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Prom Ch. 11: Team Player Pt. 01

Story Info
Rachel recalls a drinking game loss with consequences.
9.2k words

Part 11 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/08/2015
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Authors Note: "The Rachel Chronicles" is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel's head.

Further, the stories are written in an intended order and it is highly recommended that you read them as such. Obviously, you are free to proceed as you please and I'm grateful that you would read any of them at all. But you will get a much fuller and more rewarding picture if you follow the stories in their natural order.

One final note before I frustrate you to the point of wishing you'd never clicked here. These tales are my first attempt at story writing of any kind. I welcome and appreciate any and all feedback but understand that I am very sensitive, and if you're too harsh, I will delete everything from this site and never try to be creative again.

I'm kidding.


*All characters in this story are 18 years or older*

PREVIOUS --- Chapter 10: Touch and Go (Pt. 2)


Rachel smiled with a relaxed breath as she scrunched the warm sand between her toes; she was so happy to be where she was. She squinted through her dark sunglasses at the bright white foam of the water as waves crashed twenty yards in front of her. The salt air smelled great and her whole body was warm. Even a bit hot. She casually ran a finger across her upper chest and felt the slightest hint of moisture. She smirked as she figured that she might just have to finally suck it up and take a quick dip in what she was sure was freezing water.

She glanced over to her left, at her friend sitting close by in a halfway-reclined beach chair. Rebecca looked pretty hot as well, in any number of ways. Rachel's eyes lingered for a second over her friend's glistening body. Her gaze travelled down to Rebecca's skimpy bikini bottom and she smiled sheepishly as a memory hit her. She grinned and looked away, shaking her head.

The girls were in their mecca, sitting together on a beautiful and moderately crowded beach. They laughed and joked as they soaked up the rays, and as it were, a healthy amount of attention. It was the day after Thanksgiving and they were staying at a cozy little beach house which Rebecca's extended family owned and shared throughout the year. The two girls had become very close throughout the semester and Rebecca had asked if Rachel could join her family on their annual holiday trip to Florida.

Rachel had been so excited but her parents (at first) were less than enthusiastic. Their daughter appeared to be staying out of trouble after her switch in schools and they had to admit that things were going well. The field hockey championship had seemed to bond Rachel further with her surroundings, and while they suspected she was still doing things she shouldn't outside of school, nothing bad had happened yet.

But they were constantly waiting for that other shoe to drop. Rachel was unpredictable and could go into a spiraling mode without much warning. They weren't necessarily comfortable with her going down to Florida with a family they didn't know all that well. But they were also nervous that if they squeezed too tightly, she might rebel. They finally compromised and agreed that she would stay for Thanksgiving with her family but she could fly down the following morning and join her friend. Rachel had been giddy with anticipation and the girls hadn't wasted a second hitting the beach together the moment she'd arrived.

So it was there on their chairs they sat, looking ridiculously hot in their bikinis. Their bodies glistened with tanning oil and it had not been long before the first brave set of boys had approached and made their move. For the most part, the girls brushed the attention away. Though truly, it was Rebecca doing most of the brushing. She was firmly in "family mode" and while she was keeping one eye out for nice things to look at (and maybe even touch), her head wasn't really on that page. Plus, her friend had just arrived and she had been excited for them to spend time together.

Rachel, on the other hand, found herself getting slightly worked up at a few of the cuter boys who had approached. And it wasn't exclusively the cuter ones. Rachel had a bad habit of immediately thinking sexual thoughts about a guy when she first saw him. It didn't mean she would act on them, but she couldn't help the way her brain worked.

Throughout the afternoon, her wide eyes (safely protected by her sunglasses) had dropped involuntarily to the front of many guys' bathing suits, and for a split-second, she could picture giving them a blowjob. The visions always faded quickly, but the attrition of seeing such a battery of erotic images over the course of several hours had left her quite riled up. It was in a moment of her mild frustration that she caught herself speaking out and overruling Rebecca's most recent brush-off.

A pair of very cute boys had approached the girls and had begun to chat them up about how they had their own beach house not too far away. Rebecca had let them go on for a bit but was beginning to wrap the encounter up when Rachel jumped in to cut her off.

"How far away is it again?"

She cocked her head at the blonde-haired boy standing closer to her. She'd seen his eyes dart across her body several times while he spoke, lingering mostly on her chest, which wasn't covered up too much. He was hot. Both boys were. It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to-.

"Like I said, it's really not that far." The boy indicated to his left down the beach. "We could definitely walk. Ten minutes, tops."

Rebecca shot her friend an annoyed glance. She, too, liked what she was looking at very much, but she had been trying to be good. At least for the day. She looked up at the boy who spoke and shielded her eyes so she could see.

"Uh huh," she smirked in response, her voice dripping with skepticism. "If you're saying ten, it's definitely, like, twenty. I'm not walking my ass a mile down the beach."

The handsome blonde boy grinned back at her, allowing her to catch his eyes run all over her body. "No, I swear. Ten. Maybe, maybe fifteen." He grinned sheepishly at his backpedal and let his eyes linger to curvy hips. "I'll gladly carry you..."

Rebecca raised an eyebrow and smiled back, trying to still look somewhat annoyed. "Oh, would you now? What a stud." Her tone was still playfully sarcastic, but she was actually starting to come around. She was definitely into the guy and her plan of laying low with her family was beginning to fade quietly into the background. She felt her resolve starting to melt. "I still don't think-."

Rachel cut her off again. She had moved her gaze to the other boy who had been noticeably quiet the entire time. He was just as cute as his friend, maybe even more so. He had a great body and short, cropped, dark hair. He'd definitely been checking the girls out, but it was obvious that his blonde friend was the motivator of the group. Rachel's eyes dropped to his swimsuit and she licked her lips without thinking. God, she'd definitely-.

Before Rebecca could get a chance to brush them off again, Rachel decided to take the wheel for good.

"Well, you boys seem friendly, but..."

She glanced down at her phone and checked the time. It was already late afternoon and Rebecca's parents expected them back for dinner. Plus, it wasn't like being back home with their midnight curfews. Rebecca's family understood Rachel's parents' concerns and had told the girls that they were not to be out late at all. So going back out after dinner wasn't really an option. As a peace offering, the girls had been told that they could have the next day (Saturday) to themselves. Rachel looked over the boys as her eyes flashed behind her sunglasses. She tingled again and continued her thought.

"Unfortunately, we have other plans at the moment." She emphasized the word to drive home the point that they were the ones in control of the situation. These guys would be lucky if they were fit into the schedule somewhere.

"But tomorrow..."

Rachel played with her hair in a flirty manner and glanced over at her friend to make sure she was okay with where she had been leading the conversation. Rebecca shot her a knowing grin and raised an eyebrow as she turned back to the boys to finish her friend's thought.

"Yeah, tomorrow might work. Why don't you give us the address of this mystery house and maybe we'll drop by. You know, if it's actually not ten miles away." Rebecca sat forward in her chair and leaned towards the first boy. She again shielded her eyes from the sun and let her gaze fall across his chest as she looked up at him with a sexy grin.

"Give me your number, too. Because if it is far away, I will call you and make you come carry me after all..."

The first boy shot her back a big grin and threw his hands up in playful defense. "Hey! That's fair. I did promise you a ride..."

The girls took their information and giggled a bit to each other as they watched the guys turn and walk back down the beach. The blonde boy had introduced himself and his friend. He was Sean and his friend was Chris. Rachel had shivered, thinking of her "other" Chris from school. Hers, she laughed to herself. He surely wasn't hers. But that was fine. For now.

"Nice work, Rach. You just can't help yourself can you?" Rebecca shot her friend a teasing glance and a big grin.

Rachel opened her mouth wide in surprise as she swatted her hand playfully towards Rebecca's arm. "Me?? Uh, yeah. Uh huh."

She paused and cleared her throat before mockingly repeating her friend's earlier words. "Carry me, stud!" She then lowered her voice to jokingly imitate a boy's tone. "I'll give you a ride." She grinned and gave Rebecca a dismissive laugh and shake of her head. "You slut."

Rebecca laughed back and shook her head. "Yeah, well, whatever. I was going to throw them back like the others before you opened your mouth." She grinned. "You and your...open mouth."

Rachel did hit her this time and the girls laughed and joked together as the day melted away. Before long, they headed back to the house and enjoyed a nice evening with Rebecca's family. The sun had gotten to them and they passed out early, both feeling the gentle pinches of a bit of an oncoming sunburn.

When they awoke the next morning, it was clear that Rebecca had a buzz to her as she anticipated the girls' potential meet-up with their new friends. Rachel was looking forward to it as well, but she also felt a little hesitant. It was obvious that Rebecca was into the blonde guy so Rachel wasn't going to step on her toes. The other boy, Chris, was possibly even hotter and Rachel had definitely felt herself tingle as she'd let some dirty thoughts cross her mind.

However, he had barely spoken the entire time they had met, and while he looked interested, she had received no clear indication of what to expect from him. As attractive as she was, Rachel didn't usually feel entirely confident about a pretty boy until she received an overt sign that he was into her.

That usually didn't take very long, and once it did, she could be talked into just about anything. But as she recalled Chris's silence and subdued demeanor on the beach, she felt the slightest bit of concern. She shrugged it away and tried to stay positive as she and Rebecca slipped on new pairs of equally stunning bathing suits and prepared for the day.

It had been just before noon when Rebecca's family finally left for the beach and told the girls to be careful with themselves. Rebecca immediately sent her new friend a text message inquiring if they were still up for a visit. Of course they were. The girls had looked up their address and it turned out to be about a fifteen minute walk. Permits were required for parking in all of the neighborhoods so driving wasn't an option. Plus, they were pretty sure they might be doing some drinking as they anticipated the boys trying to loosen them up for further fun.

Along those lines (and to make the walk more interesting) they decided to loosen up a bit themselves and do a shot or two before they headed over. Rebecca was definitely in a mood and she slammed down a couple drinks while shouting excitedly and gearing up for their fun plan. The girls hadn't eaten much and before long they were both giggling in the first stages of a pleasant buzz. They laughed and joked about what they might be doing soon as they made their way lazily to their new friends' beach house.

As it turned out that the boys went to a nearby college and the house belonged to Sean's parents. By some strange luck, no one had been using it that week and they hadn't found any renters so Sean had asked if he and a buddy could crash there and get a few beach days in. It was just the two of them, and of course, the house already looked like a dorm room. A few empty bottles and food wrappers were strewn about and the kitchen table had been turned into a beer pong setup. The air smelled like a combination of the ocean and cheap beer.

The group settled in pretty quickly and before long they were all joking and hanging out comfortably. As predicted, Rebecca immediately threw a bull's-eye on Sean and turned up the heat with her flirting. That left Rachel with Chris, who despite his shyness from the day before, seemed pretty eager to get cozy with her. He was definitely enjoying the view of her body and had made a few comments to that end. He casually touched her around the waist a few times or put his hands on her shoulders in a flirty way. But Rachel still sensed something was holding him back. She pushed the thought out of her mind and continued to enjoy herself as the four of them drank and laughed into the afternoon.

They had been there for close to two hours when the boys challenged them to a game of beer pong. The girls had giggled and accepted the challenge boldly, even though they knew they were likely outmatched. But they were competitive and proud, and further, were starting to loosen up significantly from the alcohol. Rachel was definitely feeling a steady buzz, but was still remaining somewhat quieter than usual as she attempted to suss out Chris's situation.

Rebecca, on the other hand, was drunk. And as she got drunker, her flirty comments towards the boys (especially Sean) began to grow bolder. She had been suggestively touching her body in sexy ways and making eyes at Sean all throughout the game. She claimed it was to distract his throws, but her act was entirely unconvincing.

For his part, Sean was giving it right back. He was definitely into the idea of getting with either of the girls, especially the wildly enthusiastic brunette who was clearly giving him signs. Her great tits and unbelievable ass had caught his eyes throughout the day and he was getting wound up picturing his hands on them soon.

He'd also caught his gaze drifting the other girl, especially to her incredible rack which wasn't being so subtly displayed. She had been quieter and seemingly more subdued, but he felt some sort of sexual vibe from her as well. Oh well, it didn't really matter to him and the girl the pouty lips and flashing green eyes seemed to be all about him. Chris could figure it out with the other one, Sean thought to himself.

As they played, Sean made a few comments about Rachel's less enthusiastic demeanor and how he hoped she was having a good time. Rachel swore she was enjoying herself but Rebecca decided to make sure that everyone got the message. She jumped in excitedly and added her two (moderately slurred) cents.

"Oh my GOD, no! Don't let her fool you! She's having a great time!" She flashed her eyes at Chris and grinned deviously. "And don't worry, sweetie. She thinks you're HOT! She does! She told m-!"

Rachel turned to her friend and cut her off with surprised look and yell. "Becca! What are you-? I didn't say-." She felt herself blush as she turned back towards Chris, giving him an embarrassed smile. It wasn't very convincing. Rebecca picked up on it and giggled hysterically as she jumped back in.

"See? SEE!?! Look at the smile! Just look at it. Yup, she's in love." Rebecca made a pouty kissing face before narrowing her eyes with another evil grin. She reached over at Rachel's top and gave it a playful tug. "And just wait until you see these babies! Oh my GOD! Incredib-!"


Rachel's face went from red to crimson as she wildly interrupted her friend again. Rebecca was drunk, and while it was all funny, she was surprised at how bold she was being. She shot her a mock glare and pushed her hand away while she straightened her top. Her boobs jiggled at the movement.

"What makes you think he's gonna see-?" She laughed and turned back to Chris with another embarrassed smile. "Don't listen to her!" she shouted through sheepish laughter.

Chris widened his eyes and raised a curious eyebrow. He was definitely intrigued. As he smiled at the sexy girl across the table from him, he felt Sean give him a playful slap on the arm and speak loudly.

"Dude! I don't know. Sounds pretty good for you! See? Aren't you glad I told you not to let Stephanie stay another ni-?"

He froze and immediately his face fell with an expression of apologetic regret. "I mean-."

Chris snapped his head to the side and stared at him in disbelief. His eyes narrowed and he started to speak in a panicked whisper. "Dude! Really-? Did you just-?"

He cut himself off and shot his gaze back to the girls who were now silently staring at him. Rebecca was making a very silly "stern" face as she processed the words, but she still found them funny in her state. Rachel, however, had caught his friend's slip and had raised a playful, but inquisitive eyebrow at him.

"Stephanie? And who might that be?" She crossed her arms over her chest and cocked her head at him. He didn't have to say it. She knew.

"Oh, um, nah, nothing-. She's just-." Fuck, Chris thought to himself. He was caught. Fucking Sean! Really? He started to mumble again. "No, she's not-."

Sean, who felt awful that he had slipped in his buzzed state, jumped back in in a valiant attempt to right his wrong and help his friend.

"Dude, it's no one. It's just this girl from school that has been all on him. Like, they're not even date-. For real. It's not that serious. I didn't even mean to-."

Rachel tilted her head back the other way and silenced Sean with a withering look. She focused back to Chris and smirked.

"She's your girlfriend, right? You have a girlfriend?"

It all made sense now. His hesitance and passive behavior from the beach. He was obviously into her but was conflicted. Now, he'd been no saint. He'd gone along with his friend's plan, and further, he'd been flirting and touching Rachel all afternoon. Plus he was now trying to wriggle out and downplay the relationship. If he didn't intend to get with her, he could just admit it all now. He hadn't done anything wrong...yet. So why was he trying to play it off?

Chris's next words confirmed Rachel's thoughts that this "girlfriend" was not going to get in the way of intentions.

"No, no, she's not, like, my girlfriend. It's just, like, a casual-." He stopped, flustered. He was pretty much busted. He looked at Rachel's face and sensed her judgment, but he also saw the hint of a smile.

She didn't look completely pissed, like she was about to take her friend and storm out of there. She looked like she was conflicted herself. He had certainly noticed her eyes on him and had been getting the feeling (up until that moment) that she was into him. She'd shown up, hadn't she? Maybe she'd still-?

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