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Professors Obsession

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White professor lusts after black student.
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Dr. Terry Ford was not looking forward to a new semester. He really didn't like all of the students who don't pay attention because they were required to take this class for general education requirements. It was 10:50 in the morning (almost lunch). Who chooses to take a class during lunch time anyways? Dr. Ford was waiting for students to arrive but they were taking too long so he decided to go use the bathroom.

On his way out of the bathroom he felt something small run into him and a quiet "Oh gosh I am so sorry" in a childlike tone.

He turned and gazed down. His breath caught in his throat looking down at a beautiful young lady with the most dreamy brown eyes meant for the bedroom. They were almond shaped with lashes girls would kill to have. Her hair was pulled into a messy bun with bangs falling into her eyes. But her eyes wasn't the thing to catch his attention, it was her beautiful milk chocolate colored skin.

Dr. Ford was snapped out of his hopefully inconspicuous gawking by the sweet voice asking " By any chance do you know where room 916 is?".

It took him a while to notice she was talking to him and since he didn't answer quick enough she apologized and walked in the wrong direction.

He finally found is voice and said "Are you trying to find Dr. Ford's Ancient Civilizations?"

"Yes" she sweetly replied.

"Well you can follow me because I am Dr. Ford and headed that way."

The mystery girl gave him the most beautiful smile ever, surely she got her teeth bleached every once in a while. They walked into class and the mystery girl grabbed a seat right in the front. All Dr. Ford could think was "maybe she chose that seat to be closer to me" "Stop keep your hopes down she is your student!".

After his inner battle he called roll and discovered that the mystery girl's name is Alyce Manor. Oh God what a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl. When he finished roll he wanted to see what the class knew so far so he asked questions. Alyce was the first to raise her hand and answer the questions. She had such an inviting voice that he got hard listening to her answer the questions correctly to a subject he loved so much. As class progressed he would catch himself sneaking glances at her.

Dr. Ford was cursing that the class was only an hour long, because students started to file out. Alyce was heading out the door when he saw the roundest, firmest looking ass he as ever seen being hugged by skinny jeans. He could have sworn he felt some drool leave his mouth.

He sighed after she left and thought "this is going to be a long semester".

*************2 weeks later******************

Today was the day of his students first quiz. Alyce came in a little earlier than everyone else. She took her jacket off how Dr Ford figured a model would while on the runway (yes he was an ANTM fan). He watched her study while others came in and began to chat. Her friend came in and the girls started talking about some guy.

Her friend said "seriously girl I heard he likes you and said you were hot!".

"Someone as sexy as him can't be interested in me I'm plain compared to his last girlfriend" Alyce said.

Dr. Ford could only think that anyone would be lucky to get her, that bastard wanted his girl. Wait no, not his girl she is only his student. He actually started feeling remnants of the green eyed monster creep up. Alyce didn't even know how sexy she really was. Knocked out of his envy he announced for them to put all their materials up and get ready for the quiz.

As soon as he passed out the quiz he saw Alyce's hands flying with the pen in her hand. She finished within scant minutes and gathered her stuff to leave.

She handed the quiz to him and he said to her "Wow you finished fast, why don't I grade it here."

"Um I guess, but I don't like being put on the spot" she said with a smile. He enjoyed her witty outburst and could do nothing but smile back at her.

He went over her quiz and to his amazement she aced it. So he looked up and whispered "Congratulations on your first A in the class".

She gave him one of those beaming smiles, thanked him and left. He gazed at her back with longing in his eyes and a straining cock in his pants. If he was only 20 years younger maybe he would have a chance. Oh and the minor fact that he was white didn't pass his mind either. It's not that he was bad looking, on the contrary he was very handsome. He was about 6'7 with short cut brown hair with salt pepper highlights. His face was clean shaven and he had piercing ice blue eyes. He was muscular under his shirt but he never wanted to show it off so he won't tempt his students...until now. He has never looked at a student the way he looks at Alyce. She just had something about her that drove him crazy with lust. Oh God the way she licked her lips and the ways her hips swayed when she walked. And when she blew bubbles with her gum and drew the air engored bubble in her mouth he could just cum watching it all. He could imagine it was her sucking his cock into her mouth. A tap on his shoulder brought him out of Alyce land.

"Bye Dr. Ford" Stacy said sexily as she left.

He didn't respond because although the tall dirty blonde girl with green eyes was the kind he usually went for isn't the one he wanted. He wanted the 5'1 petite mocha skined young woman. From what he heard Stacy was the campus slut anyways. Stacy was the last student so he headed out.

****************2 months later**********

She was spread out on his bed in all her naked glory. He drunk in the sight of her and leaned over to kiss her. His body engulfed her petite frame. He kissed her passionately and he was going crazy with her heady scent of what smelled like a citrus fruit. He tried to go slow but he couldn't help himself any longer so he shoved open her legs and devoured her cunt that was the sweetest he has ever tasted. Most girls and a hint of saltiness to them. She started to moan and writhe in his mouth holding his head closer. He could feel her clit engorge while she lifted her her ass off the bed in ecstasy....

A loud alarm woke him up out of his dream about Alyce. He looked down and he was tenting his covers with his dick. He blew out a breath and got up with his cock standing on his stomach as he walked. He got in the shower and had it on scalding but it just felt like Alyce's small warm hands all over his body. To relieve himself he grabbed his cock and started pumping it in his hand imagining it was Alyce's hot tight cunt. He exploded all over the wall with so much force his knees buckled. He switched the water to cold and it helped, but not much. He was glad today was the last day of class for spring break. He, his lady friend, and a couple of buddies were going to Key West. He hoped to get his mind off of Alyce by fucking the brains out of his lady friend.

He came to class a little late and the students were restless to get back their midterms. He decided to end class early because what's the point of holding class when no one really wanted to be there? As he called the students names they left one by one but he saved Alyce's exam for last.

She came up and he frowned asking her "What went wrong with this exam, you usually do very well."

"I have been having a hard time trying to remember all the dates and people. I try to come to your office hours but you are never there" she replied.

"I am sorry Ms Manor next time I will be there."

"It's ok, but now I won't be able to make it to your office hours because I got a job, but can we schedule a regular meeting time?"

"Of course we can but after the break so we can check our schedules."

"That would be awesome" she said with the biggest smile and a hint of a dimple on the left side of her mouth.

"Do you have any plans for spring break Ms. Manor?"

"Yes a couple of friends and I are going to Key West"

"It's a small world because that is where I am going, maybe we will run into each other" Dr. Ford said with a sly grin.

Alyce laughed and said "Maybe so. Well thanks Dr. Ford I will see you later." Before she left she looked over her shoulder and smiled.

Dr. Ford was giddy with joy that there was a chance that he will see her in her bathing suit. He wondered what she would wear, maybe a two piece. He could be so lucky.

*****************Key West*****************

"Terry oh my gosh you have to see what is going on outside. I swear I am going to have a heart attack!" Dr. Ford's friend John exclaimed while pulling him to the back deck.

He saw a dozen bikini clad girls playing volleyball and they were glistening with sweat. He took a survey and noticed the short black girl spiking over the net which is very impressive for her height. She was wearing a green and yellow striped bikini hugging her ass while it bounced when she ran. She had black hair that went down to the middle of her back which was adorned with a tattoo right down the middle of her spine. Before he knew what he was doing, him and his friend were walking towards the girls. They were taking a drink of water and he noticed that the girl in the yellow and green bikini was Alyce. She walked up to him and he got hard looking at her flawless skin with a dangling naval piercing and a tribal tattoo climbing up her side. Her geen ray ban Oakleys covered her eyes with her bangs topping them.

She pulled the glasses on top of her head and said in that cute voice of hers "I wondered when we were gonna run into each other Dr. Ford"

He doesn't know why but that phrase dripped with sex. His mouth dry he said "Ms Manor I.." he was cut off by her saying " we aren't in the classroom Dr. Ford, you can call me Alyce you know"

" Well Alyce, I didn't know you were going to be staying so close to me." He stated loving the sound of her name coming out his mouth.

"Yea we are staying in my parent's time share over there"

"I don't mean to change the subject but I really like your hair down"

Giggling she said " Thanks, most people think it's a weave but it's all me thanks to good genes!"

"Oh and what kind of genes would that be?"

"My dad is Dominican and my mother is Puerto Rican"

Oh boy that was an exotic mix right there. So he asked "Can you speak Spanish?"

She cocked her hip with her hand on it and said with perfect clarity "Por supuesto que puedo".

Damn that was sexy coming out her mouth! "I don't know what you said but it sounded like Spanish to me."

She laughed and took a sip of her water and licked her lips. His cock twitched and he figured he should retreat before she noticed so he said a quick good-bye and left.

Although his friend was 41 he sounded like a frat boy when he said "Dude, you got it bad!"

"What the hell are you talking about John?"

"You know what I mean, you lusting after that hot piece of ass."

"Man you're crazy, that's my student." he said trying to hide his lust with a shrug.

"Well my 'just students' never gave me that." John said motioning to his straining cock.

He could feel his cheeks redden hoping she didn't notice it too.

As if he heard his thoughts John said "I doubt she saw it she was too busy gawking at your pecs."

And he forgot he was shirtless, he forgot all about that. Shaking his head at his friend he went inside to grab his lady friend so he could fuck. She tried being sexy but that didn't make him hard in the least. Then he pictured Alyce in front of him and his cock shot straight up.

*************After spring break*************

It was after class and Alyce walked up to him saying "So are you ready?"

He looked up at her suspiciously, not trying to jump to conclusions.

She saw his confused reaction and she laughed "Are you ready to set our regular tutoring time?"

He was ready for something and tutoring wasn't it, well maybe some tutoring in sex ed. "Oh yeah I'm free anytime except at 9 pm."

"Oh your wife gave you a curfew" she said with a giggle.

" I'm not married. That's when criminal minds comes on and I can't miss another show"

"Oh my gosh! I freakin love criminal minds! We should totally watch it."

He smiled and said "I don't think the school is open that late but you can come over my house to study and I can give you quiz questions between the commercials"

"Sounds great Dr. Ford I'll be there at 7:30 because I will grab a bite to eat"

"I will make us some healthy snacks so you don't have to waste money, I know you're a college student and all"

"Ok but I loooove pineapples!" she said dragging out 'love'.

That got a laugh out of him while he replied "I will make sure pineapples are on the menu."

"Cool beans, see ya later Dr. Ford."

He quickly wrote down his address and phone number and gave it to her.

*****************6:45 pm******************

Dr. Ford ran like a chicken with his head cut off trying to make everything perfect for his study date. Study date? No not a study date, it's just a tutoring session with one of his students. Oh who was he kidding, it felt like a date to him. He took a shower and masturbated so he wouldn't go in with a loaded gun and changed out of the clothes he wore earlier and put on a white V-neck that showed off his muscles and a pair of stonewash jeans. He spritzed on some of his best cologne and brushed his teeth...twice! Why? he doesn't know. He prepared a fruit salad for her which was sitting in the fridge to stay cool and he also brought some champagne just in case she was a drinker. He cleaned his whole house which was unnecessary since they were only going to be in the living room. He looked at the clock and it said 7:29 already!


He heard his doorbell ring and a spark of excitement went through him. He opened the door and damn if she didn't look even more beautiful.

"My my you sure are punctual, most people have trouble finding my place."

He could tell she was raising a brow under those cute bangs of hers when she said "I used this new thing called GPS, it's ok if you don't know what it is." she said patting him on the arm jokingly.

"Cute, but I'm not that old I'm just 37 Alyce."

She smiled with a sparkle in her eyes and said "nice place, well the outside is."

Loving her quick wit and her pointing out that she wanted to come inside he said "After you".

She looked so sexy. She also changed her clothes into some tights, which clearly didn't show a panty line, and an off the shoulder purple shirt that looked great against her skin. She usually wore her hair in a bun but this time she had it spilling under her breasts and down her back. Her breasts weren't the biggest in the world but he didn't care because he wasn't much of a boob man he liked her ass. It was big enough to cup in his hand, but yet she had a tiny waist. He started to get hard again and dug his hand in his pocket to hide it as she walked into the entrance. He closed the door and led her to the living room where he had the snacks on the table in front of the couch. She dropped her bag on the floor and ran to the table, grabbed a fork and ate a pineapple. He didn't mind the running because it gave him a good view of her ass jiggle and when she bent down he cock twitced at the sight of that. He picked up her bag and tossed it over his shoulder and sat on the chair next to her.

With a dry throat he asked was she thirsty and she asked what he had, but no soda because she doesn't drink soda.

"Well let me go check to see what I got?" he responded.

He went to the fridge and under his arm popped Alyce.

"You are a quiet one aren't you Alyce?"

"I'm so sorry Dr. Ford, my mom says I'm too quiet. I should have warned you" she said bashfully.

"No it's ok, and you can call me Terry. Do you see anything you like?"

"I think I do" she said looking from him to the champagne bottle.

He smiled and jokingly scolded "Are you old enough to drink young lady?"

"Ugh Dr. Fo..I mean Terry I am 20 but I will 21 in May."

His name sounded so sexy on her tounge, she would taste sexy on his. "I was teasing you, of course I will pour you a glass. Why don't you go in there and get your notes ready."

"Alright Terry." and off she sashayed into the living room.

He poured the glasses and took them and the bottle to the living room to find Alyce eatig pineapples. He sat down next to her (a little too close but he wanted to smell her). She smelled better than he thought and he was dizzy with her inticing scent. She took a bite of pineapple and looked up at him. A drop of juice was dripping down her lip and she stuck out her tounge to lick it up. His jaw clenched and unclenched trying to remain in control but she took another bite and another drop came right in the middle of her lip. He couldn't take it anymore so he dipped his head to lick it off for her. That seemed to startle her and him. They just stared at each other. He quickly got up and headed somewhere, anywhere but here with this temptation.

He didn't get far when he felt her soft hand grab his. He pulled to a stop and looked down at her. She quietly said "Why did you stop?"

Surprised he just looked at her while she reached up to touch his face with her smooth fingers. He savored the feel and closed his eyes at the softness of her touch. Because of their extreme height difference he had to double over just to kiss her. The kiss started getting passionate and he felt her hot little tounge sneak into his mouth and he went over the edge. He grabbed her by the ass and picked her up, she wrapped her legs around his waist. At this point they were eye level to each other and kissed each other fiercely again. She was grinding on his growing cock and her core was nice and hot from what he could feel through his jeans. She was light as a feather. He carried her up to his room and gently laid her on the bed. He dwarfed her body when he laid on top of her supporting his weight on his arms. She really got into it and started humping him with her legs wrapped around him again.

Realizing where they were and what they were doing he stood up and said "Stop, we shouldn't be doing this"

She whimpered "Ok, I'm s-sorry Terry it's just I have had a crush on you since I first seen you. Maybe I should go. But if it makes any difference I really wanted you to be the one to take my virginity." She got off the bed and picked up a pillow. He could see her clevage as she bent down because her shirt was loose. He gave an animalistic growl and said "I don't care if you're my student, I want you now!"

He grabbed her and sat down with her on his lap. They kissed passionately some more with his hands kneading her ass. She broke away from the kiss and stood up. He was feeling bereft when she left his arms. But he instantly got happy when she pulled her top over her head and excrutiatingly slow took off her shoes and pants. He was greeted with a red bra that cupped her breasts and matching lace underwear. She smiled a sexy smile and turned around to give him the full effect. She walked over to him and put her hands under his shirt and pulled it over his head. The whole time he was thinking this girl cannot be a virgin. She proceeded to take off his pants and he had to lift his ass up to let them come all the way off. He was lost in her bedroom sexy brown eyes that he forgot to breathe. She had all his clothes off and she started stroking his cock.

She looked at him innocently and said "You might have to bear with me, I have never done this before and well you are quite big."

"It's ok sweet, you don't have to do this if you...oh God." She cut him off by taking him into her mouth. She licked his steady precum off his head and licked all the way down his 8 in' member. She was massaging his sack while she experimented.

"Oh God Alyce yes that sweet mouth of yours. Look at me, I want to look in those dreamy eyes as you suck me."

She gingerly looked up and he was in a trance. She bobbed her head and his eyes rolled to the back of his head and she laughed causing it to vibrate. He went wild and said "You're killing me doll, you have to stop or I won't last long"


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