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Prom Ch. 05: A Thousand Words

Story Info
An old flame presents a new problem for Rachel.
14.2k words

Part 5 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/08/2015
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Authors Note: "The Rachel Chronicles" is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel's head.

Further, the stories are written in an intended order and it is highly recommended that you read them as such. Obviously, you are free to proceed as you please and I'm grateful that you would read any of them at all. But you will get a much fuller and more rewarding picture if you follow the stories in their natural order.

One final note before I frustrate you to the point of wishing you'd never clicked here. These tales are my first attempt at story writing of any kind. I welcome all comments, suggestions, and criticism but understand that I am very sensitive, and if you're too harsh, I will delete everything from this site and never try to be creative again.

I'm kidding.


*All characters in this story are 18 years or older*


PREVIOUS -- Chapter 4: The Midnight Hour


Rachel released the door handle and laid her dress and shoes down on the Adirondack chair next to the front door. Flipping a few strands of hair from her face, she dug through her bag and found her phone. Her eyes narrowed as she glanced down at the screen.

She had left her phone in her gym bag (in Kevin's car) all night long. Her parents knew she was with Kevin so they weren't going to be calling her. And there was no one else she needed to be talking to that night. She had a bad habit of doing some drunk-texting, or responding to such texts, especially in the arena of booty calls. She had made a promise to herself to be good that weekend so she'd figured nothing positive could come of her having her phone at the afterparty. She scoffed dryly at the thought. So much for that promise. She had been so good after all. She swiped her fingers over her phone and registered what she was seeing.

There were a few missed calls and about a dozen texts. The majority of the texts had been from various points during the previous night. A couple were from friends, and as expected, a couple more were from boys inquiring as to her whereabouts. She had a voicemail from a boy named Matt, whom she had been hooking up with pretty regularly of late. One text was even from Jim.

Blow off that stupid prom! Taylor Reed is for bitches! My coupon is gonna expire soon! ;)

Rachel rolled her eyes. His coupon comment was an inside joke between them in reference to her "rain check" promise from way back in the early fall. She wasn't especially proud of it, but Jim had in fact talked her into a few more blowjobs throughout the year. The rain check had somehow morphed into a coupon that Jim jokingly insisted Rachel had given him for free head once per month. He said she owed him after he had given her an orgasm that first time. He was such a goof.

She had rolled her eyes at his scheming explanation and initially laughed him off. But for whatever reason, she'd somehow found herself on her knees for him again. She hadn't done it every month like he'd claimed the coupon entitled him, but she had done it more than once. More than a couple times even. And it was near the end of the month now, so he was teasing her about it expiring. She shook her head with a smirk.

Rachel mentally deleted all of the messages from the previous night, but her heart jumped a tad when she saw that some of the texts had been sent during the morning. Including the one she had just gotten.


Tyler? What in the hell? What did he did want? And what kind of crazy coincidence was that after her strange dreams? She had seen him at the prom but never actually said hi to him and he had been at the afterparty for less than an hour before he and his girlfriend had left together. Probably to go bang, Rachel thought realistically. So what did he want now? There were four texts in all:

9:16 AM: Heyyyyyy girl. So sorry we didn't catch up last night. My bad for being a stranger. We should grab lunch or something. :)

9:42 AM: Hey are you there? I know you're up. Holler back.

10:27 AM: Starting to feel a bit hurt here. Where's the love?

And finally the one she had just gotten:

11:04 AM: Rach, for real. Where you at? Definitely want to catch up.

Rachel stared quizzically at her phone. What was this all about? Tyler hadn't texted her in months and it wasn't like he'd gone out of his way to see her at the prom. She'd actually been a bit put off by it. And what did he mean that he knew she was up?

Rachel sighed and started to type.

Just got home. Overslept a bit. Whats up?

The response was immediate.

-Ohhh you were sleeping? Thought you were up. My bad. Just wanted to catch up. You wanna grab lunch?

Rachel thought about how she had kind of made plans with Kevin. Well, not really. They had just tabled it for some time later in the day. She was sorta free.

Um, k. Just need to hop in the shower. How about 12? Where at?

-No. Just come now. Gotta a bunch of shit to do later. Won't have time. Come now.

Rachel crinkled her forehead. She definitely needed a shower. And to get out of these clothes. She probably still had some-. She winced.

No. Gotta shower. Feel gross. Not a pretty sight ;)

-Nah. You take forever in shower. I'm sure you look great. Seriously. Just come to my house and we'll go from there.

His house? And what was his hurry? If it didn't work today, they could certainly catch up another time...

Ty I'm literally on my front porch. Can't this wait?

-No. Just come now. I'll explain.

Rachel raised her eyebrow at his last sentence. He'd explain? She was now curious. Was something wrong? It was kind of crazy that he'd text her out of the blue like this. And to be so insistent. It wasn't like him. She sighed.

OMG. K. Be there soon.

Rachel turned and stepped back off the porch and headed to her car in the driveway. She knew if she went inside and saw her parents, it would be twenty-one questions about Kevin and the prom and she'd never get out of there. And Tyler had made it clear that it had to be now.

Tossing her things back into the backseat of her Civic, she hopped in the front and gave herself a quick look in the mirror. She'd definitely looked better. Her hair was down again but it was all messy from its prom styling. Her makeup wasn't really running but it did look a little old. And then there was her outfit...

But all in all, she still looked pretty good. Rachel found herself wanting to look good for Tyler. He was very attractive and she always liked looking good around cute boys, regardless of who they were. She smoothed her hair a little bit and popped in a stick of gum. Whatever, she thought.

Tyler lived very nearby and she pulled into his driveway in less than five minutes. Their close proximity had been helpful when they'd dated as picking each other up, or better, sneaking out for a little action, hadn't been difficult. Rachel smiled with fond familiarity as she parked her car under the basketball hoop like she'd done plenty of times before. She stepped out and smoothed her shirt out one last time. The garage door was open and that was usually how she had entered the house in the past. She wasn't planning on going inside as it looked like his parents were home and she wasn't exactly keen on them seeing her in this state.

As she reached the door, she paused to text him so that he could come out and meet her. But right as she pulled out her phone, the door opened. Tyler was standing there in a wife beater and gym shorts. Damn, he looked pretty good. He was very handsome and had a nice, muscular body. He played football but he wasn't a star or anything and it was mainly his good looks that attracted the girls. She swallowed as she looked him up and down. Nice.

Tyler's reaction was even less subtle. His eyes went wide as his eyebrows raised. He smiled brightly and his gaze carried over every inch of her body, finally lingering on her chest. He grinned, making it obvious where he was staring.

"Whoa! And you said you said you weren't a pretty sight." He shook his head and grabbed her hand. "Come in!"

Rachel hesitated for a second. That had been a pretty severe eye-fucking she had just received. And she didn't think she'd be going inside.

"Hey, hang on. I thought we were going-."

Tyler cut her off as her guided her through the door and faced her towards the basement stairs. The basement led right to the garage door and it was often how she had snuck in his house. It was pretty easy to dip in the door and head down before anyone noticed. And as long as they were pretty quiet down there...

"No, it's cool. I'll explain."

Rachel found herself not resisting as Tyler walked behind her down the stairwell. The basement was sort of a second bedroom for him. He had a futon and a TV and a stereo. Rachel always wondered why his parents allowed him to have that setup. He was a good looking guy and always seemed to have at least one girl in his life. It was like his parents were giving him a designated place to go get some action. Maybe they were oblivious. It was weird.

Tyler plopped down on the futon and Rachel followed suit. She turned to face him and brought her legs up to sit cross-legged on the cushion. She leaned back a bit so that she wasn't totally on him.

"So, what's the big thing here? What's with all the texting? And I thought you wanted to grab lunch? Rachel glanced around the room confused.

Tyler looked at her for a second and exhaled. He gave her his best goofy, disarming grin and spoke. "Rach, don't be mad. We're not going to lunch. I just wanted to talk."

She tensed up and leaned back further. "Ty, c'mon, what the fuck? What? What are you talking about? Why are you-?"

Tyler leaned in a bit and cut her off. "Look, I just-. Goddamn." He looked at her body again and smiled.

"All right, I'll be totally honest. So, Erica got really, really drunk last night. Like too drunk to-. Anyway, she threw up once or twice so she decided to sleep upstairs near the bathroom. She's still passed out. Will be for a while."

Rachel set her jaw and swallowed as he continued. She didn't like where this was going.

"So anyway, here I am down here, all night, by myself. Like totally, you know. Whatever. I'm a big boy. Not a big deal, right? But then, a couple of hours ago I get this text from Jeff..."

Rachel's stomach twisted and she felt the color drain from her face. No. He hadn't told-.

Tyler picked up on her awful poker face and smiled. "So I get this text and, well, Jeff is telling me some pretty crazy shit. Like, fucking hot as hell shit. You know what I mean?" He raised an eyebrow at her.

"About you."

Rachel couldn't speak. Not a word. Her heart was pounding and a dull ringing began in her ears. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Had Jeff actually told him what she'd done?

"Well, anyway," Tyler continued. "I haven't been able to concentrate on anything since then. I can't get it out of my head. And so I just had to see you to find out if-."

Rachel finally found her words, albeit very weakly. "I, um, I have no idea what Jeff told you about anything, or, I mean,-. I haven't done anyth-."

He cut her off. "Yeah, for sure. That's what I thought, too. Jeff always talking stupid shit, you know? And I told him that. But then he sent me this."

Tyler pulled his phone from his pocket and flicked on the screen. He handed it to her and sucked in his breath.

Rachel's heart was beating out of her chest as she stared into Tyler's eyes. She slowly looked down at the phone in her hand. A gasp escaped her lips and she brought her other hand to her mouth. The ringing in her ears grew to a deafening tone. Her stomach twisted violently again and she truly felt she might throw up right there. The rest of the color drained from her face and she felt woozy. She looked back up at Tyler, her eyes wide and panic-stricken.

There, on his phone, was a picture. An awful, terrible picture. It was slightly blurry, like it had been taken hastily, but there was no question as to what it showed. It was a close up shot, looking like it had been taken from a guy's chest or shoulder, down his body and towards his legs. The guy had no clothing covering his stomach and he wasn't wearing pants. His legs were raised up and bent.

In the center of the screen, his dick was clearly visible, hard as a rock and aiming straight upwards. Directly behind it was the top of a girl's head. Her face was covered and she was bent over. Only her hair and very top of her forehead was visible as her entire face was blocked, submerged behind the guy's ass. The girl's hair was a sandy-blonde color and parts of her arms could be seen gripping the guy's thighs. Smooth, pink skin.


She felt like she had been physically knocked to the floor. Every part of her body burned and shook with utter shock and fear. She literally could not believe what she was looking at. It was like a dream. She felt lump form in the back of her throat. What. The. Fuck.

Now truthfully, it wasn't clear from the picture that it was Rachel. Her face was almost completely hidden and it wasn't like a partial view of some arms and hair was equivalent to DNA testing. But if one was staring right at her from a few feet away (like Tyler was) it was pretty obvious.

And one final nail in the coffin presented itself. Although it was blurry, in the corner of the picture, next to the guy's right thigh, there was a splash of yellow. A shirt. The shirt Rachel had hastily discarded for Jeff while he had been fingering her and brining her to ecstasy.

The shirt she was wearing right now.

Tyler didn't say a word as he waited for her reaction. It was kind of a cruel thing he was doing, but it wasn't like he was the one who had taken and sent the picture. And he had no plans to share it with anyone but Rachel. It was just that he'd already been pretty horny after not getting any the night before, and from the second he had seen that picture, his dick had been like steel.

He had thought about jerking almost off immediately, but he'd decided he needed Rachel instead. He needed to have her do for him what she'd done for Jeff. It had been the only thought on his mind for almost three hours. It was why he had texted her so desperately, which was something he would normally never do. He was shocked he was keeping it together as well as he was. And now that she was in front of him, and her reaction had certainly erased even the slightest .001% chance that it hadn't been true, Tyler had to have her. Had to.

Rachel just stayed frozen. She had partially regained control over her stomach and dizziness but she was still buzzing all over. Her mind raced as she bounced from thought to thought. What could she say? What was she going to do? What the FUCK had Jeff been thinking? How could he do that to her? She saw Tyler's eyes still taking her in. And what was she doing there? What did Tyler want? She swallowed. She knew.

The longer Rachel stayed silent, the worse it looked. But it didn't really matter. There was no fighting it at this point. She didn't know what Jeff had specifically told Tyler, but the picture made it pretty clear. There she was. Doing that. For him. The fact that Jeff had the balls to send it out right under his girlfriend's nose-. Rachel stopped and tensed up. Girlfriend. The word slashed through her brain and she steeled herself and found her voice.

She raised an eyebrow and shot Tyler an irritated, condescending stare, like he was the dumbest person in the world, not worthy of her time or explanation. The power rushed back to her.

"Well? What's your point?"

Tyler physically flinched at her reaction. He had expected she would break down and mumble and deny or maybe even cry. He had just put the smoking gun in her face. It was Phase One of talking her into doing him next.

But Rachel had just skipped all that. She didn't grovel or stutter or try to squirm away. She owned it and threw it back at him. Tyler smirked. That was Rachel, God love her. She was such a paradox. She could be talked into doing anything with seemingly no effort but at the same time she'd stand up to anyone and back them down with authority. But she did have a weakness. And he knew.

Rachel had a tell. A sign. Tyler knew her well enough to know when she was aroused. When she was hot. And he knew when she was in that state, no matter how strong or defiant she acted, it would bring her to knees every time, literally and figuratively.

When Rachel was worked up, she had the nervous habit of rubbing her thumbs together with her forefingers. Like she was playing little violins. It was subtle, but it was like a fingerprint for her. Most girls might do an obvious thing like bite their lip or fidget with a necklace. Rachel would do the finger thing. And right now, those violins were playing.

It was true. Despite the gut-punch she had just received, Rachel was still on fire. And she had been all morning. While her arousal had ebbed and flowed, it had never gone away because it had never been satisfied. The closest any of her encounters had gotten was when Jeff had fingered her for his own purposes. Everything fueled her. Her memories of the morning, her memories of Chris and Jim, her dreams, and now, even her presence in front of Tyler. She was sitting in the same place where she'd performed sexually many times. It brought the arousal rushing back to her as she took in his strong body with her eyes. Could he tell? She wasn't sure. She rubbed her fingers together involuntarily.

Tyler gathered himself and smiled back at her glare. "C'mon, Rach. You know what I'm getting at. You can't possibly leave me in this state." He glanced down to his shorts, smirking as he watched her eyes follow. Oh, she was hot all right. He grinned widely. "And it is pretty much all your fault."

Rachel tried to hold her angry stare but she cracked and smiled leaked out. "MY fault? How do you figure-? Listen, if you need help with, that (she pointed to his shorts), go jerk off. Or Jesus Christ, Tyler, your girlfriend is upstairs!"

It was the second time that morning that a guy had tried to talk her into some depraved sexual act while their girlfriend was asleep in the same house.

Tyler objected. "C'mon, Rach. That girl is dead to the world. I'd be lucky to get a-." He smiled devilishly at her. "Plus, we both know you're better."

It was a helluva thing to say. Tyler was talking about a serious girlfriend. A girl he "loved" or whatever that meant. And now he was freely admitting that she didn't compare to his gorgeous ex when it came to sexually satisfying him. It was a backhanded compliment and Rachel felt both sides. Disgust that he would stoop to that and arousal because they both knew it was true. Especially if she agreed to-.

Rachel started to stand up. She was hornier than she'd been all morning but she had to mount a defense. She was insulted that guy after guy so casually figured they could use her like this. Especially ones with girlfriends. And especially asking what they were asking. It was like they just assumed she'd be down for it. Like she wouldn't think twice about helping someone cheat, even right under another girl's nose. But God, she was so turned on. Her legs were even a bit weak as she stood.

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