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Prince of Darkness vs Prom Queen 06


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Laci was happy for him but Donovan was almost jumping up and down with excitement, certain every angel in heaven was singing for joy. He was prepared to lead the choir himself. Hallelujah!!

Trent couldn't wait to introduce Laci to Sara. It was as if he needed her stamp of approval which Laci gave whole heartedly. So did Donovan.

Sara was perfect for Trent. She was a cute, vivacious redhead who calmed Trent's perpetually frazzled nerves and catered to his ego. Even better, she was a wardrobe stylist so she understood Hollywood and it's workings plus she could take over the task of answering Trent's wardrobe questions. And hopefully all his other telephone related needs. The sooner the better.

It was all going so well. Trent was blissfully in love and chatting on his phone with Sara. He still called Laci with updates on his life and relationship but the number of calls had been drastically reduced. Donovan was going to Texas for one of his training sessions so now he could finally make some long and uninterrupted calls to his own wife and talk about things he liked talking about. Shoe-gasms perhaps?

And then it wasn't going so well. Sara dumped Trent, and Trent and his dramatically broken heart were in mourning, calling Laci even more than in the pre-Sara days. GRRR!!!

It was time for a deep breath.

Yes, Donovan was jealous. Really jealous. He had to admit that to himself.

Donovan also had to admit Laci loved him with every bit of her heart and had no interest in Trent going further than friendship. He knew that and he trusted Laci. He had learned his lesson about jumping to conclusions where Laci and Trent were concerned and he wasn't going to do that again. She knew what was important and she never put Trent and his needy telephone calls ahead of Donovan or Matthew.

Of course, Donovan also recalled an interesting conversation with Trent that included Trent's desire to sweep Laci off her feet. GRRRRRRR!!!!

Every time Donovan traveled for business, whether it was business business or Dominant business, he called Laci as frequently as possible. He missed her when they were apart and he knew she missed him. The worst thing about traveling and being away from home was not being with Laci and Matthew.

This trip was no exception. He had called Laci shortly after arriving in Texas only to discover good old Trent, actor and weasel, had wandered into town just about the same time Donovan had wandered out. Even worse, he was staying in the guesthouse sticking band-aids on his broken heart and, undoubtedly, singing sad songs about love and loss.

So what had brought Trent to town this time? Was it just for mending purposes? And why had he timed his arrival to coincide with Donovan's departure? Was it mere coincidence or some dastardly plot to get to Laci when she was vulnerable and alone, perhaps missing her husband, willing to be extra sympathetic to a helpless weasel, perhaps willing to ask a couple of questions? GRRRR!!

Maybe Donovan was overreaching a little. For one thing, Trent Nichols didn't seem like the brightest bulb on a Hollywood marquee. Donovan wasn't sure Trent would actually be capable of coinciding coincidences or plotting dastardly plots without following a script and having a director to direct his every move.

And Laci wasn't exactly vulnerable. Between her talents with a whip and her self-defense capabilities, Trent really wouldn't stand a chance if he tried to make an unwanted move. If there was one thing Donovan was certain of, it was that Laci could take care of herself.

He wasn't quite sure why he overreacted except, when Laci was involved, Donovan tended to set world records in overreaction. Throwing Trent 'the weasel' Nichols into the mix just made things worse.

Donovan and his wife had been having a late night, fun and flirty chat over the computer in Donovan's home office when broken-hearted Trent suddenly burst in, distraught because he had been trying to reach Sara and she wasn't returning his calls. Boo-Hoo.

Patience was never one of Donovan's strongest traits and his weeks of begrudging tolerance gave way as he exploded in a tirade about a very selfish Trent interrupting his own time with Laci, Trent's shallow, self-absorbed concern about himself and inferring that Sara was the smart one for avoiding his calls. Donovan realized a moment too late that his inference was also an implication that perhaps Laci wasn't so smart for taking the weasel's overly dramatic and panicked calls and listening to his many sad tales and woebegone sob stories.

Even over the computer screen, Donovan could see Laci's eyes narrowing, her usual rays of beaming sunshine growing dim. She took a moment to calm Trent, telling him she'd talk to him shortly then sent him in search of a weasel snack to calm his shattered nerves. Turning back to Donovan, she scolded him for his insensitivity and lack of empathy for poor Trent who was just lonely. Donovan wasn't at all sorry for his outburst but he should have guessed what her reaction would be. Laci understood loss and loneliness better than almost anyone.

He also was surprised to see her so angry. Laci never got angry. Annoyed, but not angry. Well, except maybe for that time she left him tied to the bed when she went off to California with TRENT. And that time she moved out of their bedroom after Donovan had overreacted after misunderstanding a conversation between Laci and TRENT. There seemed to be a pattern forming. TRENT. GRRRRR!!!!

The last few calls between Laci and Donovan were tense, definitely not fun or flirty. The slaves and submissives under Master Donovan's command could do nothing to please him.

Now he was on his way home and again he had to ask himself: What the hell was going on this time? And what was he going to do about it? Was weasel extermination legal in Georgia? GRRRRRR!!!!!

Chapter 3 In the Beginning

Victor was waiting when Donovan stepped off the plane in Georgia. He anticipated Victor's presence but he had kind of been hoping Laci would be there to meet him.

Actually he had really been hoping she would be there to meet him, drive him to a secluded location, have her way with him in the car, tell him how much she missed him and that he was 100% right to yell at Trent, that she would only talk to Trent once a year from now on and then have her way with him again. Hell. It was his dream and if he was going to dream, it might as be worth dreaming about.

Laci, however, was nowhere to be seen. He had to wonder what she was doing, why she was doing it and who she was doing it with. Laci had a unicorn, a dog-moose and a husband. Why did she need a weasel? What was so damned fascinating about weasels?

In truth, Donovan just couldn't make himself feel especially sorry for yelling at Trent. Perhaps he could have been a little more understanding but Trent Nichols had been a huge pain in Donovan's ass for quite some time and that pain was only exacerbated with his recent breakup from Sara and his demands on Laci's time and good hearted desire to help. Surely Laci saw that and would agree.

Yeah. Right. Agree.

Because of her own past, Laci understood what being alone felt like. Of course she would feel sorry for Trent but shouldn't she also feel a little sorry for Donovan, as well. He had been pretty damned tolerant of Trent and Laci's on-going, years long telephone affair. Didn't he deserve a little sympathy?

Maybe he could talk to Trent, man to man or, lunatic-head-over-heels-in-love-moderately-jealous-husband to obsessively-annoying-slightly-insane-broken-hearted-actor-weasel.

He could explain that Trent was taking up a huge amount of Laci's time and while Laci was a good friend, she was also a devoted wife and mom who worked and needed her rest. Certainly Trent would understand if Donovan explained it like that. He could use small words and easy to comprehend terms, just leaving out the part about Laci needing to rest up for a shoe-gasm marathon with her husband.

Donovan also had to wonder why Sara dumped Trent. She wasn't as beautiful as Laci but she was very attractive, had a winning and bubbly personality and she really seemed to care about weasels.

Maybe Sara hadn't been happy with Trent's on-going relationship with Laci. Donovan might even be able to help the situation by suggesting that fewer phone calls and less contact with Laci might help win back Sara's affections. Donovan had become pretty good at being romantic, so maybe he could give Trent a few pointers on the subject. If he was really lucky he might even be able to reunite Trent and Sara and then Laci would have no reason to consider him insensitive ever again.

At least until the next time he was. One bridge at a time.

The drive from the airport wasn't long but Victor was being uncharacteristically quiet. Donovan wasn't sure if that was reason to be concerned since pretty much everything about Victor was uncharacteristic. Only one way to find out. "How's everything going at the house?" Donovan asked. "Did you tell Laci I was coming back earlier than I originally planned when I called you this morning?"

"So, how was the weather in Texas?" Victor asked.

Donovan grimaced, not sure if Victor's question in response to his own question was a bad sign. There was always the unlikely possibility Victor was just playing meteorologist. Wouldn't be the first time. "The weather was fine. Did you tell Laci I was coming back early?"

"Bring anything back for the kids? They love it when you travel and bring back gifts."

"Yes, Victor, as a matter of fact, I did. I found some ranch play sets for them. They have little horses and cowboys, little corrals. They love going to the ranch with Laci, so I'm sure you, Matthew and Jeremy will all enjoy playing with them. Do I have to caution the boys about making sure you don't swallow the small pieces? I wouldn't want to have to explain to Marian why I had to rush you to the emergency room for swallowing a horse. Does Laci know I'm coming back early?"

"How'd the training go? Tough session?"

"No tougher than usual." Patience still wasn't one of Donovan's stronger personality traits, unless he was dealing with his son. Then he had all the patience in the world. The small amount he had at the moment was rapidly wearing thin. "Why aren't you answering my question about my wife? I've asked three times. Is there a magic number, only you know, for the number of times I have to ask before I get a response? Did you tell Laci I was coming back early?"

"You up for the number game? We can play that. Not a long ride back to the house but number game is always good. Makes the time just fly by. Start the game and before you know it you're where you need to be and never notice how long you were in the car. Number game is great. "I'll start. Twenty-five."

"DAMN IT, VICTOR!! Why can't you just answer a simple question? What the hell is twenty-five? Is it the number of times I get to slug you for not answering? Did you tell Laci I was coming home?"

"Didn't talk to Laci. Seventy-seven."

"What the hell do you mean, you didn't talk to Laci? Why not? Don't tell me she's doing something with Trent Nichols. Why didn't you tell her?"

"Three hundred and nine."


"Guess I might as well tell you. You'll find out anyway. Marian left. She packed up Jeremy and she left early this morning."

"What the hell does that mean? What do you mean she left? She went to the store? She went on a business trip? Where did she go?"

"Things have been a little tense around here for the past couple of days. Trent has been driving Laci crazy so she's been mad at him. Things haven't been so great with you and Laci since you yelled at Trent so she's been mad at you. Then Trent annoyed Marian so she got mad at him. Then I told Laci she was wrong to be mad at you so Laci got mad at me. Then Marian said I should stay out of any disagreements between you and Laci so Marian got mad at me. Then Marian just took off and left."

Donovan was stunned. "Are you saying she left you? Victor, I don't know what to say. I know I always make comments about Marian leaving you but I never thought she would. That's not like Marian. She wouldn't just leave. It doesn't make any sense. She loves you. She'll be back." He sat running his finger through his hair. "Wait! You took my side? You actually stood up for me?"

"Look, Donovan, you're not always right, in fact, you're almost always not right, but this time, you were. Even Trent says you were right to yell at him. He agreed that he was taking advantage of Laci but the poor guy is a mess. He's crazy about Sara. He really thought she was crazy about him, too. He kinda flipped out a little when she dumped him. He's not so bad. You should try getting to know him. He's fun to talk to, especially with a bucket of wings and a few beers. He's got some great stories."

"At the moment, the last person I'm interested in is Trent Nichols. Marian has a business to run and you know how important her work is to her. She wouldn't just leave. Did you ask Laci where she went?

"Thirteen thousand."


"Didn't talk to Laci. Fifty-five."

Donovan could feel his head starting to ache. "Victor, over the years I have become accustomed to knowing when you are trying to tell me something without telling me anything. What aren't you telling me? And why aren't you telling it? I want to hear all of it Victor. Every bit. Just tell me everything, right now. What the hell is going on?"

"Laci left, too."


"Maybe this is why you never hear what I'm telling you when I'm not saying it. You should have your hearing checked. I think you're starting to go deaf. Should make an appointment to see a hearing specialist. And all this time I thought you were just ignoring me. Hey, if you go to a hearing specialist do you say you're seeing the specialist or hearing the specialist? Always wondered about that."

"Victor, you have no idea how much self-restraint I am calling on at the moment to prevent me from putting my hands around your throat and squeezing. Did you ever wonder what would happen if I did that because I have. Many times. What do you mean Laci left, too? Could you please just start at the very beginning and tell me everything?"

"I guess. Well, in the beginning heaven and earth were created. At least that's what Genesis says, so now we're back to number one because that's the beginning. Never took you for the religious type. You want the story or the number game?"


"No sense of humor, Donovan. You have no sense of humor."

"I hired you, didn't I? And I keep you employed. That's pretty amusing all things considered. What the hell is going on? How many times do I have to ask and don't you dare utter a number or that's how many times I will run you over with this car when I throw you out of it!"

Victor sighed. "Okay. Here's the story. Laci was getting really sick of listening to Trent whining so she yelled at him.

"She did?"

"Yeah. She said he should start acting like a grown-up and go talk to Sara instead of talking about Sara to Laci."

"She did?"

"Yeah. So Trent pouted for a while but then he decided Laci was right and he tried to call Sara. But Sara wasn't answering his calls, and that's when he came running into the office and interrupted your call."

"Victor, as fascinating as Trent's love life might be, I want to know where my wife is. Can you give me the brief version?"

"Laci left with Marian. That's the brief version."

The headache was just getting worse. He took a very tense and deep breath. "Okay. Let's go back to the expanded version."

"That night, after she got off the phone with you, Laci really yelled at Trent. Don't think I've ever seen her so mad. Good thing she likes you considering how mad you make her. Anyway, she told Trent to grow up fast because she didn't need or want another child. Poor guy was a wreck. He thought he'd lost his girlfriend and his best friend."

"When does the part come about her leaving? Can you tell me that?"

"After Laci yelled at him, Trent came over to my place looking for sympathy but when Marian heard what happened she yelled at him. She told him to start acting like an adult and Jeremy and Matthew act more mature than he does. I took him out for some wings and even that didn't make him feel better. His girlfriend dumped him, then his best friend in the whole world got mad at him. And Trent really looks up to you because of all the nice things Laci says about you and even you were mad at him."

"Laci says nice things about me?"

Victor gave him a strange look. "Uh...yeah. She kinda likes you, in case you hadn't noticed."

"Is there a resolution to this never ending story?" Donovan asked, sounding weary.

"Well, I'm not really sure. Laci finally decided to call Sara. She said she didn't want to interfere but Trent was getting to be unmanageable. She and Sara had a long talk. And Trent's pretty much been hiding from Laci and Marian because he's convinced they hate him. Then I told Laci you were right to be mad at Trent because he's taking advantage of her and he's stupid for not at least trying to work things out with Sara."

"What did Laci say?"

"She said she totally understood your feelings but you know how she is about people feeling lonely. She said Trent is a big dope and you're a hundred times the man he'll ever be and you should be setting a better example for him by being more sympathetic."

"Victor, as usual when I'm talking to you, my head is aching and I am completely confused. I am now the parent of Matthew, uncle of Jeremy, good example setter for my adopted son, Trent, and my wife left me even though she thinks I'm wonderful and a great guy. Is that about right?"

"I thought you didn't want the brief version. Wish you'd make up your mind."

Donovan sighed with defeat. "Could you please just get to the part about leaving me? Why did she leave?"

"This morning Marian was kinda annoyed at me for getting involved and said I shouldn't be interfering. Like I'd ever not interfere. I always interfere. I know everything that goes on between you and Laci. Well, not everything. That shoe thing has me a little confused, but I try not to ask too many questions. Gonna have to explain that to me one of these days."

"The point, Victor. Can you get to the point?"

"Sure. Marian put a few things for Jeremy in a bag. Then she put the bag in her car. A little while later, Laci also put a bag in Marian's car. Then Marian buckled Jeremy and Matthew in their car seats and said she wasn't sure when they'd be back and to enjoy the quiet while I could. Meanwhile Laci put Virgil in the back with the kids and she and Marian got in the car and left."

"Go on."

"That's it. They put the bags and the kids and Virgil in the car and they left."

Donovan was sure his head was going to explode. "Do you think they went to the ranch?"


"Why do you not think that?"

"Laci always takes carrots for her horse and I didn't see her put any in the car."

"What time did they leave?"

"About an hour before you called. After I heard from you I called Laci but she didn't answer so I left a message. Told her you were coming back a couple of days earlier than expected."

"So now, our wives, children and a stuffed unicorn have left and we don't know where they are, where they might be going, when they will be back, or even if they will be back. Is that right?"

"Nope. I mean, yep. Well, not exactly."

"What exactly?"

"They took the other Virgil. Virgil is still at the house. And it gets worse."

"My wife took my son and left me. Your wife took your son and left you. I'm stuck with a beady-eyed, hateful, stuffed unicorn. What's worse?"

"We're also stuck with Trent."

"Great. Just great."

In another car, Laci reached for the drink Marian was handing her. "Kids are still sound asleep. Victor just left a message on my phone. Donovan is coming home today. I wasn't expecting him until the end of the week."

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