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Prey For Me Ch. 15

Story Info
Biker babe bait apply practical Magic.
5.5k words

Part 15 of the 19 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 06/23/2000
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Pt. XV: Biker Babes

The bait rode to see Spike in Sal's Land Cruiser. Obviously the three women would not fit very well in Kim's Miata. Caitlin mentioned the time she sat on Brett's lap in Jack's Mercedes SLK convertible.

"I'm looking forward to getting on a bike again," Caitlin reminisced. "It has been awhile. There is something about riding a motorcycle that makes me real horny. I don't know if it's the vibration I feel between my legs or just what. A real rush."

"What doesn't make you horny, Caitlin?" Kim asked sarcastically.

Caitlin ignored her and continued with, "I always had a nice bike. I started with a little pink tricycle with streamers on the handlebars and moved on to a red, white and blue two-wheeler with training wheels. When I was twelve, my grandfather, much to the chagrin of my mother, started me on little Yamaha dirt bikes. When I was fourteen he let me ride the real stuff, those old Indians."

Spike, an intriguing character, had wrinkled and tanned skin that looked like well-used leather and several prominent scars on his face. Quite fitting for an ancient ex-Hell's Angel. He purchased a Harley-Davidson dealership when he gave up the wild lifestyle, at the insistence of his new wife. He sold the dealership at a large profit and now he owned a little shop where he just rebuilt and reconditioned old Harleys when in the mood.

"What beauty pageant did you girls escape from?" were the first words out of Spike's mouth.

"Well, Mr. Spike," Caitlin blurted excitedly, "where are these Harleys we are gonna ride? Those?" She pointed to the three old Harleys that were sitting in the middle of the garage.

"The 'those' you are pointing to, missy, are a 1935 VLD Twin Carb TNT, a 1933 VLD 74 Special Sport and a 1938 UL 74. None are ready for the road yet. That one, the 1938 UL 74, cost around $400 brand-new in 1938. When I am done with it, $40,000 couldn't buy it. No missy, not those bikes, not for you girls. You get brand spanking new Harleys."

"Read my lips, Mr. Spike," Caitlin pouted, "just where are these brand spanking new Harleys we are gonna ride?"

"You can't ride a Harley in those clothes, young lady. I'll have to dress you girls properly first, I suppose."

"Hey, dude, I got my riding clothes in the overnight bag in the back of the Land Cruiser. If I put them on, will you show me my Harley?"

"Only if I can watch you change," Spike joked.

"No problem, Mr. Spike. With that scraggly hair and beard, you look like an old goat. Too old. If you ever touched me you know where I bet you would just up and croak. But I bet you still like to watch, honey, don't you?"

"Well, uh, uh, yes I certainly do," Spike stammered.

"Alrighty then," Sal added, "show us our Harleys and then you can watch us change. Promise."

Kim nodded in agreement and offered, "But Sal and I need riding clothes. We also need riding lessons."

"No problem, girls," I'll take care of all that. The Harleys are out back. Let's go take a look."

Caitlin let out a little squeal when she saw the bikes. "I'm getting horny just looking at these machines!"

"These are brand new ..." Spike tried to begin.

"Yeah, Softails," Caitlin interrupted.

Caitlin kicked off her high heels, slipped off her pantyhose and removed her blazer. She got on the red Softail, started it and took off in a cloud of dust wearing only a very short skirt and a halter top; barefoot and no helmet, illegal of course in Nevada.

Spike was in shock momentarily. "Well, I guess Caitlin picked out the one she wanted. These bikes are all the same except for the color. The one she just took off on was 'luxury rich red pearl' and I suppose that you, Kim, get the ‘vivid black’ one and you, Sal, get the 'white pearl' one." Kim and Sal nodded in affirmation.

"These Harleys are 2000 FLSTC Heritage Softail Classics. Here is your electronic speedometer with odometer and resettable trip meter. Here are your fuel gauge, oil pressure indicator lamp and engine diagnostic light." Spike spent the next two hours explaining every feature and the operating basics to Kim and Sal.

"OK," Spike continued, "when Caitlin gets back, we'll go for a little ride. I'll ride up on behind one of you and Caitlin can ride up on behind the other."

"You can ride with me, Spike," Sal insisted, "that Caitlin is too wacko for me." Kim started to protest but then just shrugged and laughed.

"Well, let's go get you girls some riding clothes. Caitlin already has hers so she said although she certainly didn't bother putting them on. I wonder where the hell she went?"

Kim joked, "She probably got busted by the cops!" Spike, Kim and Sal walked next door to a place called Spike and Son's Lewd Leather Emporium. Spike put the key in the door and let them in with, "We are not open for business yet. The grand opening will be in two weeks when everything is ready and we have fully stocked inventory. So what exactly do you girls need?"

"Everything Spike," Kim responded, "the whole works. You got to turn us classy ladies into down and dirty biker babes, and quickly."

"I can do that," Spike said, nodding his head like a woodpecker. "What should we start with?"

Kim unsnapped the front of her Australian oilskin waterproof washed back canvas overalls. It looked like a snowmobile suit except much lighter and more comfortable.

There wasn't much under the duster that covered almost everything until it came off except for, well, undergarments. Kim was wearing only a stretch mesh string bikini and matching demi bra. She was bulging out a little on the bottom and a lot on the top.

"Uh, uh, uh," muttered Spike quite dumbstruck, "what color is that skimpy outfit?"

"Honolulu Melon, Mr. Spike."

"What color are you wearing, Sal my dear?" Spike asked.

Sal was wearing a tweed skirt, matching jacket and cream silk blouse. Great outfit for a governor's administrative assistant but zilch in the biker and leather underground. She shed the garments quickly.

"Wildcat Blue I am wearing, Mr. Spike. Matches my eyes, right? I might also point out that the size of my top is 38 D as opposed to Kim's which is 36 C. Not important, just trivia, but here I'll show you." Sal slid the adjustable straps off her shoulders and unfastened the back close.

"Uh, uh, uh." That was all Spike could muster. He was beginning to sound like a broken record.

"Oh, fuck you bitch!" Kim screamed in jest. Why don't you brag about your tits, 'eh? Hey Spike, find her something fast to cover up those slut puppies with, will ya?"

"Uh, uh, OK. Here's a little something you might like." He pulled a black leather vest off the rack. It had a full collar, lapels and front zipper closure so one could show as much cleavage as one wanted. Sal tried it on.

"Awesome!" Spike cried. "Here are some matching leather shorts."

Sal slipped off her Wildcat Blue mesh string bikini and flung it at Spike. He sniffed it and began making panting noises. He couldn't help staring at Sal's neatly trimmed almost white triangle that matched the hair on her head.

"Dun, duh, da, daaang girl, you got some long legs," was all Spike could sputter as his eyes continued to focus on that particular center of attention.

"Spike," Sal chided as a precautionary measure, "you are foaming at the mouth. Now settle down a little bit here, boy. We don't want to be doing CPR on you, ya know."

"Why not, Sal?" Kim asked demurely. "I think he's kinda cute. I find older men incredibly attractive, full of wit and wisdom."

"Shut the hell up, Kim," Sal demanded with a smirk. "Spike here is older than dirt. One step away from a nursing home. He couldn't get it up with enough Viagra to kill everybody in Las Vegas."

"Yeah, Sal, I still say he's a cutie!" With that Kim pinched his cheeks and tickled his beard.

Kim slipped off her Honolulu Melon mesh string bikini panty and unhooked her matching demi bra and let it drop to the floor. She slipped on a pair of leather shorts and a vest like the one Sal was wearing, but she didn't bother to zip up the front.

"Hey sexy dude," Kim cooed, "how much for the vest and shorts?"

"Spike's eyes were rolling in the sockets and his tongue was hanging out like a very hot and thirsty dog. "For you, doll, nothing, as long as I can keep the panties and bra you were wearing."

"Hey, no problem Spikeroo, sounds like the real deal to me although I don't think they will fit you very well. Oh, by the way, you might want to wash them before you put them on. I been wearing them for two days. No time to do laundry lately."

Spike caught the panties Kim had flung at him, stuck them under his nose and took an exaggerated whiff. "I don't think washing them will be necessary. They smell just fine to me."

"OK, Kim," Sal interrupted, "what else to we need?"

"Some chaps, girlfriend. They are like, well, open in both the front and in the back. Show her, Spike." He fetched the black leather fancy fringed chaps. They had a front buckle and zippered sides that were obscured by the fringe. Braids hung from the waist of the open rear.

Sal slipped out of the leather shorts. "I want to see what these look like without anything underneath."

"Talk about showing some ass and some beaver," Kim snickered. "No need to get naked and cold. All you got to do is bend over."

"I think she looks lovely in the chaps," Spike offered, as he stared at Sal's behind showing through the opening.

"Here, Sal," Spike insisted, "you need these. He slipped the Bugz Tazar goggles with the silver lenses over her ears and adjusted the EZ Rider helmet on her head.

Sal picked out a nice pair of fingerless mesh gloves with leather palms. Before Spike put them on her, he began to slowly suck the middle finger of her right hand.

"Yum, yum, good. Where has that finger been, girl?" Spike inquired hopefully.

"Let me assure you, Spikeroo, some place warm and juicy. Here, I'll show you. All this leather is turning me on."

Sal lowered her hand into the large opening in the front of the chaps and stuck that long finger of hers Spike had been licking right up inside her. When she pulled it out a few moments later it was definitely glistening.

"Here, Spike, a treat for you. Taste it." He did and made a face like he just tasted caviar for the first time.

Next Sal picked out a pair of Chippewa 17" lace up motorcycle boots.

"Please don't put the books on yet," Spike begged. "You have the most exquisite feet I have ever seen."

"Would you like to feel them?" Sal asked. "I'll tell you what. You are so dang cool and nice I'll let you play with my feet. But for five minutes and that's it. I'm watching the clock over there. Absolutely nothing else but touching my feet because I don't want to be responsible for you dropping dead."

Spike began to massage Sal's feet when he was interrupted by Kim shouting at him.

"Who's that knocking at my door? Who's that knocking at my door? Spike, are you frigging deaf? There is somebody at your door. You better go see."

"Yeah, I'm sure it's my grandson, Woody, bringing over more inventory. I must have locked the door." Spike let his grandson in and Woody gazed upon Sal and Kim like he was looking at Penthouse.

"Hey," Woody remarked excitedly as he stared in particular at the opening in the front of the chaps Sal was wearing, "you babes are hot! What beauty pageant did you two escape from?"

"That's the same thing your grandfather said, Woody," Kim chided. "Did he give you lessons on how to win friends and influence girls?"

"Yeah, right," Woody boasted, "I talk the talk and walk the walk when it comes to chicks. They call me the 'Babe Magnet' at school."

"What school?" Kim asked sarcastically, "kindergarten?"

"Woody, run out to my truck and get my tool box," Spike ordered.

When Woody walked out, Spike explained, "Please don't mind him. Just your typical very horny teenager with a big mouth. He has never had sex with anything but his hand. I'm the one he talks to about the birds and the bees. His mother is a holy roller and my son is a wimp. I promised Woody a real woman for his birthday next week, to break him in right and teach him all the right stuff. Hey, would one of you be interested? I'd pay you whatever you asked."

"No way!" Kim and Sal spat in unison.

"Well, do you know anyone who would be interested?"

"Maybe," Kim replied, "but it would cost you a grand, Spike. But she's worth it, very beautiful, and discreet and safe, if you get my drift. I doubt I could get you a discount. Dominique doesn't negotiate the fee for her services, but I probably could talk her into letting you watch."

"Yes! I like that idea. My grandson gets his first piece of ass and I get to see it all. Please, Kim, arrange it. In the meantime, when Woody comes back in, could you give him a little T & A show, like you do for me? Just to sort of tide him over until next week when he meets up with this Dominique."

"I dunno, Spike," Kim said with considerable uncertainty in her voice.

"Pretty please? If you do, you girls can have all the stuff you already picked out for free and you both can take one of those expensive leather jackets on the rack in front."

Sal and Kim looked at each other, shrugged and nodded.

Kim spoke first. "OK, we'll let him put the tattoos on us."

"The tattoos?" Spike asked.

"Yeah, Spike, biker chicks need tattoos. Ours just happen to be fake and you can't even hardly tell."

"Kim, he can put the tattoos on you," Sal corrected. "I didn't say I was doing tattoos.

As Woody came back in with the tool box and, Kim was slipping off the leather vest.

"Now, Woody," Sal queried, "how about you being da judge here?" She unzipped her leather vest so Woody could offer his opinion. "I was pointing out to your grandfather awhile ago that my breast are larger than Kim's. What do you think, Woody? Can you tell by just looking?"

Kim sat on a chair and beckoned Woody to come near and kneel in front of her. "Hers may be bigger but mine are firmer as you are about to find out, Woody. Put this butterfly tattoo right here on my left breast." She leaned over and stuck the boob in question right in his face. "Incidentally, these tattoos last about a week and are quite waterproof."

"No, Woody, not on my nipple!" Kim screamed at him. "Over here. Geez!" She grasped his shaking hands and helped him.

The girls could really notice the huge bulge developing in Woody's pants.

"Woody, you got a woody!" Sal joked. "Well, let's see the dang thing. Pull it out. Let's see what the 'Babe Magnet' has to offer the babes."

Both Sal and Kim were duly impressed but of course didn't say so. Woody did have quite the woody.

"Here, Woody," Kim instructed, "put this dolphin tattoo right here on the inside of my thigh."

"Woody, we already know you are a virgin," Sal whispered, "but just for another week until your birthday. So tell me, hasn't anyone ever sucked your cock?"

"Uh, uh, no, not yet. But I think I'd like that."

"Yes, I'm sure you would, Woody. You mean to tell me that none of those cute little cocksucking cheerleaders at your school ever gave you a blowjob?"

"Uh, uh, no, not yet. But I think I'd like that."

"Yes, I'm sure you would, Woody. What if I put your woody in my mouth? Woody, would you like that? You have a nice woody, Woody. What if I, well, maybe I'll just show you. Would you like that?"

"Yes, ma'am, I surely would."

"Oh, what the fuck?" Kim couldn't help interrupting, "now he's getting polite?"

"Stand up, Woody," Sal demanded.

Kim burst out laughing. "It looks to me like woody is already standing up."

Sal began to nibble and lick the head of Woody's woody. Then she slowly deepthroated him with one hand caressing his balls and the other hand playing with his bum. His knees began to buckle and he was very unsteady.

"OK, Woody, we better get you off your feet before you collapse." Sal relaxed on her back on the plush oriental rug on the floor.

"Woody," Sal continued, "kneel behind my head. Put your woody in my mouth. Kim, go get that thirteen inch double-dong Little Bob. I stuck it in my purse. Stick it in me while I'm doing Woody."

Woody eagerly did as he was told and so did Kim.

Kim began to lick and nibble the inside of Sal's thighs through the open crotch of her thighs while giving her a liberal application of Little Bob. Sal controlled Woody's woody with her hands and mouth such that he wouldn't cum, at least not until she had gotten off due to Kim's ministrations. Sal had a nice whimpering and moaning orgasm, not one of her yelling kind but not too bad. Kim then used Little Bob on herself as she watched Sal finish the job.

"Hurry up!" Kim yelled at Sal. "Spike doesn't look too well. I don't know how much more of this watching his dear old heart can take."

"OK, Woody, you heard her. Hurry up now, honey," Sal purred. "Now you can fuck my mouth hard. Go for it!"

Woody did what he was told. In about what seemed like a minute later he pulled his woody out of Sal's mouth and shot loads of cum all over her face and into her mouth which she kept wide open. He didn't make much noise which is true of most teenage dudes who are so used to secretly jerking off five times a day. Woody did have a cute look on his face, like a puppy dog who just got petted.

"Woody, did you like that?" Sal asked sardonically.

"Yes ma'am and thank you, ma'am," was all Woody could muster.

"Sal," Kim mused sarcastically, "if only your father the governor could see you now with cum all over your face."

Woody laughed and seemed rather proud of himself.

"What the fuck are you laughing at Woody?" Sal spat. "You are lucky I didn't bite that damn thing off like our Lilith does. How would you like to have to pee sitting down?"

"Hey, Spike!" Kim blurted, "somebody is knocking at the door again."

"Oh, shit, it's Woody's mother, the holy roller. Zip it up, Woody, quick!"

"Hello, Ethel," Spike greeted as he let her in. "This is Sal and Kim. They are our first customers, sort of an advance sale."

Sal sat on a chair, zipped up her vest and crossed her legs so Ethel couldn’t see what the chaps were not covering. Kim quickly slipped on her overalls.

"Woody," Ethel scolded, "get home right now. Your calculus tutor will be arriving in a few minutes. That's all I wanted. Woody, what’s that stuff on your pants, mayonnaise? You are so sloppy." Woody ran out and his mother followed.

Just as the mother and son were leaving, Caitlin was arriving in a cloud of dust similar to the one she stirred up when she left hours ago.

"Where the hell have you been, Caitlin?" Kim demanded.

Caitlin ignored the question and instead asked one of her own. "What's been going on here? I see you two got into some riding clothes. Sal, you might want to put something on underneath those chaps. You are gonna get butt burn."

"What's been going on here, Caitlin," Kim explained, "is that Sal here just gave Spike's grandson, Woody, the dude that just ran out with his mama, one incredible blowjob."

"Yeah, right, Kim," Caitlin replied while rolling her eyes, "you are just trying to get me back for that pizza and blowjob story I told you guys. Let's get the show on the road. It's time for some riding lessons."

"Caitlin," Kim persisted, "I asked you where you were. Now spill your guts. And I’m not jiving you, Sal just sucked off Spike’s grandson Woody."

"Oh, really? And did she pretend she was ‘the Yellow Rose of Texas’ and he was Santa Anna I wonder? You are such a bullshitter, Kim."

"OK, don’t believe me, Caitlin, but where the hell were you?"

"I went to the fucking library, what did you think?"

"Ya know, Caitlin, you really talk like a doctor of philosophy or whatever it is you are."

"OK, OK, I went to the gas station just two blocks away, on the corner. I like to show a little leg when I’m cruising. Just adds to the fun. I also like to ride topless on occasion and I don’t mean without a helmet. Not that I want to cause accidents or anything so I pick my spots. My favorite scene is pulling up to a gas station and pumping my gas topless. Then I walk up to the door, stare at the ‘No Shirt – No Shoes – No Service’ sign, whip on my top and go in and pay. That’s exactly what I just did at that gas station down the street."


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