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Purple Haze Ch. 02

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The plot thickens. What is Dr. Henry White’s next move?
3.4k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 02/11/2024
Created 06/15/2023
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Twenty-one-year-old Henry White walked into his apartment and threw his keys at the wall in disgust.

"What's the matter, Henry?" His roommate asked.

"My sister is getting married and I'm not invited to the wedding."

"What? That's ridiculous."

"Her fiancée is a some kind of DC douche bag, and she's worried that he will lose his security clearance if I associate with my family."


"I got busted for hacking the CIA when I was sixteen."

"No way!"

"Yeah, but I didn't get much. They caught me faster than I anticipated."

"Still, that's bullshit you can't go to the wedding."

Henry sighed, "If my parents hadn't died in that car accident, she wouldn't do this to me. My father wouldn't have allowed it. I'll make her pay someday. I'll make her pay."


Twenty-eight years later, Dr. Henry White sat in the Oval Office surrounded by Secret Service.

"What do you want, Henry," President Grant asked her brother.

"I want a private conversation with the only family I have left."

She shook her head and said, "Wait outside, guys. I'm safe with him."

Her lead agent said, "Ma'am, he's been searched, but he's on the list."

"Just go," she snapped.

"What list am I on, dear sister?" He asked as they left the room.

She frowned, "It's because of the hacking thing, Henry. There's nothing I can do."

He smiled, "If you loved your little brother, you'd have taken care of that years ago."

"Henry, I love you, but you can't deny you're a security risk."

"You have no idea," he whispered.

"Jennifer, it's been five days since that, what do you call it? The event?"

She nodded.

"Sis, do you know who is behind it or what they want?"

"We don't know much more than we did five days ago. Do you know something?"

"Oh, I know a lot, dear sister. Do you know what I've been working on for the last five years?"

"Of course. You're managing a think tank in New York."

"Yes, that's true." He looked at his watch and smiled. "Do you know what we've been researching?"

"I have no idea, Henry. Can you get to your point? I'm very busy."

"Sure, Jennifer. When I got into the CIA files when I was a kid, I found something interesting. It was a project involving Quantum Mechanics and mind control. Real interesting stuff but they really had no idea what to do with it back then."

"Mind control," she said quietly. "Henry, no."

He smiled when he saw the flash of purple light in the sky behind her.

"Oh, yes, dear sister."


Jim sat at the breakfast table with his mom. For the last five days, she acted normally, and so did the Davis family.

There was no explanation given on the news for who or what caused the event, and it made Jim nervous.

Videos were popping up all over the internet of celebrities, wives, mothers - heck, any woman - having unbridled sex with random men during the event. It was bedlam.

Jim's mother, Lisa, watched the news with little interest and she never asked Jim or Dan if she was one of the women impacted. Most women were denying anything happening despite the evidence.

Due to the differences in time zones, one of the worlds biggest pop stars was on stage on the other side of the world when it happened. Her concert became a riot when she started having sex on stage with her band.

Thousands of men tried to rush the stage to get a piece of her, many died in the resulting stampede.

That was one of the worst stories to come out of the event. Jim found the video online and couldn't believe something so bad happened while he was having the best time of his life.

Jim ate a piece of toast and thought about whether his mother would have sex with him again if he pursued her. She hadn't made any moves on him, and he was worried she truly did forget the experience.

Then it happened again.


"What have you done, Henry?"

President Grant barely got the words out before that same feeling passed through her body.

"Take me to your bunker, Jennifer."

Her eyes lit up, "Will you fuck me, Henry? Oh, God! I need it so bad."

"Yes, but we'd better hurry."

She ran to the other side of the room and opened the secret door to the elevator to the bunker.

The door barely closed before the agents from the Secret Service stormed into the room.

"POTUS is compromised."

The words crackled over scores of agents' earpieces. It was no surprise after the events of the first event. President Grant had to be sedated to keep her from continually assaulting her agents for sexual relief that time.

An agent burst into Vice President Adam Dorn's office.

"It's happening again, Sir. Phones and internet are down again and women are losing their minds."

"Shit!" He grunted.

He and the cabinet decided if it ever happened again, they would immediately have a meeting to invoke the 25th amendment so he could become President until the situation was resolved.


"Yeah, you like my cock in your ass, you slut?"

"Yes, Henry. Fuck me, Brother. Fuck me harder."

While he was sodomizing his sister, he looked around the room and mentally noted everything he saw.

"Can they get in here, Jennifer?"

"No. Not without me scanning them in. Uh! Don't stop!"

"I'm going to cum. Turn around."

She spun around and knelt before him just in time to receive his load across her face. He smiled at seeing his sister, the most powerful person on the planet, covered in his cum.

"What's in that room there?" He asked as she scooped his cum into her mouth.

"Podium set up to address the nation. Do me again, baby brother. I need it so bad."

"I know you do, bitch. I took a Viagra this morning, so you'll get some more."

He realized there was no way he could use any of the systems, nor did he want to do so. Nuking a country wasn't his plan. Stealing and selling secrets wasn't either. He wasn't a traitor, in his opinion.

"Jennifer, suck me hard again, so I can fuck your tight pussy."

She smiled and licked her lips.


"Jimmy, take me upstairs. I need you so badly."

Jim smiled and wondered if it was happening again or if she just wanted him. He decided to check first.

"Sure, Mom. I'll meet you upstairs. Wear something sexy for me."

She clapped her hands and ran to her bedroom.

Jim turned on the television and saw Harrison Ryder say, "It's started again. We still don't know what is causing it, but the effects seem to be the same."

He looked to his left and saw Addison Payne getting spit roasted by a couple of interns.

"I will stay on the air, and hopefully we will get some useful information soon."

Jim shrugged and his front door burst open.

"Jim," Beth shrieked.

"Upstairs, Mrs. Davis. Mom's waiting."

His neighbor smiled and hurried to the bedroom they used days before.

Jim walked outside and saw his neighbor across the street, Erin Meier, looking around the neighborhood.

She was a thirty-something red-head and had been the fuel for many of Jim's fantasies.

"Thank god, her husband's not home," he smiled.

"Mrs. Meier!" He shouted.

She looked his way and ran towards him. Her braless large breasts flopped around her chest under her shirt as she made her way across the street.

"Jimmy! Oh, God! Fuck me, fuck me now!"

He kissed her and roughly squeezed her ass through her shorts.

"Let's go inside. Mom and Mrs. Davis are waiting."

He shook his head and thanked God again for his gift.

The sight of his mom and his neighbor in 69 made him rock hard.

"Erin, lick my mom's ass while Beth eats her pussy."

"Great idea, Jimmy," Lisa praised.

Jim once again couldn't believe his luck as he pushed his cock into his fantasy fodder's tight pussy.

"Oh, Yeah," Erin moaned as Jim pounded into her. "You're a great fuck kid."

Jim almost laughed when he slapped her ass and she screamed out in delight, "Yes! Do it again, baby!"

When he finally came, her ass was red from his handy work.


Henry looked at his watch and wished he could cum faster. After the third time debasing his sister, he had become bored.

"Oh, Henry! It's so fucking good."

"You'd better cum quick. You have two minutes."

He built ten extra minutes beyond then to allow him to leave the White House.

She doubled her efforts and rode him as fast as she's ever fucked before.

Henry finally came while his sister screamed out in pleasure.

"Stay down here while I go upstairs," he ordered.

"No! I need more," she begged.

"You'll have your agents rushing down here soon. Don't worry about getting more."

She nodded and entered her code and eye scan so Henry could leave.

He forced a worried look on his face just before the elevator doors opened.

"You have to help her," he shouted as the agents' guns pointed at him. "I can't fight her off anymore. She's my sister."

The agent in charge remembered having to restrain and sedate her before and took all but one of the men down in the elevator.

"Are you all right, Sir?" the agent asked.

"Oh, yes," Henry answered and sprayed a knockout gas in the agent's face.

He took a vase off of a table and whistled as he walked through the halls to make his way out. All along the way he saw various people having sex in the public and private spaces.

"I love it when a plan comes together," he said and switched his tune to the theme song from the old A-Team TV show.

His car was waiting outside for him, and he could feel the difference in the air when the signal stopped at the prearranged time.

"Excellent," he said as he slipped into the passenger seat.

"Did you get what you needed?" His driver asked.

"Oh, yes. My sister will be a stain on this country's history for generations.


Jennifer Grant woke from her sedation. It had been an hour since the signal stopped and the world was in chaos.

Trading on all stock and commodity exchanges was stopped when markets crashed all over the world. There were stories of wives being restrained by husbands against their will. Countless more videos popped up showing affected women acting like sluts.

Worst of all for President Grant was that she was silent during the crisis.

While she was having sex for most of the event, she was sedated again by her agents to protect her from doing herself or anyone else harm.

She knew she'd had sex and anal sex, but she didn't remember with whom. She feared that her agents had their way with her, yet she had no way to prove it. The bunker cameras didn't work during the crisis.

What she knew for sure was that she remembered her brother intimating he had something to do with the event. How or why, she didn't know.

She walked into her office and noticed a vase was missing. It was one of the few personal items she was allowed to have in there. It was her family's vase. An heirloom passed down for generations. She was sure Henry took it for some reason.


"Okay," Henry said at his debriefing with his number two. "Any issues?"

"No, sir. We're still working on the memory gap issue. It will take some time."

"That's fine. While I'd prefer they remembered what happened, I can live with it. Any news on my sister?"

"No. She's been silent through the event. There's a rumor that they voted to invoke the 25th amendment in a secret session, but it never went through because we cut it off sooner this time."

"Interesting. Well, all's well that ends well. Get phase 2 initiated. We'll run it a week from Monday."

"On it," he said and left Henry's office.

Henry looked at the vase he took from Jennifer's office. It didn't have much monetary value, but Jennifer prized it.

She'd wanted it since she was a little girl and put flowers from their grandmother's garden into it. She loved that vase more than anything she owned, and now it was his.

He wondered if that would hurt her more than what was about to go down.

He walked over and picked up the ceramic flower holder and felt the heft of it in his hand.

"Dad, you always hated this God damned thing."

He turned and tossed it over his shoulder, where it smashed into the edge of the credenza, then the floor, breaking it into pieces.

A smile crossed his lips.

"Amy," he said into the intercom. "Send it."


"How bad is it, Caroline?" Jennifer Grant asked her chief of staff.

"Awful, Ma'am. I'm not sure how it could be worse. We have no reasonable explanation for your silence if you weren't affected. So, obviously the press are assuming you were affected."

"Then we go with the truth. I was affected, but kept in the bunker to protect me."

"That could work, if you hadn't said you weren't affected the first time."

She frowned. She knew that lie would bite her in the ass.

"Okay, Caroline," she sighed. Her chief of staff frowned as she knew what was coming next.

"Go ahead and put out a statement that I was affected and kept safe in the bunker. The spin on my silence through the first event wasn't working anyway. Fuck! Could this get any worse?"

Caroline didn't think so, but then her phone rang.

"What!" She screamed. "Every channel?"

A gaggle of staff members burst into the office and all hell broke loose.

Caroline turned on the television and the room went silent.


Jim sat in his living room and shook his head.

"The President too," he whispered.

He took out his phone and pulled up the video which was the cause of the latest stir. President Grant was on video begging for her ass to be fucked harder.

"Lucky bastard," he said as he watched the minute long video culminating with the most powerful person in the world taking a facial from an unidentified man.

"Jim! Don't watch that filth," his mother chided as she walked in to tell him his sandwich was ready.

"It's the President, Ma. They are saying she should resign."

"Well, any woman that makes a nasty video like that should resign."

Jim smirked and remembered the video he made a few hours earlier of his mother doing the same thing along with Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Meier.

When his father came home, he asked, "What happened today?"

"More of the same. Just with Mrs. Meier instead of Dana."

"Damn! I wish we knew when this was going to happen. I'd stay home and have the neighborhood hotties too."

"It freaks me out, Dad. Doesn't it bother you that they don't know what's causing it?"

"Yeah, I'm worried about what else they could do if they can make women act like sluts."

"That's what they are saying on TV. They think if they can do that, they can do anything."

Dan looked at his son and shuddered, "Jesus, Jim. What if they could do it to us?"

Jim was more concerned about what they could make people do beyond having sex.


"My sister is still fighting," Henry said as he turned off the television.

"Yes, sir, but she's really coming down hard on you. The entire planet is looking for you."

"They won't find me. But that doesn't matter," he smiled. "Are we ready to start phase 2?"

"Yes, sir."

"Excellent. Begin at once."

Amy spun on her heels and left the room. She knew this part of the plan would be dangerous for her. She rechecked her sidearm and walked into the control room.


"Turnabout is FairPlay," read the message as it flashed across every smartphone in the world.

Jim read his phone and looked at his father, "What the hell?"

Suddenly, Dan began to feel dizzy, then turned on. His penis hardened to a point where it was almost too painful.

Dan stood and Jim saw his father undo his necktie, before smirking at him and running upstairs.

"Oh, Dan! Fuck me," his mother shouted.

Jim's knew it was happening again. He decided to let his dad have his mom first. He ran to the front door to find someone to fuck. He saw Mrs. Meier on her porch and ran across the street.

"Jim! Thank God! I need you so bad."

"Jim!" Dana shouted from across the street.

He turned and saw mother and daughter taking clothes off as the my ran across the street.

He didn't bother to go inside. He slid down his shorts and had Erin Meier suck him on her porch.

"Give me some of that!" Dana shouted and pushed Erin away.

She began bobbing her head and a moment later Beth joined her.

Jim lay on his back as the mother and daughter fellated him, while Erin sat on his face.

Dana kissed her mother to distract her and snuck forward to fuck Jim first.

The floorboards creaked as Dana bounced wildly on his thick cock.

"Oh, Jim! It's so good," she said before taking her mother's nipple in her mouth.

Jim licked and sucked Erin as he fingered Beth. He was lost in a haze of lust as he growled shooting his load in Dana's willing tunnel.

Dana went crazy when she felt his cum splash against her inner walls. She rode him harder and faster, seemingly trying to drive him through the porch.

He didn't soften as Dana came, then collapsed to his sides which allowed her mother to switch places with her.

"Yes, Jim, oh yes!" She sighed as she impaled herself on the young satyr's prodigious member. "You feel so good inside me."

He lifted Erin off his face and told Beth to get on her hands and knees.

"Mrs. Meier, lay beneath her and do a 69."

He watched the ladies eat each other with animalistic passion for a few minutes while Dana was recovering from her exertion.

He was just about to enter Beth's pussy when someone approached.

"Jimmy! Share with me, man. I gotta get off."

He looked over and saw old man Haney from the end of the block. His wife passed away three years before and he'd lived like a hermit since. Jim helped him by cutting his grass and cleaning his gutters.

"Sure. Dana needs a cock."

"Hoo wee! Get over here pretty girl," he commanded.

Dana crawled over and begged, "Fuck me hard, baby!"

Jim smiled as the old man slapped his beer belly into Dana's as he pounded her pussy from behind.

He looked over at his house and hoped his dad didn't wear out his mom before he got home.


When the signal stopped some hours later, Lisa was riding him while his dad was hammering her ass.

As if it were normal, she and Dan stopped moving and began to dress.

"What the hell?" He whispered.

He watched his father walk downstairs and his mother walk into the bathroom. His dad was acting like the ladies always did when the signal stopped.

He dressed and made his way into the kitchen.

"Dad are you okay?" He asked as his father finished his oatmeal.

"Yeah. I'm late for work though. I'm not sure how I overslept."

"Overslept?" Jim thought.

"Dad, do you remember what you were doing ten minutes ago?"

"I was eating breakfast, silly. What's got into you? You were sitting with me."

"You don't remember having sex with mom all morning?"

"Jim, you're being ridiculous. I've got to go. I'll see you later."

Jim turned on the television and they weren't talking about the event. They were talking about politics. The anchor's makeup was smeared though.

"Jesus! It happened to the men too," he said to himself. "Wait! I remember it all. Did it not affect me?"


"Phase two was a success, Dr. Henry. Men were affected the same as women and have the memory loss as well. In fact, just like the women, it's not just memory loss. It's denial that they were impacted by the signal at all."

"Okay, that doesn't matter. Tomorrow we run the signal permanently with phase three's command. Make sure all of our people are wearing their head pieces before we begin. I don't want to lose any good people."

Henry looked at the map of the world he had on his wall and smiled.

"Tomorrow, you're all mine."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

What a hoot! Great fantasy but maybe in the wrong category

Frankie1952Frankie1952about 1 year ago

Ooh what a nasty person. I wonder how many pregnancies result from all this crazy activity? Love it.

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