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Prom Ch. 02: Descent

Story Info
Trouble continues as Rachel is talked into more.
12.9k words

Part 2 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/08/2015
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Authors Note: "The Rachel Chronicles" is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel's head.

Further, the stories are written in an intended order and it is highly recommended that you read them as such. Obviously, you are free to proceed as you please and I'm grateful that you would read any of them at all. But you will get a much fuller and more rewarding picture if you follow the stories in their natural order.

One final note before I frustrate you to the point of wishing you'd never clicked here. These tales are my first attempt at story writing of any kind. I welcome all comments, suggestions, and criticism but understand that I am very sensitive, and if you're too harsh, I will delete everything from this site and never try to be creative again.

I'm kidding.


*All characters in this story are 18 years or older*

PREVIOUS --- Chapter 1: Old Habits


Rachel turned towards the sink and fumbled in annoyance for the light switch. As her fingers found their target, she paused and took a deep breath. The bathroom wasn't entirely pitch black; some ambient light from outside had crept inside like a curious visitor. And even if it had been as dark as night, she still had a pretty good idea of what she was going to see. She swallowed hard and flicked on the switch, hoping she was wrong.

A gasp escaped her lips as Rachel saw her bright reflection emerge instantly in the mirror. For a moment, she was sure that the girl staring back at her was someone else. But it wasn't. Physical evidence of what she'd just done didn't change anything, but it somehow amplified it to an uncomfortable level. She let her eyes dart quickly all over her face and body. It was a gruesome sight.

She was completely naked, her full, round breasts heaving noticeably to the pace of her excited breathing. Her hair was still pulled back in the same messy, post-prom ponytail that she'd put it in when she'd gotten on her knees for Rob out in the yard. Her skin was soft and had an almost glow to it. Probably due to how worked up she'd gotten. But none of that was what stood out so graphically in the mirror.

Her pretty face was streaked with cum. It was on her cheek and lined across her forehead. There was more by her lips and chin. And it didn't end there. Rachel traced her gaze downward and followed a few shiny trails on her neck and delicate collarbone. And there was more splattered onto her breasts. She swallowed hard and shook her head in disbelief. She looked like she belonged on a porn site somewhere.

She turned on the faucet and wetted some toilet paper to begin cleaning herself up. But as she brought the cloth to her face, she paused again. A stab of guilt crackled through her senses as the evidence of what she'd done continued to mock and shame her from the mirror. She shouldn't have done that. She shouldn't have done any of it! Things had just moved so quickly and now here she was. Literally trying to wipe clean another bad thing she'd done.

The dark, panicky feelings that had been creeping into her thoughts more and more lately began to form thickly in the bottom of her stomach. She shut her eyes tightly and tried to stay in control. What would Rebecca say if she saw her like this? Rachel scoffed at the thought. She always seemed to think about Rebecca in these moments. She bit her lip to the point of pain and stopped the train of thought dead on the tracks. She couldn't do this. Not now.

Through sheer force of will, she pushed her dark thoughts away and re-took control over the situation. She opened her eyes and met her ghastly reflection with a blank stare. As she began to wipe the ugly evidence from her body, she shook her head with a dry smile.

What was she doing?


Rachel remained frozen in her kneeling position as she watched the boys slap hands. Whatever fleeting euphoria she'd been experiencing in the afterglow of hooking up with Rob had been doused with an icy cold blast of reality. She could still hear Jeff's words ringing in her ears.

"Tag. I guess I'm in bro."

Her stomach dropped again as she realized what was next on the docket for her. She also became keenly aware of just how naked she was. Her discarded shirt lay by her side and her breasts were simply hanging free in the morning air. And her tiny black shorts had hiked down slightly when she had touched herself, revealing the subtle crest of her ass crack. She had a cliché butterfly tramp stamp tattoo that she'd gotten when she was 16 and it seemed to draw more attention to the area than she now wanted. She stood up quickly and grabbed her t-shirt and hurriedly yanked it back over her chest. She also adjusted her shorts and attempted in vain to smooth her hair out before she turned to face the boys.

"Ahhhh what's with the shirt back on, Rach?" Jeff protested mockingly. "Gonna be off again in a minute anyway."

Rachel glared at him. "Jeff, we're not really gonna do this are we? C'mon what about Jessie?" Her head spun as she tried to find a way to wriggle out of what she'd agreed to do.

Jeff smiled and looked at her like she was from a different planet. He walked up to face her and put his hand on her shoulder. As he started to speak he ran his finger down her body and across the front of her stretched shirt.

"Funny girl. Let's get this show on the road."

He slipped around behind her and brought his hands up her body to rest on her shoulders as he stepped in close to her. He was close enough that she could feel he was hard through his shorts. He motioned towards the house.

"After you, princess."

Rachel flinched at his unexpected suggestion. She had just assumed she'd be going back to work right out in the yard. She also felt slightly uncomfortable going into the house with him. With Rob being there she felt she had an ally at least. Plus who knew who was awake in the house and what they might see as she walked inside with Jeff?

She shot Rob a pleading glance but he didn't pick up on it. He had already pulled out a joint and was lying comfortably on his reclined chair.

"You kids have fun," he said without even looking. He sparked the J and closed his eyes.

Jeff ignored him and gave Rachel a gentle nudge towards the sliding door as he began walking her back into the house. She swallowed hard and resigned herself to her fate. She had agreed to this after all.

As they entered the house and stepped into the kitchen, Rachel noticed all the people passed out throughout the room. It seemed like ages ago that she'd been in the house. That she'd been with-.


Kevin was reclined on the couch that she'd left him on earlier. His positioning indicated that he had just woken up, but his face looked different. His eyes were wide and thoughtful. He didn't look like someone who'd been sleeping.

Rachel felt her stomach twist as she made eye contact with her friend. He was looking at her funny and she realized that walking in with Jeff's hands on her shoulders probably looked bad. She wanted to stop the whole thing and call it off. But she felt strangely paralyzed. She continued to let Jeff lead her across the room from behind.

They had just reached a door when Jeff finally noticed Kevin was awake as well. He flinched but thought quickly. He hadn't expected any roadblocks like this but he was far too turned on and excited to shut it down now. He nodded his chin to Kevin and whispered loudly.

"Yo, Kev! Hey, um, me and Rach are going to smoke a quick bowl downstairs. Can you just keep an eye out for Jessie?"

Kevin sat up a little more fully and squinted his eyes in confusion. None of that made any sense.

"Wait, what? Smoke a bowl? In the basemen-? I don't-, why would Jessie care if you-?"

Kevin's eyes suddenly widened as he began to process what Jeff meant. He'd been so preoccupied with what he'd seen earlier that he never even considered this. The image of Rachel kneeling in the grass blowing Rob had been on repeat in his brain ever since he'd returned to the couch. He hadn't understood why she'd let Jeff stand around and watch. His throat tightened. There was no way that she was going to-. He started to stand.

Jeff saw Kevin's expression change and he reacted quickly. He put up his hand and hissed.

"Dude! Look, don't worry about it. Just fucking watch for Jessie. Please!"

He swallowed and felt relief as he watched Kevin freeze and start to sit back down on the couch. Yeah, so Kevin would know what they were doing and that was kinda wrong. But he and Rachel weren't "together." If Kevin wanted to hook up with her, that was up to him to make happen. But for right now, Jeff was going to get his while the iron was hot and walking willingly in front of him.

For her part, Rachel was beginning to feel guilt crash all through her. Kevin's face was blank with just a twinge of surprised hurt. She'd seen that look before and it never made her feel good about herself. Her stomach twisted as she watched Jeff reach out and open the basement door in front of her. She kept her eyes on Kevin. She knew that he knew what she was about to go do. With someone else. She sighed to herself. She felt like such a bitch.

All of this registered in both Kevin and Rachel's brains as she gave him one last apologetic smile and shrugged weakly before disappearing through the basement door. Jeff smiled warmly at Kevin and winked before closing the basement door behind them. Kevin winced and sank back into the couch. It was like a bad dream.

The pair made their way down the stairs quickly with Jeff still guiding Rachel by the shoulders. When they got to the ground floor, Rachel surveyed the room. It was empty except for some furniture and a TV. Her gaze landed on a plush leather sofa and she sucked in her breath.

Jeff picked up on her reaction and smiled. He walked over to the couch and plopped down, his legs spread widely. He patted the cushion next to him and grinned at her.

Rachel smirked and shook her head. But she did as he asked. She walked over and plopped down alongside of him as he followed her every move with hungry eyes.

"This has been a long time coming, girlie. Hope you brought your A-game."

Rachel laughed in response.

"My A-game? Um, you'll be happy with what you get. Still can't believe you want me to do this with your girlfriend here. Such a scumbag." She shook her head at him with a sarcastic smile.

"She'll be fine." Jeff waved his hand dismissively and grinned again. He couldn't stop grinning. Was this really happening?

Rachel looked at him impatiently and glanced down at his shorts. "Sooooo are we doing this or not?"

Jeff licked his lips and replied slickly. "Of course. But first let's make sure you're warmed up for a quality job."

"Um, warmed up? What the hell are you-?"

Rachel froze as she felt Jeff's hand touch her inner thigh and start to creep up the front of her shorts. She gasped but protested weakly.

"Jeff, c'mon. What are you doing?"

He ignored her and slowly reached the edges of her pussy with his two fingers. Rachel trembled.

Jeff had seen her touch herself earlier while going down on Rob. He knew she was hot and turned on and he knew the hotter she got, the more enthusiastically she'd work his dick. And he planned to get her lips on other parts of his body as well. He'd figured she was probably at least somewhat aroused at this point but he hadn't expected her to be as wet as she was. He slipped two fingers inside her before he even realized what he was doing. Her pussy was hot and felt incredible. He began fingering her tenderly.

Rachel lost it. It had happened so fast and now Jeff's fingers were firmly inside her. It felt amazing. She closed her eyes and bit down on her lip. She involuntarily bucked her hips closer up against Jeff's hand. She watched him wildly as he whispered to her with a grin.

"That's right, girl. Now you're getting there."

With his free hand Jeff went up the front of her shirt and began exploring her chest. Her tits felt great but it was a bit awkward with the tight shirt she had on. He removed both hands from their positions and tugged on the yellow fabric.

"Let's get this off again."

Feeling Jeff's fingers pull out of her so quickly had shocked Rachel and she found herself longing for his touch to return. She nodded quickly and didn't hesitate to do what he asked in an effort to speed things up. She yanked the shirt off her body and tossed it onto the couch. She moaned softly and adjusted herself so that he could enter her again with a better angle.

Jeff smiled at the unbelievable vision in front of him. Rachel was sitting across him with her legs bowed, and she had her hands around his neck holding herself in place. This caused her boobs to be practically shoved in his face. He could tell that she was beginning to lose herself in arousal.

"Why don't we lose the shorts, too?"

He slowly pulled Rachel's hands from his neck to lay her down across the couch on her back. She was now reclined, totally naked, but for her shorts, with her spread legs and draped across his lap. Her breasts hung slightly to the sides with gravity but still seemed to stay impossibly perked up for their weight and size.

Jeff started to tug gently on her shorts and they began to slide down.

Rachel mumbled in protest her words came out barely above a whisper. It might have seemed silly, but the shorts were the last thing keeping Rachel from total nakedness. Once they were gone, there'd be nothing left she hadn't revealed. She didn't know if this made a difference given all that she had already done that morning, but she still felt like it was her last bit of modesty.

But Jeff could sense that he had her on the line. He whispered gently as he traced his fingers across the front of her shorts, directly between her legs.

"C'mon, Rach. It will just make things easier. You do want some more of this, don't you?"

Rachel couldn't argue. She wanted it bad. She wanted his fingers back inside her. She didn't want to give up the shorts but she wanted that pleasure more. With a sigh of concession, she released her grip on the waistband and brought her hands above her head. She then raised her hips slightly off the couch to make it easier for her shorts to come off. She hated that she was giving in to him but it was turning her on so much. She breathed out in a half-moan. "Oh my God."

Jeff grinned at another victory. He gripped her waistband with both hands and slid her shorts down all the way. He raised Rachel's legs and pulled the thin black material completely off her body, tossing it onto the floor. He then let her legs drape back down over his lap and gently spread them. He looked down and sucked in his breath.

Here was Rachel, sprawled out with her eyes closed, now entirely naked on the couch. Her incredible tits were rising and falling to her short breaths and her sexy, toned legs were bowed and spread wide. He moved his gaze directly to the one thing he'd been waiting for. Her meticulously manicured pussy was seemingly quivering as her hips gently rocked up and down. Jeff admired her perfect, thin landing strip of neatly shaved brown hair leading straight down to her entrance. Her pussy was bright pink and shimmered ever so slightly.

"Please." She moaned softly and mouthed to him, her eyes open barely. "Come back to me."

Jeff smiled at her request and traced his fingers teasingly down her strip and back inside her. He watched his fingers work for a minute as she bucked her hips into him. It was so hot, but there was more of her to enjoy too. He leaned over and mauled at her tits with his other hand and buried his face into her cleavage. He took one nipple into his mouth and sucked on it forcefully. He kept his face in this heavenly area as he continued to twist his fingers inside her.

Rachel was going nuts. She had gotten so hot sucking Rob off and she was more frustrated than she had thought. She hadn't intended to let Jeff anywhere near her pussy but it didn't matter who it was at the moment. She was getting what she needed and it felt incredible.

Finally, Jeff came up from mouthing over her chest and whispered into her ear.

"You ready to suck some dick, baby?"

Rachel felt so good. She let out a whimper. "Yes. Yes, I'm ready. I'll do it."

"You'll do what?"

"I uh, um-." Rachel licked her lips. She was panting. "I'll suck your dick. I'll suck it right now."

"You gonna do an extra good job?"

"Wha-? Oh, yeah, the best. You're going to cum so hard. So hard-." Her voice was barely above a whisper.

"You gonna do what I say?"

"Yes yes. Whatever you say. Whatever you wan-."

Rachel was cut off as Jeff suddenly pulled his fingers from her and sat back up on the couch. He pulled his t-shirt up to uncover the front of his shorts and nodded.

"Well, let's see it."

Rachel's head spun. She looked at him with a combination of lust and shock before finally shaking her head with raspy, sarcastic laugh. She had been so close. He knew what he was doing, she thought.

Completely naked, her shorts long gone, Rachel slid off the couch and got into her familiar kneeling position. She brushed her hair back and tugged on his waistband. She happened to grab both his shorts and boxers at once so his hard dick popped out unexpectedly as she pulled his clothes to the floor. This was her first time seeing his penis and it was pretty nice. Thinner than Rob's but maybe a bit longer. He, too, was neatly groomed and his erection throbbed as it stood straight up.

Jeff smiled and tucked his hands behind his head as he watched her admiring the view. He winked down at her with a sly grin.

"Remember, A-game."

Rachel rolled her eyes and smirked up at him. She rose up high onto her knees and scooted in close between his legs. She reached out and wrapped her fingers around his shaft and gave him a few playful tugs. Unlike Rob, who had still been rising to the occasion when she'd begun, Jeff was hard as steel. She felt him pulsing through her grip and thought about just how ready he was for her to finally do it.

She remembered all the times she'd brushed him off over the years. Of all the ways she might have imagined finally giving it up to him, kneeling completely naked in his basement at an after-prom party for a school she didn't even attend seem pretty far-fetched. Throw in the fact she had a date that wasn't him, he had a girlfriend that wasn't her, and she'd already let him watch her blow someone else entirely, it was completely surreal.

Rachel shook her head again and looked up at his smug expression. She shouldn't be giving in to him in the slightest, but she was way past that point. She was so worked up and there was no sense in turning back now. In a perverse way, she actually wanted to do it. She wanted to please him and make him writhe with pleasure. It seemed like her only way of truly exerting power over the situation.

She gave him a final smirk and licked her lips. She looked directly at the penis in her hand and focused exclusively on that. She blocked out her guilty thoughts about Jessie and Kevin and everything else. With one last playful rub, she lowered her face into his lap and spread her lips. She felt his dick slide fully into her mouth and she sucked him in deep.

She closed her eyes.


Kevin fidgeted uncomfortably on the couch as his mind raced. It wasn't even seven yet and it had already been one of the strangest mornings of his life. All he could think about was Rachel and what he'd seen her doing. And not just the explicit image of what she'd been doing with Rob, but the implicit image of what she was going to do with Jeff, too.

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