maybe a Polygamist Wedding?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Over the top..

Dad could have been 'just' a blackmailer and that would have been believable. (Well, as believable as anything else this "story" has turned into...) Adding the child porn, prostitution and human trafficking is just too over the top. If you're going to that extreme, at least add 'Illegal Dumping at Sea' - THAT would have been funny.

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