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Click hereHello everyone! I'm sorry this story took so long to write, but graduate school takes a lot of my attention these days! Anyway, this story was inspired by real life circumstances as I had two boys come up to my door one morning and offer to do my yard work. Enjoy this story and hopefully I won't take so long to write the next part
Pulling Weeds
It was shaping up to be a hot summer day. The kind where clothes seemed to melt off people. A beat-up pickup truck, a lawn mower rattling around in the back, rounded the corner into the quiet cul-de-sac.
Evan and Shawn were fresh from high school graduation. They were both 19 and were getting ready to head off in separate directions. Evan was the bookish type, tall and slender, interested in biology, had received multiple scholarship offers, including to CSU, a prestigious prize in their town. Shawn on the other hand was more or less a fuck-up. Sure, he enjoyed school and was smart enough to get straight A's but he just wasn't interested in classwork or homework. He graduated with mostly C's and B's and was ready to start making money for himself. Shawn was on the football team, but he mostly rode the bench, but the gym time he put in for being on the team definitely helped him in the date department. He was short but built like a house. Both of the boys were ready for a summer of fun, relaxation and hopefully a couple dates in between.
They had always driven around a couple days a week to different neighborhoods in their town and offered to mow peoples' yards for some spending cash. Today they were driving through one of the nicer suburbs.
"Hopefully one of these rich fucks has been too busy banging secretaries or whatever it is CEOs do, to cut their grass," Shawn said as he drove down the quiet street.
"I hope so too, our spending money is getting a little low," Evan said scanning the yards of the houses they passed.
"Wait, this might be our lucky day!" Evan pointed to a house, the lawn was slightly overgrown, and the bushes were not looking much better.
"Hell yea!" Shawn said as he pulled to the curb. Once the truck was in park Shawn turned toward his friend "Go see if there's someone home, I'll be at the ready."
"You got it bro" Evan said as he slid out of the truck and made his way up the sidewalk to the front door.
The doorbell was like a landmine exploding in Floyd's ear.
Who the fuck could that be, he thought, his brain still a haze from last night's festivities.
Floyd was not quite a CEO, but he was close. The night before he and his boss were out celebrating a huge deal they closed. Floyd liked his boss, fun to party with, and trusted him to get his work done. Floyd groaned as another land mine exploded against his ear drums.
Fuck, I don't bounce back like I used to.
Floyd was in his early 50's, never married, no kids. He never could see himself settling down, he had way too much fun without the responsibilities of being a family man. He swung his legs out from under his bedding, fighting the pull of his hangover and gravity, he sat up and oriented himself. Floyd was tall, 6'5" and built like a slab of granite. He played defensive tackle back in his college days and was still enjoying the benefits of it, even if he wasn't as active in the gym as he used to. Floyd was bald with a well-groomed beard that he cut close to his chin line. Floyd stood up looking down, he noticed a pair of black lace panties under his foot. He chuckled to himself as he bent down to pick them up.
She must of left already, he thought to himself as he brought the panties to his face and inhaled deeply.
Floyd groaned, the memories flooding back from the night before. Floyd and his boss always went out after closing a big deal, and most of the time they always found a couple hot pieces of ass to take home, last night was no different. She was wearing a tight black dress that hugged every curve and a devilish smile that said she knew her way around a cock. They danced then they got an Uber and were soon back at Floyd's, her big white ass bouncing on his lap, his black cock exploring the depths of her pussy. Floyd chuckled again at her disbelief when he told her he was 53.
"Black don't crack baby, now show daddy how much you want his cock" was his response, her hips writing in cursive as she went back to working his cock.
Another land mine exploded. The doorbell chimed, bringing him out of his daydream.
She's probably come back for her panties he smiled to himself, he stood up and slowly made his way to his front door, grabbing a pair of basketball shorts and throwing them on. The late morning sun was shining brightly, and Floyd has to shield his eyes as he walked down the stairs.
"Come on Evan lets go, they're obviously not home!" Shawn shouted from the curb.
"Just give it one more second, I think I heard someone moving!" Evan shouted back
"Couldn't get enough of this cock last night baby?" Floyd said as he swung the door open.
But instead of a stacked 25-year-old black-haired beauty he was staring down at a slender boy standing on his porch, his arm raised ready to ring the doorbell one more time.
"Ummm wow..." was all Evan could say, his eyes wandering over the man in front of him.
Floyd chuckled, "Shit, sorry man I thought you were someone else."
Floyd's voice was deep and rumbled in Evan's chest. There was a moment of awkward silence as Evan stared slack-jawed at the shirtless man in front of him. Snapping back to reality he quickly started his pitch, albeit with a little less focus than usual.
"Hi, sir, wou...would you need any assistance with your lawn today? My name's Evan by the way." Evan said his face was turning redder by the second.
What the fuck dude!? Focus! Evan was flustered and confused because he had never reacted this way to anyone, let alone a man! But Evan couldn't deny how this man was making him feel.
"Sorry son, I'm still waking up, what's the problem?" Floyd asked leaning against the door frame.
"Sorry, we didn't mean to wake you sir. My friend Shawn and I mow lawns to make a little bit of extra money, and we noticed your lawn was a little overgrown and we are here to offer our services." Evan finished with a sparkling, boyish smile, his blue eyes were bright with an eagerness to please.
Floyd let his eyes wander up and down Evan. He was slender and only came up to his chest, so he expected Evan to be around 5'11." He had a cute boyish look to him, his shaggy blonde hair moved freely as he moved his head. Floyd could feel his cock stir in his shorts as he imagined this cute boy bent over. Fuck I hope he's 18, Floyd thought to himself as he moved his hand down to tuck his growing cock into his waistband. He watched as the boy's eyes locked onto his bulge before moving back up to meet his chocolate brown eyes. Very interesting Floyd thought.
Evan blushed a deep shade of crimson knowing he just got caught.
"That's very kind of you boys, how old are you?" Floyd asked.
"We're both 19, we just graduated high school" Evan said with another smile
"Glad to hear it! Well, I'll be happy to contribute to your spending money, how much would it cost for you boys to mow, edge, and trim the bushes?" Floyd asked, a plan forming in his head.
"Does 50$ seem fair?" Evan asked
"That sound's reasonable" Floyd responded, "Why don't you boy's get to work, just come up and knock on the door when you're done."
Floyd moved his hand down to adjust himself again and found Evan's eyes following his every move. Floyd smirked to himself; this was gonna be a fun morning. He turned and headed back inside.
Evan quickly tried to calm himself down as he made his way back down to his friend.
What the fuck was that! Evan thought. To this point he's been straight as an arrow. Never thinking anything sexual about any man he saw. But now all he could think about was how large Floyd's bulge looked in his shorts! Like how can anyone handle that amount of cock?
"Yo, Evan! Earth to Evan!" Shawn snapped him back to reality.
"What? What's going on?" Evan said still in a haze of cock fantasies.
"Are we good to get started on the lawn?" Shawn asked with eyebrows raised.
"Oh! Yes he said he'd pay us $50 for mowing, edging, and trimming the bushes!"
"Hell yea! That's what I'm talking about it! Great job dude" Shawn and Evan high-fived and got started on the lawn.
Floyd quickly jumped in the shower; he couldn't believe his luck this morning. Floyd was actively bisexual and to him it didn't matter what was between the legs as long as he found them attractive, and he found this boy extremely attractive. Evan's smile was so cute, and his blue eyes would look amazing staring up at him as he feeds him his cock. Floyd felt his cock come to life as the image of that cute white boy getting his first taste of chocolate, or at least he assumed it would be his first taste. He needed to work fast, he grabbed a pair of jogging shorts with an inseam so short he was worried his cock head might pop out the leg hole and a loose-fitting tank top. He looked at himself in the mirror and knew he was ready for the game to start. Then a spark of inspiration, why should Evan be the only one who enjoyed the revelation of cock, he had looked at the other boy, Evan's friend, and knew his boss would love to get his hands on the bigger boy.
Floyd and his boss David were known womanizers around the office, but not many people knew they swung both ways. If they struck out with the fairer sex, they knew there were a couple gay bars around town where they could find a willing bottom or two. Floyd grabbed his cell phone and called his boss.
After a few rings he answered, sounded like he was struggling just as much as Floyd was earlier, getting old sucks!
"What?" was all Floyd got in terms of greeting.
Floyd chuckled, "Get yourself together, I might have found us a couple white boys if you're interested?
"What are you talking about? Didn't you get enough from that dime you brought home last night?" David asked
Floyd quickly explained the situation making sure to highlight the bigger boy. By the time he was done explaining he knew he had David on the hook.
"Damn Floyd, you luck into these situations all the time! It's not fair"
"That's why I called you, I knew you'd have some fucking left in the tank! Get dressed and head over to my place, by the time you get over here I should have at least one of them addicted to chocolate.
"You dirty fucker! I'm on my way, should I bring anything?"
"Just the usual, and anything else, maybe a bottle of poppers, these boys are probably gonna be tighter than Chinese finger trap."
"You got it Floyd, make sure to get them stretched out for me."
Floyd could feel his cock growing in his shorts, his brain was flooded with images of spit roasting Evan till he was a quivering mess of spit and cum.
Fuck! I gotta get this going before I lose my composure, Floyd thought to himself. Floyd tried to tuck his growing cock into his waist band.
Meanwhile the boys were hard at work outside. The sun was starting to enact its authority by blanketing the boys with unbearable heat. Shawn had shed his shirt and was currently on his hands and knees pulling a stubborn weed. Evan always felt awkward taking off his shirt, especially standing next to his football player friend, so he suffered through the heat, his sweat making his shirt cling to his body. Evan had finished edging the lawn and was loading the weed whacker back into Shawn's truck.
"Hey Shawn, you almost done?" Evan asked turning and seeing his friend with his ass in the air pulling weeds. Ordinarily Evan wouldn't have thought twice about this but after his interaction with Floyd his sexual energy has been a bit discombobulated. For the first time he noticed how plump and bubbly his friend's ass was, he was now wondering what he would look like getting fucked by a man and Evan could feel his cock stir in his shorts.
"Yea, I'm almost done!" Shawn shouted back, "Once I pull this weed I'll get the rest of the equipment in the truck, go up and let the guy know we're done"
"You sure? Maybe you should go up and tell him" Evan said, looking back at the front door and remembering the look of Floyd's bulge and the way he looked at him like a lion looks at a gazelle, truth be told he was nervous to go back up there, too confused and worried he'd say something weird.
"What? No man you're always better at talking with people, I'd probably say something stupid." Shawn said wiggling his ass, his hands digging into the dirt.
"HA! Got it!" Shawn shouted as he finally pulled the weed, standing up and looking back at Evan with a stupid grin on his face.
"Come on Evan, we always work best with you as the face and me as the muscle, so go get our beer money!" Shawn said as he passed by his friend, giving him a playful smack on the ass as he passed.
Evan let out a small yelp, not expecting that and with all the confusing thoughts he was now having, that smack rang through his body, his cock was now standing at full attention.
Evan slowly made his way up to the front porch. He stood in front of the door trying to stall as he let his erection soften up a little bit. Taking a deep breath, he stepped to the door and knocked.
"Perfect timing!" Floyd said was he opened the door, "I just finished my workout, you boys done?"
Evan could barely form words, Floyd was wet with sweat, his shirt clinging to him, his cock looked like it was about to burst out of his shorts.
"Umm, um, ye...YES SIR" Evan said a little too loudly as he mentally slapped himself back to reality again.
Floyd chuckled, his low voice rumbling through Evan's chest and going directly to his cock.
"Great to hear it! Let see how you did." Floyd stepped out onto the porch, letting his hand linger on Evan's lower back as he passed by him.
"Great work boys! This was definitely worth the $50, let me grab my wallet, come on in"
Floyd squeezed past Evan, the poor boy looked like he was ready to pass out. God, do I love teasing white boys Floyd thought as he and Evan walked into the front entry way of the house.
"Hang tight, my wallet is in the kitchen." Floyd said as he turned and left Evan standing in the hallway.
Evan was trying desperately to calm down, his cock had never been harder in his life, and he knew his face was flushed with bright red. Floyd found his wallet pulling a couple 50's from it he walked back to Evan.
"Here you go boy, $50." Floyd said as he held the cash out to him, he made no attempt to hide the lust glowing in his eyes.
"Th..thank you sir, it was a pleasure doing your lawn" Evan said, nervously reaching for the $50 dollar bill.
"On second thought," Floyd said, flicking his wrist up, dollar bill moving out of Evan's grasp. "I actually have another job for you to do, my backyard is getting a little overgrown as well, do you think you could take care of that as well. I'll throw in another $50 for your trouble."
Evan gulped, "yea, sure that should be no problem, I'll go grab Shawn..."
"No need to involve him," Floyd interrupted taking a step towards Evan, "I think you can handle it all by yourself" His words were dripping with innuendo and sexual tension. "Tell your friend to hit the rest of the houses on this street and you should be done by the time he circles back around."
Evan was now looking up at Floyd, he could feel the heat from his chest and smell his manly cologne, his senses were overloaded, and he was overwhelmed by the aura this man towering over him gave off.
"Are you sure? Shawn and I always work together." Evan said, his bright blue eyes drawn to Floyd's deep brown eyes like magnets.
"Don't worry beautiful, Shawn will be able to help later, but for now I think this is a job meant for you." Floyd was sure this was his moment to make a bold move. He took Evan's small hand and moved it to the bulge in his shorts."Now go tell your friend that you are gonna finish up the work in my back yard."
Evan's eyes never left Floyds even as his fingers danced over the thickness of his bulge. How the fuck was his cock this big!? Evan thought to himself
"Ye..yes sir" Evan said in a quiet voice, his hands continue to stroke Floyd's pet cobra, his feet frozen in place. Floyd took his chance, leaning over, he placed his hand under the boys chin, pulling his lips to meet him. Floyd's tongue danced softly with Evan's. Evan was so shocked by the moved that he let out a little moan as he melted into the kiss.
"That's a good boy, now go on and tell your friend, I'll be here waiting for you" Floyd said with a wink and gently lead his soon to be conquest to the front door.
Evan followed like he was in autopilot, his hand still placed on Floyd's bulge as he was lead back to the front door. His face was tingly from the kiss and Evan's cock stood at attention like a solider waiting for his battle instructions.
The slam of the door broke the spell, and Evan was again standing on the landing to Floyd's house. Evan quickly tucked his cock into his waist band and tried to act normal as he made his way back to Shawn's truck.
Shawn was loaded up and already sitting in the driver's seat, the engine idling.
"Come on Evan, let's go! Time is money," Shawn said with excitement ready to find the next payday.
"Hey Shawn, this guy said he would give us an extra 50 bucks if I did his back yard as well," Evan said as he came up to the passenger door. "So I think I'm gonna stick around and do that."
"Shit that's awesome! Let me get the stuff out of the truck and we can knock it out together." Shawn said as he opened the driver side door.
"NO!...Umm, no, it's fine, it's a small back yard, I should be able to handle it. Go check the other houses on this street." Evan said, his face starting to blush as he thought about what was in store for him. His thoughts replayed the kiss, how warm Floyd's lips felt, how beautiful and small he felt in his arms. It was an intoxicating thought.
"You sure?" Shawn asked, an eyebrow raised. "You ok, you're acting a little weird right now?"
"Yea dude! I'm more than fine, we're about to make more money! Plus, Floyd seems like a good man maybe he'll tip a little extra for the extra work, I'll be fine. Go check the other houses."
Shawn stared at him a moment, before shrugging his shoulders and closing the driver side door, "Whatever man, I'll go check the other houses, do you need anything from the back to get the backyard done?"
"I'll just grab the hedge trimmers, everything else I'll leave for you." Evan said.
Evan grabbed the trimmers and watched as Shawn drove off down the street to the other houses.
Ok Evan, are we really doing this? He closed his eyes and reminded himself how good Floyd's lips tasted and felt. His cock jumped to life again and he was already walking back up to the front door before he consciously answered his question.
Evan was soon standing in front of the front door. Beyond the door was surely going to change him and his sexuality forever. Flashes of pornos he's watched lit up his mind's eye except he now replaced the female performers instead of the male ones. Where he once pictured himself stuffing those pretty faces with his own cock, he was now the pretty blonde staring up at the camera, his mouth stuffed with Floyd's sizable cock. He's either going to seduce me, or I'll just do the backyard and get the $50, that's a win-win right? Evan took a deep breath and without a second thought he opened the front door and stepped through. Evan didn't know it then, but his life was about to change forever.
Evan closed the door behind him and locked it. He turned and faced into the entry way. "That's a good boy! I didn't think you'd actually come back." Floyd said with a chuckle. "But here you are, you ready to make $50?"