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Proclivities - Pt. 05: Boardwalk Stroll

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A Boardwalk Stroll Leads to Bolder Exhibitionism.
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Proclivities Part 5: A Boardwalk Stroll

I took another swallow of water and followed him into the shower, and he turned on the second one.

As I ducked my face under one, his slick soapy hands caressed my shoulders. I moaned softly. Guiding me to stand between the sprays, George slowly and lovingly washed me from head to toe. It was sensual, but not sexual, more like adoring my flesh. Even as he reached my breasts, pussy and ass, it was soothing and offered an appropriate contrast to the intensity of surrendering my ass. How did he always seem to know what the moment required?

I could do nothing but duplicate his kindness. Taking the soap, I languidly lathered his body, following his ritual, savoring the details of his muscles, his tight ass and his wonderful cock. With some reluctance I rinsed all traces of soap from his skin.

No sooner had I finished, than he pulled me to him, kissed me softly, his tongue just lightly caressing mine as the water cascaded over us. Oh god, it this what love really is? Not the wild, passionate encounters we'd shared -- don't get me wrong those were incredible -- but the sweet moments shared in the joy of just being together? I was falling and falling hard, but sensed that he was as well.

As we lingered, the water began to run cold, giving us both the shivers.

"I guess that means it's time to dry off," he said gently lifting my chin to look into the brown-green eyes.

"I guess so," I replied, pouting a little.

"Yeah, that was lovely. Maybe I should get one of those tanklesss water heaters so we don't run out."

"Could be dangerous. We'd end up like a couple of prunes."

"But what a way to go," he said with a grin, opening the door and leading me by the hand. Then, another surprise, as he took up only one towel and dried me with the same devotion as he had washing me.

As he took another towel for himself, he paused and said, "I don't know about you, but I'm starving."

I didn't answer promptly as I was fascinated by our naked reflections in the vanity mirror and how comfortable I was with the standing naked beside him, so contrary to my timidity on Friday. But his words did reach my stomach, quickly confirming its agreement.

"Me too."

"We've got a couple of choices. I could forage in the fridge and maybe rustle up some omelets or we could go out. The storm seems to have passed. Rita's Seafood Shack is about a mile from here. Not much to look at but the food is great. Although, that means we'll have to get dressed."

"Hmm. Let's go out. Just one problem, I didn't bring anything to wear for that."

"Just wear what you did last night. I'm rather fond of that outfit, and I imagine I always will be," he replied with a sly wink, bringing a smile to my face.

"That should work," I said.

Once he exited, I quickly brushed out my hair, went to the bedroom and sat on the bed. Oh! There was no mistaking I'd been fucked in the ass. I wouldn't call it pain, but there was the lingering sensation that something dramatic had happened, leaving an indelible impression, so to speak. Obviously, life would be different from now on, but for the better I admitted.

Contemplating my good fortune once again left me with that unmistakable feeling of living in a dream. Had I really found someone who filled both my physical and emotional needs so completely? And, speaking of the physical, how had he become so 'worldly?' I mean, most would call him kinky. I certainly would have, but now? Well, if we are, we are. And it's "we" now, isn't it? So where is that wonderful man?

A couple minutes later, he finally appeared, his robe loosely gathered around him with my outfit in hand, which he laid out on the bed beside me.

"Sorry it took so long. You left your clothes in my car last night, if you remember."

"Of course I do. How could I forget?" I patted the bed on my other side and said "Can we talk for a minute?"

"Of course. Always and as long as you need," he replied, joining me.

"Well, I'm not quite sure how to ask, but, how did you become so, umm, experienced?"

"You sure you want to know?"

"Absolutely. I don't want any surprises later, and I'm not going anywhere."

"And I don't want you to...Okay then. As you know, I have a pretty active imagination."

"No shit! Tell me something I don't know."

"So, I've tried to act on it, with varying degrees of success, but I presume you really want to know about anal sex, right?"

"That obvious, huh?"

"Kind of, yeah. Anyway, before today, I'd only done it a couple of times and tried with a few more. Some refused, so you know how that worked out..."

"They went home, I presume."

"Yes," he said meekly.

"What if I had refused?" I asked.

"I would have accepted it."


"Really...but I'm glad you didn't."

"Me too," I cooed, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Besides, don't you think we're kind of past go big or go home?"

"With the going home part sure, but with you, it will always be big!" I countered with a grin and a blush that surprised me. At least I still could.

"I hope that's not a complaint!"

"Certainly not, and I don't want to go home."

"I don't want that either, but don't think for a minute that we'll stop...what did you say, exploring the supernatural?"

"If we did, then I just might go home."

"Challenge accepted."

I wrapped my arms around him and gave a quick squeeze

"Did I ever tell you how much I enjoy just talking with you and how it attracted me?" I asked.

"No, but do tell!"

"Well, when we met on Friday, there was no denying the physical attraction, but what really got me is we had a great conversation that revealed your inner self. You've got intelligence, not just the book smart kind, but wit, charm and empathy. To me, that's as sexy as it gets."

"Wow! Thanks and I'm flattered, but conversation is a two way street and you hold up your end really well, you grandiloquent naughty bitch!"

"You do have a way with words, you charming stud!" I replied, adoring the mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

"So you like being involved with a cunning linguist?"

We both fell back on the bed laughing heartily. God, I found a man who could make me laugh so... captivating, yielding a soul satisfying comfort.

"So, anyway," I said once we'd recovered as we lay side by side, "Circling back...and the others?"

"Oh, we're back to butt sex? And what is the question?" he teased.

"Yes, and thanks for putting it so...sucsphincterly...so other, umm, participants?"

Grinning at my malapropism, he replied, "I suppose the best description is they tolerated it, but looking back, they were the gold diggers I mentioned on Friday. No one has ever embraced it with your... enthusiasm."

"Not even Kyung?"

"As you also know, that went sideways, and we never had the chance."

"That's all so surprising!"

"Why's that?"

"Based on what happened earlier, I would have expected, I don't know...more."

"Actually, I must confess that I'm not as experienced as you might think," he said. "I'm just more open with my desires, at least over the past few years. Prior to that, I was too timid to act on them."

"You? Timid?" I asked, nonplussed.

"Believe me, I was," he replied, then struggled with his words. "Remember what I told you earlier about my social development? I was kind of go along to get along, so I think that also played a part in my romantic disasters, leaving them short of fulfillment. That's when I chose a new track, but that still had its limited success."

"So your ultimatum on Friday wasn't as ironclad as you implied," I said, inwardly pleased that he was not as 'worldly' as I'd thought.

"Could be," he said with a slight blush.

"So you got me under false pretenses," I said, but delighted with his reaction and wondering where my protest would lead.

"I suppose so, although I'd prefer to call it more of an experiment," he replied defensively.

"So I'm a lab rat?" I replied.

"No," he countered, as I enjoyed making him squirm for a change. "I was testing myself."


"Absolutely. After all the failures, a new approach was warranted. And until I met you, it wasn't boding all that well either. Then, everything fell into place. You bring out, dare I say, the best in me? Or maybe I should say, beast?"

"My vote is for both!" I cackled, unable to maintain my façade. He leaned on top of me, tickling my ribs, making me squirm and increasing my hilarity.

"Oh, you naughty girl! You really had me going there."

"Please stop!" I managed to say.

He did, adding, "That's a first!"

"And I hope the last."

"Indeed. Now let's get dressed. That is, if I've answered all your questions."

"You have. And then some."


"Most definitely," I confirmed. "And I mean that in a very good way. Looks like I created a monster too!"

"So, you didn't mind being part of my experiment?"

"It would have upset me if I'd known that on Friday, but then I also wouldn't have followed through either. So it did provide the push for me to complete the romance novel I'd outlined in my head, just much more vividly. So of course I don't mind. Like you said, everything did fall into place."

"That a relief," he said.

"But, it was really cute the way you admitted being less than you seemed."


"Yes," I replied. "But in an endearing way. A little more human, if you know what I mean."

"I think so, but does that mean you want me to change?"

"Not on your life, mister. I just understand you a lot more now," I reassured, my fondness for him growing.

He stood. Pulling me to my feet, he gave me a hug and a deep, firm kiss.

"Enough dawdling," he teased, "If you have any more questions, you can ask me over dinner."

It didn't take long to get dressed; after all, I wasn't wearing much. George donned jeans and a red polo, then grabbed a black hoodie from his closet and pulled the navy one from my bag.

"I'm thinking we might take a stroll on the boardwalk after dinner and it could be chilly down by the ocean," he explained, his casual confidence restored.

"That sounds lovely," I replied, grinning, mostly because he didn't know how much I liked walking along the beach, yet another affirmation of our compatibility...

"Alright, then. Let's go."

George tossed the hoodies on the back seat as we settled into his car and drove away, the memories of our previous trip pleasantly playing in my mind and I doubted he'd ever drive us anywhere without that memory, nor that I'd never do it again. And soon. My god, the things he's awakened in me!

"So," he said, snapping me out of my reverie, "Do you like crab cakes?"

"Oh yeah!" I confirmed enthusiastically as my stomach growled in agreement.

"Great. Rita's does some killer crab cakes. I know that's what I'm having!"

"That makes two of us," I agreed as he pulled into the Rita's parking lot.

He was right. It wasn't fancy. Not by a long shot. Situated at the water's edge of the bay, there was a small masonry building with a couple of service windows on one side facing a deck covered by a corrugated roof, somewhat shielding the eight rickety wooden picnic tables from the elements. One of them was occupied by a family with two teenaged boys. On the other hand, the view overlooking the water more than compensated for the minimal décor.

George took my hand as we walked up to the service window and were greeted by a skinny, small breasted, twentyish girl with long blonde hair tied in a ponytail, dressed in a black tee shirt, emblazoned with Rita's Crab Shack in white and jeans shorts. Her eyes lit up upon seeing him.

"George," she said delightedly, while giving me the once over, "we haven't seen you for a while. Where've you been?"

"Hi, Mary. I've been traveling a bit lately, and I sure have missed your crab cakes. This is my friend Linda," he replied.

"Hi, Linda. Nice to meet you," she said flatly, while I perceived a hint of jealousy. "So what can I get you?"

"A couple of crab cake sandwiches," replied George, then turned to me. "Any tartar or cocktail sauce? Or maybe a wedge of lemon?"

"Just lemon for me," I advised. "I can't stand tartar sauce, or anything with mayo, for that matter."

"Now that's something I didn't know about you. Okay, Mary, one with lemon and one with tartar sauce."

"You got it," Mary confirmed. "Anything to drink?"

"Water for me," said George as I nodded my agreement. "Make it two waters."

"Okay, two cakes and two waters," Mary replied. After placing the bottles on the counter, she added, "Just have a seat wherever. I'll let you know when the food's ready."

George paid Mary and we sat at a table at the far end, both facing the expanse of the bay. When we passed the family, the mother glared at me as if I'd irreparably corrupted her boys. The earlier storms having passed, and, as is their wont, left a cloudless sky and still waters, sparkling in the later afternoon sun, while a gentle breeze greeted us.

After taking a swallow of water, I said, "The weather certainly improved and a great view too, but what's with Mary?"

He paused with the bottle a few inches from his face and turned to me. "What do you mean?"

"She's got a crush on you and isn't too fond of me either. You mean you didn't notice?"

"Guilty on both counts. I can be obtuse at times. I've been coming here for about three years now. Mary is Rita's daughter and I've known her the whole time. I just thought she was being pleasant. Besides, she has to be at least ten years younger than I. You're not jealous are you?"

"Hardly. Just an observation, but something I'll have to get used to."

"Used to what?"

"Women with the hots for you."

"I suppose...but don't you think I'll face a similar situation?"

"Oh, come on!" I protested.

"What! You mean you didn't notice the looks you got last night?"

"I did, but that was the disapproval of quite a few women."

"Just to set the record straight, I got plenty of 'you lucky bastard' looks from guys. I thought you knew!"

"I just thought they were looking at my boobs!"

"Oh they were, but that was just the beginning."

"If you say so."

"I do, and you shouldn't be so modest. You're a knockout!"

"You might be biased," I teased, but inwardly gushed at the compliment and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

"I hope I'm not interrupting." We both were startled by Mary's sudden appearance, bearing our food, a paper plate in each hand, her voice dripping with envy.

"Not at all," he replied. "We're just a couple of lovebirds enjoying the weather and the view. Thanks. You didn't need to bring it. I'd have come to the window."

Although I was delighted by his reply, I could see she was crestfallen, but quickly righted herself, setting the plates before us. "No problem. We're not that busy and it gets hot in there."

As Mary, departed, I squeezed some lemon on the sandwich and took a bite

"Oh my god! These are delicious!" I exclaimed.

George finished his first bite and said, "Yup, Nothing but lump crab, minimal filling. I'm not sure how they get them to stay together."

With both of us ravenous, we didn't speak any more until we'd finished.

"Seems we worked up an appetite," George concluded as the last morsel disappeared, bringing a smile to my face.

"It's all your fault, you know."

"Really? I recall you being quite zealous."

"Oh, I'm not denying that, but if I hadn't met you, I'd never have become a zealot."

"In that case," he replied, "It's been my pleasure converting you."

I laughed briefly at his comment, but I could also feel a slight blush in my cheeks. You'd think after all that had transpired, I'd be past that; at least modesty hadn't totally deserted me.

"So," he continued, "You ready for our walk?"

"Absolutely," I replied, as I piled our plates and napkins. "Let me get those."


As I stood, I noticed that the temperature had dropped a bit and the breeze picked up. My nipples teasingly tightened. Plates in hand, I walked over to the exit where the trash bins were also located. With George at my side, we stopped for a moment at the service counter.

"Delicious as always, Jane," he remarked.

"Thanks for stopping in," she replied.

"They were absolutely delicious," I added, slightly modifying my posture to emphasize my breasts, summoning a brief, envious look from her. 'That's right, Jane,' I thought with decided malice and satisfaction, 'he's going to play with these tonight.'

I disposed of the plates as we exited and hopped into his car.

As he put the key into the ignition, George turned to me and said, "You are wicked."

"Whatever do you mean?" I replied, feigning innocence.

"Don't think I missed your little jab at Jane, sticking your tits out and rubbing salt in the wound!"

"Can't a girl have a little fun?"

"Of course you can. The look on her face was priceless," he replied with a devilish smile.

As he started the car and backed out, he said, "Changing subjects, besides mayo, do you have any other food phobias I should know about?"

"Hmm, let me think about that. First, I'm not totally opposed to mayo. Like for tuna salad, but just enough to hold it together. And, I don't like cheese on my burgers."

"Okay, that's certainly not a deal breaker," he teased.

"Organ meats."

"No problem there. Me either. As long as you don't mean my organ."

"No chance of that!" I replied with a laugh. "I was referring to liver and any other awful offal."

"I know what you meant, but can't a guy have little fun?"

"Touché. Oh, and cheese on fish. Blech!"

"Got to agree with you on that one. Seems we're also very compatible when it comes to food. Speaking of food, I've got a party coming up in a couple of weeks and I hope you'll host it with me...if you're comfortable with that."

"I'd love to, but what are the hostess's responsibilities?"

"I've been having this party for several years now. It's on Saturday the eighteenth. I'll be taking Friday off to cook, primarily to smoke the main course -- a brisket, a pork shoulder and some chicken, plus...

"Well that explains something that puzzled me that I just remembered."

"Which is?"

"When we were on the patio Friday night, I wondered why you had two grills. I guess one of them is a smoker." I said the memory still vivid.

"Well, aren't you observant one!"

"That was before you stripped me naked, after that, my powers of observation declined rapidly."

"So did mine," he replied. "Except for ogling the sexy lady on my patio. I'll never forget that view. It's kind of burnt into my brain."

"You're so sweet. So anyway, what would I do?"

"There are also plenty of sides to prepare. You know the usual. Potato salad, cole slaw, mac and cheese. Plus various sauces. You could help with those."

"Sounds fun. But that's all?"

"Well, there is that special sauce that I only make for you," he assured with a smile.

"In that case, count me in! So, who will be there?"

"Some friends of mine from college plus people from work. The ones I like, anyway."

"You know, you're going to piss off Betty again," I added.

"And your point is?"

"Just an inkling, but with people from work attending, aren't you concerned it might be a shock for them. You know, us?"

"So be it. I'm not worried, are you?"

"I am. It certainly will be an abrupt revelation."

"They're bound to find out anyway, and I'm not about to skulk around with you. I respect you too much to go down that road."

"That's such a lovely thought, thanks," I gushed. "And your friends?"

"They're my friends, so I'm sure you'll like them...and their wives."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Obviously, they're a lot like me, full of innuendo and false bravado. But underneath, they're good guys and their wives recognize them as diamonds in the rough."

"Including you, Mr. Modesty. And false bravado, how appropriate! After all, if I'd listened to Betty, I'd never have gotten to know the sweetheart lurking behind a sex maniac." I said gleefully.

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