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Proclivities - Pt. 11: My Parents

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George Meets My Folks, But I'm Surprised by Mom.
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Proclivities Part XI: He Meets my Folks

Author's note: If you've read all of the preceding installments, you have my undying thanks. If not, you may be confused by some of the references to earlier. I have tried to make this chapter stand on its own, but some references can't be avoided. In any case, please leave a comment, good or bad. It's how I learn,

I was awake, if you want to call it that. My eyes refused to accept the notion, and though closed, the daylight still penetrated. Also, no mistaking the warmth from George's body reclining beside me, only the top sheet covering us. He stirred.

No more sleep for me! Flat on my back. Eyes opening slowly. Those soft greens brown eyes dreamily focused upon me, always a welcome sight; his head propped in his hand as lay on his side.

"Good morning, my love," he said, one hand tenderly pushing aside wayward strands of hair from my face.

"Good morning," I croaked, and swallowed, my throat dry.

"Sleep well?"

"Like a rock," I replied, my voice returning. "What time is it?"

"A little after nine. We've been out for ten hours, give or take."

"And you're not up yet?" I asked, surprised. Every other morning I'd awoken alone. Initially, it had been hard to accept, but taking the sum of things, I wasn't going to bitch about it.

"Well, after yesterday, I thought it best you didn't wake up alone."

Oh fuck! Yesterday. My sailing lesson, my mishap by the mast, piloting the boat topless, and then...the Rizzo brothers - bastards! George fending them off. Chuck making things right. Coming full circle with hasty, frenetic sex.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"Everything just came flooding back. My god, what a day! But I'll be okay." I rolled to face him, draping my arm around his chest pulling myself closer. "And thanks for staying."

"Truth be told, I didn't want to be alone either."

"Coward!" I teased as I propped up on my elbows. "I don't suppose there's any coffee?"

"No, not yet."

I made a pouty face that quickly soured.

"What's the matter? I'll make the coffee, promise."

"Not that. Cum doesn't age well. Yuck!"

"I imagine not," he replied, licking his lips and mimicking my expression. "Tell you what. We'll both freshen up and make coffee together."

"Do I get breakfast too? I'm famished."

"You bet. I could eat a horse."

Faces scrubbed and minty fresh, we sat at the breakfast bar, wearing our robes. Naturally, I had donned my 'Naughty' one. The coffeemaker gurgled, its enticing aroma filled my nostrils.

Wordlessly waiting, neither of us in a mood to speak without a proper dose of caffeine. Or maybe we were unsure where to start a conversation. At last, it was delivered. Hot, strong and sweet.

"Let's go sit in the gazebo," George suggested and soon we were seated together, my gaze fixed on the steaming mug. Thoughts ricocheted in my head.

"The coffees good, but it can't be that fascinating. What's on your mind?" he asked.

"A squillion things. I wouldn't know where to start."

"Just say the first thing that comes to mind."

"Okay..." I began, trying to pluck one thought, "You said you gave Chuck a quick summary. Did you mention them - you know, the Rizzo brothers - looking at me in the bedroom window?"

"I couldn't exactly leave that out."

"I suppose not. Then what happened later wouldn't make sense, as much as you can make sense of it. Did you tell him it was accidentally on purpose?"

"Of course not. That's our secret."

"Thanks. I'd hate for Chuck to think...I precipitated the whole thing," I replied sadly, remorse taunting me.

"You didn't. But maybe we should be more surreptitious in the future. Yesterday was scary and I did promise not to put you in danger."

"For sure, and you did protect me, but, yeah, once was more than enough."

"That it was..." George said, taking his phone from his robe pocket.

"What are you doing?"

"I just realized I should text Chuck. You know, thank him again and let him know we're good."

"Yeah, that would be appropriate."

Upon sending the message, George set his phone on the table. Momentarily, it dinged, interrupting his next sip of coffee.

"That was quick," he said. "He's playing golf and wants to call when he finishes his round. Like eleven. That okay?"

"That works. Should give us time for breakfast."

"That it does," he replied, putting his phone down upon completing the response.

"So, how about some cheesy scrambled eggs and toast?" he offered.


"Okay. You can relax and finish your coffee. I'll take care of it."

"Thanks. I'd better get my phone. I can't remember if we ever set a time to be at my parents."

"Yeah, that would be a good thing to know."

Sitting in the gazebo, watching through the windows as George busied himself in the kitchen, I scrolled through my messages. Nope, nothing about the time. A quick exchange confirmed we should arrive around three. Easy enough, but, shit, I owe Judy a call. Am I up for that? How much could I tell her?

I wouldn't be much of a friend if I dismissed my promise, so I dialed. After a few rings, she answered.

"Good morning, Linda," she answered brightly.

"Hi Judy. My, you're perky this morning."

"What can I say? Bob wore me out last night. Slept like a baby and now that I've had my coffee, I'm ready for more."

"Then I'll let you go..."

"Not on your life, missy. You've kept we waiting too long to get the tawdry details on your love life," she teased.

I could picture the glint in her eyes. Calling her was the right decision.

"It's been a few days since we chatted. Yesterday doesn't really count," I said, remembering our call where Judy disclosed my mom calling her to vet George.

"And with the warp speed of your relationship, there should be volumes to tell. But, first, how did things go with your mom?"

"That depends on which time I spoke with her. The first time was highly confrontational. The second one was peace making."

"The first one sounds juicy, so let's hear it."

I related the conversation, and outside of a few 'no way's' and 'holy shit's,' Judy listened raptly.

"Damn! That must have set her hair on fire," Judy said excitedly as I finished.

"What can I say? She got me wound up. Given how things have gone lately, I wasn't going to back down...Hold on a sec," I said as George appeared with a tray laden with our breakfast - orange juice, eggs and toast. "George just brought in breakfast. You don't mind if I eat while we talk, do you?"

"Sure, rub it in, you bitch. But, hey, if your man's gonna bring you breakfast, far be it from me to stop you."

"Thanks. So after I hung up from my mom, we went sailing, and that certainly took her off my mind," I said, shoveling in some eggs, secretly enjoying Judy's ignorance, while George ate silently, thoroughly amused.

"So, what kind of mischief did you get up to on the boat?"

Since I couldn't go into how it ended, I gave her the rest in detail, from the initial lessons, to falling on my ass and piloting topless. By the time I'd finished, my plate was empty.

"Oh, that's all?" Judy asked, I couldn't tell if she was impressed or disappointed.

"On the boat, yea. Once we docked, I came inside and called my mom while George tidied up the boat."

"So how was the second call?"

"Strange, but in a good way. In a nutshell, she admitted that what I'd told her was shocking, but she had decided let it go. She admitted I'm a grown woman now and just wants me to be happy."

"Damn, Linda. That's almost more unbelievable that what you told her earlier. I didn't think she'd come around so fast, if at all."

"I know, but what choice did she have? My father knows zip about our conversation and we're going up there this afternoon when they'll meet George for the first time."

"Wow! That should be interesting. Oh, to be a fly on the wall."

"I'm sure it will fine. George can be very charming, you know."

"I'm sure he will be. It's you I'm worried about."

"Me? I'll be a refined and courteous lady," I jested.

"We both know that's not true." Judy said, adding a quick laugh.

"For a few hours, I can fake it."

"That's more like it."

"Sorry, Judy, but I've gotta go. Lots to do before we head out," I said, realizing that Chuck would be calling shortly.

"Oh, that's right! You did make that promise to your mom."


"You said it, not me."

"Touché. You take care of yourself, and we'll talk again soon. Oh, and don't forget about the eighteenth," I added, reminding her of the party George and I would be throwing.

"It's already on our calendar. Good luck this afternoon"

"Thanks. Bye."

"Bye, Linda."

"Well, that was fun," George said as soon as I disconnected.

"You heard all that?"

"For the most part," he replied, sheepishly grinning.

"Nothing you didn't already know."

"True, but do you think you can be a lady this afternoon?"

"I do. I'll bite my tongue should anything come up."

"I couldn't ask for more. I do want your parents to like me."

"Me too. So what do you say if I clean up breakfast. You did all the cooking."

"I'll give you a hand anyway. There's not much."

He was right. Everything went in the dishwasher, except the Teflon frypan and I made quick work of that. As I set it in the dishrack, George pressed up behind me, his hands slipping inside my robe and taking a breast in each hand. Planting soft kisses on my neck and pulling my robe open, his hands roamed freely between my boobs and pussy.

I sighed and leaned back against him, shuddering as his touch brought my nipples to life, my pussy yearning for more. Turning to face him, I pushed his robe open, pressing my flesh to his, a stiff cock pushing against my tummy.

He kissed me with the urgency I desired, his tongue forcefully entwining mine. Hands roaming, our pulses rising.

We both froze as his phone rang, its vibration against my thigh making me flinch

I whined as George left his lips pressed to mine and mumbled, "Should I get that?"

"I suppose you should," I replied as our lips disengaged.

"Yea, it's Chuck," he reported as he pulled the phone from his pocket and answered. "Hi, Chuck. Thanks for calling. How'd you hit 'em?"

I didn't catch the reply, but then George said, "I'm fine, but hold on. I'm going to put you on speaker."

"Okay...Hi Linda," came Chuck's voice. "How you holding up?"

"I'm good, thanks," I replied, hastily tying up my robe. I knew he couldn't see me, but I still felt better doing so. George winked and grinned.

"Excellent. I just wanted to be sure."

"I appreciate that," I replied. "And I just wanted to say again how much I, er...we wanted to thank you again for all you did yesterday."

"You're both welcome," said Chuck. "So now that you've had a chance to sleep on it, are there any more concerns?"

"Not from me," said George.

"Well..." I said, "as long as you asked, how did you get those guys to visit the Rizzo brothers so quickly?"

"They were on call. It was their turn for the holiday. Plus, I still have some pull from the old days."

"Fair enough, I suppose that also explains how you had that dirt on them," I said.

"A reasonable assumption, but there's no need to get down in the weeds on that stuff," Chuck advised, closing the door on that line of inquiry. "But if you've got the time, I've got an amusing tale on the Rizzo visit."

"Sure, we could use a laugh," replied George as he grinned and shrugged at me.

"I'll try to be brief," said Chuck. "So when Mutt and Jeff went to the Rizzo place, Tony's wife Annette answered the door. She advised that Tony had been in a boating accident and wasn't available. She's a skinny little thing and went white as a ghost after they showed her their ID's and told her that it was no boating accident. She showed them in and they met privately with Tony, whose face didn't look so good. He'll be sporting some well-deserved racoon eyes for a while. Anyway, they were sure she was listening in. Just as they left, she was reaming Tony a new one."

George and I both grinned broadly, and I chimed in, "Almost wish I could have seen it."

"Emphasis on almost," added George.

"Yeah, I hear you," said Chuck. "So, I'll let you go. Got any plans today?"

"Sure do..." I replied, giving George a conspiratorial grin, but just went with the basics, "I'm taking George to meet my parents."

"That'll be nice," Chuck responded. "Everybody loves George...except the Rizzo brothers."

I heard his guffaw as he rang off.

"That was worth answering," I stated, opening my robe once more. "But now, there's something I need you to do."

"Like keeping your promise to your mom, you naughty girl," George replied, pulling me to him, with both hands grasping my ass and kissing me deeply, as if the call from Chuck had never happened, and that was alright by me.

Without warning, he broke it off and swatted my ass.

"Get your ass upstairs bitch," he commanded, his tone demanding, but his expression playful.

George followed behind me as I rushed up the stairs and into the bedroom. Taking me by the hand he led me to the open closet, stopping in front of the full-length mirror, facing each other.

George shed his robe and placing his hands on my shoulders, slipped mine off, then pressed down on them.

"On your knees. Get my cock so wet it will slide right in your ass."

Oh! Another variation. Without hesitation, I dropped and took his hard cock in my mouth, sucking on the head. Damn, I loved the feel of the spongy nob against my lips and tongue, glancing at the mirror - his rod protruding from my mouth. How do I ever get all of that down my throat? Because I wanted it, needed it...all of it...and right now it belonged to me.

Working his cock deeper, I fucked him with my mouth, my hands on his hips, fingernails as talons, snagging my prey, imprisoning him in my throat. All the while glancing at my struggle with his shaft...and its surrender. Slowly withdrawing, gasping and taking it again. My spit rising, seeping from my lips, drowning my victim.

"Yes! You bitch," he seethed. "You need my cock in your ass, don't you?"

I receded, a tendril of saliva maintaining our connection, which I collected in my hand, slathering it back onto his straining cock. Rising slightly and my lips parting, more spit ran from my mouth, compounding the slickness in my hand. My eyes, wandering from the mirror and its intoxicating visage to his intense gaze, as my tongue slid along his length.

"You know I do," I replied, guttural with desire.

"And what do you want?" he snarled, seizing a handful of my hair.

"I want your cock in my ass!" I declared, more in surprise than pain that emphasized my desire.

I was momentarily confused as he stepped away and snatched several pillows from the bed, tossing them in front of the mirror.

"Just in case," he advised, retrieving the bottle of lube from the nightstand. "Now show me you're ready to give up your ass."

Not that I needed instruction, but this was intriguing. I knelt over the pile of pillows, facing the mirror, indulging in my reflection, leaning forward, my ass rising to greet him. I reached back, spreading my ass, while he got down behind me, his cock rigid and ready to take me. Damn, I loved how George intentionally brought my wanton vulnerability to the surface.

Despite my foreknowledge, the sudden pressure contorted my expression, my eyes widened, lips pursed. A sudden "Oh!" escaping as his cockhead invaded my rosebud.

"Mmm, so tight," he nearly whispered, ceasing his intrusion.

I said nothing. Looking up the mirror to his fixed gaze, I nodded.

Cautiously, he pressed forward, my face in deep concentration, my lips parting in a slow, deliberate exhale, relaxing to accept him.

"Oh, god," I elicited once his hips halted against me.

"Too much cock for your tight little ass?"

"Just enough," I sighed, finally accustomed to the violation, welcoming it.

"Ah," I yelped at a quick swat on my ass.

"And what do want?" he barked.

"I need you to fuck my ass."

Another rapid swat.

"Oh! Please fuck my ass!"

Knowing to start gently, he slowly withdrew, paused, and eased backed in.

I moaned and timed my breathing to his pace, exhaling with each insertion, reacting to the additional friction from using just spit...intense...excessively so.

"Honey," I interrupted, "could you add some lube, please?"

The cap snapped. A few cool drops encircled our union. Another snap.

"Mmm, so much better," I cooed as his cock readily slipped through my rosebud, working the tip in and out repeatedly, expanding me. No other contact, just his cock and my ass.

"Oh you can tell your mom how much you like me fucking your tight ass," he grinned as I looked up at him, initially shocked by his remark, then realized he was only taunting my sensibilities - delightfully so.

"I couldn't" I replied keeping up the banter, while he didn't skip a beat. "That would be a lie."

"'," deliberately plunging into me with each word.

"'" came my reply in the same manner. Leaning forward, I disengaged from him. Readjusting my grip, I spread my cheeks even further, turning my head, our eyes locked in passion, as cool air replaced his hot cock - gratifying confirmation of my indecent display.

"Damn, look at that naughty gaping ass."

"Then fuck me," I pleaded. "Fuck my naughty ass!"

"So you can tell your mom how much you love my greasy cock stretching your naughty ass?" he demanded with a slap to my ass.

"Yes!" I shot back as he teased my rose bud with tip of his cock, feeding my desire as his words echoed in my mind. "Damn it! I love your big cock stretching my ass!"

He abruptly rammed his cock in me, slowly withdrawing and reentering rapidly. Repeatedly.

"Take my cock, you naughty girl"

"Yes, fuck my ass! Make me your naughty...naughty...naughty...girl"

My climax was as stunning as it was unexpected. My hands jerked from my ass, my forearms bracing on the floor as I pushed back to meet him.

"Oh fuck! Yes!" I wailed, my entire being aquiver.

"Yeah, cum for me bitch!" he hissed as his hands grabbed my shoulders, leveraging his hips for maximum penetration. With one final thrust, he impaled me deeply, his cock throbbing and twitching, filling my ass with cum.

Hot, heavy breath whirled about my neck as he collapsed on top of me, sweat accumulating between us. Tacky skin adhering when our ragged breathing separated us in the aftermath of chaotic union.

As my head cleared, George removed the weight of his chest, supported by his arms, emphasizing the pressure of his hips.

"Hot damn! You really are something," he said as our eyes met in the mirror.

"Yeah...that's never happened before."

"What's never happened?"

"I never climaxed like that, you know...without touching myself," I confessed, looking away momentarily, my emotions caught between pride and self-consciousness at the revelation.

He moaned, replying, "First time for everything, but nothing to be embarrassed about."

His cock still pulsed within me. I contracted my cheeks to squeeze his cock - embracing my accomplishment, banishing any shame.

"I guess not, but it was, I don't know...different," I confessed. "I'm not sure how to describe it...more mental than physical. Not that it wasn't physical."

"You know what they say."

"No, what?" My eyes returned to his.

"The brain is the biggest sex organ," he replied, grinning once more, as his softening cock was expelled.

"You must have a really big brain."

"I do," he agreed with a quick snigger, rising slightly, sliding his tongue down my spine to the cleft of my ass.

I shivered from head to toe, giggling slightly, my nerves still sparking.

I turned my shoulders, looking at him directly. "Not to change the subject, but what time is it?"

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