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Prom Ch. 09: Touch and Go Pt. 01


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"Yeah, I gotta, um. Dude, my sister. Unreal. Look, I'll be back. Like, as soon as I can. Um, don't go-. I mean, if you leave, um, text me. But don't leave! I'll be back. For real."

Not wanting to waste a single second before he could return to this paradise, he shut the door and raced down the dorm hallway. The girls both looked at each other in confusion. The guy with Rachel shrugged and started to try to kiss her again but she suddenly pulled back and looked behind her at Rebecca. She slid her bra strap back over her shoulder.

"Awwww, sweetie! Your friend left! I'm sorry." She slid her leg back behind her and pulled off the guy.

The boy under her widened his eyes at her retreat and stammered in shocked protest.

"Wait, wha-? No, no. Where are you go-?"

He couldn't believe it. Had this bullshit cock-blocked him too? He watched with frustration as Rachel hopped off the futon and jogged jokingly over to her now lonely friend. She held her arms out and two embraced in a mock hug. Rachel's still damp boobs pushed hard into Rebecca's almost equally as impressive chest. Both girls felt a slight tingle. Rachel pulled back and looked in her friend's eyes with surprise. God, was she so drunk and turned on that even-? She shook her head.

Still holding Rebecca with one arm, Rachel turned back to face the now totally confused boy on the futon. His face showed a mixture of frustration and curiosity as he watched the gorgeous pair look him over and take a few steps closer. He remembered how they had been seemingly flaunting themselves in front of him, almost as sort of a competition. His dick surged and his eyes shot wide as a thought crossed his mind. No way. Could he talk them into-? Would they-? Holy shit.

Rachel was on fire after her make-out session and looked at her curious new friend with interest. She was drunk and riled up and she definitely wanted to hook up with this pretty boy in front of her. She was definitely going to suck his dick; she'd decided long ago. Maybe he'd even return the favor. Rachel never expected reciprocation, and honestly, she preferred giving to receiving. But she was pretty revved up here and she wouldn't turn down a return gift for her efforts. And he was a college boy. He probably knew what he was doing. A tremor tickled through her body.

But what was she going to do? Rebecca was now the third wheel and Rachel didn't feel like waiting around for if and when this other roommate returned from his strange errand. She wanted it now. But, Becca...

She turned to face her friend and saw that she was also eying the guy up like a dinner spread. Her gaze was glassy and she knew Rebecca was as drunk as she was. Plus, she had been talking earlier in the day about how horny she had been and how she was definitely going to get some action tonight at this college party. Rebecca's lustful stares and oozing sexuality gave Rachel another stir. She remembered the tiny spark she had felt when she pressed her half-naked chest into Rebecca's. She wondered if Rebecca had felt the same thing...

An idea popped into Rachel's head and she swallowed hard. Her gaze lingered on Rebecca for a second, even scanning down her hot body before returning to the aroused boy in front of them. She spoke, her voice dripping with mock-innocence.

"Well, there's two of us now and only one of you. Now, you're probably some super genius college math major or whatever so you're going to have to tell us how this works because we just aren't that smart."

With her words, she nervously slid her hand down off of Rebecca's shoulder and let it glide down her back, before cupping it firmly on her friend's curvy ass. What are you doing, Rachel? she breathed to herself nervously. Her heart started pounding and her chest began to heave.

Rebecca felt the hand and was snapped from her lustful stares. She was completely buzzing both from the alcohol and arousal. She whipped her face around and met Rachel's eyes. She swallowed hard as she, too, remembered feeling a gentle jolt when Rachel's cool body had pressed into her own. She had seen Rachel naked plenty of times and while she'd never noticed any sexual thoughts towards other girls, she definitely admired what Rachel had. She found herself comparing her own body to Rachel's and wondering if she did the same.

Rebecca swallowed hard as she felt Rachel's hand begin to rub over her ass gently. What was she doing? Was she-? She gulped hard and found her glance going to Rachel's still glistening chest. It was quivering now with her fast breaths and she knew Rachel was excited. Rebecca felt a surge go through her own body as crazy thoughts flowed through her head.

Was Rachel turning her on? And what was the plan here? Was she planning on-? She stirred again as she looked back to the boy in front of them. He had picked up on Rachel's words and was now smiling brightly.

Was Rachel trying to set up a threesome?

"Oh, we can definitely make the math work here," the boy replied coolly. "I'm glad you asked me, because we go over this kind of problem in college all the time. The first way to solve it is to take the two who are already together and, work that part out. I think maybe you girls should start trying to work on it together first, and then I'll show you what's next."

He leaned forward and gave them a warm smile. His heart was pounding hard. Shit...

Rachel had already been thinking that way and she nervously brought her eyes to meet Rebecca's. She knew her friend was no prude but she had no idea how she might react. It might freak her out and get weird. Rachel was even shocked she was considering it, and further, that she was into it.

If she hadn't been drunk and feeling so frisky, she probably would've recoiled at the idea herself. She had never kissed another girl, beyond simple drinking game dares or games kids play. To do it sexually was a whole different thing. Her heart was beating out of her chest and her skin was tingly all over. She licked her lips and shot a disarming smile to her friend.

"Becca? Should we do what our, um, tutor suggests?"

Rebecca was now fully aware of what was going on and she, too, was tingling all over. She looked at her beautiful friend, standing half naked next to her. Rachel's face was both alive and nervous and Rebecca could tell she wasn't the only one who had no idea what to do. Would they really do this? Would she like it? Would it be weird?

She didn't have the answers to those questions but she was surging with arousal. She wasn't entirely sure if kissing Rachel was a good idea but the thought of them both kissing the hot guy on the couch made her head swim. Oh my God, she breathed. And she turned her body towards her friend.

Rachel saw Rebecca open up and sucked in her breath with excitement. She was in! The idea of a threesome with this college boy was making the hair on her neck stand up. She almost laughed out loud as she thought of how both girls had competed to get with him. And now magically, they had been given a way to win that battle together. She exhaled deeply and brought her hand up from Rebecca's ass and rested it on her hip. She brought her free hand her to her own face and brushed away a strand of hair. She was going to do it.

Trembling, almost to the point of shaking, Rachel leaned in and pushed her lips into Rebecca's. Sparks shot through both of their bodies and Rebecca whimpered as they both felt the electricity of their first kiss. Rachel pursed her lips slightly and again kissed into her friend. Then, with her heart surging, Rachel pressed in a third time and gently probed her tongue out of her mouth into Rebecca's.

She moaned gently as she felt Rebecca part her full, soft lips and receive her nervous tongue. Their tongues met and another jolt of electricity shook them both. Rebecca almost buckled her knees as she felt herself reach for Rachel's head with her hands. She pulled Rachel's face closer towards her and plunged her tongue back. A gasp come from the futon. They were making out.

Joe (that happened to be the name of the lucky boy sitting on the futon) was staring straight ahead at the scene unfolding in front of him with eyes wide. He couldn't speak. He watched the two girls make soft noises as they slowly got more and more into kissing each other. He shook his head in disbelief and chuckled at the amazing good fortune being bestowed upon him.

It was lucky enough that he and his roommate had bumped into the stunning pair just a few days prior. Then they had somehow gotten them back to their room. Things had already begun to get hot and heavy when his roommate had mysteriously excused himself in what seemed like an annoyed panic. At first, Joe thought the turn of events had screwed him as the gorgeous girl who had been drunkenly going to town on him had pulled away to go rejoin her now-solo friend. But now? Holy fucking shit. He had them both to himself. And they were going at each other! He hoped he'd never see his roommate again!

He panicked for a second as he struggled to remember which girl was named what. He knew it was Rachel and Rebecca but he wasn't entirely confident in which was which if he was put on the spot. Rachel and Rebecca. Rebecca and Rachel. R&R. He laughed to himself. It had been a long week. He could definitely use some R&R. He laughed again at his joke, almost out loud. Holy shit.

A few feet away from him, things were heating up as the girls' make-out session continued to intensify. They'd each started to become less and less self-conscious as the alcohol and arousal took fuller hold.

Rachel had started to explore a bit with her hands and was now rubbing them along the sides of Rebecca's body, playfully sliding up under her shirt and down around her jeans. Rebecca, for her part, was cautiously running her hands over Rachel's shoulders and down close to her chest. She felt like a nervous, teenage boy who was unsure of what to do with their hands.

With Rachel's shirt off, there was an obvious target but Rebecca still felt a little weird. Was she going to put her hands on her friend's boobs? It was exciting, but strange. But at the same time, she caught herself wanting to see more of Rachel's body. The fact that she was already partially naked was making the whole thing seem even sexier. And while Rebecca didn't quite understand why, she could feel that she definitely wanted more.

Joe watched the girls' hands getting bolder with each other's bodies and decided to keep the pedal down. He hadn't gotten where he was by being shy so it certainly wasn't time to clench up and go conservative. He leaned over to grab his cup and took a full chug, emptying what was left. He sat back and exhaled and put his hands together. Here we go, he thought.

"All right girls," he called out cheerfully, slightly interrupting their reverie. "It looks like you are making some progress with this equation. But we should keep it going. You don't want to spend too long on any one, area, or you'll never finish." He licked his lips. "Why don't we get you both a little more comfortable so we can go over the next part with ease?"

The girls looked over at him with curiosity and Rachel raised a playful, sexy eyebrow. Joe sensed they were awaiting their next order so he kept it moving. With a leap of faith, hoping he didn't screw up and fuck their names up, he looked directly at the shirtless girl and sucked in his breath.


He said it slowly, with held breath as he studied her reaction. He exhaled deeply as she smiled back at him, confirming that he had chosen correctly.

"It looks like you're a step ahead here. It is very important that you don't leave each other behind. Solving things together will make everything more enjoyable." He glanced back at Rachel's uncovered chest and nodded with a smile.

The girls were drunk but they picked up on what he was saying. They looked back at each other and exchanged nervous grins. They had already come this far and it was exciting. Rachel gave Rebecca's shirt a gentle tug and raised an eyebrow.

"Happy to help you with this part of the problem," she purred softly. She bit her lip and smiled with her eyes. "I can see you're a little bit behind me..."

Rebecca swallowed hard but smiled back brightly. She shot Joe a quick nervous glance before returning her gaze to her beautiful friend. Keeping their eyes locked, she took a half step back and crossed her arms down in front of her body. With a bit more speed than she had intended, she pulled her bright pink shirt over her head.

She shook her flowing dark hair out and glanced around as her head swam. She felt another tingle as she noticed both Rachel and Joe staring at her lustfully. She gave a sexy smirk and tossed her shirt at Joe's face. He playfully caught it, smelling it briefly, before setting it aside. God, she was gorgeous.

Rachel's half-naked chest had gotten most of the attention to his point, but Rebecca was no slouch either in that department. Had she been standing next to almost any other girl, she would be the stunner in the room.

Her face had sharp, beautiful features and her deep green eyes flashed strongly against her lightly tanned skin and silky brown hair. Her boobs, while not as large as her friend's, were nothing to scoff at. They were perky and full and her bra helped form an intoxicating view of cleavage pushed high up near her sternum.

Her soft, full chest tapered into a thin, toned waist before curving back out impossibly as an incredibly sexy set of round hips snaked down towards her thighs. She had strong, toned legs that ran down smoothly towards her ankles and small feet. A flower tattoo was partially visible on the top of her foot, poking from the cuff of her jeans. She also had a shimmering belly button jewel and a tiny, sparkling stud in her nose. She was the full package and would have stood out from any crowd. Joe felt his jeans tighten further as he soaked in his now more extensive view of her body. His eyes darted between the pair of shirtless goddesses in front of him. He needed more. He cleared his throat and spoke.

"Yes, that's, um, exactly wha-." He cleared his throat again. He was trying to sound cool and in control but it was obvious that Rebecca's body had thrown him for a loop.

"That is exactly the right answer. You are both now on the same page, but it looks like you are only halfway there." He swallowed hard, afraid to move.

The girls again looked back at each other nervously and shot each other sheepish smiles. Rachel had been taking in Rebecca's body and was beginning to feel warmer and warmer. She was definitely surprised at her arousal but figured it had to be more about the prospect of a threesome with a hot college boy than it did with just her beautiful friend. But the whole thing was turning her on in a really confusing way. She swallowed hard and stepped closer to Rebecca. Tossing her hair with her head, she reached her hands out and grabbed ahold of the front waistline of her friend's jeans.

Rebecca sucked in her breath and flashed her eyes at Rachel. She reached out to grab ahold of Rachel's pants in the same spot. As she looked down at the button at Rachel's waist, she found her gaze lingering over Rachel's deep cleavage. She felt herself tremble as she again pictured Rachel naked in the variety of situations she had seen her in previously. She wondered how far this would go and if she'd actually be seeing her like that. And beyond seeing, would she maybe even be touching? She gulped and dropped her gaze back to her hands on Rachel's waist as he started to twist the denim fabric with her fingers.

The heavy sexual tension of the moment hung for a second before both girls broke it with a deep, nervous giggle. With a pair of flushed grins, they began to work their hands over each other's jean buttons. Obviously, neither of them were strangers to undoing someone else's pants. Rachel grinned to herself as she realized she was usually kneeling at this point with a much better view and angle. Rebecca had a similar thought and she struggled momentarily as the button orientation seemed backwards. She smirked and caught herself. Oh yeah. Girls' pants. She sucked in an excited breath. What were they doing?

Joe coughed involuntarily as he watched both girls continue to undress each other. Rachel had unzipped Rebecca's seemingly painted on jeans and Joe gulped as he watched her struggle to pull them down and around her friend's full, incredibly curvy ass.

Rebecca was wearing a matching nude set of underwear and the color blended with her skin-tone very well. She shivered as Rachel slid the denim down her legs and helped her to step out of each cuff carefully. The girls had been trying to remove each other's pants simultaneously but it proved to be impossible without them both losing their balance. So with her own pants unbuttoned and zipped down openly, Rachel was now kneeling in front of Rebecca as she finished the job.

Joe marveled at Rebecca's now further-revealed body and felt his dick twitch as his eyes ran up her smooth legs and settled on that glorious ass. She was a thin girl, and her curves seemed impossible. What had been a magnificent view just a few minutes earlier had just crossed into a new stratosphere.

Joe gulped again as he somehow pried his eyes from Rebecca's posterior and brought his gaze back to Rachel. She gingerly stood back up and smoothed her hair with a grin. She, too, had her eyes locked on Rebecca and Joe watched as her deep chest heaved to her quickening breath.

As his eyes traced down her body, he noticed that her right hand was hanging at her side and she was rubbing her thumb and forefinger together rapidly. Almost like a little violin. Must be a nervous habit, he thought. He hoped they weren't going to freak out. He was getting closer and closer to paradise.

Rebecca shot Joe a sexy smile and took a step towards Rachel. She was getting so turned on as she got more fully naked. Her skimpy underwear didn't leave much to the imagination and she knew Joe must be dying to see them both take everything off. Would they do it? She couldn't believe they had already done what they had so far.

Her heart pounded as she reached out to Rachel. Keeping her eyes on Joe, she teasingly ran her forefinger down Rachel's flat stomach, tracing it until she reached the edge of her white panties. She felt Rachel shiver and saw Joe inhale deeply. She was getting more and more into it.

She looked back at Rachel's face and admired her friend's surprised expression. She leaned in and pushed her lips into Rachel's, giving her another gentle kiss. It had been a few minutes since they had broken their brief make-out session and the renewed touch shot electricity back through their bodies.

Rebecca pulled back with a devilish grin and finally resumed her job of undressing her friend. She sunk to her knees and watched as she revealed the remaining portion of Rachel's white underwear. It was directly eye level. Both girls had been in that position plenty of times, but the view had been of a guy's hardening package. Rebecca grinned at the thought as she slid Rachel's jeans down to her ankles and helped her to step out of them.

It had seemed like a blur and now both girls were standing, almost at attention, facing Joe from just a few feet away. They had an arm around each other's backs and were looking at him expectantly. Joe found his voice and made his move. His heart was practically in his throat as he attempted to sound calm, but forceful. They were following his lead and were practically in his grasp. But he was terrified that one false step could make everything come crashing down.

"Well, it looks like you guys have worked that out with no problems at all. So, unless you want to double check your work (he raised an eyebrow), why don't you bring your answers to me and we can go over them together."

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