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Prom Ch. 13: Forbidden Fruit

Story Info
Rachel recalls the beginning of her dark spiral.
12.6k words

Part 13 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/08/2015
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Authors Note: "The Rachel Chronicles" is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel's head.

Further, the stories are written in an intended order and it is highly recommended that you read them as such. Obviously, you are free to proceed as you please and I'm grateful that you would read any of them at all. But you will get a much fuller and more rewarding picture if you follow the stories in their natural order.

One final note before I frustrate you to the point of wishing you'd never clicked here. These tales are my first attempt at story writing of any kind. I welcome and appreciate any and all feedback but understand that I am very sensitive, and if you're too harsh, I will delete everything from this site and never try to be creative again.

I'm kidding.


*All characters in this story are 18 years or older*

PREVIOUS -- Chapter 12: Team Player (Pt. 2)


Rachel realized that she had been sitting in her closet smiling when she finally shook her head and looked around. She was still in her underwear, tears dried on her cheeks. How long had she been-? She sighed deeply and chuckled at the memory.

The rest of that afternoon at the beach had been interesting. Rebecca was obviously still a mess and Rachel (despite still being half-naked when she'd explained it) had had to make it clear to the boys that neither girl would be doing any more favors for them. Rebecca was too drunk and Rachel, well, the moment had passed.

She'd felt very uneasy that she had allowed Chris to do what he did and it scared her that if it hadn't been for Rebecca's restless and well-timed call to her, he would've gone even further. She hadn't even made him wear a condom. Sometimes it frightened Rachel what she was willing to do when she got all wound up. And it frightened her to think that there could come a time that she might not be so fortunate for someone or something to save her from herself.

After some mild protesting, the boys had finally relented and even offered to let the girls crash at the house for a few hours while Rebecca sobered up. They'd ordered a pizza and watched some TV until Rebecca had finally decided it was time to go home. Chris had made one final go at Rachel while they were watching and Rachel had momentarily considered it again. She found herself thinking that she should probably at least give him another blowjob since she had gotten him all hot and bothered again. It was only fair. Thankfully, the moment of weakness had passed and she'd remained firm. The girls made it home safely and Rebecca's family had been none the wiser.

The next day, Rachel revealed to Rebecca what she had been forced to do thanks to her friend's inability to hold her liquor. Rebecca had felt awful but had also playfully teased her about being such an easy slut. But in seriousness, she'd apologized earnestly and she'd thanked her friend for "paying off her dues." She'd felt guilty that she had left Rachel to fend for herself and it scared her that things could've gotten out of control.

Rachel had reddened and swallowed hard at her words. She'd left out the part about almost allowing Chris to have sex with her. Shit, was it even "almost?" He kind of had-. Rachel didn't want to think about it. She was still shaken that she had let any of it to happen at all. And, worse, that she had wanted it...

That very thought brought the dark clouds back to Rachel's brain as she stayed huddled on her closet floor. The lump in her throat returned and forced her to swallow painfully. Had that truly been the beginning? Had it been what had led her to agree to-?

The tears rose back and Rachel couldn't hold them off. She began to cry again softly as the memories she didn't want returned to her. And this time, she couldn't push them away with happier ones. Her cries intensified and she began to shake as she recalled the night everything began to crumble. She shut her eyes and sobbed as tears squeezed out.

I'm so sorry, Becca...


"I'm so sorry, Becca!"

Rachel pushed her forehead into her friend's hair with a friendly touch. The girls were standing in the kitchen of some house party, looking over into a somewhat crowded living room across the way. On the couch were several people, laughing and joking around. But their eyes were both specifically aimed at one or two people in particular.

Brad, Rebecca's ex-whatever-he-was, was smiling widely as he talked with a guy to his right. His left arm was draped around a cute blonde girl who in turn, was pretty much draped onto him. The two seemed to be getting pretty comfortable and the girl's hand was resting firmly on Brad's thigh. They both had red cups and were drinking and laughing and getting cozy with one another.

"Hey, Becca. Fuck him, right?" Rachel pulled her head back and grabbed Rebecca's face to break her gaze. "You guys haven't been a thing in, like, what? Months?"

Rebecca's eyes narrowed defensively and Rachel sighed. She changed her tone.

"Look, I know you that you really liked him. And that you two, you know-." She giggled and poked her friend in the ribs. "But you can't do this every time you see him out. He's going to do him and you've gotta do you." She grinned and teasingly worked her fingers up Rebecca's side towards her chest. "Plus, you can't really be mad. Think of all the fun you've been having since. I even heard that you hooked up with another girl..."

Rebecca shot her a wild look and smiled widely as she knocked her friend's playful fingers away from her boobs. They both paused for a second over the memory of the dorm room incident. Neither girl felt badly about it and enough time had passed that it was now an even warmer memory. It had been such an intimate moment, and further, the fact that it was a shared secret had brought them so much closer together.

As she swatted Rachel's joking touch away, Rebecca flashed her eyes at her friend and gave her an evil glare.

"Sweetie, if I had to list all the interesting things I've heard about you this year, I think my throat would end up sorer than yours." She stuck her tongue out at Rachel's shocked smile and spoke again before she could respond.

"Example A, there's that whole situation over there." She indicated with her eyes to a different part of the room and she shook her head mockingly. "So, how many, um, coupons was it, has he redeemed to date?"

Rachel reddened and her smile grew deeper as her eyes followed Rebecca's gesture towards a group of boys in the room. Among them, Jim glanced back to the girls and raised his red cup in a friendly gesture. As if he had heard Rebecca's words, he called out with a goofy grin.

"Close to the end of the month! Just making sure you know!"

He winked at Rachel before turning back to the group and resuming his conversation. She shook her shook her head with an embarrassed smile. She had actually found herself giving him yet another blowjob recently. That made four. Or five. She still couldn't believe she was doing it at all. It didn't make any sense. But something about Jim made her feel safe. He was silly and all but he was fun to be around, and for whatever reason, she found it hard to say no when the topic of her going down came up.

Rachel raised her eyebrow at her amused friend and shook her head. "Well, I don't really have an explanation for, um, coupon boy over there, but I think most of my trouble has to do with the kind of friends I keep."

Right on cue, a group of boys playing beer pong in a different part of the kitchen missed a shot and the ball bounced its way over to where the girls were standing. Rachel bent over and scooped it up, and before tossing it back, she held it near Rebecca's face and raised a playful eyebrow.

"I sure hope you didn't put our names on the sign up list tonight."

Rebecca grinned and replied sarcastically.

"Why would I? Not only do you suck at beer pong, you actually suck more after the game as well."

Rachel smirked and tossed the ball back to the waiting boys. She flashed her eyes at Rebecca and put her hands on her hips.

"Oh, did you hear that, too? Well the way I heard it was the beer pong situation had something to do with this loser friend of mine who couldn't hold her liquor. If I recall, I heroically made up for a debt she created while she counted sheep like a baby."

"I also heard that the guys were really hot so it was actually pretty fun. The kind of fun my poor sleeping beauty friend was on her way to having when she bitched out." She twisted her lips and shot Rebecca a satisfied grin with her rebuttal.

Rebecca smiled back and sighed in concession. "Yeah, I guess I heard that part, too. It's a good thing I'm friends with such big whores." She flashed her eyes at Rachel and laughed loudly. "But you are right. That boy was fine! I think I might've fucked him if I hadn't-. Mmmmm." She shivered with pleasure. "Good thing my slutty teammate is only easy on her knees."

Rachel smiled back but gulped away a wave of guilt as she remembered that afternoon at the beach. She had been talked into giving blowjobs to both of the boys after the game, but what scared her was she had allowed one of them to begin to have sex with her. She never did that and she still didn't know why she had agreed. The moment had just been so hot and she'd simply lost control. Had it not been for Rebecca's timely awakening, things might have really spiraled away. And even though Rachel thought back on it all with a bit of fear and regret, she also felt tingles of excitement. Even desire. She shook her head and cleared the thought.

"Yeah well, I aim to please." Rachel grinned, but her expression quickly dropped as she saw her friend's eyes again go towards Brad on the couch. She sighed, knowing the view was hurting Rebecca, but she was also beginning to get annoyed with her friend.

Brad didn't owe Rebecca anything. They had never really even been an official couple or anything. And Rebecca was clearly having her own fun and plenty of it. They were both free to do what they wanted and neither of them should've been expecting anything from the other, regardless of any lingering feelings either of them might still be having.

But Rachel did feel protective over her friend and her eyes flashed as her brain lit up with a plan. She watched as the blonde girl snuggled up to Brad leaned in and whispered something into his ear. He nodded and rubbed her on the shoulder as she started to stand up. Rachel watched the girl get to her feet and turn towards on a door in the hallway. The bathroom. Rachel smiled evilly at Rebecca and winked. She'd help her friend out here.

She waited until the very second she saw the bathroom door open before springing into action. At that moment, she moved quickly across the kitchen and directly towards the couch. The group of people sitting there were passing around a joint and it had made its way over to Brad. Just as he raised his hand to reach for it, Rachel slid through, plopped herself down in the now unoccupied space, and leaned jokingly into Brad's side. She beat his reach and grabbed the joint from the passing boy and gave him a friendly wink. The boy smiled back and nodded and Rachel watched his eyes flick quickly to her chest.

Spring was still fresh and the weather brisk, but it was usually warm inside at these parties so Rachel had discarded her jacket and was now only wearing a tight, powder blue t-shirt with a plunging neckline. Her cleavage was firmly on display and she had already received plenty of looks during the evening. She grinned at the boy and winked again before turning to Brad and bringing the joint to her lips.

As she inhaled with a smile, Brad gave her a completely stunned look. She'd come out of nowhere, hopped in the spot he was saving, and grabbed the joint right from under his fingertips. His surprised expression faded into a smile however as he saw her beautiful eyes flashing at him. His gaze dropped momentarily to the front of her shirt. Gotcha, Rachel thought.

"Rachel, what are you-? Where did you even come from?" He laughed lightly. "And what's with jumping the line here?" He nodded to the joint in her fingers.

Rachel was holding her breath from the inhale and she let the smoke out slowly as she smiled at him. When she had fully exhaled, she cocked her head and pushed her lips out in a mock pout.

"Oh, I'm sorry sweetie. I guess I didn't even see you there. Just had to get off my feet for a sec." She flashed her eyes at him again as she saw his gaze drop nervously to her chest once more. "But you're right, line cutters are no good. Here, let me help you out."

Keeping her eyes on his, Rachel brought the joint back to her lips and inhaled deeply. She pulled it back away and indicated teasingly with her finger for him to come closer. Brad hesitated but slowly leaned towards her face. Giving him a playful wink, Rachel pressed her lips into his and slowly opened her mouth.

Brad registered what she was doing and opened his mouth in response as Rachel smoothly blew the smoke into him with their lips locked. When it was all out, she remained pressed to him for an extra second before pulling off roughly and giving him a playful touch on his nose.

Rachel knew that Brad found her attractive, and truthfully, the feeling was pretty much mutual. From the moment she had walked in on him and Rebecca having sex that night back in the fall, she had found herself engaged in her familiar bad habit of picturing him sexually. And while it had been in an awful context, she recalled the night she had hooked up with Matt and how she knew he had been relaying the tale of her "talents" to Brad. She had noticed him looking at her a little harder ever since. And while he had never overtly suggested anything to her due to her closeness with Rebecca, she could tell he wanted it bad. So it was a slightly cruel thing she was doing to him now, but it was for a righteous purpose.

On cue, both Rachel and Brad heard a throat clear. Rachel turned her head up, but kept one hand on Brad's chest as she looked up at the blonde girl who had returned from the bathroom. She was pretty and had a nice body and Rachel had seen Brad definitely getting cozy with her. But Rachel also knew Brad would choose her ten times out of ten if he thought there was a chance. Rachel shot the girl a mock look of confusion and smiled.

"Can I help you?"

"Can you-?" The girl scowled at Rachel before turning her glare to Brad. "I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?" She crossed her arms across her chest.

Brad almost choked as he coughed out the smoke that Rachel had breathed into his mouth. He continued to cough while he struggled to regain his composure. He voice finally came out, wheezy and strained.

"No, no! We were just-." He looked at Rachel for help. "She just came out of nowhere! Look you got it all-, we were just, um." He trailed off but held up the joint as an offer of explanation.

Rachel played along slickly as well. "Yeah, we were just taking a quick hit. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-."

The girl's face flashed and she set her jaw. "Yeah, um, I saw what you were doing." She shot Brad another vicious glare and shook her head. "Unbelievable." She turned and began to walk out of the room in a huff.

"Wha-?? No! Wait, I'm serious! We weren't-. Shit!" Brad started to stand as he looked back at Rachel with confusion. She gave him her best innocent face and pout.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't even know anyone had been there. I was just walking by and saw and open seat so I-." She shrugged deeply, pushing her chest out ever so slightly. "My bad."

Brad stared at her for a second before shaking his head and getting up off the couch. He handed the joint to the next guy and quickly moved in the direction the blonde girl had stormed off. He called after her in vain.

Rachel did everything she could to suppress her giggle until he disappeared. As soon as he rounded a corner, she shot her eyes back towards Rebecca in the kitchen and burst out laughing. Rebecca was doubled over in laughter as well and Rachel excitedly hopped off the couch to rejoin her friend. The girls embraced in a giggly hug and remained unable to speak for a few seconds. Finally Rebecca drew in a breath and spoke.

"Rach! Oh my God, that was fucking beautiful! You are a like an artist. The look on his face!" She started laughing again. "Oh my God. I can't. I just can't!"

Rachel smiled back brightly. She felt good about helping her friend. She did feel a little bad about messing Brad up but she was sure it would be okay. It was more a gesture of support than an attack on him. And if Brad couldn't smooth it over and explain, well, that was his fault. Right? Her guilt lingered slightly but eventually subsided.

The hours went on at the party the girls found themselves in different parts of the house. Rachel had driven them so she wasn't really drinking. Rebecca, on the other hand, was drinking plenty, and before long it appeared that she had forgotten all about Brad.

Rachel spied her cozying up with some other boy, talking closely in the corner of a room. She smiled. She was happy Rebecca had stopped moping and worrying about everything. She liked when her friend showed her wild, more upbeat side. It energized them both. She grinned warmly again and looked away, wondering suddenly if she should go find some fun of her own.

She hadn't been drinking much but she had taken those few hits and her eyes went back towards the couch. The same boys who had been passing the joint were still there, but most others had cleared out. Rachel was careful about drinking and driving (well, she tried to be careful anyway) but she had no qualms about getting high and still driving home safely. She even felt she was a better driver under the circumstances. She smiled and made her way back to the couch and sat down.

It wasn't too long after that Rebecca reappeared and plopped down next to her friend with a toothy grin. After giving Rachel a happy, buzzed hug, she told her that she had found a friend and that she didn't need a ride home anymore.

Rachel glanced over towards the boy she had seen her with earlier. She didn't like letting her friend go off with some random, but she knew this boy. He was a nice guy and she recognized him from school. Her lips curled into an impressed smile. He was also very cute. Plus, it wasn't her job to be Rebecca's keeper. Good for you, Becca, she thought with satisfaction.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt Rebecca give her a friendly air-kiss and giggle out some parting words.

"Okay, well we're gonna go. Be good, sweetie! Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

Rebecca paused and grinned at her devilishly as she stood.

"Or anyone."

Rachel laughed at her joke and rolled her eyes. She nodded as Rebecca grabbed her coat and began to make her way back over to her new friend who was waiting by the door. Just as she joined him, Rachel cleared her throat and called out.

"Have fun! And call me tomorrow. I wanna hear all about it!"

The girls locked eyes and grinned at each other with warm unspoken communication. Time stood still for a few seconds before Rebecca finally broke her bright smile with a wink and turned away. The door shut behind her and she was gone.

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