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Pushing Her Limits

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A wife discovers porn, then gloryholes, as she explores.
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This story is a complete work of fiction. While I draw some inspiration for a few elements from my own life, any resemblance to real people or events is simple coincidence. Be aware that there is a slow burn before the graphic sex gets under way.

This story includes a wife having sex with other men with her husband's approval. It also includes interracial and pregnancy risk themes. If you don't care for these types of stories, please seek another of the tens of thousands of stories on Literotica.

I sincerely hope that you enjoy this tale.


"So, what do you want to watch tonight?" Amy Carter asked her husband, Ryan. The kids were asleep, the lights were down, the couple was naked in their bed, and the curvy blonde had opened an incognito browser window for the purpose of browsing porn.

Ryan still wasn't quite sure what to make of his wife's new pastime. They had been married for twelve years, and Amy had never before shown any interest whatsoever in porn. In fact, the few times it had come up, she had made some fairly derisive comments about it.

A few weeks ago, that all changed. Amy had come home from a lunch date with her sister, and she had asked Ryan about his porn preferences. At some point during their chat, Amy's older sister Jen had mentioned something about masturbating to porn. The idea that women could actually enjoy porn had thrown Amy for a loop; she had literally never considered that women could fancy it. Ryan had been guarded in his response that day, but Amy's query had been legitimate; she wasn't trying to trip him up or gather ammunition for a fight. She genuinely wanted to know what sort of pornography got her husband's motor running - apparently, she was largely trying to figure out a good starting point for her own explorations.

The result had been quite positive for their sex life. To begin with, Amy had been a little reserved, a little reluctant - but the first time that Ryan had slid his fingers to his wife's crotch to find her panties hot and damp, he had realized that watching porn like this had unlocked something inside of her. She would watch, wide eyed and fixated on the action on screen, and she would spread her legs to Ryan's touch without hesitation. In fact, for the past two weeks or so, if her husband wasn't quick enough to start playing with her clit, Amy would take matters literally into her own hands, teasing her own little bud very soon after they settled on a video.

It wasn't like the Carters had a bad sex life. Despite having been married for twelve years and having two children; they had sex two to three times on most weeks. Amy loved to receive oral and was usually amenable to giving it to her husband, as well. They took advantage of a decent variety of positions; Amy occasionally wore sexy lingerie on special occasions. Ryan knew that many couples were far worse off than his marriage when it came to sex, and he was thankful for what he had.

But ever since Amy had discovered porn, they were having sex more often. The blonde was more vocal, more intent on what was going on, was way more likely to initiate. And as for her rubbing herself off while watching a video... Ryan was flabbergasted, albeit in a good way. As far as he knew, Amy never masturbated; he had actually encouraged her to do so quite a few times, had bought various toys over the years to perhaps assist her - but to no avail. Despite his efforts, the toys seemed to remain entirely untouched except for the rare times that the two of them used one together, and Amy simply just did not touch herself.

Yet here she was tonight, openly rubbing her clit while staring at a decidedly amateur video of a middle-aged brunette woman sucking some guy's cock in what appeared to be her bedroom. Judging from the wedding picture hanging above the bed in the video, the man was clearly not the brunette's husband. Amy's eyes were glassy as she teased her clit to the action on the screen; soon enough, the man in the video grunted as he ejaculated, and the brunette swallowed every drop of semen to the compliments of another man's voice - presumably, her husband was both narrating and filming the action.

Ryan had shared with his wife his preference of watching real people have real sex; he had always despised professional porn. He found it to be boring, and Amy apparently either agreed or didn't find his preferences to be objectionable. Most of their porn viewing seemed to be of real wives having real sex - often with men other than their husbands. Amy seemed to have a particular weakness for videos that seemed to be spur of the moment, contained sex acts that others might be able to see, or otherwise felt like they were risky or pushed limits.

As the woman on the screen smiled at her cameraman husband, the video came to an abrupt end. Amy groaned in frustration. "Just as it was getting good!" she exclaimed in an annoyed tone. Irritated, the blonde began to scroll the "related" video clips displayed beneath the video they had just watched. As she scrolled, she read the titles out loud.

"Slutty wife fucks guy after the party... wife and BBC at home... sexy milf sucks a stranger... naughty wife at the gloryhole," she read. The last title caused Amy to scrunch up her face in a cute mask of confusion. "What the heck is a gloryhole?" she asked.

A jolt ran through Ryan as she made her query. He had always had a bit of a kink for gloryhole porn; the taboo of seeing some chick play with the cock of a guy she had never even seen before just did it for him. Cautiously, he answered. "A gloryhole is... erm... well... it's a hole cut in a wall around waist height. Guys stick their cocks through them, so the person on the other side can suck them or whatever. They are found in adult video booths or in some bathrooms."

Amy giggled and made an incredulous face. "Wait, seriously? Gross! How the hell do you know that?" She shook her head. "Never mind," she stated. "That's just so weird! Why would anyone want to play with some dude's cock when they've never even seen the guy?"

Ryan kept his face carefully neutral; so much for the two of them enjoying that particular kind of porn together. Before he could respond, Amy had clicked on another video - this one featuring a milf on some boat at what looked like a lake - and was quickly back to rubbing herself again. Now was clearly not the time to argue over some rather niche porn. After all, the real benefit here wasn't that Ryan could watch whatever porn he wanted to watch carte blanche; the real benefit was in getting his wife riled up from the onscreen action.

Amy rubbed herself to two orgasms that night before she couldn't stand it anymore and demanded that her husband fuck her. Not being a fool, Ryan happily obliged.


The Carters were a pretty typical suburban family. The pair had met in college, then dated for a couple of years before getting married. Ryan was an electrical engineer and made excellent money. Amy was an ICU nurse and didn't do bad for herself - not to mention, she always seemed to have the option to pick up extra shifts to pocket whatever fun money the family needed. After twelve years of marriage, the Carters had two children - ages ten and seven, a boy and a girl - but Ryan and Amy still made a point to go on date nights alone on a regular basis. Fortunately, the kids were old enough to stay over with grandparents, and both sets of grandparents adored the children, so it was pretty easy for the couple to get away for an evening to reconnect. Once every few months, they would even take little weekend trips - just the two of them.

At thirty-six years old, Amy was still the kind of woman that turned heads in most social situations. Her blonde curls hung just past her shoulders, and her blue eyes danced with mischief. She was curvy but athletic - she spent at least three days per week at the gym, and also ran several miles two to three times per week. It had been important to Amy to not let the kids permanently wreck her body, so she worked damned hard to get it back after their daughter. She fought a never-ending battle against a hated enemy of five pounds that seemed to want to jump back on after every single weekend of fun, though Ryan swore to her that he could never see it. Amy had undergone a lift two years after the second baby, and figuring that she might as well get her money's worth, she had chosen to augment to a D cup at that time. To this day, she would admit to the lift - but out of vanity, never the implants - fortunately, her surgeon was good enough that it was impossible to tell that those breasts weren't given to her by Mother Nature.

Ryan was two years Amy's senior at thirty-eight years old. Standing just shy of six feet, he was also a good six inches taller than his wife, though she enjoyed making up some of that difference in heels from time to time. Ryan was the kind of guy that you would call wiry in build, but he also stayed in good shape with regular time in the gym. While his hair was a sandier shade than was Amy's pure blonde, his was also extremely curly - he kept it cropped very short to avoid those curls. His eyes were also blue; as a result, he could hardly deny either of his blonde haired, curly, blue eyed children.

While Ryan seemed very content with life as a whole, Amy had seemed to grow a little restless over recent months. He didn't think that terms like "midlife crisis" exactly applied to this situation, but it was true that his wife seemed to be seeking... something. She had confessed to him that her biological clock was ticking loudly; they had shared multiple conversations about perhaps having one more baby, though for the time being, Amy had elected to stay on the pill. Despite that decision, Ryan had given her his blessing to discontinue it whenever she felt ready to do so.

One thing that was pretty apparent to Ryan, however, was that Amy seemed intent on pushing the limits in her life.

Ryan would never dream of complaining about his in-laws. They were friendly, had always accepted him, they were helpful people, and they were fantastic with the grandkids. But he had to admit that they were extremely conservative in their views; by all indications, Amy had lived through a very strict childhood. She had only had two boyfriends before getting with Ryan in college; as a result, her sexual history was quite limited. Ryan suspected that Amy's newfound fascination with porn dovetailed with her recent needs to explore herself and to redefine her boundaries.

The pretty blonde always seemed to be challenging herself to try new things, to have new experiences. She had developed a sudden love for trying new foods. She wanted to sample all sorts of new activities - concerts, plays, axe throwing, even skydiving. She may not have been quite as adventurous in the bedroom, but Ryan had to admit that porn did appear to be helping to open a few doors in that department, as well; of late, Amy had begun pushing her sexual limits in various situations.


A couple of years prior, the Carters had gotten into hiking. They had discovered more benefits from the activity than just exercise or enjoyment of the outdoors; they had also found that it allowed them to spend hours at a time together, just the two of them. The miles and hours seemed to melt away as they would talk about pretty much anything that came to mind. As a result, the two of them grew closer with every such outing.

Hiking together had become such an integral part of their lives that the couple tried to go on a hike together most months. Since they had already explored a lot of the good trails that were within easy driving distances for day hikes, the Carters had begun doing small overnight trips where they would drive a few hours away, stay in a cabin, tiny home, or other "fun" lodging, then hike before coming home. Sometimes, they would make a weekend of it, where they might also incorporate a nice dinner, then perhaps hike a different trail the following day before driving back.

One weekend in April, Amy and Ryan said goodbye to the kids as they drove away from Grandma's house and headed out for a weekend trip with a destination some three hours' drive away. Amy was particularly excited, as they had rented a tiny home on the edge of a mountain with a spectacular view of the sunset over the valley. The area was chock full of well-reviewed trails that neither of the couple had ever explored; they picked out a longer one for Saturday and a shorter one for Sunday. The plan was to picnic while watching the sunset on Friday, do the longer hike on Saturday, come back to the tiny home to freshen up, then drive a half hour to a nearby city for a dinner at a swanky restaurant. Afterward, they would spend Saturday night in the tiny home, pack up Sunday morning, do the shorter hike, then drive home.

The drive was smooth, and before they knew it, they were seated on a blanket soaking in a view that absolutely lived up to the promises the tiny home's brochure had made. The couple snacked on charcuterie and sipped champagne as they watched the sun slowly slide beneath the horizon.

Ryan became acutely aware of his wife's body pressed up against him; without thinking, he slid a hand around and cupped one of her generous breasts. When she made no protest, he began to slowly circle her nipple through her sundress with his finger. Predictably, the nipple began to harden almost immediately beneath his ministrations; Amy murmured in approval and snuggled closer to her husband against the beginnings of the chill the accompanied the sun's disappearance. Soon, she turned her face to his and their lips met. The soft kiss they originally exchanged began to grow in hunger as Amy began to respond more openly.

"Do you want to move this inside?" Ryan asked softly. While the view was spectacular, the tiny home wasn't completely isolated - there were a handful of similar structures that shared this overlook; clearly, some developer had come up with a genius idea. Judging from the cars parked nearby, at least two of the other tiny homes were currently occupied; as such, it was entirely possible that someone might elect to watch the couple if they were so inclined.

Amy scanned the area, a crooked grin on her face. "Only if you want to," she breathed. "It's getting dark. If anyone sees us, it's because they really want to. Is that so bad?" With a sultry expression, she pulled her arms out of the dress; in moments, her breasts were bared to her husband beneath the colors of the lingering sunset.

In response, Ryan kissed his wife passionately. Before long, Amy had sank down to the blanket, her husband above her, the darkening sky witness to their passion.


Saturday's hike was reasonably challenging, but not unpleasantly so. Amy and Ryan spent six hours soaking in the springtime leaves, the smells, the sound of nothing but the wind and their voices. There were three or four truly incredible overlooks, as well as one quality waterfall.

And of course, there was the time together. They chatted about work, about their friends, about their parents. They talked about the kids, the various activities, the accomplishments and challenges of school that came along with those. They shared jokes and interesting stories and tidbits of life that each of them had collected. Ryan smiled; while he did enjoy the outdoors, this is what truly got to him - this deep connection that he got to explore with this incredible woman.

That evening, they cleaned up and showered in the tiny home - which was a bit of a challenge, but the cramped quarters were charming and the two of them made it into something fun. Ryan wore slacks and a button up shirt; Amy was stunning in a slinky little dress that showed quite a bit of cleavage, as well as three inch heels that made her legs and ass look even better - if such a thing were possible.

The drive to the restaurant took them through countryside and into a dirty little town outside of their destination city. Ryan chuckled and observed that Google Maps had clearly routed them through the hood - most of the business district consisted of pawn shops, payday loan vendors, and liquor stores. The service stations had the look of places that you slid money under the bulletproof glass to pay for your purchases; he was glad that they had gassed up not long before arriving at the tiny home. Amy laughed and pointed out a dingy building with "ADULT BOOKS" spelled out in green and pink neon lights.

"Too bad we have a reservation," she teased. "We could have stopped in and beaten the crowd!" The parking lot outside of the place only had two cars in it, even on a Saturday night. "I guess that people aren't looking to read very much right now," she joked.

Soon enough, the little town gave way to the city, and the Carters found themselves in a revitalized section of downtown. Various historical buildings had been repurposed as restaurants, bars, and boutique shops. The entire area dripped with the trappings of being trendy.

Ryan was worried that the restaurant they had chosen would be big on style but small on substance; the place offered artisanal ice, for God's sake. They did provide an incredible liquor menu, with a bar that used a rolling ladder like one would find in a library to access the high shelves. While the place was terribly chic - and Ryan felt more than a little out of place - it turned out that the menu was substantial, and the food was outstanding. The staff may not have been the friendliest ever, but it was all in all a fantastic experience, easily one of the better restaurants that they had eaten at.

"I may not actually be cool enough to eat there," Ryan joked after the meal, "but I'll be damned if the food wasn't excellent. I could absolutely see going back there again."

Amy nodded in agreement. "No kidding!" she exclaimed. "And there was so much more on the menu that I'd like to try. The house cocktails were great, too."

Indeed, Amy had enjoyed three such cocktails and was feeling quite pleasant. The drive back to the tiny home found her scrunched as closely as she possibly could get to Ryan while remaining in her own seat. She kept a hand in his lap, idly teasing and stoking his cock through his pants as he drove. Ryan grinned; sex at the tiny home was going to be a lot of fun tonight.

When they came up on the adult bookstore, they discovered that the parking lot was now noticeably more full, with a dozen or more cars outside. "Well, well," Ryan observed. "I guess that reading is in demand, after all."

Amy laughed. "Why are people there so late, anyway?"

Ryan did a bit of a double take. Was it possible that Amy just didn't know what went on at places like that? "Babe," he explained as they drove past, "they probably don't actually have many books. Places like that sell sex toys, lube, maybe lingerie. But most of the people are probably there to watch porn. That place likely has either a little theater or they have viewing booths where you get to pick out videos to watch."

The blonde looked at her husband with an expression of disbelief on her face as the adult store receded behind them into the distance. "But why?" she asked. "Why would anyone go and pay to watch porn at some seedy little store when there's so much porn on the internet?"

Ryan chose his words carefully. "I mean," he started, "internet porn wasn't always a thing. You had to buy it somewhere if you wanted to have some, so you'd go to the store to buy it. I guess some people still like to do that? But the thing is, um... some guys like to jerk off while they watch porn in those booths. Kind of a thrill thing, I guess? And some places have gloryholes."

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