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Pushing Her Limits


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Amy's eyes narrowed. "Gloryholes... like from that porn we talked about?" she asked. "Like, guys stick their dicks through a hole so somebody can suck them? You mean that's a real thing, not just something made up for porn?"

Ryan nodded in the dark. "Yes, baby. It's a thing."

"Huh," she responded in an odd tone. Amy seemed lost in thought, though Ryan did notice that she never stopped playing with his cock for the rest of the ride back to the tiny home.

One thing was certain - Ryan had been correct that sex back at the tiny home would be a lot of fun, as Amy was on fire. As soon as they arrived, she unceremoniously dropped her dress onto the ground, revealing a scandalous little purple lacy number that Fredricks of Hollywood might have thought twice about including in a catalog. As Ryan unbuttoned his shirt, his blonde wife sank to her knees, unzipping his pants and fishing his cock out.

"I've been waiting to do this," she purred as she enveloped his member in her, wet, inviting mouth.

Ryan groaned in appreciative reflex at the amazing sensations her tongue and mouth were giving to him. He let his fingers tangle in the sexy blonde's curls as she slowly bobbed her mouth up and down on his dick. Amy was incredibly turned on right now, and was demonstrating that fact through the attention she was paying to her husband's penis.

Part of Ryan's mind idly wondered at just what had gotten her going. Was it the alcohol? Was it the sexy clothing she had worn, the looks that other men had subtly given her? Was it the collective effect of a great day?

Surely it didn't have anything to do with the adult store. Right? That was absurd.

Wasn't it?

What the fuck, Ryan thought. Nothing ventured...

"Fuck, that feels so good, baby," he spoke. "You are so fucking sexy." Amy paused, glanced up at him, gave him a little grin before continuing with her efforts.

"What's gotten into you?" he wondered out loud. "Not that I'm complaining, but it seems like something has really gotten you in the mood to suck cock. Like you are really seeming to want it tonight. What got you so turned on?" The blonde moaned softly but gave no other answer.

"I ugh... wonder, baby," Ryan stated, "was it that porn store we passed earlier? Are you wondering what it might be like to go inside?"

Ryan held his breath for a moment as Amy paused her motions and made eye contact with him. He worried that he might have overplayed his hand; the last thing he wanted to do was to annoy his wife and break the spell of this moment. He weighed his options for a split second, then decided to double down. He drew a breath and continued. "I bet you are... hunnh... wondering how it would be to go into a seedy little place like that, be the only woman there, feel all of those guys staring at you."

Amy closed her eyes and resumed sucking. Ryan took that as a green light.

"Yeah, baby. You'd be... ugh... this classy, sexy woman in there... the kind of woman those guys would never have a shot with." Ryan thought that he felt Amy's pressure increase on his cock, so he pressed on. "Imagine going back into those booths. Hurm. We could put on a video, watch it. Everyone would... ugh... know we had gone back there, everyone would know that we were playing with each other... uuunh... right there in the store."

This time, the moan on his cock was unmistakable. There was no doubt that Amy was into the fantasy. Ryan pressed on with his narration as his wife's wet mouth began to move faster on his shaft.

"Fuck, baby. Ugh... yeah. Just think, if there was a gloryhole, some guy could lean down... hurm... and watch me playing with you. See this sexy woman he'd have no shot with playing in a dirty place like that. Fuck." Ryan continued narrating the fantasy while Amy kept up her actions on his cock. "What if he... ungh... what if he stuck his cock through the hole? Huhhh... what if I was playing with your pussy and we saw a cock stick in the room there with us?"

That drew a real moan from Amy as she continued to suck Ryan's cock in earnest. He realized that something felt different in her rhythm; with a jolt, he realized that his sexy little wife had her hands in her crotch and was frantically working her own clit while she knelt there and orally worshiped her husband's dick.

"I tell you... ugh... what I think you'd want to do," Ryan groaned. "I think you'd... hurrm... want to play with that cock. Think about it! Fuck. A stranger's dick... hunnh... right there. No one could see. No one would know. Fuck. You couldn't see him, just... ugh... his cock. You could kneel there, take it into your mouth. Have another man's cock.... huh... in your mouth. A man you've never even met. Fuck...."

Ryan realized that Amy's efforts were beginning to get disjointed. Her sucking motion was no longer as smooth, as coordinated. Even as he realized that, he also realized that her masturbation had ratcheted up to a serious effort.

"Fuck yeah, you like that, don't you baby?" Ryan queried. "Just... huh.. imagine it. Some stranger's hard cock in your mouth while your husband... uhhh... watches and strokes himself. Oh God, imagine feeling that strange cock twitch in your mouth and suddenly, your mouth is full of his warm cum. He's... uhh... jerking and spurting his semen in your mouth..."

Ryan felt the suction on his dick stop altogether. In a moment, Amy let his cock slide out of her mouth as her head lolled back. "Oh, oh fuck, UUUUUNNNGH GOOODD FUCK...." she cried out as her orgasm broke over her twitching body.

Ryan grabbed his wife up, pushed her back on the little bed, then pulled a purple strap to the side of her crotch. With one thrust, he buried his throbbing cock all of the way inside of Amy's cunt even as her orgasm kept rolling over her. He could feel her pussy clench him rhythmically, but her gave her no quarter; he thrust hard, fast, giving her full strokes as her climax extended from his efforts. She cried out helplessly as Ryan drove inside of her spasming pussy again and again until his own orgasm crested.

The two of them collapsed together in a limp pile with Ryan's softening prick slowly slipping out of his semiconscious wife. Eventually, he pulled back and made eye contact with her. She grinned wickedly. "Fuck, that was hot," she offered as she engaged him in a soulful kiss.

One thing was certain - Ryan's prediction had come true. Sex in the tiny home had been a lot of fun, indeed.


In the weeks after returning home, Ryan was less than surprised to discover that Amy chose gloryhole porn on more than one occasion. While she had generally gotten to the point that she would comment on porn content from time to time, it seemed that gloryhole videos really brought this out in her - she would often comment on the woman, on the size or hardness of a given cock, on the apparent size of the load the man produced, etc. It struck him as funny that his wife had very similar opinions to his own when it came to selecting gloryhole videos; she seemed to have no use at all for the clearly staged pro videos that featured skinny young skanks performing on obvious professional sets. Like Ryan, Amy gravitated to videos that included real women playing in actual porn viewing booths.

The Carters had always taken their marriage vows very seriously; neither of them had ever had any sort of sexual contact with anyone else, nor had they ever considered such a thing. Even so, the concept of Amy anonymously playing with other men through the facelessness of a gloryhole held real appeal for both of them - at least, in terms of a fantasy scenario. The two of them found dirty talk revolving around the subject to be a growing part of their sex play at home. The naughtiness, the taboo of a respectable wife and mother like Amy sucking some stranger's cock without ever even seeing his face was a powerful aphrodisiac; it became a part of their common dirty talk rotation. This sort of talk also seemed to fit very well with Amy's desires to push her limits.

April and May passed, and as June began, the couple started talking about taking another weekend hiking trip. Rather than discuss the adult store at all, they both chose to ignore the elephant in the room. Instead, Ryan and Amy went through the motions of picking out a good destination for their trip; after weighing several options, they decided that it would be fun to return to the tiny home community and use one of the units there as a home base. After all, they reasoned, they had enjoyed the tiny home itself, there were so many other trails in the area that they wanted to hike, and they had both loved that restaurant so much that it only made sense to eat there again instead of possibly trying some other spot and risk being disappointed. After agreeing, they made a tiny home reservation for the last weekend in June, made a dinner reservation for that Saturday night, and otherwise pretended that this was just like any other hiking trip. No mention was made of possibly exploring the adult store; even their porn selections and dirty talk were uncharacteristically absent of any content related to gloryholes.

Soon enough, Ryan and Amy were once again kissing the kids goodbye and heading to the car for their trip. On the drive out, their conversation was mild, focusing on the trails they would hike, the food they would eat; each of them studiously avoided any mention of the adult store or possibly visiting it. Truth be told, both Amy and Ryan were nervous, unsure of what the other was really thinking on the matter, and afraid to hurt any feelings by expressing interest. So instead, they played at ignoring the situation altogether.

It was rainy that Friday evening, which killed any hopes of repeating the great sunset that Amy and Ryan had enjoyed on their first trip - or of any repeated semi-public sex. They did joke about it, enjoyed a few drinks, and retired to their tiny home for the night - culminating the evening with some tender lovemaking.

The following day proved to be another quality hike. The scenery was gorgeous, there were a wide range of mushrooms and fungi to be found, and the waterfalls they located were flowing better than expected due to there having been several rainy days prior to the hike. The conversation as they hiked seemed to be a bit forced, however; always before, the couple would chat about anything and everything that came to mind. Both of them instead found themselves preoccupied more than once with thoughts about the adult store they would pass on the drive later that night, but neither seemed prepared to discuss it; in so avoiding the subject, several uncharacteristic periods of silence were created.

Once again, they returned to the tiny home to shower and change. Once again, Ryan wore khaki slacks and a button up shirt; Amy again selected a low cut dress and heels. Ryan complimented her genuinely. "You are so gorgeous," he breathed. "Any man would be lucky to have you."

A slight flush crossed Amy's cheeks. "Thank you," she responded.

The drive out to the restaurant was almost silent. It was of course only a matter of time before they passed the adult store in the dirty little town; as before, there were only a couple of cars in the lot as they drove by. "Not doing much of a business tonight," Ryan observed mildly. Amy nodded but did not answer.

Fortunately, the restaurant was as good as it had been the first time they had visited - if it wasn't, in fact, better. Every dish seemed more flavorful than the last, and the wait staff seemed a little friendlier this time around. Ryan found himself enjoying an Irish whiskey he hadn't had the chance to sample before, while Amy once again availed herself of several house cocktails.

Once dinner ended and Ryan had paid the tab, the couple found themselves walking back to their car. Ryan opened the car door for his wife, who was careful to keep her legs close together - what with the short dress she was wearing. Momentarily, they were driving back to the tiny home.

"I wonder if that store will be more crowded now," Amy offered out of the blue.

There is was. Finally, some acknowledgment that she was thinking about it.

"Probably so," Ryan answered in an offhand manner. "Why, are you wanting to stop by and check it out?"

Uh-oh. Pushed too hard, he thought to himself.

Rather than outright deny it, Amy chose to use sarcasm. "Well of course," she stated in a droll manner. "Obviously, I was hoping to see what the fuss was all about, but only if it wasn't too packed."

"Oh," Ryan observed simply. "Here I was figuring that you'd never be caught dead in a place like that. You are full of surprises!"

Amy laughed lightly, her tone musical.

The store was only a couple of minutes ahead. As he drove, Ryan turned the issue over in his head. Was Amy just teasing him? Surely, she expected him to just drive on back to the tiny home, where they would have some great sex to cap off a great day.


Presently, the green and pink neon sign became visible. Ryan's heart was racing as he glanced sideways at his wife. The pretty blonde's face was an unreadable mask as she casually stared through the windshield, seemingly unaware that they were coming up on the adult store.

Ryan took a breath, swallowed, and flipped on his left turn indicator and he began to apply the brakes. The parking lot wasn't as full as it had been on the return trip on their last visit, but there were still a good six or eight cars present. The roads in the dingy little town were nearly empty at this time of night on a Saturday, so the Carters didn't have to wait for traffic. Ryan made the turn, pulled into the lot, and selected a parking spot isolated from the other cars. This was it.

Amy arched an eyebrow and turned to look at her husband. "Are you seriously planning to go inside?" she asked, her neutral tone tinged with a cool edge. "I was kidding before, I thought that you knew that. You really expect me to go into some dirty little porn store in the middle of nowhere? To do what, exactly?"

Ryan hesitated a moment before answering, then fixed a smile on his face. "I'm not expecting you to do anything, babe," he stated carefully. "What I'm doing is giving you a choice."

He noticed his wife's frown, but pressed on. "Look, there's no use in pretending. You're curious about this, I'm curious about it. We've fantasized, we've watched porn. We are here right now. If you want to actually check it out, here's the chance."

The pretty blonde was obviously not convinced. "Baby, that stuff was fantasy," she replied. "It's one thing to make believe, to think about it, to talk about it. It's another to actually go inside of a place like this. What would people think?"

Ryan saw his opportunity. "Look, Amy," he spoke carefully. "Who cares what anyone else thinks? This is you and me we are talking about. It's our business, nobody else's. Besides, we are hours away from home in the middle of nowhere - nobody here could possibly know us."

She looked unconvinced and seemed about to say something when he spoke again. "I love you so much," he stated. "I respect you more than anyone else on Earth. I won't try to make you go in - if you truly aren't interested, I will pull out of this parking lot, drive back to our place, and we won't ever speak of this again."

Amy seemed a little more relaxed at his commentary, so Ryan kept on. "But here's the thing. You've been all about pushing your limits for a while, now... so push them. See if this is something that appeals to you in real life, not just in some pretend fantasy. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do - we can just walk in, take a look around, then leave if you aren't comfortable." He paused for a moment. "If we do that, then at least you know for sure. If we drive away without even getting out of the car, I feel like you are going to wonder, you're going to wish that you had just checked it out. But I'm going to leave it up to you whether we go inside or not, and if we do - how long we stay and what we do in there while we are there."

"Okay," Amy replied in a small voice.

"Okay what?" Ryan inquired.

"Okay, let's go in and look around," she breathed, her expression akin to a frightened animal.

Ryan felt a charge wash over his body. He was nervous, he was excited, he didn't know what to think. But he struggled to remain outwardly calm as he opened his door and exited the car. He walked around, opened his wife's door, then the two of them walked hand in hand to the store's dingy door.


The door opened to reveal pretty much exactly what Ryan had expected. The windowless interior of the store was lit with fluorescent lights; various tacky neon signage indicated sections of the store with titles like "MOVIES", "TOYS", "LINGERIE", and so on above racks of pink-painted wooden shelves which held various wares. The air smelled stale, with a strong scent of old cigarettes - despite it having been illegal to smoke in pretty much any business for years, now.

To enter the store, you had to pass by an L-shaped glass display counter manned by a bored clerk in his mid-fifties. The man's hair was both too long and stringy; his pallor suggested that he and the sun were not close acquaintances. He did perk up when he first laid eyes on the sexy blonde, and he gave the couple's IDs only the briefest of glances. "Evening, folks," he greeted in a raspy voice. "Let me know if you need help with anything!"

Ryan smiled and nodded, and led Amy into the store. Three or four men loitered around the interior of the room; it was obvious that all of them noticed the blonde's arrival. It was also obvious that they were keeping tabs on her movement as she and her husband browsed the wares. Every time Ryan glanced around, he saw at least one of them looking at his wife. Given the part of town they were in, it was no surprise that only one of the men in the store was white.

The Carters tried to play it cool as they slowly wandered the aisles, looking at the collection of movies and sex toys. Ryan could tell that Amy was nervous; her demeanor was stiff, forced as she dutifully trailed alongside him. Whatever this was didn't seem to be the titillating, sexy time he had been hoping for. After several awkward minutes, he was prepared to admit that this apparently was a lot more fun as a fantasy than as an actual experience; he was just about to suggest that they leave when they reached the end of an aisle and noticed a hallway marked by glowing pink neon with the word "ARCADE".

"Is that, er, where you watch the movies?" Amy asked in a small voice.

Ryan nodded. "I believe so. Do you want to check it out?"

The blond bit her lip in a moment of indecision, but then squared her shoulders. "Might as well," she offered flippantly. "It sorta defeats the purpose if we don't, right?"


Ryan glanced at his wife. "I guess I need to get some tokens, huh?" She nodded in agreement, so he walked back to the front of the store.

"Need some tokens?" the clerk asked in his raspy tone. At Ryan's nod, he continued. "Tokens are a dollar each. One token gets you five minutes of video time."

"Okay," Ryan replied. "Just give me twenty bucks' worth."

"Sure thing," the clerk answered. He ran Ryan's card, then counted out the coins. "You and the missus gonna watch some movies, huh?" he asked as he worked his way up to twenty.

Ryan agreed. "Yes, we thought we'd check it out."

The clerk slid the pile across the counter with a grin. "In that case, y'all might want to choose booths three or six. They, um... have a little more room for the both of you." As Ryan collected the coins, the clerk added on, "Make sure to lock the door behind you so that nobody walks in... accidentally. Remember, sexual activity is not allowed in the video arcade." He leaned forward and added in a conspiratorial whisper, "Legally, I am obligated to tell you that. But if your door is locked, well, nobody will know what you and your lady are doing in there, now will they?"

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