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Prom Ch. 15: Catharsis

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Rachel's prom saga comes to its conclusion.
17.1k words

Part 15 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/08/2015
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Authors Note: "The Rachel Chronicles" is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel's head.

Further, the stories are written in an intended order and it is highly recommended that you read them as such. Obviously, you are free to proceed as you please and I'm grateful that you would read any of them at all. But you will get a much fuller and more rewarding picture if you follow the stories in their natural order.

One final note before I frustrate you to the point of wishing you'd never clicked here. These tales are my first attempt at story writing of any kind. I welcome and appreciate any and all feedback but understand that I am very sensitive, and if you're too harsh, I will delete everything from this site and never try to be creative again.

I'm kidding.


*All characters in this story are 18 years or older*

PREVIOUS --- Chapter 14: Inferno


Rachel stood in front of her dresser mirror and stared vacantly back at her reflection. The emotion was gone from her face and she had no more tears to cry. She looked at her body, still just in her underwear, and felt nothing but dull, hollow regret. Truthfully, what she had done that morning after the prom had been a bit exceptional, but it really wasn't much worse than how she'd been over the past few months since Rebecca had cut her out of her life.

Rachel had tried. She'd begged her friend for forgiveness repeatedly but Rebecca would hear none of it. Worse, Rebecca wasn't shy about letting other people know what she thought of her ex-friend. The stares and whispers had gotten worse for a while. They'd eventually died down, but the perception of her had changed permanently.

She still had friends and she'd done her best to remain outgoing and friendly. But everything was a little bit darker now. Girls who had been indifferent to her promiscuity now thought she was a bitch for what she had done to her best friend. Especially the way Rebecca had spun the story to make it sound like she'd practically been pining away for Brad the entire time. Rachel had wanted to set the record straight on that point but it wasn't worth it. Maybe she deserved it anyway.

And if the girls' reactions had gotten worse, so had the boys', but in a different way. Many now upped their aggressiveness towards her as they just assumed she'd be down for whatever they asked. Some almost expected it. If she had been okay with doing what she'd done with Brad and Matt, she'd certainly give a guy a simple blowjob here or there, right? Would that be too much to ask?

Actually, no. It hadn't been too much to ask at all. As her self-worth plummeted, Rachel had spent the two months leading up to Kevin's prom giving in to more boys than she dared say out loud. A series of effortless and often crude propositions found her on her knees almost constantly. In school, out of school. It didn't matter. She'd made more guys cum in half a semester than most girls had in four years.

And then there was Matt.

Although Rachel hated him even more in the aftermath, she'd almost felt a strange attraction to him, like he was all she had left after everything else had burned down. It was dark and twisted and it made no sense, but she'd found herself hooking up with him pretty regularly over the past few months. Part of her had figured what did it matter anymore?

She'd returned to his now infamous basement a number of times and found herself kneeling in front of that couch. And worst of all, for reasons she couldn't explain, she had let him have sex with her as well.

It had started one day when she had gone to his house after a particularly crushing experience with Rebecca at school. Rachel's feelings of self-worth had been on life support, and in retrospect, it shouldn't have been a surprise that she'd be vulnerable enough to give in. Matt had talked her out of her clothes and she'd been in the middle of sucking his dick when he'd started pleading with her about that day with Brad. He'd told her how jealous he was of his friend and how hot it had been and how it just wasn't right that he be stuck with only the memory.

How it wasn't...fair.

Rachel had known it was wrong, maybe the most wrong thing ever, but she had given in without much of a fight. She'd gotten up off her knees and lied down softly on the couch next to him. Her inner voice had been screaming but she'd simply watched in silence as he'd positioned himself over her body with an excited grin. And without so much as a final word, she'd spread her legs and let him have what he wanted.

He'd fucked her like that for a while before half-asking/half-moving her into his lap for his finish. She'd dutifully complied and rode him smoothly, rocking her hips into him in a methodic, trance-like rhythm. Matt had been completely into it, his eyes wide and intense and his hands pawing chaotically over her heavy breasts. But she'd shown no such similar enthusiasm. She'd simply fucked him like she wasn't even present.

When he'd gotten close, he'd signaled for her to slide off and get back on the floor between his legs. Without really bothering to ask this time (since he'd figured she'd allowed it before), he'd came explosively onto her face and chest, leaving a gruesome, messy scene that somewhat mirrored what Jeff had just recently done to her earlier in the morning.

Later that day when Rachel had gotten home, she'd sworn to herself that it had been a one-time thing. But it had happened again. And again. Multiple times. Something had changed inside her that afternoon. It had been a turning point and had served only to push her deeper down her dark spiral.

Sometime after she'd first done it with Matt, she had seen Brad in the hallway at school and watched as he'd given her a sad, knowing look. Between him and Matt, her "no sex" policy had crumbled in short order. Rachel wondered if Rebecca knew, too. But she didn't care. She didn't care about much anymore and she only focused on her desperate needed to fill the void in her life with anything she could.

Rachel thought about these things as she stood in front of the mirror and reached for her phone. She remembered seeing the voicemail alert from Matt from the night before when she had left her phone in Kevin's car during the afterparty. She brought her thumb to the button and considered pressing it to listen to the message. Not that she didn't know what he wanted...

She exhaled deeply and put the phone back down. No. Not now. She just couldn't. Her glance at the phone also alerted her to the time and her eyebrows rose in surprise. It was just after four o'clock. God, she'd been crying and reminiscing all afternoon. She was surprised her parents hadn't come to check on her, but then again, they had been aware of her moodiness over the past few months and they'd been trying to tread lightly. She shook herself gently and tried to focus her brain. She'd been up there for hours. What had she been thinking about before she'd gotten lost in the memor-?


She hadn't made solid plans with him but they had tentatively talked about hanging out later, and before Rachel had been overcome with her memories and tears, she remembered that she had wanted to talk to him and try to apologize and make things right. Her ugly trip down memory lane had again made her think about how Kevin would never be the kind of guy to do to her what so many others had done. Not that she was ever forced into those things, but Kevin wouldn't even have pushed.

Kevin was different. He was almost too innocent, but he cared about her in a way that likely few other boys ever had. She decided she would talk to him today and she would make things right. Maybe letting it all out about not just the morning but about what an awful place she had been these past few months might help her to feel better as well.

She picked her phone back up and shot him a text:

Hey you :) Wanna grab dinner at Baja Fiesta? Like 6? My turn to treat since you were such a good date!

He responded almost immediately:

-Hey! Yeah that sounds great. Your treat huh? Def gonna order the whole menu. :P Need me to pick you up?

LOL. Hilarious. No just meet there. See ya at 6!

Rachel tossed her phone back down and ran her hand through her hair. Her general mood was still idly pacing somewhere between awful and emotionally numb, but for the first time in a few hours, she formed the slightest smile.

She thought about her choice in restaurant. Baja Fiesta had been her and Rebecca's favorite. It was just a casual little Mexican spot and Rachel grinned as she thought about how the girls had sometimes flirted their way into getting served margaritas underage. Her smile soured though when she remembered how it was there that they had agreed to meet that fateful morning that she had been with Brad and Matt. She'd obviously cancelled their date and they'd never been back since.

She started to feel sick again and she pushed the thought away. She missed her friend so much! Initially after their falling out, Rebecca had at least acknowledged her presence, albeit via snarky comments as they passed each other in the hallway. Every word had hurt Rachel but she found herself actually yearning to hear them again.

Nowadays, Rebecca just pretty much acted like she was invisible, which was strangely worse. Although, and maybe it was just her mind playing hopeful tricks on her, Rachel could've sworn she'd caught Rebecca glancing over at her sometimes during class when she thought she didn't notice.

She would see mostly disdain and anger in her looks, but there was also maybe just a hint of sadness. The school year was coming to an end and there were rumors that Rachel might be transferring again. They were seniors and obviously supposed to be graduating and going to college. Rebecca had even been accepted to play field hockey at a small local school.

At one time, she and Rachel had actually talked hopefully about going to that college together and both being part of the team. Rachel was an even better player and would certainly have been recruited if she had so chosen. But in the midst of her spiral, she had blown off pretty much everything important in her life. She'd quit the soccer team and most of the clubs she'd been involved with. And most crucially, she'd abandoned her school work. There were rumors that she was failing a few classes and wouldn't be graduating.

Obviously, no one knew anything for real and Rachel wasn't super close enough with anyone anymore who might ask. But if they had asked, they'd have known that she was indeed in a bad spot. She was almost certainly not going to graduate and her options looked to be to either repeat at least a semester of her senior year (likely at someplace new again) or, if she truly still wanted to stay on track, take a bunch of summer courses and see if any college would accept her in time for the fall.

But in her current mind-state, busting her ass over anything was extremely unlikely. She'd almost certainly be a senior again in a few months and going through the same, tired process all over. And she'd already played four years of field hockey so she couldn't even have that as an outlet or distraction. It was a mess.

But throughout all of it, the one thing Rachel found herself caring about was that maybe a tiny piece of Rebecca missed her too. Maybe she could get over what Rachel had done and they could at least be friendly again. Rachel wanted more than that, but she'd settle for being able to send Rebecca a funny text or laugh with her in the hallway.

Maybe Rebecca still thought about playing college hockey with her, too. Maybe they could still make it happen. No. It was too late. Almost every ship possible had sailed and the last few would be leaving the pier shortly. Rebecca would be in college in the fall and even further removed from her life. Not that it would be much different than it was now.

Rachel found the thoughts to be depressing her again but this time no tears came. She truly was tapped out emotionally. She pushed the thoughts away and tried to focus on what she'd say to Kevin in a few hours. A quick glimpse in the mirror reminding her of her state of undress, she smirked and moved to her dresser to remedy the situation.

As she dug through her drawers, her smirk deepened into a dry, sarcastic smile. She thought about her failed plan to wear an unflattering and boring t-shirt-and-shorts combo the night before. "It will be nostalgically appropriate! LOL!" She shook her head. That had sure worked out.

Her stomach twisted as her eyes flicked quickly over to her hamper where she'd tossed the yellow shirt. She didn't even want to wash it. She wanted to burn it or bury it deep in the ground. All it did was serve as a bright yellow reminder of what she was; the dried stain serving as her own personal Scarlett Letter.

Whatever. She didn't care anymore. Swallowing away the thought, she shook her head and retrieved a pair of plain jeans and a loose button down flannel shirt. She slipped the clothes on and sat down on her bed to plan out her talk with Kevin.

The exercise proved to be difficult because Rachel truly didn't know what Kevin was currently thinking about her. Beyond her suspicions that he had some 'more than platonic' feelings for her, she'd also always carried the guilt that came with him knowing about how she lived her life. They'd gone to school together for a long time and Rachel was certain that he'd been privy to subtle (and unsubtle) rumors and implications regarding her activities.

How many classmates of his has had talked their penises into her mouth? How many sports teammates had probably teased him in the locker rooms, joking about what great head his best friend gave? Back at Taylor Reed there had been one particular occasion where Rachel had "convinced" a few upperclassmen to leave her friend alone by agreeing to do certain things with them. She was pretty sure that Kevin had never found out, but she never truly knew.

And then there was this past morning at Jeff's house. For all the stories and truths that Kevin surely knew about her, he'd never been confronted with explicit evidence (at least as far as she knew). But that was all different now. He'd seen her in the yard with Rob. Seen her willingly on her knees in front of him. And what he hadn't seen with Jeff, surely didn't need to be explained. He'd watched them go into the basement together and remain down there for fifteen minutes. What else would a girl like her have been doing?

The thoughts continued to swirl and twist through her as she went over her meeting with Kevin in her head. She'd been working it out for close to an hour when her phone buzzed by her feet. With a curious narrowing of her brows, she reached down over the bed and retrieved her cell. A text message had come through from and unknown number. Her stomach twisted.

Hey Rachel? Yo it's Jeff. Sorry to bother you but can we talk real quick? It's important.

Rachel felt herself stiffen and shiver. Jeff? How did he have her number? And what could he possibly want? Why was he bothering her?

She was about to ignore the message but she remembered suddenly how fired up she had been earlier and how she'd wished she'd had the nerve to tell him off in front of Jessie when he had been teasing her so brazenly. So she decided to blow off some steam.

-Um, yeah no thanks. If something's important go talk to your girlfriend. Remember her? We have nothing to talk about.

Rachel proudly hit 'send' and scoffed her heart beat fast in her chest. Fuck him, she thought. The nerve on that boy-.

Her thought was interrupted by his reply. And her shivers turned into trembles when she read the words:

Look, I'm sorry. It's about the picture. Can we meet real quick?

The picture.

It sent a terrible chill down her spine and into her stomach. That awful picture he had taken of her while she'd been-. Rachel shuddered again as thoughts bounced chaotically through her head.

Why was he bringing it up? Was he going to blackmail her? It wasn't even clear that it was her. But did that matter? People would just assume that it was something she'd do. But would he really make it public? It was just as dangerous for him. He had a girlfriend. Why would he be the one to-? And how did he even know that she had seen it? She stopped cold.


Had Tyler been unable to keep his mouth shut about what they'd done earlier that morning? She sighed and figured she couldn't blame him. Boys always talked. So did girls. Nothing was a secret for long and Rachel knew this better than anyone. So what was Jeff getting at? Did he mess up and was freaking out, too? Was it actually important?

Rachel knew that she was just rationalizing what was surely a bullshit ploy to get her back in a room with him so he could try to talk her again into God knows what. She knew all of this. She knew it. But at the same time, if there was something going on with that picture of her, she needed to find out. Maybe that wasn't the only one he had taken. She shivered again. She didn't want to, but she had to squash it all if possible. With another sigh, she swallowed and numbly texted back:

-You are unbelievable. And what the fuck were you thinking with the picture anyway? What do you want? I have dinner plans at 6.

Where you having dinner?


OK just meet me there at 5:15. Won't take long.

Rachel hesitated. What wouldn't take long? Part of her knew what he was doing but she was so drained and done with everything that she really didn't care. She texted back:


Rachel felt her palms get sweaty as she gently placed the phone down and checked the time. She needed to leave soon if she wanted to be there by 5:15. She sighed yet again. She had barely worked out what she wanted to say to Kevin and meeting up with Jeff right beforehand would surely put her into a strange state of mind. Whatever. She was so over it all. A few hours earlier, this type of thing might have sent her into a nervous panic. But now?

She stood calmly and looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing an oversized blue flannel shirt matched with a pair of old jeans and her hair was in a boring ponytail. Her beauty still showed in some respects but her vacant, numb expression made her look distant and cold. It was how she felt and she didn't know what would make the feeling go away anytime soon.

With a final, expressionless glance, she turned from the mirror and grabbed her keys.


Rachel pulled up to Baja Fiesta a few minutes early and put her car in park. She didn't know if Jeff was there yet and she didn't know what kind of car he drove. She idly ran some chap stick over her lips and thought about the picture. Jesus. She hoped he hadn't done anything stupid. Or worse, that he was planning on using it to talk her into something. She knew she couldn't trust Jeff.

It wasn't just about him specifically, but his type. Just like with Matt and a few others over the years, the boys who had made her feel low after she had been with them had somehow managed to maintain a strange power over her. She hadn't gone back to all of them, but with more than she would've liked, she'd ended up in future compromising positions. And sadly, she had usually been the one to initiate it.

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