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Pool Boy Ch. 58

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Honeymoon continues in Greek Islands.
18.4k words

Part 58 of the 61 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/16/2015
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I slowly drifted into reality from a dream that was already fragmenting. It was more like a nightmare from the pieces I could remember: I was being chased by many people. Flashes of gunfire erupted behind me every time I looked back to see if they were gaining on me. There was a low rumble but it was delayed several seconds from the flashes so gunfire seemed like the wrong description. I knew I could outrun them but then a moped pulled up to my right and paralleled me. There were two forms on it. One was driving and the other was aiming something at me. I remembered thinking, 'Fuck, I'm toast." Several flashes blinded me and I had to slow down. The moped slowed too and the foot-chasers behind me closed the gap. In a panic, I sped up again but the moped stayed right there. More flashes erupted, followed by crashes but I wasn't looking. I turned left down an alley. The moped was caught off guard and it flew on straight past the alley. I was alone and I slowed my pace. Way up ahead at the end of the alley, Alexis was waving for me to come. She was yelling, "Hurry. You have to see this." There was total blackness behind her so I couldn't figure out what I was supposed to see. She yelled, "Hurry," again and grabbed my arm.

I was completely awake now but a little confused. Alexis was standing on the floor on my side of the bed. Her hand was gripping my arm pulling at me. "What? What's wrong?" I mumbled.

"Nothing's wrong. You have to see this. It's incredible." A bright flash lit up the bedroom like a flare and was gone an instant later. Seconds later was a sudden crack and a rumbling. I recognized the sensory inputs immediately as a thunder-storm. Alexis and I both loved thunder-storms and I was instantly on the move toward the open balcony doors with Alexis still holding my arm. It was raining lightly but we went right to the filigreed railing to watch an amazing display of continuous cloud to cloud lightning with occasional bolts down to the harbor which were followed seconds later by the same crash and rumble from my dream.

Alexis looked from the sky to me and grinned broadly. "It's beautiful isn't it?" she said. I vigorously nodded and then bent to kiss her. She cuddled in close to me and I draped an arm around her shoulders. We were both wet from the light rain but it was a warm rain and we stayed right there for a half-hour until there were long pauses between flashes and the rumbling was barely loud enough to hear.

The morning woody that was present when I bounded from the bed was gone now. We carefully made our way across the marble floors to the bathroom. Our wet feet made for slippery going. Until the hot water in the shower hit us we hadn't even realized that we were chilled from the rain. After a few minutes of passionate embrace we assumed our shower-sex position on the marble floor and rocked ourselves to mutual orgasms. Then we washed and rinsed the other along with some playful teasing of the other's sex. Alexis wiped the fogged mirror enough so she could assess the damage to her hair. I playfully stood behind her and vigorously ran my fingers through her curls. She didn't resist and when I was done she said, "Well, that didn't help any," and then giggled as she tried to push her hair into place with her fingers.

"Don't worry Babe. We are scheduled for a couple's massage at eight. Get your hair done after. I have a jet waiting to take us to our next destination." I knew she was waiting for me to tell her what the destination was but I immediately started brushing my teeth. I watched her reaction in the fog streaked mirror.

She just stared back at my reflection and as I finished, she said, "Well, are you going to tell me where?"

I took a sip of water off the faucet and spit it in the sink. She was glaring at my reflection when I lifted my head. I grinned at her and said, "It's a surprise."

She placed her hands on her hips and said, "At least give me a hint."

I thought for a moment and then said, "Summer Lovers."

She cocked her head at me and said, "That's the clue? How about another clue?"

"After we get on the jet." I bent down and kissed her on the lips. She half-heartedly kissed me back. She was concentrating on the clue.

We dressed and went out in search of breakfast. It was early but the sun was out after the rain cleared out. The cobblestone sidewalks and roadways were still wet but they would be dry in no time. We walked hand in hand around the Park at the Casino Square to the Café du Paris.

After a light breakfast we sat and drank a second cup of coffee. It was delicious. I asked the waiter what kind of coffee beans they used and he wrote it down for me. We wandered down the nearly vacant sidewalks to Le Metropole Shopping Center. The individual stores weren't open yet so we window shopped at Gucci, Hugo Boss, Armani and all the other high end stores I'd ever heard of and many more I'd never heard of. The mall was easily the most grandiose architecture I'd ever seen. We wandered for an hour and thank God, we didn't get to go in a single store. We headed back to our Hotel for our appointment at the Hotel Spa.

I opted for a masseuse and Alexis chose a masseuse as well. There was no way a guy was going to be giving me a massage. Alexis could have gone either way. Her last massage was by a masseur so maybe she was just mixing it up to experiment a little. We undressed and climbed up on the side by side tables on our stomachs and placed the hand towels over our naked butts like we were instructed. Soft Indian Sitar music was playing in the background and burning incense filled the room with relaxing scents. My face was in the foam circle so I couldn't see the masseuses when they came in. All I could see was a pair of shapely legs with white hot-pants at the top and silver stilettos at the bottom. She started with my neck and scalp and kneaded my back muscles as I groaned in pain. I heard Alexis groan but I couldn't tell if it was in pain or pleasure. My masseuse moved to the foot of the table and worked from my feet up to my ass running her incredibly strong fingers under the towel to knead my glutes. I jumped when I felt her fingers drop down between my upper thighs and drag along my scrotum. In a strong French accent she said, "Sorry."

Now I was in a pickle. When she touched my balls my cock went hard. I knew I was about to turn over on my back and I was concentrating hard on anything to get my cock to deflate. The masseuse tapped me on the buttocks and said, "Please turn over." I hesitated hoping the extra seconds would help. They didn't. I rolled on my side facing away from her as she lifted the towel waiting for me to get on my back. As I rolled onto my back I watched my cock bounce off my stomach and take a position about forty-five degrees above horizontal. The masseuse placed the towel down over my crotch and it formed a tent. The masseuse giggled and said, "Don't be embarrassed. This happens all the time."

I looked over at her standing between our massage tables. Alexis was already on her back with her towel over her crotch with her breasts exposed. Her nipples were erect. I recognized that unmistakable sultry look on her face. When my masseuse moved to my head, Alexis burst out laughing as she saw the tented towel. Her masseuse looked over where Alexis was looking and she giggled as she continued working from Alexis' head to her waist.

Alexis suddenly stopped laughing and let out a loud moan as her masseuse ran her oily hands over Alexis' breasts. Alexis' hands involuntarily moved to cover the masseuse's hands. I watched both of the masseuses look at each other. They had sultry looks of their own on their faces.

A thought went through my mind, 'I don't think 'happy-endings' are out of the question after all'. My cock surged harder and lifted the hand towel another inch or two. My masseuse stepped up onto a short stool behind my head and leaned over me to work down over my pectorals to my abs and then back up again. She did this a few times and her shirt covered breasts pressed into each side of my face as she leaned forward. She could have just as easily stood at the side of the table to massage my chest and abdominal. She was teasing me. My cock leaped upward and the hand-towel fell to my thighs.

I glanced over at Alexis and her masseuse was bent over her sucking on Alexis' nipples. Alexis' hands were up under her masseuse's shirt molesting her tits'. We were all breathing raggedly. My masseuse got down off her stool and went to the bottom of the table to work my feet up to my thighs. This time she made no "accidental" connection to my sex. This time the touch was overt. She walked up the side of the table and wrapped her right hand as far around my fatty as she could and began jerking me off.

I lifted my head to look at her and noticed that Alexis' masseuse had moved into a sixty-nine position above Alexis with her short skirt hiked up to her waist. There was a whole lot of moaning and groaning coming from that table. My masseuse glanced back over her shoulder as she continued jerking on my cock. She was squeezing my glans with her oily fingers as she came up over the top of my cock. I dropped my head back and groaned.

I was disappointed when she released my cock and I raised my head again to see what she was going to do. She slid her hot-pants to the floor taking her panties with them. Her glistening sex revealed that she was horny. She went back behind my head and stepped up on the stool again and then climbed up on the table and positioned her knees so she could maneuver her sex to my face. She dragged her tits across my face on the way and pushed her lips to my granite hard cock. Her clitoris was erect and reddening. I pushed my tongue to her labia and flicked my tongue on one side and then the other. She flinched at the contact and she kissed my glans before wrapping her fingers around my shaft to hold me in place as she struggled to get my fatty into her mouth. It took a few tries but when she succeeded I groaned hard into her pussy. She stopped half-way down and gagged as she pulled back and coughed out a wad of saliva into her oily hand. She gripped my cock again and rubbed in the saliva and struggled her lips back over the knob again. This time she went slowly until my cock touched her throat and then began an incredible blow-job/hand-job and I groaned into her pussy again.

I curled my tongue and shoved the tip into her bubbling pussy and she groaned hard but didn't pull back off my cock. Alexis and her masseuse were moaning and groaning as they attacked each other's sex. My masseuse started a half length blow-job as she pulled off the glans and then pushed back on again. I started flailing my tongue in her sex and she screamed around my cock. After a few minutes, she screamed again as she started her orgasm. Her juices flooded my face as I tried to collect it with my tongue. She was driving her sex hard on my face. I suddenly realized that she was driving her anus down searching for my nose. I went with it because I was about to explode into my own climax. I wondered what she would do with it and in seconds I found out.

She took two shots in her mouth and then realized that she was in trouble. She was forced to back off as she tried to take another shot in her distended lips and puffed out cheeks. She should have been swallowing. I wasn't even half done yet. She quickly pulled off my cock trying to swallow and got two more shots on her face and hair. She swallowed hard and pushed her mouth back on to collect two more shots. She groaned and pulled off again. The last two shots squirted weakly onto my stomach as she swallowed twice to clear her mouth and then said, "Jesus. That was a lot of cum."

Alexis' masseuse was face deep in Alexis' sex and Alexis lifted her knees to her hold her head with her thighs. They were both moaning and then they were snapping their hips hard at each other as their faces came out with open mouths screaming through their mutual orgasms.

All was quiet for a couple minutes before my masseuse kissed my softening cock and moved back up my body, dragging her tits across my face again on the way. She stepped off the table and helped her co-worker off Alexis' body. Alexis lifted her head to look over at me and then she collapsed back on the bed. An ear-to-ear smile spread across her face as she pushed her hands to her sex. She lifted her hips to meet them. She touched her clitoris and groaned as she pushed her hips back to the table.

We both sat up on our tables and swung our feet to face each other. Our eyes met and I could tell that she wasn't done yet. We quickly showered the oils and other fluids from our bodies and dressed. We didn't see our masseuses on the way out. I signed the receipt at the Spa receptionist and added a couple fifty dollar tips.

Alexis was fidgeting in the elevator. If it wasn't for the obvious cameras in the two front corners, I'm sure she would have raped me right there. She was mumbling, "Hurry up. Hurry up." Fortunately, we expressed to our floor without further stops at floors below us.

I teased her as I slowly made my way down the hallway to our Suite. I patted my pockets as if I was looking for the key. She knew what I was doing and she gave me a glare that would melt my face if she had super-powers. I unlocked the door and threw it open. She stepped inside and grabbed my shirt and yanked me inside and slammed the door. She was backing into the sitting room pulling at my belt and zipper at the same time. The look on her face was one of desperation. She pushed me back on a sofa and followed me down to her knees. I helped her with the belt and the button while she worked the zipper.

I didn't usually wear underwear but I did today and she glanced up at me with a look of exasperation as if saying, "Of all days, you had to wear underwear today?" I lifted my ass and she yanked my pants to the floor and off my feet. The underwear came next and my rigid cock caught in the waist band and when it came free it snapped back and smacked Alexis under the chin. It didn't faze her; she grabbed it and quickly maneuvered her lips from side to side to push her lips over the crown. She made one trip down the length of my shaft and then pulled off. She was satisfied that I was hard enough and she released it and stood up to discard her thong. She was already gasping for air. She didn't waste any time removing the rest of her clothes. Alexis' sixty-nine with the masseuse had apparently only wetted her sexual appetite.

She walked her way down my thighs with her legs outside of mine. She dropped her knees onto the sofa on either side of my hips and reached down and urgently guided my cock to her pussy. She made an adjustment and rocked from side to side working my fatty into her vagina. She didn't stop at the fattest part of my cock like usual. She was in heat and she needed my cock in her now. She groaned hard as she moved down the shaft and her face scrunched up in pain as she screamed her way past the fattest part about a third of the way down. Once she was past the pain, her face morphed into a mask of pure joy.

I unbuttoned her blouse and pushed her bra up to her neck, releasing her breasts. I cradled them and tweaked her hard nipples as she continued to groan as she pulled herself back up my shaft. I let out a moan of my own as she pulled herself to the top and forcefully plunged back down again. We both groaned with that. Her head lolled from side to side. Her eyes were closed and her mouth hung open as she gasped for oxygen. Her hands had rested on my shoulders to give her leverage to pull herself up.

Alexis made fewer than a dozen trips up and down my cock before she screamed out, "OH BABY. YES. YES. I'M CUMMING ON YOUR COCK." Did she ever? Her vagina grabbed my cock and squeezed hard before it began a rhythmic clenching. I manually worked my muscles causing my cock to surge harder. Alexis screamed again, "OH MY GGGAWWWDDD. YES. DO THAT." I smiled at her and worked my cock again. Her eyes flashed open and she grinned at me as she maintained her pace.

When her orgasm started to diminish in intensity, she collapsed her body against my chest and snuggled her head into my neck and shoulder as she wrapped her arms behind my head. Her hips continued to grind but at a much slower pace. I guess my encounter with my masseuse was enough because I had no urge to cum. When Alexis' pussy stopped clenching she stopped and just sat there in my lap for several minutes as I held her in place with my hands on her ass.

Alexis lifted her head from my shoulder and kissed me on the lips. "Jesus Christ Baby. I really needed that. I didn't know if I could wait to get in the room." I laughed and kissed her on the tip of her nose and she giggled. She bent forward and rubbed her nose on mine and then gave me her butterfly kisses as she batted her eyelashes on mine. I obliged and reciprocated.

She sat back in my lap and felt my rock hard cock push back into her pussy. She didn't groan or moan but she gritted her teeth and rotated her head to the side. "Shit Baby. You didn't get off. She pulled herself forward to slide off the end of my cock and then she scrambled down my thighs and got down on her knees as she pulled my thighs apart so she could maneuver her body between them. I didn't really need an orgasm but I would take one if offered.

Alexis guided my slippery cock to her lips and waggled her head from side to side to get her mouth on. I knew it wouldn't take her very long if my orgasm was her singular goal like it was now. She plunged my glans down into her throat and then changed up from a throat-job to a blow-job to a double-fisted hand-job and in less than five minutes I launched cum down her throat. When she was satisfied that I was done, she pulled off my cock and grinned at me. She had lost some cum on her lower lip and she flicked her tongue to collect it.

She crawled up in my lap again and kissed me on the lips as she shoved her cum tasting tongue into my mouth. I knew she was going to do that and I chuckled around her tongue. She pulled back with a huge grin on her face and kissed me again. When she leaned back she smiled her sexiest smile and said, "So. Where are we going next?"

"I gave you the one hint until we get on the jet."

She frowned. "Do I have time to get my hair done or will it even matter wherever we're going?"

"Sure." I checked my watch. "You have an appointment with the in-house hair stylist in a half-hour. The jet won't leave without us. You can start packing before your appointment."

I sat on the balcony watching the yachts pass by. I was thinking, 'If I lived on the coast, I'd have to buy a yacht. I could buy a place, maybe in the Caribbean, and buy a yacht or maybe just a cabin cruiser. I knew the basics of sailing but it just didn't "float my boat", so to speak. With a power vessel, you just point and go.

An hour later, I could hear Alexis' stilettos clicking across the marble floors coming my way. I turned to her and smiled. She stopped half-way across the balcony and did a few poses to show me her new hairstyle. She never did anything crazy with hair stylists because she was always afraid of how she would look the days after. She had enough money to do her hair everyday now but she wasn't one to think that way; at least not yet. She knew right away that I liked it from the smile on my face. I was always fond of her long vertical curls that she wore when we were dating and she must have been feeling in the throw-back mood because even though it was slightly different from then I guess I'd call it an updated style. I did like it.

I had finished the packing and we were ready to go. I called the front desk and in minutes a bell-boy was knocking on the door. He loaded our bags on his cart and we all went together to the lobby. I checked out and paid for charges that we had signed to the room. The Hotel Manager shook my hand and expressed his hope that we would return.

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