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Prom Ch. 04: The Midnight Hour

Story Info
Rachel recalls interesting end to her night with Chris.
12k words

Part 4 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/08/2015
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Authors Note: "The Rachel Chronicles" is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel's head.

Further, the stories are written in an intended order and it is highly recommended that you read them as such. Obviously, you are free to proceed as you please and I'm grateful that you would read any of them at all. But you will get a much fuller and more rewarding picture if you follow the stories in their natural order.

One final note before I frustrate you to the point of wishing you'd never clicked here. These tales are my first attempt at story writing of any kind. I welcome all comments, suggestions, and criticism but understand that I am very sensitive, and if you're too harsh, I will delete everything from this site and never try to be creative again.

I'm kidding.


*All characters in this story are 18 years or older*


PREVIOUS -- Chapter 3: Fair



Jenn's shrill, excited voice rang out as she grabbed Rachel's arm and hugged her in tight. She turned toward the group of boys and pointed directly at the one who had stepped forward.

"You are the winner of the even-ening!" She was drunk.

Jim jingled his keys with a bright, sarcastic smile. "Anything for a few members of this sad school's finest athletic team."

"Y-you better watch it, buddy," Jenn slurred in response. "Me and this girl right here, we're valuable property. You better get us home safe. We're valuable property!" She was repeating.

Jim put his arms around both girls in a mock hug. "Of course, my dears. You'll get the finest treatment available." His eyes went to Rachel and he winked, letting glance fall from her face to her chest and back again quickly.

Rachel hadn't said a word the whole time but she had mixed feeling about this idea. She'd felt Jim's eyes on her all night, and of course, he had walked in on her and Chris while she'd still been half-naked and in an obvious, kneeling position. Plus there was that little back-and-forth they'd had about his "tip" and her not holding it and something about a date. The details weren't important. She knew he wanted her and while he didn't seem threatening, she wasn't sure if she should be getting in a car with this boy, especially given how drunk she was. But Jenn was there too, she figured...

"C'mon, dummy!"

Rachel felt Jenn yank her arm as she pulled her from the kitchen and towards the front of the house with a wild yell. "Train's leaving! Choo-choooooo!" Jenn was really drunk.

The girls stumbled to Jim's car, a non-descript sedan that seemed relatively new. They piled in the backseat to ride together as Jim slid behind the wheel. "Home, Jeeves!" Jenn shouted with a giggle. Both girls laughed hysterically.

"Yeah, yeah, princesses," Jim replied. "Where do y'all live?"

"Um, I live in Meadow Stream, up on, um, Waller, um, no, Wallet, oh my God, Wal-NUT street!" Jenn could barely get her own address out. "Rachel lives in Haven Estates, I think."

Rachel nodded in confirmation. "Yup. 27 Violet Street. You know where you're going?"

"Yes ma'am. I gotcha both. Buckle up please."

Rachel took a little comfort knowing that her house was on the way to Jenn's so she wouldn't be alone with Jim. On the other hand, as she looked at her giddy friend trying unsuccessfully to unlatch her purse's buckle, she felt guilty. They were both drunk but Jenn was a mess. Rachel had to make sure she got home safe. She couldn't leave her alone. She leaned forward in her seat and whispered directly behind Jim's head.

"Hey, um, take her home first, okay?"

Jim's eyebrow shot up as he glanced at her in the rearview mirror. "Whatever you say, boss." He grinned and turned the wheel as the car veered down a different road.

It took them about twenty minutes but they reached Jenn's neighborhood without incident. Both Rachel and Jim had to help her from the car as she directed them to the back door so she could sneak in undetected. As she finally got the door unlocked, she turned to give them a "thumbs up."

They smiled and turned back to the car when they heard a crash behind them. Jenn, in her stumbly state, had kicked over a TV table and sent it crashing into the wall. Like a movie cliché, Rachel and Jim's eyes went wide as a light turned on upstairs. They looked at each other and took off running.

Giggling wildly, the pair raced back to Jim's car and hopped in. In her hurry, Rachel jumped into the passenger seat instead of returning to the backseat where she had ridden earlier. She thought briefly about switching back but before she could decide, Jim hit the ignition and zoomed out of the neighborhood in a fury. The speed threw her body into the seat. Her back arched and her legs shot up.

"Hahaha, holy shit!" Jim laughed. "That fucking girl! Gonna be the death of us!"

He spun the wheel to his left, hastily maneuvering around the cul-de-sac. He glanced over at Rachel and his eyes widened as he saw her precarious position. The initial thrust of the car had shot her back against the seat and his severe turn had caused her to slide forward and towards him. She was now leaned over deeply, bracing herself with one hand on the dashboard and one near the center column. He had a perfect view directly into her shirt. His pants tightened.

Rachel strained to keep herself from face-planting into the dash. She flipped her hair back and brought her face up to look around. Her eyes met Jim's and she caught his obvious stare. She glanced down to assess the view she was giving him. Her perfect, heavy breasts were hanging straight down, nestled in her bra. Her tiny gold locket swung gently in front of them, like a pocket watch used during hypnosis. Her tank top hung way below everything and there were very little Jim couldn't see. Her exposure caused a mildly pleasurable shiver.

Rachel finally righted herself and sat back in the seat. Her heart was beating wildly from the excitement of almost getting caught. She adjusted her shirt and looked directly at Jim. They both broke into a deep laugh as Rachel shouted.

"God, she was a mess! I mean, I'm pretty fuck-." She paused and caught herself. "But wow, that girl is out of control!" She pushed some hair out of her face and exhaled deeply, her chest heaving.

Jim smiled, but his thoughts were now elsewhere. Like any guy, he'd been thinking of a way to get with Rachel from the moment he'd first seem her. He had flirted and teased her a bit at the party and their little innuendo conversation had left him pretty excited. He'd even jumped at the chance to drive the girls home thinking it might lead to something.

But while he was outwardly aggressive, he was also realistic. Yeah, he was giving a ride to two hot, drunk girls but it wasn't like it was some sort of porno where they'd strip down and have a threesome in the back of his car. However, his thoughts had stirred when Rachel had told him to drop Jenn off first. He knew that was out of the way. Was it because she was drunk? Probably. But maybe, just maybe, Rachel wanted Jenn gone first. He had to at least try...

"That's some, uh, locket you got there," he teased. "It's so beautiful that I can't stop looking at it." He glanced directly at her cleavage again for emphasis.

Rachel shot him a mocking glare and brought her hand to her chest. For some reason, the excitement of running away, combined with her drunkenness and arousal from earlier, was making her feel a little flirty. She smirked to herself. She could play with him a little. Just had to make sure it didn't get too serious.

"Oh yeahhh, you know I figured you were a jewelry aficionado. I noticed you staring at it all night! She reached to her chest and fingered the locket teasingly.

"What's your favorite thing about it?"

Jim was always quick with a response. "You know, I guess I'd have to say the nipples. Yeah, that's probably my favorite part."

Rachel laughed in surprise, almost snorting.

"The nipp-? Sounds like maybe you're confusing it with something, or some-things, else? And, hey, wait, you saw my nipples?" She cocked her head at him curiously.

Jim didn't miss a beat as kept her off balance.

"Your what? Oh, shit, Rach. What exactly did you think I was talking about? Get your mind out of the gutter!"

Rachel dropped her jaw wide with surprise. She laughed again and leaned over to hit him on the arm.

"Oh no you don't! You jerk! Don't you try to flip this back on-! You were the one talking about my-!"

Jim cut her off and continued his thought.

"Well, wait a second. When were your nipples out exactly? I mean, I remember seeing you on your knees at some point, you know, looking for a contact lens or something." He paused and gave her a knowing grin. "But even then, I'm pretty sure I remember your bra being on. So when did the nips come out?"

Rachel was thrown for a moment. Jim's reference to the fact that they obviously both knew what she'd been doing on her knees made her tingle. She was still embarrassed that he had walked in on her, but at the same time, it was pretty exciting knowing that he'd arrived just a minute after Chris had came. It was so fresh that she was still partially undressed and in position. It wasn't like Jim wouldn't have found out what she had done later. But the picture was surely worth a few thousand words.

Jim read her thoughts and continued.

"Yeah, Chris mentioned how his contact had fallen out while you two were, um, talking. He talked about how helpful you were and how you stayed down on the floor for quite some time and didn't give up until you found it. He said you were the best helper he'd ever had. He didn't mention why your shirt was off but I can only imagine you did that to make sure it hadn't fallen inside. Such a considerate girl."

Rachel blushed fully, both from mild embarrassment at Jim's boldness and at her own excitement and residual arousal. She swallowed and decided to play along a bit. He already knew what she'd done.

"Yeah well, I am a considerate girl. And poor Chris was so upset about that contact. I didn't really mind helping him look. I'm just surprised it took so long to find it. Usually, I can find things like that pretty quickly." She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye as her inner-voice sent out a warning. Too far, Rachel. Be careful.

She heard Jim swallow hard and start to speak. She cut him off.

"Oh, well, it doesn't look like you wear contacts so I guess there's no need to help you."

She crossed her arms across her chest and looked away from him. She was getting off on teasing him.

Jim, for once, was rendered speechless. He was a bit surprised by her willingness to play along, but he also knew she had the upper hand and if he pushed too hard, she might just shut the whole thing down. So maybe he could work her up gradually. And at the very least, he might get a little something good to remember. He shook his head and pouted with mock disappointment.

"You're right. Curse these flawless, beautiful eyes of mine! I'd definitely trade this 20/20 vision in exchange for a little of your, um, help. But seeing that that's not in the cards, I guess the least you could do is give these perfect peepers something nice to look at for the ride home." He raised an eyebrow at her.

Rachel turned back to him slowly, taking in his words as she repeated his words sarcastically.

"Something nice to look at? I'm pretty sure you've gotten enough of that all evening. You know, with my beautiful locket and all."

Jim persisted. "Yeah, I'm not complaining, but you know, you were the one that for some unknown reason started spouting off about your nipples and how much you loved your boobs, blah blah blah. Then you practically threw yourself onto me as I tried to carefully pull my car away from Jenn's house. You've been a bit of a tease. And I am driving you home, out of my way. Fair's fair, right?"


Rachel paused and sucked in her breath. She knew he was joking about her bringing everything up but it was true that she had just been teasing him a bit with the view. And he was giving her a ride...

Her warnings perked up again. No, Rachel! What? Are you even consider-?

She didn't want it to go too far, but maybe if she did this for him, it would be enough to hold him over. Jim had been dangerously hinting at her oral work and she didn't want that to be the image he clung to as he tried to talk her into something. And he'd already seen her in her bra anyway.

Rachel smirked at him. "Oh, so I owe you for this ride now, do I? You're not exactly driving me across country." She sighed. "What exactly do you want again?"

Jim's heart skipped a bit. Was she actually going to-? He cleared his throat.

"Oh, you know, not much. Just for you to get rid of those distracting clothes so I can gaze upon your incredible locket with more clarity."

Rachel giggled at his silly way of asking her to get her tits out. She looked ahead at the road in front of them and then at the clock on the dash. It was 11:37, about twenty minutes short of her midnight curfew. And they were probably only ten minutes away. She sighed. All right, she'd do it. She'd be home soon anyway.

She looked at him playfully and twisted a strand of her hair. "Welllll, you are a pretty good chauffeur. I guess I do owe you just a little bit..."

With that, Rachel sat up straight and turned her body toward him. There weren't any other cars on the back, country roads so it wasn't like anyone would see her. She reached down and gripped the bottom of her tank top, just as she'd done for his friend not a few hours prior. With a grin, she pulled the shirt over her head and placed it on the dash. She turned back towards him and watched his face. Jim was furiously turning his head from the road to her chest and back again. He was getting his view, two seconds at a time. His dick stirred again as he saw her giggle and reach her one hand behind her back.

Rachel deftly snapped her bra off and brought her hands back around front. She shimmied her shoulders a bit and let the straps fall to her upper arms. She held it there in front of her for a few seconds, enjoying seeing Jim squirm with anticipation. She felt a little silly doing this for him but she was still buzzing and hazy and it was all in good fun. It wasn't like she was having sex with the guy...

Finally, she released him from his torture and dropped her arms, letting the bra fall to her waist. The car swerved as Jim' eyes widened at the sight in front of him. Rachel's large, perfect breasts hung magically in front of him, not two feet away. His throat went dry and he licked his lips. "Holy fuck," he muttered.

Rachel giggled and enjoyed his reaction. In her mind, getting naked for a guy was almost as erotically exciting and actually hooking up. Something about exposure made her feel naughty, like she was giving something up that she could never take back. The cool air and Jim's lustful stares gave her a shiver. Her nipples hardened and her pussy twitched.

She sat back to balance herself and turned her head to face the road, her chest still aimed at Jim for his viewing pleasure. She spoke teasingly without looking at him.

"Happy now? Does my locket look okay?"

"Uh, yeah. It's, um, about the nicest locket I've ever seen."

Rachel blushed. Even though his words were hollow, she always enjoyed approval for her body, no matter what form the compliment came in. She arched her back a bit to make the view more impressive.

Jim couldn't help himself; it was almost involuntary. They were just so perfect and round and firm. He just had to know. She was looking straight ahead and she never saw it coming.

With a swift motion , he reached his right hand out and firmly grasped her left breast. He gave it a solid squeeze and rubbed it around. He was getting rock hard.

Rachel snapped her head back to look at him and stared at him incredulously.

"Hey! I never said anything about-! You said something nice to look at. This wasn't part of the deal."

Rachel said these things but she didn't move away or push his hand down. She wasn't even sure why. She just sat there with a funny glare as Jim continued to feel her up with his one hand. She swallowed hard and, for whatever reason, she didn't stop him.

"I know, Rachel. I'm sorry, but c'mon. There was just no way I wasn't going to-. Can you blame me at all? These must be the nicest tits in three counties! I can't just look and not touch a little. That's not fair!"


Rachel sighed at his gibberish but she didn't object. What was the use, she thought? So she was letting the boy have a little fun. The girls were already out and shaking right in front of his face. What was the difference?

She sat back into the seat and allowed the groping to continue. It actually felt good and she was starting to enjoy the sensation when she heard Jim speak again.

"Hey, edge a little closer, babe."

Rachel rolled her eyes but did as he asked. She adjusted herself and turned sideways to face him as she swung her legs behind her and knelt on the seat. She leaned into him and put her left hand on his headrest to steady herself. Her angle caused her breasts to dangle slightly as they came off her chest. She jiggled and shook with every little bump in the road. She couldn't believe she was actually doing it.

"Yes, that's perfect," Jim said excitedly. He was now cupping and scooping her tits from underneath as the hung and bounced. It gave him a fuller feel and he was also able to alternate between them. He didn't want to ruin the great thing he had going but he simply couldn't resist getting bold and pushing further. He whispered and leaned into her ear.

"Rachel? I think I dropped a lens."

She looked at him wildly and pulled back a bit. A smile crossed her lips as she widened her eyes in disbelief at what he meant.

"Jim. No. No. No way. No fucking way. Don't even think the thought."

"C'mon, baby, that ship has sailed. I've been thinking that thought all night." His voice wasn't threatening. It was almost pleading. "This whole thing has just been too hot. I get to look at that view all evening, then I walk in just as you finish blowing one of my best friends and I gotta hear about that all night long. And now I have you, half-naked in my car just driving me crazy. You said yourself that you're a friendly girl. C'mon, you gotta help a brother out here!"

Rachel's head spun as she replayed his words. Help a broth-? What? She couldn't believe it.

"Jim, c'mon. You can't really be seri-!"

She stopped and swallowed hard. Of course he was. Of course he was serious. He'd probably been planning this all night. Slowly working her up until this was the next step. She felt her resolve melt a bit. What exactly had she expected? She'd thought she was so cute with her little flirty teasing. And now she was practically draped over him, tits out while he groped away with her permission. And she was already leaned over the seat. If she dropped her head two feet, she'd be in position. Rachel thought furiously and decided to take a different tact. It was a risky, but potentially better, strategy. And it would save his pride.

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