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Prison Woes Pt. 01

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White boy gets sent to prison.
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It was a fine day, a new chapter of my life was beginning. I recently was arrested for a DUI and was set for prison the next week. I was nervous and scared, I had never done anything bad in my life and was worried how prison would treat me for two grueling years. I was pretty fit with a nice round bubble butt. Definitely someone you would consider eye candy. I only recently knew I was gay. I had only had sex with on guy before this all happened. There wasn't much to me, and that's why I was so worried about prison.

I knew what they did in there to boys like me. I just turned 22. I was young, healthy, and very athletic. All the girls wanted me, but what they didnt know is I really wanted to be with another guy. I knew prison could be a hard place for those who didn't truly know who they were, and that's what scared me so much.

I sat outside the prison intake desk. The lady penning my intake form could care less who sat in front of her. My mother's arms draped over me, her head lightly sobbing on my shoulder. I think it hurt more for her than it would ever for me. I was always her little boy.

The lady finally completed my form. This was the last time I was going to be free. I turned and hugged my mother and then followed the officer through the door into the prison compound. I turned around one last time as the door shut. It felt like my soul was on the other side of the door. The officer roughly grabbed my wrists and pulled me along down the hallway as he was cuffing me.

We got to the processing room. The officer told me to sit still on the chair while we got the fingerprinting machine set up. He returned and pulled me up to the machine and took my fingerprints. He kept starting me down as I was the lowest scum on the planet. I didn't know how to react. I knew I did something wrong, I just didnt understand why everything thought I was this major criminal.

"They are going to love playing with you white boy," the officer said. My stunned look back made him laugh as he knew this was my first time.

He next led me further into processing and into a back room with nothing but a shower and a drain. He turned around and slammed the door behind me.

"We like to take it upon ourselves to make sure all the new faggots get nice and open for when the inmates rape your ass in there over and over until you are nothing but a fuck toy to them," the officer snickered as he pushed me into the shower.

"Strip!" he said loudly as I started to take my shirt off. My stomach chilled as my shirt left my body. I started to take my pants off when the officer stopped me.

"Hold on, I have to go grab something before you strip down all the way. Sit on the fucking floor with your head down or you will pay the consequences." The officer turned around and walked back out the door. I sat down waiting for his inevitable return. I was scared, I never thought an officer would treat me like this. I was fearful of getting in there with the other inmates, more fearful of what he went to get.

I sat down with my head in my lap when I heard the door open. I looked up to see the officer walking in with two chairs, some rope, a bag, and another officer. Both officers were chiseled head to toe and had skin tight uniforms on showing their bulging muscles. I felt highly inadequate as my small muscles looked shriveled compared to theirs.

The first officer sat both chairs down. Both of them sat down and stared at me menacingly. The second officer told me to strip the rest of the way.

"We would love to have a show," he said giving me a wink. I slowly started pulling my pants off and taking them to the floor.

"Come on faggot, hurry up with the rest," the first officer murmured as he pulled a gag out of the bag. I quickly pulled my underwear down and kicked off the rest of my clothes. I was standing completely nude before these two officers. The first officer began running his cock through his pants. The second officer stood up and grabbed the gag from the first officer. He walked over and spun me around. I felt the cold plastic shove into my mouth. There was a small cock on the ball that reached to the back of my throat, nearly gagging me.

"Bend over bitch, let's get this part over with," said the second officer as he thrusted me downward. I felt a long finger enter my asshole and start to move around.

"Cough, faggot," he said as I obeyed. I coughed and felt him start to thrust two fingers in. He started fucking me with his two fingers, faster and faster. Three fingers were then inserted as i cried out in pain. After I screamed he took his other hand and smacked my ass, knocking me over.

The first officer, who had just been observing and rubbing his cock, got up and came around to where I lay face down on the cement floor. He pulled my hair back and lifted up my head. I winced in pain as he dug his boot the side of my head.

"Come over here man, let's get him tied up. We only have about an hour before the warden returns," the first officer said to the second officer. The second officer came up and unlocked my cuffs. I felt a long thin rope snake up my back. He pulled my arms behind me and wrapped them tightly, much more tight than the handcuffs were.

The first officer took his boot off my face and knelt down beside me.

"I'm going to take this gag out of your faggot mouth and you wont scream. There wont be any space left in your mouth to scream once my dick is lodged down that throat." My eyes widened in fear. I have never had a cock down my throat, let alone in my mouth. The second officer began pulling me across the cement floor and pulled my ass high in the air. The first officer moved the chairs together and they laid me across the chairs. My head dangled over one edge while my ass was present for the rest of the world to see on the other edge. I felt exposed, cold, and scared of what was about to come next.

The first officer came around to my face and lifted me up by my short hair until my neck was strained. I saw him pull his pants down to his knees as his large cock fell out of captivity. He pressed his cock onto my lips, but I couldn't budge. I was too nervous to open my lips. I felt a slap across my face that stung my cheek.

"Open your mouth or the pain is going to be much worse," he growled as I felt the second officer move up behind me. The first officer took both his hands and slid his thumbs between my teeth so mu mouth was pried open. He took his large cock and placed it gently on my tongue. He started moving it back and forth, getting closer to the back of my throat with every stroke. Without a second left, he shoved the cock into my throat and pressed his body on my face. I stayed there breathless as I gagged shockingly from the pressure in my throat. I kept choking but he didnt budge. He held me there for what felt like hours. He finally pulled his cock out of my throat when my lips started to turn purple.

"Better get used to that faggot, that's what you are going to be doing the rest of your life." I shoved his cock back into my throat and thrusted over and over. Tears streaked my face as I felt damaged and scarred.

While being thrusted heavily by the first officer, the second officer was rubbing his finger along my tight hole. He took some lubes and started inching his massive finger into me. He thrusted back and forth, and then started with two, then three. He pulled his fingers out and smacked my ass hard. I felt him stand right behind me and pull my hips closer to him. He took his cock and thrusted into my ass. I lurched forward as the head of his cock pierced me inside. A loud gurgle came from my throat as I was now being fucked at both ends. Both officers pumped harder and harder. They pumped so hard thr chair started to buckle underneath me. Both officers started to moan, and then it turned into howling screams. The first officer pulled my head in tight and soon later I felt a drizzle of warm cum shoot to the back of my throat. load after load he came in my mouth and held his cock to the back of my throat so I couldn't leave any evidence behind. The second officer pulled me in tight and grabbed my shoulders to get as deep as possible. I started feeling a warmth inside as he came inside my ass. Both officers pulled their cocks out of me. The second officer, seeing the chairs buckling, kicked one of the legs out and I came crashing to the ground.

"You are a useless faggot cunt, I hope they make you sleep in the fucking toilet," the first officer said. Sweat dripped down his rock hard body.

Both officers got dressed and tossed me into the shower. The cold water, as much it stung, felt good on my broken body. They dried me up and through me into am orange jumpsuit.

The led me down the hall. At the end, a wall of bars lay before me.

"They are going to fucking love you faggot. I dont think it will be more than an hour before they take you back into the cell and fuck you until you pass the fuck out. I told you, you better get used to this because this is your new life," said the second officer and the bars in front of me opened. They both tossed me inside and I fell to the floor. As I turned to look up, several oversized men had appeared around me.

A man with a scar above his eye spoke, "Looks like we got ourselves a new plaything boys. We are going to dine well tonight." As he finished his last word he hissed and showed his teeth at me. A feeling of dread fell over me.

"Looky here boys, he is even branded for our pleasure," said another heavily tattooed inmate, " looks like we dont even have to be careful with this one." A shiver shot through my spine as I turned to see the doors close. I felt an arm reach over me and begin to pull me back into the cells.

"You can be roomies with me bitch, I could use another mouth to feed," a muscular black man said as he turned around and winked. I felt my life leave my body. I was scared, and had no idea for just how much worse it was going to get.

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tvsally693tvsally693over 2 years ago

ooooooooo OMG. This is so, so true. In prison most white boys are turned out to suck and get fucked. I was turned out too by superior Black studs and learned to enjoy it often. Actually, had Jungle Fever after only one month. Had to turn tricks daily.

brandybottombrandybottomover 2 years ago

Ignore that last comment, fuck that dude -what a dick. Great story, thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Go back to school

Words have correct meanings and spellings. You don’t know them. Go back to school. Or at the very least find a proofreader that has a brain.

NexttimeroundNexttimeroundover 5 years ago
Not funny

Joanna Mariner's research showed that the white male in US prisons is the most raped person on the planet. This could be taken right out of one of her case histories. She did the research for the United Nations Rapewatch sub-committee, so got the information from US prisons, inmates and inspectors and did her best to get the authorities to do something about it. Here of course the complete ruination of these white guys' lives is good ol' jerk-off material. So much for white entitlement. And here also on this site the black male moves from criminal and homosexual rapist into every white girls' dream -- as per a significant percentage of stories.

NexttimeroundNexttimeroundover 5 years ago
Not funny

Joanna Mariner's research showed that white males in US prisons are the most raped people on earth. She did the research for the United Nations Rapewatch sub-committee. So much for white privilege.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Rousing good start. More please.

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