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Pool Boy Ch. 44

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On Break with Fiona, her sister and then off to the islands.
14.6k words

Part 44 of the 61 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/16/2015
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It was a cold morning to start the New Year as we drove home from college to our condo in the city. It felt good to be free from classes and from football. I had the heater going full blast. I didn't mind the cold and I rarely wore a jacket, let alone a winter coat. Alexis was wearing what I called her 'spray-paint Jeans', a baggy tee shirt under an unbuttoned lined flannel over-shirt with no bra. The cold caused her nipples to harden and they were evident through her tee shirt.

I stopped to top off the gas tank and then hit the Interstate Highway and drove five miles per hour over the speed limit. As usual, when we were in the van, we sang along with the songs we knew and got laughing because we sounded like a couple of bellowing elephants. We didn't care. It was just us. Passengers in passing cars would gawk at us as they went by and I would wave at them. The van's heater was blasting us out and Alexis took off her flannel over-shirt and I lowered the temperature but left the fan at high. I glanced over at Alexis and discovered that her loose fitting, baggy tee shirt exposed her side-boob. My cock stirred in my pants.

Alexis looked over at me looking at her and looked down to see what had grabbed my attention. She grinned back at me and said, "How do you like me in one of your baggy workout sleeveless tee-shirts. It's very comfortable on my bare breasts. She reached down to the low hanging arm hole, which hung nearly to her waist and showed me her tits. She giggled and said, "You'd better keep your eyes on the road." She let the cotton material fall back over her tits.

We had been on the Interstate for nearly forty minutes when I noticed the flashing tail-lights of a car far ahead of us in the breakdown lane. I slowed down and as I got closer, I realized that it was Olivia's Mercedes. Alexis noticed too and said, "That's Olivia's car. Pull in behind her. She may be having car trouble."

I pulled up behind her and stopped. She made no move to get out so I put the van in park and left the engine running as I got out. I couldn't see anything inside Olivia's car because all the side and rear windows were opaque with black-out film. Her driver's side window didn't come down. I was getting concerned. I walked past her door and looked in the windshield, which wasn't blacked out but it was heavily tinted. I could see that she was inside and her head was resting back against the headrest. The engine was running and I could hear her radio playing rock n' roll music. I tapped on the windshield and her head snapped forward and her eyes opened with a startled look.

When Olivia saw it was me, she physically relaxed and I could see her ultra-white teeth flash into a smile. Her driver's window started to lower and I moved back to the window to see if she was alright. I looked back over Olivia's car and gave a 'thumbs-up' signal to Alexis who was anxiously watching through the van windshield.

When I got to Olivia's open window I was still standing up straight signaling Alexis. I was totally taken by surprise when I felt myself being yanked by the belt buckled against the side of her car. I started to fall forward and I braced myself on the top of the door with both hands. I could feel my zipper being pulled down as my thighs collided with the door. A cold hand grabbed my cock out of my pants and immediately began stroking on it.

I leaned to my left to try to look through the open window. My body was blocking most of it but I could see Olivia's face moving toward my cock. It was flushed red. Her bra was up around her neck and her blouse was unbuttoned exposing her mega-tits. Her left tit glistened with moisture. Apparently, she had been sucking on it. Her skirt was hiked up to her crotch. She had obviously been masturbating. I thought, 'At least she pulled off the road to do it.'

The suddenness of her attack startled me enough so that my cock didn't immediately respond to her cold hand but my flaccid cock responded quickly to the pair of lips closing over my glans. I groaned as she pulled my cock further into the car. I grabbed the door frame again so I wouldn't fall down. Her cold hand released my cock as her mouth moved down the shaft and she grabbed my balls to hold me in place as she started her blow-job.

Olivia hadn't gone two cycles up and down my cock when I heard a single chirp of a Police Cruiser slowly passing by and pulling over in front of Olivia's car. The cruiser's red, blue and white lights were flashing. Olivia either didn't notice or didn't care. She never broke her rhythm. I did notice and I did care and said, "Olivia. There is a cop out here. You have to stop. We'll get arrested for lewd and lascivious behavior." She increased her pace and I let out another groan as the driver's door of the cruiser opened and a massive State Trooper stepped out pulling his Smoky-the-Bear hat on.

He took a moment to assess the situation as best he could with all the blacked out windows hindering his view. I couldn't tell if he realized what was going on or not. He was pretty stone-faced. He said, "Sir. Please step back from the vehicle and be careful of the traffic." He hitched up his utility belt and started toward me. I tried to follow his instructions but Olivia held tighter to my balls. I raised my arms off the top of Olivia's car and held them up in the air.

I leaned to my left again and pleaded with Olivia to let me go, but she didn't even break her rhythm. The Trooper moved down the front quarter of Olivia's car with his hand resting lightly on his gun. He apparently still didn't know what he had stumbled into. Then he bent down and looked in the lowered driver's window and saw the Platinum Blonde hair framing a beautiful face that was moving back and forth on my cock. He saw her open blouse exposing her volley-ball sized tits. He watched for a moment and then he stood up face to face with me and was just about to say something to me when he cocked his head to look past me toward the van.

I turned to see what he was looking at and my jaw fell open. Alexis was standing beside the passenger side of the van's bumper. She was topless and curling the index finger of her right hand in a gesture to come to her. Her nipples were rock hard from the cold and her areolas were scrunched to a dime sized corona surrounding them. She wagged her finger again.

The trooper looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders. He moved past me and removed his hand from the butt of his gun and headed toward the van. There was a change in the motion on my cock and I leaned over to see what Olivia was doing. She had released the bottom half of my cock and she was drilling three fingers into her pussy as fast as she could. She was groaning around my cock. If what she was after was another deposit of cum, she was going to get it in short order. I turned back to see what was going on with the Trooper and Alexis.

She had the Trooper's hand in hers and was pulling him back along the van. He wasn't resisting. She noticed me looking and pursed her lips at me and sent an air-kiss. I grinned at her and shrugged my shoulders again.

Olivia apparently sensed that I was getting ready to blow and she increased her pace and over the music from her radio I could hear, "MMUUMMPH MMUMMPH MMUUMMPH," as her lips drove on and off my shaft. Then I heard the side door of the van slide back and a few seconds later slide shut. I could see movement in the van as Alexis appeared in the windshield. She was turning her passenger seat around to face the back. Then I saw the Trooper's hat drop onto the dashboard as he sat down back to me.

Olivia's lips pulled back so she could drill her tongue into the nerve bundle at the base of my glans. As my balls started to pull up to my body I could feel her giggle more than hear it. My orgasm rolled over me like a runaway train. My torso tensed and then released as I dropped it to the roof of Olivia's car. The air in my lungs expelled and a, "UUNNGGGGAAAHH," sound came out with it. I rested my face there and let out a loud groan as my hip began thrusting forward and back as I pumped many salvos of cum.

Olivia took the first shot and held it in her mouth. The she pulled her lips off my cock and I launched all the remaining shots of cum into the air. I didn't care where they were going. I groaned hard with each shot as air was compressed from my lungs. She released my balls and I stepped back a pace and bent lower to look inside at Olivia. She was grinning broadly. She seemed so pleased with herself. She held up her bra cup to show me where she had collected my deposit after pulling her lips off. She opened her mouth and showed me a mouthful of pearly white, gooey cum. She closed her mouth again and swirled her load around with her tongue. She didn't swallow it for several seconds. She probably wouldn't have if I hadn't said, "Jesus Christ Olivia. We could be arrested for this. We may be arrested for this."

She swallowed her load and licked her lips and said, "I'm sorry. I ran out of cum in my bra and I was over-powered by an irresistible wave of horny. I had to resort to licking your dried cum off my breast and nearly got in an accident. I had just cum when you wrapped on my window." She looked over her shoulder to see what the Trooper was doing but he was out of her sight. I looked toward the van too and I could only see the back of the Trooper's head which was tipped back like he was examining the ceiling liner.

Olivia reached out the window and grabbed my balls again and pulled me toward the car. She pulled my cock back to her lips and flicked her tongue out to scoop up the last drooling bit of my climax. She pulled her head back inside the car and grinned at me. She said, "Thank you Hunter. I think I can make it home. I don't know what's come over me. The smell of your cum in my bra was driving me nuts."

I smiled down at her and said, "Just drive safely. Please. I'll keep an eye out for you as soon as I find out what Alexis is doing with the Trooper." I pushed my softening cock back in my pants and zipped up. Olivia pulled her bra down over her tits and jumped a little as the cooled cum pressed against her breast. She reached inside her bra and pulled her tits into position and came out with gooey fingers which she promptly pushed into her mouth. She smiled as she tongue-lashed her fingers clean and then she shifted into 'drive' and pulled out by the Cruiser.

I watched her go and then turned and headed back to the van. I climbed up into the driver's seat and looked at the Trooper. He was looking at me to see what I was going to do. His hands were rested on the top of Alexis' head as she bobbed up and down on the Trooper's cock. She looked over at me and grinned around his cock. She was moving on and off his cock in long full depth strokes until I climbed in. Then she pushed all the way down his cock and started giving him her throat-job. He groaned hard and said, "Jesus fucking Christ. Best fucking blow-job ever. Oh my God, I'm going to c..." He didn't finish his sentence before his ass slid forward on the seat as he pushed Alexis' head down on his cock.

Alexis took the Trooper's entire load into her throat directly to her stomach. She gagged a couple of times but she didn't struggle to get off him. When he was done, he released her head and leaned back against the seat and looked down at her smiling face as she wiped her chin and lips off with her bare arm. He said, "I've seen you somewhere before." He hesitated for a few moments trying to remember where. "I know. You're that SH5 girl I see at the football games. Holy shit. Unbelievable. You're even more gorgeous in person. Wait till I tell..." He stopped talking then. Alexis frowned and moved back away from him. She stayed on her knees as he stood to a stooped posture and slid the side door open. He stepped out and I handed him his hat. He grinned at me and then at Alexis before saying, "Holy Shit," one more time.

Alexis moved into her seat and swiveled it around to face front. She pulled her tee shirt on and then her flannel over-shirt. She was feeling cold again. The cruiser peeled rubber back onto the highway. We sat there and watched him go. I looked over at Alexis to see if she was okay. She looked at me and searched my face for a reaction. I smiled at her and she burst out laughing. I followed suit and said, "There's never a dull moment is there?" She shook her head. "You saved my ass again, Babe. Olivia and I could be sitting in a jail cell right about now." My mind flashed back to when Alexis had distracted her step-father, Jim, with a blow-job before he caught Emma and me in his closet.

Alexis grinned and said, "What was up with Olivia? I couldn't see anything."

I explained the whole thing starting with cumming in Olivia's bra earlier that morning while she and Olivia were having their mutual orgasms. Alexis got to laughing again at the thought of pulling her own bra on with a cold deposit of cum in one or both cups. I noticed that her nipples had grown hard again. She pushed her hands inside the tee shirt arm holes and caressed both tits. She shuddered as she twirled her fingertips around her nipples.

I shared my attention between the road and Alexis as she tipped her head back against the headrest and closed her eyes. Her hands came out of her tee shirt and unbuttoned her tight jeans and unzipped them. She was wearing a thong which offered no resistance as she pushed her right hand down over her pelvis. Her fingers began moving in her pussy as evidenced by the thong material pushing up and down. My cock was straining my jeans again. I slid one hand off the steering wheel and rubbed my cock through my pants.

I looked back and forth from Alexis' crotch to the road. Alexis had started pushing her pelvis up and down as her fingers worked. Several minutes later, Alexis groaned hard and her mouth dropped open as a "UUUNNGGGGGGG," burst from her lungs. Her chest surged forward and then she snapped back hard against the seat. Her hips pushed forward and back in counteraction to her chest. I had slowed down so I wouldn't kill us as I was watching Alexis' orgasm way more than the road. For more than a minute, Alexis throbbed through her self induced orgasm before her hips settled back in the seat and a sigh drained from her lungs. She looked over at me and said, "Whoa. I needed that. The cum in the bra thing took me away. Whew." I grinned at her and she grinned back. Alexis noticed that I was stroking the bulge on my left thigh. She said, "Do you need some attention now or can you wait till we get home?"

I pulled my hand back to the steering wheel and said, "I can wait." She looked at my smiling face and then back at the bulge on my thigh. She bit her lower lip lightly and then turned back to concentrate on the road.

We didn't see Olivia's car again until we pulled into the parking garage of our condo building. Olivia's car was a few slots down from ours and when I got out of the van, I could hear the ticking noises of her engine as it cooled. I grabbed our bags out of the van and walked with two smaller bags under my arms and one in each hand. Alexis held the elevator door so I could maneuver inside. She pulled out the key to our condo door so I wouldn't have to stand around in the hallway loaded down with bags while she searched through the black-hole in her purse.

I waddled down the hallway to our bedroom and dumped the bags on the floor. The condo smelled a little stale as a testament to it not being lived in. Alexis walked into my arms as I came back out to the living room. She kissed me and laid a hand on my crotch. The bulge was gone until she pushed her hand against me. She said, "Don't move. I'm going to get your robe. It'll help you relax." I had pulled my shirt off over my head and had unbuckled my pants. Alexis finished undressing me and helped me into the robe. My cock was semi-hard but she didn't touch it and it slowly went completely soft. She guided me over to the floor to ceiling windows and pushed me down in a plush chair facing the windows. I leaned forward and looked down at the street, thirty-something stories below. I smiled to myself because I didn't have the urge to move back.

It was a beautiful sunny day in spite of the cold. I scanned the building across the street from top floor to bottom. The architecture was the same as this building. Four of these buildings were built at the same time ten years ago. Alexis' step-father had been one of the first purchasers. Alexis had moved up very close to the window looking across toward Fiona's condo. She was backlit by the bright sunlight revealing her fantastic figure in her tight Jeans and tee shirt. My cock grew hard again as I looked at her slim waist and perfectly flared hips. Then I saw Alexis waving. She was apparently waving to Fiona. It made sense, as it was New Year's Day and she certainly wouldn't be working.

Sitting there in the sun, I leaned my head back against the high-back chair. I was feeling great about being home. The terrycloth robe was warmed by the sunlight and I dozed off. I came awake realizing that I was moaning. Before I opened my eyes I could feel a pressure on my raging hard cock. I smiled and groaned as the pressure moved down my shaft. I mumbled, "Oh my God, Babe. That's fantastic." With my eyes still closed, I concentrated on the sensations on my cock. I felt her giggle on my cock and then I heard another giggle from behind me.

I opened my eyes and looked down to see Fiona's face with my cock buried in it. She was looking up at me as she knelt there on the floor in front of the windows. When she saw me looking down at her, she held my fatty with her teeth as she grinned at me. Alexis walked by my chair and dropped to her knees beside Fiona. They were both naked.

Fiona pulled her lips up my shaft and lashed her tongue around my velvety crown and then handed my cock to Alexis. She grinned at me and stretched her lips over the knob and straight down to my balls. I groaned and pressed back harder in the chair as I pushed my hips upward. Alexis' face went with my hips. She sucked my cock for a dozen strokes before pulling off and aiming my cock back at Fiona's face. She grinned at Alexis and took my cock in her hand as she bent toward Alexis and kissed her passionately. Alexis kissed her back. While they kissed, Fiona dragged my cock all around the side of her face. A trace of pre-cum made a line across her right cheek.

When Alexis and Fiona broke their embrace, Fiona stretched her lips across my knob again and slowly dropped her mouth almost down to the bottom. She did the inch-worm thing to pull in the last few inches before she gagged and pulled herself back up to the ridge. She drilled her tongue into my 'spot' and I groaned again with another involuntary thrust of my hips. Fiona handed my cock back to Alexis and coughed her throat clear.

Alexis pressed my cock down on my stomach and sucked in one of my balls. Fiona did the same thing with the other one. Alexis came up off her heels and licked her way up my shaft and kissed my glans before licking her way back down again. I groaned hard. Cum was boiling in my balls and Fiona giggled from the movement in my ball-sack which was still in Fiona's mouth.

Fiona looked over at Alexis and Alexis nodded. An incredibly intense tension started to build in all of my muscles from my toes to my ears. I'm glad I didn't get a picture of the mask of contorted muscles in my face. I could only imagine. I went completely rigid and my fingers grabbed the arms of the chair. Alexis pulled back from her throat-job and locked her lips around the ridge expecting the surge of cum to arrive any second. I groaned for a few seconds before my muscles explosively released. Air in my lungs burst out along with "YYYUUNGGGGG," as I thrust my hips upward at the same instant. Alexis' head went with my hips as she grabbed my cock and started jerking me off with a furious motion. Fiona joined in with her hand too. She was grinning up at me. She was probably amused by the facial contortions.

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