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Prom Ch. 03: Fair

Story Info
Rachel recalls her first hookup at her new school.
12.4k words

Part 3 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/08/2015
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Authors Note: "The Rachel Chronicles" is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel's head.

Further, the stories are written in an intended order and it is highly recommended that you read them as such. Obviously, you are free to proceed as you please and I'm grateful that you would read any of them at all. But you will get a much fuller and more rewarding picture if you follow the stories in their natural order.

One final note before I frustrate you to the point of wishing you'd never clicked here. These tales are my first attempt at story writing of any kind. I welcome all comments, suggestions, and criticism but understand that I am very sensitive, and if you're too harsh, I will delete everything from this site and never try to be creative again.

I'm kidding.


*All characters in this story are 18 years or older*

PREVIOUS --- Chapter 2: Descent


Kevin felt a shockwave rip through him as Rachel's mouth made contact with his own. Of all the unexpected moments of the morning, this one might have hit him the hardest. It took him completely off guard but he quickly regained himself as he felt the air crackle around him. He returned the kiss with vigor and squeezed her body in tight to his.

Rachel parted her lips and slid her tongue into Kevin's mouth. It was a passionate kiss and it strangely made her feel warm and safe. Their kissing heated up further as their tongues snaked in and around each other. She was pressing hard into his body and was beginning to feel the slight tingle of arousal again.

She started to walk him back over to the couch and she gently leaned him down into a sitting position. She lowered herself onto him and continued her forceful kissing. She finally left his mouth and started kissing gently along the side of his neck. She whispered.

"I'm so bad to you. You're always there and I'm so bad. You deserve more. You deserve-." Rachel licked her lips and stuck her tongue in his ear. She purred seductively.

"I can make it up to you."

Kevin's dick clenched. Was this really happening? A minute ago he'd been standing, glaring at her as he thought about her slutty transgressions, feeling genuine anger and pain. Now that seemed like ancient history and all he could focus on was the girl of his dreams passionately kissing all over him and getting him hard as a rock.

Rachel sensed his excitement and increased the intensity of her kissing. She worked her way down around his neck and back up the other side. She then grabbed ahold of his face and plunged her tongue back into his mouth. She felt warm and happy, like she was doing something right and wholesome instead of dirty and cheap. A pang of guilt shot back into her brain as she suddenly remembered where her tongue had been that morning (and more specifically, where it had been not 15 minutes earlier). He doesn't know, she reassured herself. He doesn't know about...that. She pushed the thought from her mind and continued to kiss him roughly.

And she was right. While Kevin might've otherwise put two and two together, in this moment, where her lips had been prior was the furthest thing from his mind. All he could concentrate on what this beautiful girl making out with him completely out of the blue. He was so shocked and nervous that he wasn't even touching her. His hands sat at his sides on the couch twitching like he was unsure of what to do with them. Rachel read his thoughts and smiled to herself. Poor boy. He had no idea what to do with her.

While still kissing him, she slowly dropped her own hands down to meet his. She guided them up to the sides of her breasts and pushed them firmly together. She unwittingly put his hand directly over the wet spot again but he didn't seem to care or even notice. She released him from her grip and brought her hands own back to the sides of his head.

Kevin's heart was pounding as he now had his hands in a place that he had only dreamed about. He was cautiously cupping the sides of her boobs together, still nervous that somehow he wasn't supposed to be doing it. They felt so firm and yet so soft. Even though he was outside of her shirt, the sensation drove him crazy. Summoning all his courage, he pushed the fear away and began to slide his hands inward towards the front of her shirt. He squeezed in deeply and finally had both her breasts firmly in his grasp. He sucked in his breath.

Rachel felt his timid exploring and sighed gently as his fingers crossed her nipples. It felt good and it made it even better knowing that Kevin was in such ecstasy. She always got off on knowing the pleasure she brought to guys when she was with them, but this time it was more intense. It went beyond physical pleasure, to emotional salvation. However good she was making him feel sexually, she knew that it likely paled in comparison to the good this was doing for his soul. It felt like a righteous thing she was giving him, in stark contrast to the superficial nature of her standard hookups with other nameless guys.

But the bottom line was that shewasaffecting him sexually. Deeply. And not only did she know it, she could feel it down by her pants. Kevin's hardness was now pressing into her body and she knew she had to make a decision about what to do about it. Part of her didn't want to cheapen what they were experiencing and feeling in the moment by sliding down getting him off. But the other part of her still felt guilty about what she had done with his friends and she knew that despite all the lovey, gushy things she was thinking regarding satisfying him emotionally with some kissing, making him cum was really where the rubber met the road.

Even though it was a crude way to assess things, she found needing to compare what she would do for him with what she had done for Rob and Jeff. She imagined the three boys sitting together in a room swapping stories about prom. She pictured Kevin excitedly bragging that he had made out with her and felt up on her boobs. And then she could see the other boys exchanging grins with Rob talking of her incredible blowjob, and worse, Jeff cockily describing how he got her completely naked and had her begging to suck his cock before getting his ass licked and blowing his load all over her face and body. She shuddered again. That hardly seemed fair.

But,fair?Was that how she should base her sexual decisions? Was she really responsible for bringing some sort of cosmic balance to a boy's sex life? Just because she hooked up with Guy #1, did that mean Guy #2 deserved it too? It was so stupid but she realized (shamefully) that this was in fact how she had gotten herself into plenty of dicey situations. She had a weakness for making things fair.

As her tongue flicked and snaked around inside Kevin's mouth, a memory flooded into her brain.


"Rachel. Hey, Rachel! Here!"

Rachel blinked her eyes in confusion and turned her head towards the voice. She giggled sheepishly at the girl sitting next to her and reached out to take the blunt from her fingers. She brought it to her lips and took a small drag, drawing the smoke past her throat and into her lungs. As she exhaled casually and passed it on to the person next to her, she grinned again and shook her head.

"My bad. I guess I just spaced out."

The girl giggled back and rolled her fiery green eyes as she looked away. Rachel watched her for a few seconds as the warm buzz continued to soak through her system. She'd only known Rebecca for a month or so but she was really glad they'd met. Something about her made Rachel feel safe and protected.

In fact, Rebecca had really been the main reason that her transition to Pine Valley Prep had been going so smoothly. They'd met during the first day of field hockey summer practice and they'd hit it off instantly. Rebecca had introduced her to several more people and when school officially started a few weeks later, Rachel had felt like she'd hit the ground running.

Of course, it wasn't as if she'd been a complete stranger to her new school. A few people knew her from hockey and a few more through various friendships. Also, plenty more knewofher even if they didn't know her directly. And that was both good and bad.

While most people were very open and friendly, others didn't like Rachel right off the bat for the standard reasons that she was hot, popular, and they heard she got around. She was charismatic and easily to get along with but some girls simply judged her based on rumors and wild gossip.

The boys, too, were already beginning to take notice, although that wasn't actually through any fault of her own. She hadn't hooked up with anyone. Not a single new penis, she thought proudly. At most she had done some mild flirting and perhaps worn a few enticing outfits. Her reputation was really just gossip, fueled by her past and by the fact that the girls at Pine Valley were becoming well aware that the boys were beginning to line up for her.

It was no surprise that she'd immediately been invited to a few parties as the school year opened. She had promised her parents that she wouldn't drink or smoke weed or get in any more trouble, but of course that had lasted all of a week. But while she'd clearly fallen off the wagon in that regard, she was serious about trying to lay low with the boys. Semi-serious, at least...

She obviously wasn't going to be a nun forever, but getting herself into "trouble" right off the bat probably wouldn't make things any easier with her transition. She had been given a fresh start and she didn't want to blow it. Literally.

With the thought in mind, she turned away from Rebecca and looked back at the group of people and the scene around her. She was sitting on a couch with her two friends from the field hockey team and a few boys she had met casually or seen in the hallways. They had been passing around the blunt that Rebecca had just handed her while joking and laughing as they all slowly got mellow. Somehow, the conversation had gone to the topic of the outfits the girls were wearing in comparison to their uniforms for field hockey.

"You see," said one guy sitting across the way as he pulled a drag off the blunt and pointed to the girls. "That'smore what I'm talking about right there. Why can't your uniforms look a little more like this?"

Rachel and Rebecca (and their third friend, Jenn) each glanced down at themselves and then at each other. They then looked up with a giggle and an exaggerated eye roll. It was still early in the fall so the weather was nice and mild. Each girl was coincidentally dressed similarly; they had on tank tops and tight jeans with flip flops. They were different colors and not exactly identical but they did sort of give off the impression of coordination. They had worn jackets to the party but had long since shed them as the evening had worn on.

All three girls were attractive and athletic, with Rachel possibly leading the pack by just a nose. For one, her chest was the most impressive, and given the outfit choice, that was all that mattered for the boys eying them up. Had they been wearing sweaters or even long t-shirts and shorts, Rebecca's full, curvy ass or Jenn's ridiculous, long, toned legs might have stood out more. But with the three almost equally pretty girls lined up with only tight tank tops serving as the point of comparison, most other assets from the neck up and waist down seemed to strangely fade into the background...

Each of them had at least perky, well-sized boobs, but Rachel's were on another level. Her cleavage was high and deep, and the diminutive, white-gold heart locket that hung from her neck and rested snuggly between her breasts appeared like a target for any boys' wandering eyes. Her tank top was a bright mint green and it played off her late-summer tanned skin beautifully. It also wasn't made of the thickest cotton so while her bra wasn't totally visible underneath it, anyone staring hard enough and using their imagination could get a pretty complete picture. And the boys across the couch hadn't been too shy about averting their gazes.

Jenn giggled and shot back at the boy who'd made the comment about their uniforms.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you? And it would besoconducive to playing field hockey." She rolled her eyes at him again.

"Hey, your games would attract more fans," he pleaded, throwing his arms up in a mock shrug. "I'm just trying to help!"

"Our games attract fans because we fucking win, dumbass," Rebecca spat at him with a laugh. "You guys should, um, try that out sometime." She pointed her finger at both the boy speaking at the one next to him.

The first guy grinned and spoke again, this time with an air of mocking condescension.

"Rebecca, sweetheart, people come to your games because you wear skirts and tight tops. You think anyone gives a shit about a bunch of silly girls running around with their silly sticks? No, they come for that sweet ass you got (he pointed at her), those ridiculous legs over there (he pointed at Jenn), and especially the new, um,talentyou've imported this season." With the last part he winked at Rachel and indicated to her (more specifically to her tits). She blushed a bit and instinctively brought her hand to her chest. As if it was covering anything.

Rebecca smirked and rolled her eyes as she took a sip from her cup.

"Jim, don't be such a douchebag. Maybe you and a few other drooling idiots come to stare at girls' asses, but in case you forgot, we're back to back state champions."

She paused and again indicated to him and the guy to his left.

"Again, perhaps if you guys, you know, won something for once in your lives, people might show up now and again to see you."

"Jim" leaned forward and took another pull from the blunt.

"I don't think you understand how sports work. You see, with girls, no matter how good you are, you're just either hot...or you're not. Yeah, it's cool that y'all have been winning your little titles, but when people come to watch you, they could care less about your skills."

"Now with us, on the other hand, shit is different. When people come to watchmen'ssoccer, they come to watch heroic athletes compete for the glory of the sport, just like in the days of the Greeks!" His voice rose with excitement. He was just getting warmed up.

"Take this motherfucker for instance." Jim he patted the arm of the guy to his left. "He's a goofy fuck and has pretty much nothing going for him in life. But people come to watch him put the fucking ball in the net because he's a fucking good at it. He's a damn beast." He paused again and elbowed his friend in the arm with pride before turning back to the girls.

"As where people will remember you, Rebecca, as that hot field hockey chick with the DSLs and fine ass (he paused to let his backhanded compliment sink in), they'll remember this guy as the all-state soccer stud who broke the scoring record his senior year. It's not even a damn discussion. Can a get a fuckinga-men,Chris??"

And with that he held his fist out for his friend, waiting for a return.

The boy to his left smirked and subtly returned the fist-bump. He hadn't spoken much but had been smiling brightly the whole evening. Especially at Rachel. He sat up slightly as he responded.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Dude, don't be a dick. These girls have kicked ass for a while now. And I can't imagine that won't continue with their newhelp." He again glanced warmly at Rachel.

She felt herself blush again. Sothat'swhere she recognized him from. Chris was one of the best soccer players in the state and Rachel had seen him play once or twice. She had also been friends with her share of soccer players ("friends" being an interesting way to describe a few of those relationships) so she had definitely seen him out and about at various parties.

She felt her stomach flutter as his grin lingered over her. Jim, while he had been obviously joking, had certainly sold Chris short with his mock insults. The boy was beautiful. Neatly styled blonde hair with sparkling blue eyes and a melting, bright white smile. Plus, being a terrific athlete, she was sure his body was great. Rachel felt herself tingle a bit.No, Rachel,she thought and shook her head with a laugh.

"Oh, she'll help, all right," Jim cut back in with a laugh, breaking Rachel's day-dreamy thoughts. "How does field hockey work? I'd imagine a rack like that just gets you, what, 2-3 goals added to the scoreboard?"

Jenn and Rebecca giggled, which disarmed Rachel and caused her to laugh too. Jim was pretty much being a condescending dick but they were all just having fun and joking around. There was no real malice in the air as they smoked and got loose. Rachel returned fire with a big grin as she pointed over to Rebecca.

"That ass over there is worth at least three goals. Believe me, I love my boobs, but they don't do anything but get in my way. They're not good for much on the field." She giggled again. Was she being flirty?

Jim narrowed his eyes and smiled. "Well, that must be the only place on earth where they aren't good for much then. Because they're pretty fucking great everywhere else."

Rachel felt his eyes burning through her as he finally concluded his speech. "Which brings me back to my original point that a uniform change for all of you is definitely in order!"

All three girls giggled and shook their heads again, but Rachel stopped laughing first as she became keenly aware at how sharply both Jim and Chris were looking at her. Jim was eying her chest like a tiger sizing up its prey, and Chris, while his gaze was completely warm and nonthreatening, was still focusing on her pretty hard. She became a little self-conscious all of a sudden as her thoughts went back to how she'd intended to "lay low" on the boy scene for a little while longer. She also became aware again of just how buzzed she was and she quickly realized she'd need to focus and remain in control.

She figured this would be a good time to get up and leave the tension of this situation and move around the party a bit. Maybe clear her head and get a little air. She muttered something about how the boys were crazy and excused herself to go to the bathroom. With that, she left the group on the couch and walked away, still feeling the boys' eyes on her.

Her plan to escape the situation ended up with mixed results. She did successfully float around the party and avoid Jim and Chris's stares for a while. She talked with other people and had a cigarette and generally stayed away from any further "trouble." However, she also found herself drinking more as she chatted people up, and before long, she realized she was solidly buzzing. Maybe even moderately drunk.

Probably an hour had passed since Rachel had been on the couch with her friends when she found herself leaning up against a wall in one of the hallways by herself. The girl she had just been chatting with had gone outside to grab a smoke and Rachel didn't really feel like joining. She didn't smoke cigarettes very often at all, only when she was drinking and never more than one per night. Any more than that made her a little loopy and she always woke up with a gross taste in her mouth.

So there she was, leaning against the wall, her head spinning pleasantly, wondering who she'd go talk to next. And, all of sudden, there he was next to her.

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