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Prom Ch. 09: Touch and Go Pt. 01

Story Info
Rachel recalls a wild night in a dorm room.
11.3k words

Part 9 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/08/2015
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Authors Note: "The Rachel Chronicles" is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel's head.

Further, the stories are written in an intended order and it is highly recommended that you read them as such. Obviously, you are free to proceed as you please and I'm grateful that you would read any of them at all. But you will get a much fuller and more rewarding picture if you follow the stories in their natural order.

One final note before I frustrate you to the point of wishing you'd never clicked here. These tales are my first attempt at story writing of any kind. I welcome and appreciate any and all feedback but understand that I am very sensitive, and if you're too harsh, I will delete everything from this site and never try to be creative again.

I'm kidding.


*All characters in this story are 18 years or older*

**Bonus Author's Note: This chapter contains no actual sex. There is some less explicit action and the rest is lead-up. It is the only chapter I have written (or plan to write) where this is the case. I tried to cut it down and rearrange, but I ended up not liking what had to be eliminated in order for things to work out. If you are reading the entire Prom story (and I REALLY hope you are!), then I believe this chapter is still a good part of the tale and I hope it provides you with a lot of enjoyment. But in any case, I wanted to give you all this disclaimer so that you didn't feel let down at the end or bait-and-switched. Thanks for your support! Enjoy!

PREVIOUS -- Chapter 8: That Girl


"Goddamn, this is hot. You girls ready?"

Rachel and Rebecca giggled and exchanged silly glances as they processed the question. Their heads were beginning to get a little swimmy and warmth was fully coursing through their bodies. Rebecca rolled her eyes and Rachel nodded enthusiastically.

With another excited giggle, both girls slowly got on their knees next to each other. Rachel shifted her weight and tucked a strand of her sandy-blonde hair behind her ear. Rebecca bit down seductively on her full, enticing lips and took a deep breath. Oh they were ready, all right.

They looked up at the boys in front of them and surveyed their excited smiles. The guys seemed tall from their vantage point and they were both clearly enjoying how things had progressed. Rachel looked at the boy in front of her and let her eyes flick below his waist. Her stomach fluttered and she looked away before he caught her. Not that it mattered, really. She giggled again and nudged Rebecca on the arm to indicate that it was time.

Each taking a final deep breath, the girls rose up more fully and shivered with excitement as they leaned in and brought their mouths to the targets. They shot sideways glances at each other a final time before turning back forward and parting their lips.

They squealed with surprise and delight as a cold, sweet shot of something red ran down the paths of the ice luge and into their open mouths. They swallowed quickly and Rebecca let out a triumphant yell. They popped up off their knees and gave each other a congratulatory hug. The boys clapped and cheered along.

It was a Friday night late in the fall, and when it had begun, nothing about it had indicated that it might be anything more than a typical evening out. Earlier in the week, Rachel and Rebecca had been shopping at the mall when they met a few college guys from the local state university. The boys flirted with them and soon the group exchanged numbers.

It hadn't taken long for the guys to reach out again, and in just a few days, the girls found themselves agreeing to go to a party with their new friends. They had met up at their dorm room for some pre-gaming, and in short order, both girls had gotten pretty drunk.

They had done a few shots and even agreed to test out the ice luge mold that one of the boys had bought and frozen for the evening. Their most recent round had been one of many and each time the girls did it, both guys felt their pants tighten a bit as they took in the scene. The image of two smoking hot, drunk, high school seniors on their knees with their mouths open left little to the imagination.

It was around that time that Rachel found herself hugged up against one of the boys. She teasingly pushed her hand into his chest and, asked, with a bit of slur, when they would be leaving for the party. The guy she was touching was definitely the cuter of the two boys and she and Rebecca had been playfully arguing ahead of time about (if it came to it) who would get whom.

They couldn't come to an agreement so as soon as they had shown up, Rachel had located their target and given him a big hug. She had pushed her chest deeply into him and lingered for a few moments, allowing him to enjoy the sensation. She'd seen his eyes get wide at the sensation and she'd known she had him.

Of course, Rebecca wouldn't be beaten so easily and she found herself bending over in front of him, giving him a front row view of her perfect, full ass. It stretched impossibly in her tight jeans, and while she knew Rachel was throwing her tits around with abandon, Rebecca was confident that her own ammo could be every bit as convincing. Both girls were having a blast and were sure that the guy in question was enjoying the competition.

Of course, they weren't being snotty. They didn't ignore the "lesser" of the two roommates entirely either. Rachel had sat on his lap playfully, giving him a nice view of her tight t-shirt. And he was cute, too. If she got drunk enough, she was sure he could talk his way into getting get his dick in her mouth. Rebecca, too. They were there after all. With little disillusions as to why these boys had so actively pursued them. They had figured if the guys turned out to be losers, that they could find their own fun at the party. But this party had begun to seem like it wasn't necessarily in the plans...

"Oh, yeah, the party. Of course we're going. It just won't really start popping until later. Don't wanna be lame and be the first ones there, right?"

Rachel cocked her head playfully in response. She wasn't sure if she believed him and she was starting to suspect the boys expected a private party right there. But she did agree. She had no desire to stand in some dirty frat house and be hounded by twenty horny guys before anyone else showed up. She was fine where she was.

Rebecca was playfully picking up pictures off of the other boy's desk and asking him about them. Who's that? Is that your girlfriend? Haha, you have one don't you? Your sister? Yeah, I've heard that one before...

She teasingly touched his nose. She, too, would be content to hook up with this one if Rachel successfully muscled her out with the other boy. Rebecca did glance occasionally over at the two of them, wondering how it was going. If there was an opening, she'd definitely step back in.

"Who wants to bong a beer?"

The boy standing with Rachel shouted the question with an enthusiastic grin. The other guy's hand shot up.

"You know I'm game. I bet these girls are down as well!"

The girls exchanged smiles and rolled their eyes. Rachel eyed her new friend with smiling suspicion. She spoke again with a slight lisp.

"We are starting to think that you boys are just trying to get us drunk and take advantage of us." She winked and watched as he cracked open a beer and began to pour it into a red funnel with a tube sticking from it. She crinkled her face as she continued.

"And what makes you think I'd agree to put that thing in my mouth?" She grinned seductively. The guy coughed slightly at her innuendo and Rebecca snorted loudly into her cup and spoke up from across the room.

"Uh, yeah, those lips have been around way worse things."

The boys both coughed again in aroused surprise, their pulses jumping. Rachel spun around and shot her friend a look of mock outrage.

"Bitch!" she called out laughing. "I think everyone here can tell which one our lips looks like they were made specifically for sucking on a -- she paused and raised an eyebrow -- beer bong!"

The second boy almost choked on his beer as Rebecca spun to face him with a shocked smile. Everyone laughed as the sexual tension hung heavily in the air.

The first guy cleared his throat to make sure his voice wouldn't crack. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. They had picked these girls up because they were gorgeous and they figured they could loosen them up with a few drink and maybe get some. But it was no guarantee. They were in high school, after all. He spoke again cheerfully.

"So, um, let's go! Who's first?"

Rachel nodded towards the pair over by the desk.

"I think ol' DSLs should show us how it's done. Just try not to get too excited, boys."

Rebecca grinned evilly at Rachel and sucked in her breath; she was certainly not one to back down from a challenge. She handed her cup to the boy with her and gave him a playful kiss on the cheek. "Hold this please, kind sir."

She walked over to the first boy holding the funnel and grabbed ahold of the tube end.

"Already got me on my knees, huh?" She looked up at him with her sexiest smile. "Guess it's because you're cute."

Rebecca watched with delight as his face reddened. She lowered herself slowly, keeping her eyes on his. She might still have him. Ha! Fuck Rachel! She brought her incredible sexy lips to the edge of the tube and purred with a seductive wink.

"Please be gentle."

The guy felt his dick twitch again in his pants. He couldn't wait to get his hands on one of these girls. Didn't matter which. He gulped and nodded to Rebecca.


With a sudden move, Rebecca brought her lips fully around the tube and sucked in her breath as the guy raised the funnel high. Ice cold, light beer came shooting down her throat and her eyes widened as she rapidly swallowed. It wasn't her first beer bong and she was very competitive. She was going to kill this thing as they watched.

And sure enough, she did. With the skill of a college kid, she expertly sucked everything down, stopping right as the foam got to the edge. She pulled the tube from her lips and inhaled deeply to catch her breath. She smiled triumphantly and glared mockingly at Rachel. She stood and brushed herself off with a smirk.

"Guess, you're up, slut! Show everyone how you put all that good practice to work."

Rachel blushed and glared back at her friend with a smile. She walked over and gave Rebecca a gentle shove back towards the boy in the corner.

"Piece of cake, sweetie."

Rachel turned back to the first roommate and watched as he again cracked a beer and refilled. Truthfully, she was a bit nervous. She'd never actually done a beer bong before. Well, she had once, but it hadn't been successful. She'd choked halfway through and felt complete embarrassment as the beer cascaded through her lips and soaked her. It had been her last and only attempt. She had no idea how she'd fare this time.

With the familiarity of a different (but related) activity, Rachel sunk to her knees in front of a cute boy. She smiled up at him mischievously and let her eyes flash to the front of his jeans, letting him catch her do it. She watched him swallow hard and almost spill the beer he was pouring. Gotcha, she thought. Poor Rebecca...

As he had done with the last girl, the guy in front of Rachel carefully handed her the edge of the tube and nodded to her with a warm smile. She winked back at him and sucked in her breath. Here goes!

She flipped the tube past her lips and opened her eyes wide as the beer began to flood her mouth. All the times she'd been down like this for a different reason made her wonder why it shouldn't be a breeze. She was no stranger to swallowing, especially when her mouth was full and perhaps in an awkward position. Why was this any more complicated?

Rachel steadied herself and focused. She could do it. She started slow but with the familiarity of swallowing deep, she steadily began to open her throat and take the beer down. She was emptying it at a good clip and was starting to get excited as she realized she would triumph. There was maybe one quarter of the golden liquid left to go when suddenly, Rebecca hopped to her feet and shouted out in a sarcastic, giddy tone.

"Yeahhhhhhh! Suck it, girl!"

Rachel instinctively laughed at the comment and everything went to hell. She sputtered and choked as her throat closed. She coughed violently and pulled the tube from her lips in self-defense. The remaining portion of beer shot from the freed tube and splashed directly into her chin and onto the front of her shirt. She inhaled deeply and coughed a few more times trying to regain herself. She finally popped her head up and opened her eyes with an embarrassed smile.

"Becca!! What the fuck??"

She coughed again and giggled as everyone in the room laughed out loud. Letting the tube drop from her hand, she felt the wetness of her chin and glanced down to take stock of the situation. She was soaked. Her thin, white t-shirt was now completely see-through in the front and her boobs and outline of her white bra clearly clung to the wet fabric. She looked at Rebecca in funny disbelief and then up to the boy standing over her. Her eyebrows rose as she saw him staring at the new view with a mixture of surprise and lust. Silly Becca, she thought with an evil grin. You made a mistake. Sorry, but the game is over now.

She stood carefully and kept her eyes locked on her target.

"Oh my God, look at me," she purred softly. "Such a mess." She flashed her eyes at him mischievously. "And I think it might be your fault."

"M-my fault," he replied with a dry mouth. "How do you figure?"

"Well," she stepped into him touching his chest. "You were the one holding it. I thought you'd take good care of me and protect me." She pouted up at him, jutting out her lower lip.

"I, um-, I, well, I think your friend was the one who-. I mean, I definitely tried to save you!"

"No matter," Rachel cut him off. She watched his eyes fall to her soaked chest and she followed his gaze down. "Well, I guess it's not like I'm hiding much here anymore." She heard him swallow as he tried to quickly look away.

"Might as well get comfy. And then you can apologize for real..."

With her words, Rachel reached down and began to pull her beer soaked shirt over her head. It stuck a bit as she peeled the wetness off her skin. In seconds, her white bra and glorious glistening rack popped free and she heard an audible gasp as she pulled the opening over her head. "Bitch," Rebecca breathed into her cup with a dry smile.

Rachel shook her hair out gently and tossed the shirt to the side. As she did, she shot an evil, triumphant glance to Rebecca.

"I forgive you," she said mockingly. She then turned back to her quite aroused friend.

"But I don't quite forgive you yet."

At her final words, Rachel raised her arms up and wrapped them around his neck. She leaned up into his face and met his lips with hers as he knowingly bent down to return the kiss. She swirled her tongue into his mouth and smiled as she felt his warm tongue contrast against the cold beer she had just tasted. She pulled back and purred.

"Now you're getting there."

Rebecca was sitting in the lap of the second roommate and both of them watched the scene unfold in silence. Their mouths hung open slightly as they saw the other boy reach down and lift up his wet, shirtless prize by her ass and carry her over to a nearby futon. He then sat them down gently and began to run his hands all over her body as she straddled him. They began kissing intensely.

Rebecca swallowed and jumped a bit as she felt something stir under her thigh. She glanced down, and then at the boy's face before raising an eyebrow at him. He reddened slightly but grinned. They both knew she could feel him hardening. The scene was pretty hot and having Rebecca's gorgeous body on him was enough to get him going all by itself.

Rebecca bit her lip and sighed slightly. She'd lost the battle. But it wasn't all that bad. This guy was pretty cute, too. Not as attractive as his roommate but he'd do. Plus she was definitely feeling drunk and she'd been pretty horny lately. They'd both enjoy this. With a sexy smile, she ran her fingers through the hair on the back of his head purred to him.

"Hmmmm, why let them have all the fun? Maybe we should find something else to do now that they're out of the way?" She felt another surge under her thigh and she grinned. "I'll take that as a 'yes.' "

She flashed her eyes at him and leaned in. Her lips had just met his when she felt something again stir under her leg. A vibration. His phone.

Rebecca wasn't sure what to do so she continued to kiss him. She watched his eyes dart to his pocket and then back to her. She grinned and pulled off him.

"Do you, um, need to get that?"

"I, uh, fuck. Nah, I'll just let it-."

The vibration shook again.

"Fuck. Look, I'm sorry. Really. Gimme like one sec-." He dug into his pocket and pulled out his phone angrily. "Who the fuck is calling anyw-?" He squinted at the screen and his eyes widened with annoyance. Rebecca watched him hesitate as he tried to decide what to do. She touched his chest with a smile.

"Go ahead, I'm not going anywhere."

He let out a deep sigh.

"Sorry. For real, just one second." He brought the phone to his ear. "Ashley, what? Huh? Wait, what? Slow down!"

Rebecca could hear a girl's voice yelling but she couldn't hear what she was saying. She took another sip from her cup and began absent mindedly running a finger down his chest.

"You what?" Rebecca watched him roll his eyes back and close them in frustration. He let out a deep sigh. "Well, what do you want me to do abou-? What? No. No way. Ashley, no. I'm totally in the middle of something." He looked to Rebecca anxiously. "Ashley. No, Ashley-. Listen. Okay. Okay! I'll be right there. You are seriously killing me. Yes. Yes. Stay put. 15 minutes."

He hung up the phone and sighed again like he had just been told that his dog had died. He looked at Rebecca with one of the saddest, most tortured looks she had ever seen. She knew what he was about to say.

"Um, look. I can't believe-." He sighed again and almost laughed. "That was my sister. She's in high school and she-. She's at a party, she's drunk and she can't find her friends. So she's freaking out and she can't call our parents so now I'm the one who has to-." He trailed off in despair. He couldn't believe this was happening right now.

Rebecca shot him a warm smile and nodded. Poor boy. He was already so worked up. This must be killing him.

"It's okay," she said with a nod. "You're a good brother. Go do what you gotta do."

She rose up off him and stepped back so he could stand. She felt her head rush as the beer bong took further effect. Whoa, she was drunk.

He sighed one final time and stood up. He grabbed a set of keys from his desk and walked quickly towards to door, pausing to interrupt the pair going at it on the futon.

"Hey, lovebirds."

Rachel and the other boy looked up suddenly. One of her bra straps was down around her arm and her hands were up his shirt. They're faces were flushed.

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