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Proclivities - Pt. 07: It's Love

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Love is in the air and his cock is in my ass.
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Proclivities Part 7: My Love is in the Open

I nervously pulled up to George's house and parked. Much to my relief, he bounded out the door and down the steps to my car. His big smile was so reassuring. He opened my door, helped me out, hugged me tightly and kissed me. Exactly what I needed.

"So," he said now that he had me all wobbly, "you need a hand?"

"I sure do. I couldn't lift a feather after that kiss."

"What can I say? I really missed you."

"Me too. My suitcase is on the back seat."

"Got it," he said, as he took it out of the car and I grabbed my purse. Putting his free arm around me, he led me inside.

Setting it down, he said, "I'm so glad you're here. I know it was rash of me to ask, but right now, I'm ecstatic."

"So am I, but, first of all, what's for dinner? It smells wonderful."

"Thanks. Spaghetti with basil pesto and a salad. That okay?"

"You bet. I'm sure it will be delicious. And second, could you take the suitcase upstairs? I need to change."

"Okay, but you don't have to."

"I most certainly do. Ground rules and all. I agreed to them and I'm not about to start breaking promises. Besides, I like the rules."

"In that case, my pleasure," he said as he picked up the suitcase and I followed him upstairs. Once in the bedroom, I immediately appreciated that he'd tidied up since the morning. He laid my suitcase on the bed, then led me to his big walk in closet.

"I made some space so you'd have somewhere to keep your clothes," he continued as he indicated some open space with empty hangers along the closet rod, two big unoccupied shelves, then opened some equally empty drawers.

"How thoughtful!" I gushed.

"I could hardly have you living out of a suitcase like some itinerant."

"I still appreciate it. Now get downstairs and get cooking so I can change and put my things away, if that's okay with you."

"Absolutely," he replied and gave me a quick kiss before departing, "but don't take too long. Dinner will be ready in ten."

I quickly opened the suitcase. There was a method to my packing. The deeper, bottom side had my work clothes and shoes -- no way I could move in without them, especially those black pumps that he'd insisted I wear on Friday The top had my 'George clothes' -- not much to them, three skirts and various tee shirts and camisoles. I went with a dark denim skirt and a snug, lightweight, pink camisole, remaining barefoot. Once changed, it was easy to stow the remaining contents in the closet. George had cleared much more space than I needed, but then again, I hadn't brought my entire wardrobe. A quick trip to the bath to check my appearance. A few brush strokes to neaten up my hair and, yup, my nipples were appropriately prominent. Perfect.

When I joined him in the kitchen, he was standing at the stove feeding spaghetti into a large pot of boiling water.

"Ta-da!" I said, spreading my arms in my attempt at a grand entrance as I stood at the end of the breakfast bar.

"I have to admit, that's a definite improvement," he replied as he turned towards me and eyed me up and down. "But, not to be rude, have a seat while I finish cooking. Nothing worse than overcooked pasta."

As I sat, I observed how carefully he'd arranged things. Set for two obviously, white cloth napkins, silverware, wine glasses, individual salads above each setting with a couple of candles burning beyond them. It definitely made me feel special.

"You didn't need to go through so much trouble," I said, indicating the bar.

"No trouble at all. Besides, you're more than worth it."

I intently watched him finish preparing dinner. I was fascinated. So effortless. In just a minute or so, he'd pulled and drained the pasta, added it to a sauté pan, then the pesto, combined it all and, upon adding a drizzle of olive oil, set steaming plates on the bar, the delightful aroma filling the room. After pulling the wine from the fridge, he poured the two glasses and sat beside me.

Raising his glass, he said, "Here's to you."

I returned the toast, "No. To us."

His eyes softened and looked deeply into mine as we each took a sip.

"Buon' appetito," he said as he lowered his glass and picked up his fork.

"Oh! This is yummy," I said after my first bite, the peppery basil and tangy parmesan cheese a delicious combination, with the pignoli adding texture. The pasta had just the right chew.

We ate and drank at a leisurely pace. Suddenly, I had a divine revelation. We didn't have to hurry any more.

"So, how was your chat with Judy?" he asked.

"It ran the gamut. As expected, Judy being Judy, she wanted the salacious details, but she was also concerned, a bit confrontational, but in the end, highly supportive."

"Interesting. So what did you tell her?"

"For the lascivious, basically everything," I advised, but emphatically added, "Except posting on the internet. That has to remain between us."

"Indeed. I trust that satisfied her curiosity."

"I believe so, but because she knows me so well, I'd say she was shocked at what we did. As to her personally, it was kind of been there, done that, got the tee shirt."

"Can't say that surprises me."

"Me either."

"So what else?" he asked.

"As you can imagine, she was upset this morning when I told her I was moving in with you. I mean, that is what we're doing, right?"

"That's my intention."

"She was very concerned that I was acting hastily. Impetuously. Perhaps out of lust. So I told her about all of the other things you do. Listen to me. Talk to me. Solicit my opinion and take my feelings into account. Like instinctively knowing I'd love going to the Mallards game. But the clincher was when I told her all you did this morning to set things straight at work."

"Well, there was no way I was going to let that be a problem," he replied reassuringly.

"I know, but Judy thought it was proof that I was making a good decision, and that you really cared about me. Her biggest concern shifted to wondering when she'd see me again."

"I'd never prevent you from seeing her. Friends are friends and you've got to hold on to them."

"I know, so there's another thing. I invited Judy and her boyfriend, Bob, to our party on the eighteenth."

"Good idea. I want you to bring your life with you, not leave it behind."

"So I didn't overstep my bounds?"

"Not in the least. Like you said, it's our party. I did ask you to co-host after all. We're in this together."

"Speaking of together, there is one more thing Judy and I discussed, but...

"But what?"

"Damn it! I was hoping I would do this more smoothly, that I'd find the right moment, but it can't wait."

"Look, if you have something important to say, just say it. Don't wait for a moment that might never come. Why do you think I've babbled so often?"

"That you have," I said with a nervous laugh.


"I love you."

"And I love you. That wasn't so hard, was it?" he said, standing and pulling to my feet, hugging me tightly.

Naturally, the tears started flowing immediately. No surprise there. But at least now he knew what to expect as he gently lifted my chin to look into his eyes.

"You're smiling, right?" he comforted, taking his napkin to dry my tears, reminiscent of Saturday morning, and yet, dramatically different.

"That I am. But, I do have more to say."

"I'm all ears" he replied as we sat down, facing each other, holding both hands together at our knees..

"And that's one of the things I love about you," I cooed and, then taking a page from his book, I added, "Well, that and your big cock." Yup, some levity always helped ease my nerves and loosen my lips, especially since it summoned a quick laugh from George.

"Bear with me," I continued, "this may not come out quite right, but Judy asked me if it had been love at first sight. It might not have been exactly at first sight, but I did feel an immediate attraction as soon as I laid eyes on you. By the time I left Saturday morning, there was no turning back. You were making plans for us, but always made sure I was in agreement. My only concern was if it was all real. I remember telling Judy after I got home that it all had a fairy tale quality about it. Indeed, it was a torrid weekend, but throughout it all, you had a way of making me feel...gosh, there are too many appropriate descriptions. Important, special, secure, desired and desirable. Being with you was...fun! It was like I was living in a dream and I was afraid I'd wake up."

For once, George seemed at a loss for words, he just kept looking at me, full of delighted wonder.

"Say something, damn it!" I softly pleaded.

"Sorry," he croaked, then cleared his throat. "You're so precious, and I mean that in its truest sense of the word. Trust me, I know what you mean. I was afraid I might be taking things too fast. But each step of the way, you welcomed and supported me. I feel so comfortable when you're with me, totally accepting my unvarnished self."

"Especially Friday night! And not just in the physical sense, although there was a wonderful dose of that. You opened up to me and bared you soul. It was all so endearing."

"So despite our fears, here we are."

"Indeed we are," I replied as I stood, "but I don't know how much more mushy talk I can take!"

Taking his face in my hands, I pulled his to mine and kissed him. It was my turn to seek his tongue aggressively, giving free reign to my emotions.

Reluctantly, I finally released him and said, "I think that about sums it up."

"I'll say! Just let me clean up from dinner."

"Can I give you a hand?"

"Thanks, but I've got this. There's not much to do," he said as he cleared the plates and loaded them into the dishwasher. "So, other than your epiphany with Judy, how did the rest of your day go?"

"Damn! For some reason I totally forgot that I followed your advice and posted a few pictures. I never had a chance to see the results."

"I'll forgive you," he replied with that wonderful evil grin he possessed while quickly drying his hands. "You've had a lot on your mind. Why not take a look?"

He picked up his tablet that was lying at the far end of the bar, started a browser and slid it over to me.

"Okay, but I'll wait til you finish. I want to do it together."

"Thanks. Why not poke around and see if anything sparks you interest."

"Sure," I confirmed.

While he washed the pots and pans, I knew exactly where I wanted to look, and quickly enough found some bondage threads. As before, the breast binding piqued my interest as I imagined my throbbing tits bound with rope, just like in the pictures, with my hard nipples aching for attention. At some point in time I'd have to make my hidden desire known, but not tonight.

"Okay, all done," he announced as he washed his hands, drying them on some paper towels and tossing them into the trash can under the sink. I quickly navigated away from the bondage to the listing with my post from this afternoon.

"Find anything interesting?" he asked as he sat next to me and placed a quick kiss on my cheek.

"That's for me to know and you to find out."

"Not even a hint?"

"Of course not. How would I maintain my air of mystery?"

"Challenge accepted," he announced joyfully. "Now, let's see what you were up to...SmoothnNaughty."

I opened the posting and despite there being only four relatively tame images; the responses were mostly centered on how delighted they were with my return along with requests and pleas for more. Being remembered was thrilling, but the comments had petered out around six.

"You certainly are a crowd pleaser," he praised.

"And rightfully so." I added. A little playful boasting seemed in order. "Should I continue posting here or start a new one?"

"A new one, same title, part two."

I was pleasantly surprised when George stood behind me, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Okay, but where are the pictures?" I asked once I had clicked 'Add Photo.'

"In the photos folder, under boardwalk. I copied them to my tablet before I sent them to you."

"Well now where were we?" I said more to my self than George. "Right, here we are. I posted the photo with my hoodie open completely, my breasts and erect nipples fully exposed, adding the comment 'I hope this is what you were waiting for.' Even with the blur you could still tell that I was smiling for the camera.

As I waited for the responses, George pulled my hair back, whispering in my ear that I was a hot bitch, followed by soft kisses on my neck, sending a thrill down my spine.

The comments started flowing. The raves and requests for more were compelling, nearly as much as his kisses.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who thinks your have beautiful tits." he said as I posted thanks for their compliments, followed by three shots from standing at the railing, slowly raising my skirt to expose my ass.

"So beautiful. Such a lovely ass." he cooed as his arms circled around to cup a breast in each hand.

I moaned, pushing my chest out as he whispered, "Keep posting."

"You're distracting me," I protested without conviction, "but don't stop!"

I progressed to the shots of me sitting on the bench, displaying my pussy in progressively more graphic shots, which coupled with the comments and his caresses, had me on fire.

"Oh my god, I need to cum!" I blurted out.

"Not yet, naughty one," he replied softly, but in a deep and devilish tone. "Not until you have my permission. You're wet aren't you?"

I nodded and whimpered, "Yes."

"Good girl." His softer tone had returned and I offered no resistance as he pulled my top off and discarded it on the floor. "Time to post the last ones from the car."

I did so, but it was divinely frustrating to type and click with the distraction of his fingers pinching and pulling my nipples, making my pussy cry out for attention.

"Thank everyone for their kind and generous comments, but tell them it was time to go home."

With a bit of disappointment, I did so, but then asked hopefully, "Can we fuck now?"

"Not yet, naughty one. You still need to check your email. I know how much you liked their adulation the last time, and it would be rude to ignore them."

"You're right, but I don't know how long I can hold out."

"In that case..." he replied and ceased his caresses. "You'll have to control yourself."

"No, please don't stop," I pleaded as I finally realized he would continue teasing me while I...what? Dealt with my internet 'fifteen minutes of fame?' My attitude suddenly changed from desperation to anticipation, appreciating his boundless imagination. As I opened my mailbox, his taunting of my breasts resumed and his chin returned to its perch on my shoulder.

"Holy crap!" I exclaimed, "Some of these go back to the first posting!"

"What? You thought the world would stop admiring your beauty as soon as you logged out?"

"No, I suppose not. I just hadn't given it much thought, but it's definitely kind of cool."

"Very cool," he whispered as his lips slowly traced my neck. "But very hot too."

Judging by the dates, there were ten older ones and another twenty from today.

"Hmmm," he said, "definitely some repeat offenders in there."

I sorted by sender and indeed there were quite a few who'd sent more than one.

As I read each one, there was no denying their effects. It was intoxicating to read how attractive and sexy I was and how much they wanted to lick me and fuck me, to say nothing of the fact of how much my body affirmed the similar desires.

"You like getting them hot and bothered, don't you?"

"Yes, but you like it too."

"Indeed I do, my naughty bitch."

I saved the ones with attachments for last, as they were my favorite. At least most of them. The plain cock pics were just that, plain. But when they included me in the background, it was electrifying, with the best being videos of them cumming over me, the sexual power feeding my ego.

"Huh, what's this?" I pondered, from a woman it seemed, SuziDD.

"Holy crap! It's from the couple we saw last night!" I exclaimed as I read on

There were too many details to be otherwise. Apparently they lived on Ocean Avenue, right at the beach and posted at this site under her email moniker. Opening the attachments confirmed everything. There was a dressed selfie of them together on their front porch overlooking the ocean, plus a couple of 'anonymous' ones of her - double D was certainly accurate as was George's prognostication about her smooth pussy. Her name was Susan and her husband's Tom. She said they had also found my bikini pics and that Tom thought I had a fabulous body. She agreed. They both found actually "knowing" a couple who shared pictures on the web a big turn on and hoped that their contacting us was not presumptuous. Perhaps we could meet up for drinks or dinner sometime.

"I'll be damned!" said George. "I mean, I was just taking a guess. I never expected this."

"To put it mildly," I confirmed. "Should we reply to them?"

"At the very least we should acknowledge their message."

"Of course, but what about the other stuff!"

"I'm not sure. What do you think?"

"It might be fun meeting a couple who share our...proclivities, but..."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. It could be really awkward. How about we'll consider it, but would like to get to know them better via email first, with the understanding that you and I are monogamous. I don't want them getting the wrong impression."

"I hadn't considered that, but I'm glad you did," I replied, inwardly gushing at his statement.

"But, damn, she's got some big tits."

"To say the least," I said and then added somewhat self-consciously, "You like them?"

"Sure, they're impressive, but they're obviously implants."

"Really? How can you tell?"

"Easy. Don't they look overinflated and her nipples a bit out of place?"

"On a second look, I see what you mean."

"They not perfect like yours."


"Absolutely. How could you doubt it?" he confirmed by squeezing my breasts tightly, summoning a deep moan.

"That's more like it, you charmer. So how do we find their posts?"

"There should be a search function..." he replied as he poked around the site. "Here we are...DebbieDD...just this one."

"They've got a swimming pool. I wonder what the neighbors think!" I exclaimed as I examined the shots of her floating, totally naked, the water conveniently obscuring her face.

"Well, I'd guess the husbands love it and the wives hate it, but you never know."

"Kind of like our experience at the Mallards game."


I composed a reply as we had discussed, with a little assistance from George and divulging our first names as well as approximately where we lived. I was ready to send it, but asked, "Should we add a selfie of us, like they did?"

"Capital idea." he replied. "Come with me," he added as he picked up the tablet and guided us to stand in front of the fireplace.

"But I'm topless!" I protested.

"Don't worry; I think I can get the shot just to hint at it."

After a few attempts, he got it right. I sent the reply and we resumed our positions at the breakfast bar.

"Well, that was unexpected," I stated.

"Sure was, but kind of cool too. We'll have to see how it goes, but take it slowly. Now, let's get back to answering the others."

"Sounds good."

As I was about to reply to the first video, George said, "You really like it when they cum on you, don't you?"

"No hiding that, huh? It makes me feel special and...I'm not sure it's the exact description, but an undeniable sense of power. "

"You should and nothing wrong with it either. So don't you think they deserve a special reply?"

"Seems appropriate, but...what to you have in mind?"

"A reply in kind," he said as he took out his cell phone. "You know a pic of you checking out their vids."

"Oh, that sounds wonderfully naughty," I replied, warming to the idea. "But how?"


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