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Post, Three Days Travel

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Young couple needs help learning to live in the west.
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*Author's Note: Any and all persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age.

Disclaimers: Yes I need an editor. No, I do not want an editor. If this fact bothers you that much, kindly stop reading now.

Yes, it jumps around too much. Yes, there's too many people to keep track of. Yes it's too long. Yes it's too short. Yes it's in the wrong category. Yes this is stupid shit, and yes, I am a horrible writer, barely literate.

Blackrandl1958 had recently asked a group of fine, esteemed writers to contribute to a Western themed contribution. I was not asked to participate; that is Blackrandl1958's right as a writer on this site. But I liked the contributions so much, I wanted to do one, possibly more in that genre.

Also, this is a story about cuckolding; I've not written any stories about willing cuckolds and wanted to stretch my literary muscles a little.

For those that have not hit their backspace key, I hope you enjoy this short tale.


The cabin was a fairly new structure, even though it looked dilapidated. The small pen next to the ill-conceived building was also in a state of squalor. The pen was empty; whatever animals it may have contained had simply wandered off through the gaps. Or wild animals entered and slaughtered whatever simple beasts the pen had been constructed to hold.

Even in its decrepit state, Nelson Bryant knew the cabin was a fairly recent addition as the building had not been there this time last year. He cautiously entered the clearing, not knowing the state of mind of the cabin's occupants. If there were any unfortunate occupants.

"Hello there," he called out after carefully surveying the area.

"Is that, who goes there?" a thin voice called out from within the cabin.

"Name's Nelson Bryant, live a piece upstream," Nelson called back.

The door creaked open, nearly falling over as it did. A young man, probably in his late teens, early twenties stepped out onto the ramshackle porch. In his arm he cradled a shotgun.

Nelson almost snorted at this; the way the young man held the gun, even if he was a threat, the young man had no chance of lowering the gun and squeezing off a shot before Nelson would overpower him.

"Name's Nelson Bryant," Nelson said and pointed in the direction he had travelled. "Live a day's walk upstream."

"Jacob McAllister," Jacob said. "Day's walk, you say? What you doing down here?"

"On my way to the post," Nelson said, indicating his mule.

The beast was loaded down with hides from the various animals Nelson had trapped in a year's time. The beast just stood, ignoring the two men.

"Jacob, who..." Nelson heard a female voice ask.

Then a pretty blonde woman stepped out onto the porch. Nelson noticed that the boards swayed under the combined weight of the two, even though between the two of them, they couldn't weigh two hundred pounds.

"Howdy ma'am," Nelson said, removing his hat.

"Sir," she said, curtsying slightly.

"My wife, Becca Ann," Jacob said.

The two were young, too young to be here, in the wilderness alone. He was a handsome young man with long brown hair and warm brown eyes. His features looked almost dainty.

Even as her face appeared sunken, starved, she had fine bone structure. Her hair was golden and her large eyes looked pale blue, like a summer sky. If both of them could pack on some winter weight, they'd be very attractive people.

"Mighty fine meet you, ma'am," Nelson said.

Again, he surveyed their structure, their empty pen, the remnants of a garden. The garden had been picked clean, either by the McAllisters, or by the animals that claimed this forest as home.

Nelson suspected it was the animals that had claimed the bulk of the food. The husband and wife looked starved.

"Smelled smoke," Nelson explained why he'd come this close to their home. "Smelled smoke, wanted make sure wasn't nothing burning."

"Just cooking up last of the flour," Becca Ann said.

"Got some salted pork go fine with whatever you fixing make," Nelson offered.

The McAllisters looked at each other, eyes shining with hope. Then Jacob nodded in agreement.

"Sir, whatever you can share with us would be greatly appreciated," he said.

Nelson pulled the reluctant mule to the pen and tied the beast to one of the few posts that did not appear ready to fall over. He then located the pork and a few jars of preserves.

The post was two day's journey from this point, but Nelson was sure he could kill something along the way. There was no shortage of squirrel or rabbit along the way.

He knocked once on the door jamb and entered the one room cabin. The cabin was as poorly constructed on the inside as it had been on the outside. Light filtered into the room from chinks in the low slung roof. The walls looked ready to fall in, trapping the hapless occupants within. Nelson doubted if the window at the rear of the room would even open.

The table and chairs, the pot-bellied stove, and the bed, however, seemed to be of good quality.

"Oh!" Becca Ann gasped in delight as Nelson dropped the pork and jars onto their table.

"Is that, that is rhubarb!" she said, thrilled.

"Yes ma'am, out of my own garden," Nelson agreed. "Mother showed me how do preserves."

The bread she'd made was doughy on the interior, even with a burned crust. Nelson ate as much of the bread as he could, not wanting to appear rude. Becca Ann and Jacob pushed the mealy bread aside and gorged themselves on Nelson's pork and rhubarb and beets.

Over poorly made coffee, the McAllisters disclosed that they'd decided to come out west, to try their hand at living off the land. They'd married two years ago, when Jacob was nineteen and Becca Ann was eighteen years of age. He had been a bookkeeper and she had been the apple of her father's eye. Neither had ever done any manual labor.

"Don't suppose read them newspaper accounts by Cedric Grambling?" Nelson asked, slight smile on his lips.

"Yes," Jacob said, nodding.

"Man's a good story teller," Nelson agreed.

He then lighted his pipe from an ember from the stove.

"Problem is? Cedric Grambling ain't never been outside his New York office," Nelson said and blew out a plume of smoke.

"But he said, a man could really make something of his self out here," Jacob said.

"Could, knew what he was doing," Nelson said.

He regretted his statement the moment he'd said it. True or not, Nelson had just said, in front of Jacob's wife that Jacob was ill-equipped to make a living off of the land. True or not, he had just insulted the man, insulted him in his own home, in front of his wife.

"Need me fetch y'all anything from the post?" he said, hoping to diffuse the situation.

"But you know what you doing, right, Mr. Bryant?" Becca Ann asked, glancing at her husband.

"I uh, well, yes ma'am," Nelson agreed, flushing hotly.

He could see the hurt in Jacob's eyes. Nelson saw the slumped shoulders of a man that had just been betrayed by his own woman, in front of a stranger.

"But, ma'am? Took me good bit of ten years figure out what I was doing," Nelson said quickly.

He refused to stay the night in their home. Even his mule seemed to be happy to be shed of the unfortunate dwelling, away from the defeated couple.

Three days later, Nelson detoured and approached the McAllister home. From the exterior, it looked to be abandoned. There was no smell of smoke, of anything cooking.

"Hello?" he called out.

"Mr. Bryant? That you?" Becca Ann's voice called out.

"Ma'am, it is," Nelson agreed.

The husband and wife appeared, both still in their bed clothes. Nelson furrowed his brow. It was eight, possibly even nine o'clock on this early autumn morning. Whatever chores needed to be tended to should have been tended to hours earlier. Whatever trapping or hunting Jacob planned to do, he should have been already hard to it. If he planned to chop wood with the new, hardly used axe that leaned on the outer wall, he should have already been hard at it.

"Going be a mighty cold winter," Nelson said as he pulled his beast close. "Going need you plenty of wood."

Becca Ann did not say anything. The look she gave to her husband said it all.

"Now, they had them some seed packets, ten for two bits," Nelson said to Becca Ann.

He dug a bandanna out of one of the many bags the mule bore. He handed the bandanna to the young woman.

"Got you four bits worth," he said. "Going need that garden come spring time."

"Come across some eggs; we was fixing have them," Jacob said. "Join us?"

Nelson did agree to do so. Becca Ann was a comely young woman and her bed clothes seemed just a little too short on her. He could see a very shapely calf as she walked back into the interior of the cabin.

"Said them seeds was four bits?" Jacob asked, reaching for a cast iron box.

"Don't even offer pay me," Nelson said. "Y'all didn't ask for them. It's a gift, hear?"

"Thank you kindly, Mr. Bryant," Becca Ann said as she broke the first of the three eggs into a bowl.

After their meager meal, Nelson prepared to leave.

"Mr. Bryant, please wait a spell," Becca Ann pleaded.

"I uh, Mr. Bryant, I, we, I'd be mighty grateful you showed us how do this," Jacob said.

He looked hard at the glowing embers in the stove.

"Mr. Grambling? Made it sound so glamorous. All a man had to do was put a stick in the ground and he would be on his way."

"Like I said, man's a good story teller," Nelson said.

"My father said 'don't marry that boy, boy ain't nothing but a dreamer,'" Becca Ann said, voice harsh.

"Aimed show him he was dead wrong," Jacob said miserably.

"He wasn't though. Was he," Nelson asked quietly.

"No sir, don't look like he was too far off the mark," Jacob whispered.

Nelson looked out the window and saw it was close to noon. In a month's time, the first snows would be close at hand.

He then looked at the couple. In a months' time, they'd either be dead from starvation, or the freezing temperatures would be their downfall. Or perhaps disease would claim them both.

"Mr. McAllister, Mrs. McAllister, I got me my own look after," he finally said.

Before the two could protest, he said, "Most I can do is give y'all two weeks my time."

"I'll, we'll pay you," Jacob hurriedly said.

"All right, but got to do as I tell you, when I tell you," Nelson ordered.

Checking their provisions, Nelson saw that Jacob had paid a pretty penny for some small animal traps. Jacob also possessed a new rifle and shotgun.

"First thing, we need some wood," Nelson ordered.

"Right," Jacob said excitedly.

Within three swings of the axe, Nelson could see that Jacob had no idea how to use an axe. Nelson showed him how to use the weight of the axe to do the majority of the work. They felled five trees, five good straight pines.

"Cut them branches," Nelson ordered.

Becca Ann had not been idle while the two were in the forest. She had diligently broken the sod with the spade, had planted half the seeds. She had even fetched pails of water from the nearby stream to wet the soil.

That night, sleeping outside, Nelson woke to hear the McAllisters as they coupled. He smiled, imagining that Jacob may be feeling quite manly at that moment. The youth had, after all, chopped down some trees.

Neither Becca Ann nor Jacob were quick to rise. It took Nelson's threat to leave them to their fate to rouse them. When Becca Ann scrambled from the bed, Nelson saw her bare leg, almost to mid-thigh. She pulled the bed clothes down, but he was still able to see her calf.

They felled eight more trees, even as Jacob complained bitterly of his blistered hands.

Then Nelson showed Jacob how to split the logs. He hammered wedges into the soft wood until with a loud crack, the log split in half.

"Why we doing this?" Jacob whined.

"New cabin," Nelson said. "Yours? First good wind knock it over."

He also showed them how to fish. Becca Ann squealed happily when she pulled a large trout from the babbling, rippling stream. The entire time she prepared the four trout they'd managed to haul in, she taunted her husband that she'd caught three of their fish, he had caught none.

On the third day, Nelson only had to loudly call out and husband and wife were up and ready. Before they cut down more trees, Nelson showed Jacob how to set the traps. He also showed Becca Ann how to fetch rocks from the stream and along the stream.

"What we needing them for?" both Jacob and Becca Ann asked.

"Floor," Nelson said. "Floor now? One spark from that stove and y'all out of a home."

The fourth day, Jacob whined and pleaded for 'just one more hour sleep.' But Nelson angrily pointed out that they'd placed traps out and those traps needed to be checked.

They had one rabbit. Jacob almost burst into tears when Nelson calmly took a stick and brought it down on the struggling beast's head.

"Shush!" he barked at the youth. "This is food! And, tanned right? This is a good pelt for trading."

He then forced Jacob to carry the dead animal to the home while he cleaned and reset the trap.

"Damned little panty waist," Nelson muttered to himself.

By the time he'd rejoined Jacob at the cabin, the youth was smiling. Becca Ann had squealed happily at the sight of the fresh meat and had kissed him. She whispered into his ear that she'd give him more reward that night, after Mr. Bryant had left them alone.

There were two more rabbits the following day. And one skunk. Jacob felt slightly queasy, but did manage to kill both rabbits. The skunk, Nelson shot it. Then he made Jacob go and free the carcass from the trap.

"Mr. Bryant, it is Sunday, the Sabbath," Jacob complained the following morning. "Surely you rest on the Sabbath?"

"God doesn't make snowstorms rest on the Sabbath. My belly doesn't rest on the Sabbath," Nelson snapped, irritated with the whining youth.

While Jacob checked their traps, then their fishing lines, Nelson and Becca Ann lay the rock foundation for the new cabin. When Jacob returned with the two rabbits and two squirrels, Nelson then told him to go and chop down at least three more trees.

"Make sure they good and tall and straight," he ordered.

Jacob thought to protest; he'd not hired this man, this rough-hewn man to order him about. But one look from his wife stilled Jacob's tongue. Grumbling to himself, Jacob fetched the broad-axe.

Even Mr. Bryant's mule seemed to mock him. The beast brayed at Jacob as the man marched past, axe in hand.

"First do the outline, then we fill it all in," Nelson ordered Becca Ann.

Becca Ann saw the wisdom in his edict and complied. The site they'd selected was far enough away from the stream that if the spring thaw caused the stream to become a raging torrent, they'd not be swept away. Yet the stream was still close enough that water was readily available. It also stood on slightly higher ground.

"You have so much knowledge," Becca Ann praised, placing her small hand on Nelson's powerful bicep.

Nelson looked at her hand, then at her smiling face. He then looked at her hand again.

"Yes ma'am; comes with the work," he said.

"Not out some silly newspaper account?" Becca Ann said, voice thick with disdain.

In the forest, nearby, they heard Jacob's axe striking a tree. Nelson looked at the attractive blonde woman again. Her small hand continued to rub his bicep.

He was a handsome man. Powerfully built, broad shouldered. Through the deerskin shirt he wore, Becca Ann could see wisps of hair matting the man's powerful chest.

Their first kiss was a hesitant one. Then she moaned her approval and the kiss grew in intensity. His whiskers scratched her face. His rough, calloused hands gripped her womanly hips and pulled her tight against him.

She gasped; she could feel his maleness as it pushed against her belly. It was long and thick as it tented his breeches.

The cabin groaned and shook as they coupled on Jacob's bed. Normally, when she and Jacob coupled, Becca Ann pulled her bed clothes up and off, baring her body to her husband's gaze, to his touch.

Now, with the slap of her husband's axe ringing in a rhythmic pattern, Becca Ann simply hoisted the hem of her dress to her waist. Nelson unbuttoned his deerskin breeches and drove himself into her warmth in one long stroke.

"Oh my Heavenly Father!" Becca Ann cried out.

It always felt pleasant when her husband placed his column of flesh into her womanhood. She especially liked when Jacob would 'nurse' at her bosom.

But this, the savage rutting of this mountain man caused Becca Ann's eyes to squeeze tightly. Her teeth gnashed as Nelson's manhood speared her, drove into her to a depth that Jacob had yet to plumb.

"Oh my Heavenly Father!" Becca Ann cried out again as a crisis overwhelmed her senses.

With a roar, Nelson loosed his seed deep within her.

"Oh my dear Jesus!" Becca Ann gasped as the enormity of their carnal act reached her consciousness. "And on the Sabbath too!"

They could hear the tree toppling and Jacob's ebullient whoop. Becca Ann groaned, in shame and in disappointment as Nelson pulled his shrinking member from her clutches.

They worked rapidly, almost feverishly as they lay the foundation of the cabin. By the time Jacob managed to clear the branches from his first tree, they had the foundation filled in and one wall ready to hoist.

"Dowels," Nelson explained to both husband and wife. They swell and shrink, just like the wood does.

Then he showed them how to drive the dowels in, how to join the wood together.

"Can't be doing it right," Becca Ann said to her husband. "There's no gaps showing."

"Blade of your axe? Scrape them logs, kind of smooth them out," Nelson ordered.

Then he sent Jacob out for another three or four trees.

Becca Ann was in the old home, fileting the five trout that their lines had hooked. Nelson came in behind her, pushed her over the table top and hoisted her dress to just above her shapely buttocks.

"Oh, Mr. Bryant," she protested, but made no move to escape.

She moaned as the head of his cock pushed into her. The table was good sturdy construction. The table held as the man pounded his cock in and out of her furry cleft.

That night, Jacob was a little puzzled when his wife refused his advances. But push him away she did.

In the morning, after they'd broken their fast, Nelson ordered Jacob to check the traps. The moment the youth was out of the door, Nelson lifted Becca Ann's bed clothes up and off.

Her breasts were slightly more than handful, pale bear shaped mounds capped by light pink nipples. Her belly was concave; months of near starvation had whittled the baby fat from her. Her hips still possessed a roundness, ripe and ready for motherhood.

Her sex was covered by a blanket of light brown curls, slightly darker than the blonde hairs on her head.

Her legs were also well formed, though months of their meager diet had taken away some of their form.

He then pushed her onto her bed and again drove himself into her.

Outside, while his wife was grunting and thrashing in carnal enjoyment, Jacob checked their first trap. The brown bear that was trapped in it, front paw mangled, roared angrily at Jacob.

"Mr. Bryant! Nelson!" Jacob shrilled and ran back to the cabin.

He entered, just in time to see Mr. Bryant pulling his still spurting cock from Becca Ann's furry cleft.

"Oh, good, just in time tend to her," Nelson said calmly.

"What?" Jacob stammered.

"Clean her up," Nelson stated.

"What?" Jacob stammered again.

"Tend," Nelson said and slapped Jacob's face sharply. "To. Her."

He kept slapping the twenty one year old boy as he ordered the boy to tend to his wife's womanhood. While her husband was being slapped around, Becca Ann lay on the bed, watching her lover treating her husband like a petulant child.


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