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Pool Boy Ch. 54

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The whole gang starts the wedding festivities.
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Part 54 of the 61 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/16/2015
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Before driving home from the airport after our Cancun Spring Break vacation, we did some grocery shopping. We would be home now until we left for the wedding and then our honeymoon in Monte Carlo. I was getting tired of eating out at restaurants every night and some home cooking sounded good, even with Alexis' meager cooking skills.

After putting away the groceries and unloading our one suitcase, I went to my study room and closed the door. I had a power lab report to write and then I really needed to study for a mid-term exam in Thermodynamics. Alexis knew that the door closed to my study room meant that she shouldn't disturb me. She adhered to those rules because she had her own study room and the closed door meant the same thing for her.

So, I was surprised when Alexis knocked and immediately opened the door. She stuck her head in and said, "Baby. Rachel is here and says it's urgent that we come over to her side of the house ASAP." I groaned and dropped my forehead to the textbook like I was trying to quickly absorb the contents through osmosis.

"What's the emergency Babe?" I said. She shrugged her shoulders and looked as confused as I was. "Can you ask her?"

Alexis responded, "I can't. She hurried back to her house. She seemed frazzled. I have no idea what's up."

I pushed myself back from the desk and said, "Well, I guess we should go find out what's going on."

We went down the hallway and through the door separating her mansion from our guest house. No one was in sight, so we walked through the foyer, which ran around eighty feet from our door to the front door with several rooms branching off to the right and left. Two chandeliers hung down from the twenty foot ceilings and both were turned to maximum illumination. We had never seen either of them on high before. The Oriental carpets muffled our footsteps as we headed toward the front door.

Mitch appeared from the last doorway on the right which we knew was the study. She was urgently waving us toward her and we picked up our pace. Alexis looked at me with confusion on her face and said, "What the fuck is going on?" It was my turn to shrug my shoulders. Mitch disappeared back into the study and we turned the corner and stopped short as a room full of people jumped out at us yelling, "Surprise. Happy Birthday."

There must have been fifty people in the room as party poppers and blaring horns sounded. Alexis grabbed my arm and looked up at me like I was going to make everything crystal clear. I was as confused as she was. Rachel came across the room, took our hands and pulled us into the room. She was all grins as she said, "I told you I'd have to plan a party for Alexis' birthday. I decided that we hadn't celebrated your birthday either so I invited everyone you two know."

I looked around the room and random faces became members of the Football team and cheerleaders; Alexis' friends from her classes. The SH5 team was there which included January along with her Basketball friends, Jemelle, Jo and Julia and even their coach, Jennifer, who was grinning broadly at me. I hadn't seen her since that day in her office. I hadn't been hanging out in the gymnasium or the field house much since football season was over.

Dean and Josie came over and said, "Happy Birthday, guys." Jan came over and introduced us to Holly. She was exceptionally tall with light brown hair pulled back in a tight pony-tail. Neither Alexis nor I knew her. She was the fifth member of the starting girl's basketball team. She had not been there that day in the sauna. She was scanning me up and down with a lascivious look on her face. Alexis saw the look and looked at me for an explanation. I shrugged my shoulders.

Cheerleaders Mindy and Morgan and former cheerleader April pushed through the crowd and hugged and kissed Alexis. Right behind them was their former Coach Hannah. She smiled and kissed and hugged me and then Alexis. Alexis looked up at me with a "WTF?" look on her face as she dutifully hugged Hannah back. I shrugged my shoulders again. I was doing that a lot lately.

Mitch muscled her way through the crowd surrounding us and hugged and kissed us both. She ran her open hand across my crotch when she kissed me. It didn't go unseen. Rachel had moved to the doorway behind us and was talking with John. He was apparently working as he was pushing and pulling wheeled carts with food and snacks consisting of shrimp and cocktail sauce; Buffalo Chicken bites and bleu cheese; scallops wrapped with bacon; crackers and sliced cheese and a variety of other snacks. John set up the carts along the far wall and two minutes later was back with two more carts. One held desserts of all kinds and another with every variety of soda and bottled water. I was certain that this crowd would have preferred beer but Rachel, as the University Chancellor, was not going to be caught in a scandal providing alcoholic beverages to under-age students.

The crowd thinned around us as everyone headed for the food and drink. Football friends: JR and Jason, Spitfire and Rocket, who along with Dean and I had given Olivia the ride of her life when we got back from the Bowl Game, came over and shook my hand and said "Happy Birthday Meat". They all hugged and kissed Alexis. I was sure that was more their goal than wishing me a happy birthday.

As parties go, the crowd broke up into smaller groups for conversations and then different groups formed into different conversations. We all had a great time. No one made a move to engage in anything remotely related to sex. Not in the Chancellor's home. They knew where they were and everyone acted as perfect ladies and gentlemen. The only one who had made an overt sexual move had been Mitch and she lived here.

My mind kept going back to my studying for tomorrow's exam but I would never diss Rachel by quietly disappearing back to my study room. I would be the last one to leave after profusely thanking Rachel for her thoughtfulness. Gradually, our friends started to take their leave. My Engineering friends stopped to shake hands and to remind me that we had a big test tomorrow. I just nodded and smiled as they went to express their thanks to Rachel for being invited.

By eleven o'clock the crowd was down to Rachel, Mitch, Alexis and me. John was cleaning up the study and taking trays across the foyer to the kitchen. Rachel waited for John to leave the room before she pushed herself against my body and kissed me passionately. I kissed her back the same way and then she separated when she heard John coming back across the foyer. She clearly didn't want John to see her being affectionate with me. I took Rachel's hand and thanked her for the special party. Alexis did the same. Rachel glanced quickly at John as he walked toward the foyer with more trays of mostly eaten food. I said our goodnights and followed John into the foyer and made our way to the opposite end of the house to the entrance to our apartment.

I went to my study room and Alexis said, "I'll probably be asleep when you come to bed," as she went directly to our bedroom. She was correct. I studied for two more hours and when I quietly walked into our bedroom, Alexis was doing her poofing/snore. I went to the bathroom and closed the door while I brushed my teeth. I stripped naked and went back in the dark bedroom. I gently slid under the covers being careful not to wake Alexis. She didn't stir but she stopped poofing for a couple minutes before resuming. Her rhythmic breathing quickly became monotonous and I drifted off to sleep.

Alexis had no morning classes. I did. She moaned as I pulled myself away from her. I had unknowingly spooned behind her during the night and I had her left breast was in my hand when I woke. My morning woody was trapped between my stomach and Alexis' lower back. I ignored my woody and it gradually went away as I did my bathroom stuff for the day.

The days seemed to slide by more and more quickly. Classes seemed to be getting monotonous again. I was forcing myself to study. I still wanted the Engineering degree but now I was assessing the reasons why. It was becoming more of a means to an end. I had no idea what I was going to do after. I had the money to just play for the rest of my life but I didn't see myself as being satisfied with that. I figured I'd go crazy before I was thirty. What I needed was a hobby like Alexis' art.

The long awaited and much anticipated wedding was only a few weeks away. I was wondering if I would be the cliché groom suddenly asking himself what the fuck he was doing. I figured nerves and pre-wedding bickering would be normal but I had none of those. I was as excited as Alexis and she was getting giddy. Final exams were underway and the semester ended before the end of May. Everything was set for the wedding. It had all been thought through by professionals and by Emma. All I knew was that I was getting married. I knew none of the details. I was certain that everything would be spectacular.

The only persons who had to fly in to leave for the wedding were my sister Thia and Emma's sister Jane and Jane's step-daughter Julia. I had met Jane and Julia at Dee's and Jarrod's wedding. Jane was a hot-ticket. She would fuck any guy with a pulse or woman for that matter. Thia had a boyfriend but chose not to bring him. I was sure she didn't want him getting in the way of her fun with her family and new friends. I had purchased round trip tickets for all three of them and mailed them weeks ago. Thia and I had talked on the phone and she was over the moon about this adventure.

Alexis called Linda everyday hoping that she and Pia had patched things up. There was no good news. Pia was gone. She had even quit her job. Linda wouldn't give Pia's cell phone number to Alexis because she feared that Alexis would try to talk Pia back into their old relationship, which is exactly what Alexis would have done.

Olivia and Sophia had RSVP'd almost immediately. Olivia had said that wild horses couldn't keep them from attending. We knew that would be the case but we were more interested in whether they would be bringing 'plus ones'. They weren't and they didn't explain why. I knew why. They didn't want to scare these guys off. Both Alexis and I were kind of embarrassed to admit that we were glad. They were going to drive down from the city that morning and our friend Fiona from across the street was coming with them.

Thia was flying in the day before we flew out to the Caribbean. She would stay overnight with Mom and Dad. Jane and Julia were staying with Emma and riding to the airport with her.

We planned to transport many of our local friends in the Van but everyone else had to make their own way to the Signature Terminal for a departure of 10:00 AM. That would put us at the resort shortly after noon. We planned a couple days of sun and fun, with emphasis on the fun before the wedding on Saturday at high noon followed by a reception. Then Alexis and I would board a smaller private Jet to fly to Cote d'azur Airport in Nice, France and then helicopter to Monte Carlo, Monaco for our honeymoon. We had no set plans for how long we would stay. We would stay or go somewhere else as we wished. The rest would hang around and enjoy the tropics and each other for another day and fly back on the same plane we all flew down on. I had our assistant arrange for a limo to take everyone home that needed a ride from the airport.

Mom and Dad and Noah, Samantha and Erin had the furthest to drive. I had offered a limo to drive them to and from the airport but Dad declined. He was anxious to drive his new BMW 745iL on its first long range cruise. I had to chuckle; he sounded like a kid with a new toy at Christmas. Samantha and Noah were still dating. Who would have guessed? Erin wasn't dating anyone that she could bring to an orgy like this was going to be. She was very excited about it when I talked with her on the phone.

Sylvia, the travel agent we used in the city for our January vacation RSVP'd quickly. Alexis promptly called her to explain the situation. We had no clue how she would react but we had to forewarn her. Alexis just told her right up front that it would be one massive orgy from the moment the plane took off until it landed on the way back. I could hear a squeal over the phone and then Alexis and Sylvia continued their conversation. Alexis smiled at me when she hung up and said, "She's in; to say the least." She giggled and said, "Sylvia asked if you would be available or not given that you are the groom. She's obviously got the 'hots' for you." Alexis sat down in my lap and kissed my lips and then asked, "Have you and she got it on already?"

I kissed her lips and smiled at her before responding, "No I haven't. I think she's more interested in you actually. When you met her she was practically drooling over you."

Alexis reflected back to that day and then she grinned at me. "You might be right. She is beautiful as I recall." I just nodded and kissed her lips again as she pulled herself up from my lap.

As Alexis walked away I said, "What did you tell her about my availability?"

Alexis didn't even look back as she started singing the 1972 song by Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show, "Sylvia's mother says, "Sylvia's busy, too busy to come to the phone." She modified the next verse, "Sylvia's mother says, "Sylvia's busy, trying to figure out how to get on your bone." She giggled and looked back at me and threw me an air-kiss as she disappeared into the kitchen. I could hear her continuing the song in the kitchen. I chuckled to myself and then realized the song was now in my head and I couldn't stop humming it for the rest of the day. Alexis giggled every time I started up again.

Rachel and Mitch and Rachel's friend Crystal would be riding with us in the van. Crystal was gorgeous and she had lit Alexis's fires and Noah's too as I recalled. I hoped that her presence wouldn't be a problem for Samantha. She was a stretch for the invite list. There were others that probably should have been invited before her. We would stop on campus to pick up Nina, Yu-Gin, Jan, Josie and Dean. Ten of us and baggage; it would be very tight. Thankfully, the airport was not far away. Dean had already said that if it didn't work, he would drive Josie and himself to the airport.

The day before we were flying out I found myself wondering what Alexis was wearing for the wedding. That got me wondered what I was wearing too. I had made no plans and the subject had never come up. There was no way these details had slipped through a crack so I asked Alexis. She just grinned at me. I knew she wouldn't tell what she was going to wear, if anything, but she went to our already packed luggage and pulled out a plastic bag. She sat down beside me and pulled out the contents. There were many items but none of them were bigger than hand size. She held up what appeared to be a white collar from a tuxedo with a black bow-tie built into it. Then she held up a black skimpy 'banana hammock' as they were always referred to as. It was no more than an inch high on the waist and they were built to cradle cock and balls like a banana resting in a small hammock. She held it up to my waist. At least it covered the buns and wasn't a thong. She then held the collar thing up to my throat. I got the picture right away. I would be dressed like a Chippendale Dancer sans the leather pants. There were three more sets of the same items; presumably for my dad, Noah and Dean who would be ushers. Noah was my best man. We had been best friends since grades school.

Dean would freak when he saw what he would be wearing and he would tell me absolutely not. He was pretty easy going so he would relent in the end and I guessed he would actually have fun with it. My dad was in pretty good shape for the mid forties. Mom would love the outfit. Noah was kind of scrawny but his big dick would be on display so he would think that was great. My physique was very similar to the actual Chippendale Dancers, so I was kind of anxious to see what I looked like.

Alexis' bridesmaids were Josie, Jan, Yu-Gin and Nina; the 'Smokin' Hot Five' rides again. Josie was the Maid of Honor. Alexis agonized over the choice. She didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Alexis wouldn't show me what they would be wearing because she said it was too much like what she'd be wearing. That statement was a clue in itself because I wouldn't have been surprised if she came down the aisle completely naked. She would be accompanied by her mother, Emma playing the role of the father giving the bride away. I asked what Emma would be wearing, figuring it wouldn't be the same as the bridesmaids. She just grinned and said, "I guess you'll just have to wait and see." She kissed me and stared me in the eyes. Our noses were an inch apart. "Any last minute regrets?"she asked. We were so close that her eyes flicked back and forth from my left eye to my right.

I stared back at her and after a moment's hesitation said, "Actually, I do." Alexis smile slid into a frown. "I knew I should have got something to eat for lunch when I was out."

Alexis punched me hard in the ribs and immediately grabbed her hand as she said, "O You're mean." I grinned at her for a moment and then leaned in and kissed her hard with passion. She tried hard to maintain her frown and her displeasure with my teasing, and then she upped the ante as her kisses became urgent and searching.

Alexis had already announced that there would be no more sex until after we were married. I had no idea where this rule came from and I wasn't too please with it either. I asked her what etiquette book that rule came from and she just said, "Mine."

Now she was suddenly getting very horny as we both urgently kissed everywhere we could get out lips on. She pulled my shirts from my pants and started furiously unbuttoning it. I let her go but I was going to make her pay for her new rule of etiquette. When she yanked my shirt off my shoulders her kisses went down my torso to my erect nipples and then down over my abs and obliques. Her fingers were working hard on my belt and zipper. It was near an impossible task to hold back an erection when Alexis got this way but I was trying with all my resolve.

When her hand went into my pants and found a mostly flaccid cock, she immediately looked up at my face with a "WTF" look on hers. I looked down at her and shrugged my shoulders and said, "No sex until we are married tomorrow. Your rules." I held her gaze for a few seconds and then I smiled at her. I could see from the look on her face that her mind was going a million miles an hour.

She just looked up at me with my limp cock in her hand. Her eyes broke into a smile even if her mouth didn't. Finally, she said, "I have just reviewed that rule and I see that there is a sub-text that disqualifies the rule if we're living together before the wedding." Now her mouth was grinning too. She said nothing more as she bent down and pushed my mostly limp cock between her lips and took a strong suction on it. I couldn't hold back any longer and my cock grew to maximum dimensions inside her mouth. Her eyes grew wider as my cock grew. She was preparing to pull her mouth off my shaft but that never happened. She started immediately with her throat-job as I groaned hard.

While she was sucking my cock she began unbuttoning her blouse. As her head bobbed up and down on my cock, she stripped herself naked and began fingering her pussy. I pushed her fingers aside and took over for her. She groaned hard as I pushed three of my fat fingers into her vagina using my thumb to stroke her clitoris ever so gently.

Both of our actions were preliminary and within a few minutes we were on the floor in a missionary position with her on her back with her legs draped over my thighs as I pummeled her pussy with my fatty. Her hands were on my upper arms. I folded myself so I could suck Alexis' nipples while I flailed my hips above hers. She grabbed my neck to hold me on her nipples and she lightly screamed out a long low pitched sound. After a few minutes, I felt her pussy clenching on my cock and I kept right on going. I was driving long, full penetrating strokes as I pulled out all the way until just the tip of my glans kept her inner labia separated and then firmly pushed down all the way until my balls slapped on her ass. She groaned hard through her orgasm and as she was recovering from that, she screamed again as another orgasm grabbed her.

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